From Rank 30000 to Rank 4 in INI-CET May '24 - Dr. Navaneetha shares her strategy with Dr Abbas

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hi everyone I'm Dr abbasali your Orthopedics faculty with Maro and today we have Dr navanita minuki over here who has secured rank four in ini set exam and before I tell you anything about her let me just tell you this one very important point that just one year ago she scored 30,000 Rank and this is her immense improvement from 30,000 to rank four hi nanita how how does it feel to score such an amazing rank right now I feel thrilled and also not really believe but has not really sunk in it why hasn't it sunk in I mean why can't you believe that you have secured such an amazing rank I wasn't expecting in the first place and then throughout this preparation also I wasn't really thinking I would be getting such a one digigit rank nowhere you must have worked hard you must have put in the hours you must have been studying and revising all this time right done yeah so you have done it and you very modest and humble by saying that you did not expect this but you know what you put in the effort you'll definitely get what you deserve now let me just start by asking that you are a student from uh government Medical College Calicut right yes yeah so what happened last year why was your rank 30,000 last year that was a rank with zero preparation without any orientation to entrance even I just because I registered I just went in and gave the exam all right so when did you start preparation for this exam uh actual preparation I started after internship towards the end of July so just like a typical student from Kerala internship is very hectic and you start your preparations after internship okay so when you when you started your preparation right June July July August right so you started with the the question Bank the marrow question bank so what was your strategy for using the marrow question Bank can you help us understand step by step what did you used to do with the question Bank I didn't go module wise in question Bank Main strategy was using custom modules whichever subject I finished reading I did the customer use of that in the initial phase towards the end it was more of a mixed back kind not any specific subject mixed multiple subjects cled together I so so so you would read the notes of the subject that you had and then once you finish reading the notes you would just make custom modules of that subject that subject once I finish two or three I'll mix it and do like that that's how I so you you'll mix it for that subject only or you'll mix it with multiple subjects no whatever I've completed till that point okay for example can you just give me some example suppose you're finished reading Anatomy you do custom modules for anatomy and then what would you do you do the question modules for physiology and then you will mix anatomy and physiology nice if I in the first phase of preparation where I've done just few subjects maybe probably I'll be doing uh that subject only if I completed Anatomy I do questions of anatomy uh like in 100 as and then once I've completed about three or four subjects uh whatever I completed very recently I would do the 100 questions of that subject and also I'll Club the other four so that you awesome so this is like a quick revision of the subject that you have finished also recently so staying in touch with all the subjects that you have finished in batches once I completed all the other subjects it was like uh maybe all 19 subjects together or like one day first year and second year subjects together next day okay so heavily relying on the question Bank this is a wonderful strategy I want to know more about this I mean how did you go about the questions that were randomly arranged I mean since the the custom modules is not arranged you know topic-wise or subject wise so it's just random mix of questions what was your strategy for that wouldn't you get you know a little confused one question is from one topic or another question is from another topic I was looking at like question Banks like a mode of practice rather than adding content from that or like learning a topic using question bank I was rather using it for practice so that you don't lose also even if you have read something you probably might have missed you might have read it but you you might have missed in between only when it is given in the form of a question you will see okay this was what was meant here so those realizations came from practicing best so it's very wonderful this is a little unique now I mean approaching previsions and studying from a perspective of a question that to all the questions mixed randomly so this kind of gives you a real example a real feel of the exam every day and every day so it must have been a little more relaxing to go for an actual exam where the questions are again arranged half ha hardly and you know questions are mixed differently that was the intention also like I wanted to be prepared for the exam like when you're practicing in modules which are already like fixed topic you know right yeah you biased you biased towards that topic you're biased toward that subject awesome so you've removed that bias now I want to understand by doing this now by doing custom modules you must have had set of questions in every module that you would have practiced how many questions were there in your custom modules mostly 100 okay so You' make sets of 100 and how many would you do every day uh towards the end I Tred to practice like uh maybe 200 to 300 questions in