From South Africa to Mauritius: The Dynamic World of Indians in Africa!

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have you ever wondered about the Indian connection across Africa from the bustling streets of Johannesburg to the Serene beaches of maius Indians have played a significant role in shaping the continent's history and culture in this video we'll unravel the story of their present day contributions and experiences so let's go as of 2021 Africa houses over 3 million people of Indian origin that's how many of Indian descent call Africa home making it the second largest Indian diaspora after China some members of the Indian race scattered across the African continent consist of both non-resident Indians Andis who immigrated directly from India and persons of Indian origin pios whose families have migrated Generations ago but they hold citizenship in their African Homeland the fascinating thing is how these communities hold on to their Indian Heritage because even to date they still celebrate traditional festivals like Dali share their motherland's cultural beliefs and feel a deep connection to both worlds this sense of Indian identity is strongest in Marius where over 60% of the population is of Indian descent likewise South Africa reunion Kenya Tanzania and Uganda are some of the countries that boast significant Indian populations interestingly on Mainland Africa among the African countries with the most people of Indian descent South Africa leads the pack with 2.5% followed by Botswana with 66% Kenya with 3% Tanzania 28% mosambi be. 13% and Zimbabwe 0 1% the large Indian population dispersed across Africa has had a profound impact on the continent they're not just significant consumers of resources but also key figures who have shaped investment and enriched Africa's history Africa's Rich resources are a big attraction for India South Africa's gold and diamond uganda's oil tanzania's minerals and so on are all prime targets for Indian investment but this economic enjoyment isn't just one-sided while India pumps money into Africa's resources billions flow back the other way the reason for this the Indian Prime Minister sees places where Indians are residents as places where they can make great Investments and also indirectly impact the lives of their Indian race positively in those countries so which countries have the most Indians how did they come to be and what are the key impacts they've had on these demographics South Africa residents of South Africa with Indian roots are over 1 million which is the largest in Africa with Durban City being home to the largest concentration of Indians the country is also the heart of Indian influence and you can almost feel their presence in the architecture history religion and so many other areas like the infamous curries and iconic bunny Chow however it's important to point out that the story of Indian roots in South Africa starts way back in the 1600s when some Indians came as slaves over time they blended into local communities then in the 1800s following the abolishment of slavery two new groups arrived indentured workers brought to work on farms and free Indians who saw business opportunities in Africa many of these workers decided to stay after their contracts ended which now led to them becoming the ancestors of most Indians in South Africa today the indentured workers weren't just bringing muscle to South Africa in the 1800s they also brought a whole new culture and religion since they hiled from Muslim populated regions of western and southern India they sparked a flame of Islam in South Africa and their efforts weren't in vain because today South Africa boasts a thriving Muslim Community particularly in Natal and the Western Cape but Islam wasn't the only Indian religion to take root in South Africa a vibrant segment of the Indian diaspora brought their unique Faith centered around one God and 10 gurus this group is known as the siks but things got tough for them during aparte with the creation of unfair laws against Indians and other people of color however this also brought the oppressed together because they were fueled by a shared fight against Injustice this struggle gave birth to organizations like the natal Indian Congress co-founded by mahat mandhi himself which emerged in South Africa to lead the fight for equality these cross-racial alliances became the foundation for a future South Africa United in Freedom even with the arrival of new immigrants After aarti's Fall the legacy of this shared struggle continues to define the identity of South Africans with Indian Roots Additionally the cultural exchange between South Africans of Indian descent and the broader population has been mutually beneficial it's actively enriching South Africa's social fabric keeping Indian traditions vibrant in this new home walking the streets of South Africa we talked to several Indians learning firsthand about their experiences and other important things probably um the doen accent and Bunny child uh okay so those will be like our festivals like or like shivachi those are all fals of our India um we do practice them [Music] ritualistic so older Generations to be a lot more conservative and now we live in a lot more a much more liberal South Africa and there can be quite um difficult intergenerational conflicts that happen trying us trying to communicate with our elders and our elders trying to um still instill tradition and our own culture within us Asia and Duran history uh um my family came from Lu labor so my I think it was great great grandfather great great great grandfather came from India as an invented nebor basically what promised them to come to South Africa is the fact that um they needed to provide for their family and that sou afria was kind of a um a better life conditions what that they thought they were really get yeah probably um traditional however South Africa is just one chapter in the story of Indian influence in Africa while it offers a fascinating Example The Narrative unfolds differently across the African continent East Africa also saw an influx of Indians brought into build crucial infrastructure East Africa Kenya Uganda Tanzania a common misconception surrounds the Aral of Indians in East Africa that they