a day at least awesome awesome every day 200 to 300 questions being practiced randomly from all the subjects of preparation awesome awesome did you use any other uh Source like in the custom modules there is an option of bookmarking the answers of the question did you use bookmarks to come back to review the information I did bookmark questions like I use the regular bookmark for questions uh like not previous year questions and the star for pyqs that was my St star for previous your questions and regular bookmark for the things that you would forget or is important so how many bookmarks did you collect when you started your preparation uh initially I was like uh I did not want to make the number of questions very much like I was thinking that maybe I would not be able to finish them all March was the exam date proposed right and I wasn't practicing much questions apart from pyq in that phase my aim was to complete PQ and but once it got postponed Maybe I did a little more extra questions also other tags and so in the end I had about uh 2,000 bookmarks which I don't think I've revised it completely before I my plan was toise nevertheless 200000 is a decent number because people usually start with a lot of bookmarks and towards the end of their preparation they realize that those are not actually very hard questions so they remove the bookmarks and their numbers reduced wonderful now this exam that got postponed from uh March your preparation must have been a little Disturbed how did you overcome that was actually Disturbed I mean I don't know uh I had an idea there is a postponement going to happen like so I was training myself you shouldn't get disturbed by all this but then still it's natural natural to get distracted but you utilize that time properly now because your target was for npg and uh and honestly this rank itself also was a little more distracting for you because because your target was n PG in June but this this rank is a surprise and now your preparation is almost over it's over you don't have to prepare anymore once it God postponed I was like I wanted to do in I mean I need to my preparation with this exam itself that was my intention in the uh in the beginning of that phase but then towards the end I didn't have the confidence I did not think I'll be getting a language wonderful now what about your tests your test taking strategy did you take the subject-wise test or Grant tests uh I have taken a few subject wise tests in between uh whenever I finish subjects or maybe to even during the revision period but uh mostly I stuck with gr test okay so how many grest did you take and what was your reviewing of the grest strategy I started my first gr test on the day of my preparation maybe the day before when I was actually S I came back from hospital I gave the first grant okay why did you do that why why would you take a grest before starting your preparation I wanted to get into that flow yeah you wanted to get into that flow and more importantly you wanted to understand the Baseline where do you stand right now and how far you need to go in order to get the rank you desire so you took that Grant test and what about reviewing the grant test what was your strategy for reviewing the grand test uh I mostly focused on the incorrect questions okay I would finish reviewing those that day itself that's so that day itself you would review the wrong answers wrong answers I would finish that day and then I I used to Mark questions while taking the test to like guest options that also I try guess tracking feature nicely so even if you guessed it correctly you would still review it yes okay and what about the ones that you knew when were correct you would leave them out uh no I uh I've tried to review that all maybe not the same day uh by the end of like that same week probably before I within a week the review of the GT would be over so what was your frequency of taking Grant tests in the beginning and towards the end uh in the beginning maybe every two weeks or even every 10 day I wanted to take many tests i' I've done enough many I've taken many tests by uh February mid-February and all I took every week every week so after mid Fe it was week after week so now did you see a gradual Improvement of your score or was there a lot of plate and then the sudden jump in your score towards that it was gradual every step there was a plat like you reach a score you reach a Target some I wasn't really worried about that only in uh like during my preparation I was like I'm not looking at this score or anything you just have to keep doing keep sticking to the process so around two to three grant us your score would be stagnant and then it will take a second leap so this is something I would want to emphasize for people who are watching this your your scores will not suddenly jump all right and they will take a lot of time so that's the latent phase so in this latent phase what actually happens is you're reading new subjects to gain more knowledge and so your score is improving and at the same time you're forgetting the old subject so your scores will dip and because of that increase and dip there is a stagnation so your scores will stagnate for a very long time but then once you have read enough subjects and revise the old subjects your stores will start improving and that is what usually happens towards the end so till that actually happens you have to be patient throughout your preparation okay so did you write the mock exam the in set mock that was conducted by Maro yes sir right what was your rank in the mock I had a rank of 47 so quite close to the rank that you got wonderful I mean it's amazing it's how it's amazing how representative that exam actually is now I want to understand since most of your preparation was done based on the the questions and answers and practicing GR test and the review the kind of quality of the answers that are given in the question Mar how what would you say is the quality of the answers on the question Mar definitely sir it is the quality that that gets you attracted towards doing more questions also because once you uh attempt a question you get the explanation you can probably have an overview of that entire topic with within the explanation itself you don't necessarily have to go back to your notes every time you can you can uh attempt you can just read what went wrong and you can go go to the next question that help so explanation designed not only to answer the question correctly but also to tell you why the other options are not the correct answer on this exam or on this question wonderful wonderful now I want you to kind of take a moment here and advise your Juniors who are watching this video to you know when should they start using the question bank and when should they start giving the grant tests because this is something that students or people who start preparation keep on asking us again again and I would like you to kind of answer this question on our behalf uh my advice would be you have ultimately you're going to write a 200 question exam so that is the preparation that you should be doing from beginning itself so never shy away from taking Grant just because ranks may be bad let it be bad today so that you get better results on the actual exam so from the initial phase itself it is better to take is that that inertia will be gone having to sit for 3 and a half hours that process will get better with each test and also you can develop test taking strategies by taking exams only I'm a person who like I attempted about 198 in the final exam also so from the beginning itself uh like I was trying whether aggressive test taking would work that in the starting phase I had many negatives but still I used to to attempt more I wanted to know if that was the right thing that you can practice in the grand test you can see whether you're going in the right track or not all the experimentation to see what works for you can only be done if you give more and more tests and the experimentation of attempting more questions has worked for you and you found out that that is the ideal strategy for you to secure a good rank so I want to understand about these bands that are there now so there's a band of questions now there are Parts a b c and d on your exam so what was your approach to these bands should you be very aggressive with each bands because they are of limited time when I actually attempted the exam it was like in the first 25 to 30 minutes I went through all the 50 questions awesome and then I attempted only those things which I was sure of or or I could take an informed decision then and there I didn't have to think again or those questions I Mar uh and then came back there were many questions which I had not attempted or maybe it required a little bit more of thought if it required that I go back to that again without a so you had ample time to quickly review all the questions answer the ones that you're confident and the ones that you're able to rule out the options of and then come back to review and answer the questions that you have left out I felt like time was enough time was enough and then this is because you have been very aggressive test taker all your preparation and you kind of were in the practice of taking questions and answering them so if there is someone who is not exposed to these kind of questions on a daily basis they will definitely struggle so my sincere advice to all of you are watching this is take as many tests as possible and try to time your uh you know questions so that you're you're moving it faster and faster okay so now coming to I mean your your hobbies what are the other things that you do apart from uh you know studying so well and scoring such great ranks on the exam is there anything that you would like to share with us not so much sir during my college days uh like I was interacting and uh in the programs that happened in college all right so you act have you I mean have you participated in some plays or short films or such the competitions that occur in inter batch things like that during my college space awesome awesome so this is an amazing uh you know strategy that you have presented to all of us with the help of question bank and test and how to you know be aggressive with uh test taking so that it helps you on the exam it was so nice talking to you uh I just want like to know what is the speciality that you're trying to pursue here after securing rank four on inm I'm thinking of medicine sir medicine a perfect so I think your preparation is over you don't have to worry anymore because I remember you telling me before starting this interview your main agenda was not the rank your main agenda was the preparation should end I'm so happy our preparation has ended thank you thank you navanita for giving us your valuable time and I'm sure all of your family members must be very excited to enjoy the rest of the day I wish you all the best and have a great day thank you so much sir it's been an H bye-bye
Channel: Marrow
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Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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