came as slaves however history reveals a different story story in the early days of colonial rule the British brought in around 32,000 indentured laborers primarily seeks from Punjab to tackle a Monumental task building the Kenya Uganda Railway this ambitious project the first of its kind aimed to connect Kenya to Uganda by rail it stands as the key reason why Indians first arrived in East Africa and why vibrant Indian communities persist today in cities like Nairobi Kenya and Cala Uganda however unlike the South African Story the majority of these workers returned to India after their contracts ended some died during labor and only about 7,000 chose to stay and put down their rout this difference highlights a crucial distinction while South Africa's Indian population grew significantly due to indentured laborers who remained East Africa only began to see a larger influx of free immigrants arrive later this wave of newcomers predominantly Hindus and Muslims from guat weren't Bound by contracts the Kenya Uganda Railway became more than just a Transportation Route it paved the way for a thriving Indian presence in East Africa following the railways path Indian communities established trading posts forming the backbone of Commerce throughout the region this Legacy continues to this day however East Africa's history isn't without its challenges Uganda dictator ID arin's Draconian decree in 1972 forced the expulsion of Asians including many Indians within 90 days this caused significant disruptions and hardship nevertheless since the Region's restoration the Indian Community in Uganda has demonstrated remarkable resilience they have reestablished themselves and become a crucial pillar of the Ugandan economy today this is further strengthened by the positive relations between Uganda and India's Prime Ministers rabina nanja and Narendra Modi another significant impact is the poly spoken language in East Africa Swahili is a blend of banto of indigenous Africa and Arabic which is a major influence of the Islam culture the Indians brought with them also since their settlements in parts of East Africa the impact of the Indian communities have cut across so many areas like Islamic education creation of Institutions musical genres and dance known as butk and damals and several other things today countries such as Kenya Uganda and Tanzania are home to thriving Indian businesses and communities continuing a long history of cultural exchange fostered by the Indian Ocean trade boom this boom spurred the rise of East African city states like Mombasa and kilwa which still thrives as hubs of Commerce and cultural exchange attracting a diverse mix of Traders and Artisans till date let's now see how Indian communities have fared in other African nations such as the island of maius and the Giants of Africa Nigeria maius as stated earlier Indians make up the majority population here a massive 60% that shapes the the Island's economic and political landscape if ever there was a place other than Durban that seems like home to Indians away from their motherland marous is that place it's one of the few places that they flourish tremendously in business impact and influence they're a backbone to the economy of maius Island their Rich culture has become deeply woven into the national identity creating a unique maian Fusion this dominance stems from the large- scale indentured labor system implemented by the British Empire from 1834 to 1920 Britain transported roughly half a million Indian workers to maius to work in sugar cane Fields notably these laborers primarily came from the biar and utar Pradesh regions of India with additional groups hailing from the southern provinces the arrival of the indom Marian population in maius left a lasting mark on the Island's culture the impact is so much that micius honors this Legacy by celebrating the arrival of the indentured workers on the 2nd of November as a national holiday finally the Giants of Africa Indians in Nigeria West Africa Nigeria boast run the largest Indian diaspora community in Africa with over 800,000 people of Indian descent residing there this significant presence stems from a long and Rich history of trade and cultural exchange between the two Nations throughout Nigeria's Colonial period and transition to democracy India has fostered positive relations with this West African nation this strong bond is further evident by the over 100,000 thriving indian-owned businesses operating in Nigeria today leveraging the established trade and cultural ties India has introduced another successful export to Africa Bollywood Cinema surprisingly Bollywood enjoys immense popularity not just within Indian communities but also among the broader population in West Africa particularly in Nigeria and Ghana this Fascination has even inspired several movies such as Namaste Wala within this region but the Indian INF influence extends far beyond entertainment it has demonstrably strengthened religious and cultural bonds with some Nigerians embracing Hinduism due to the efforts of missionary groups like iscon While most Nigerian Hindus reside in Lagos dedicated centers for Hinduism can also be found in ibadan further exemplifying the nature of Indian influence organizations like the sasai sea organization actively promote the teachings of Satya Sai Baba this organization embodies India's dedication to social welfare by offering charitable services like free education and medical care as we've seen India's impact on West Africa particularly Nigeria and Ghana goes far beyond demographics it has significantly shaped the continent's cultural tapestry economic landscape and even religious beliefs in summary Beyond Africa India's influence reaches far and wide from trade to entertainment and labor Indians are woven into the fabric of Africa's history and their rich culture has helped in one way or another shape Africa in what it is today thanks for watching and don't forget to like And subscribe for more of the same
Channel: Let's Go
Views: 70,954
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Keywords: Travel, Lifestyle (sociology), places, culture, tourism
Id: r-VOOptbbsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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