From Pharmacist to Multifamily Real Estate Investor and Syndicator

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those who are joining us for the first time today my name is Rochelle I am the cash flow nurse and I'm your host today we are we're going to be talking about real estate and Healthcare so as you can tell for those who are joining me for the first time I do this every Sunday I bring in Rockstar multi-family rock stars who are killing it in the space and we're gonna learn from them we're gonna pick their brains we're gonna find out how are they being successful in spite of the W-2 so just a little bit of background for those who don't know me um I am a nurse I'm a full-time nurse I still work as a nurse at my full-time job in fact after this webinar I'm gonna run and do a do a shift that's right ladies I'm gonna I'm hustling so just like everybody else um but we're doing this to build Financial Freedom we're doing this for our future for Financial Health but also I am committed to helping Healthcare professionals and nurses to get into real estate my my commitment and my mission and I made it my personal mission to help a hundred thousand nurses and Healthcare professionals get into real estate because we have to we don't have a choice and Evie and I are going to break it down for you today why we think it's really important for us to get into um into alternative investment we call this alternative investment because it's not the stock market and we're we're going to break it down as to as to why this is a more Superior um asset class all right so uh just a few disclaimers I normally have my friend Trevor who helps me out with this and unfortunately he is out sick um but all the educational materials that you're going to be seeing today is for informational purposes only we are not tax advisors nor tax professionals um you you're supposed to do your due diligence as well and double check the information that we're giving you but we're here to give you the the most accurate information that we can find and that we're bringing it uh to you from all the sources that we know of okay so basically what I'm saying is that we are not please don't misconstrue this as as uh as professional advice and then another thing is if you have not already go ahead and download my ebook it's called multi-family investing for nurses and Healthcare professionals I promise it's a 30 minute read and it is to show you just a basic level of how to get started in multi-family investing the benefits of it and how how basically how you get started how you get to that sponsors the deal sponsors who will bring you all these deals so just a little plug out there and also another Shameless plug we are still working on a deal in Colorado it is an 18 unit asset it is um it is a 506 C so if you are not a if you are an accredited investors please let me know we are taking 25 000 Investments for beginner investors for the entry level you know for those who would like to try it out test the market and see you know how how it goes and I'm very proud to be partnering with massive capital on this so let me know if you're interested I will definitely be happy to give you more information fantastic all right well we're gonna get started enough of all that so we're here to talk about real estate and I would like to invite everybody to be interactive and just ask questions because this is what we're here for iffy and I belong to the same mentorship group um The Warriors who by the way a little another plug but this is I don't get any benefit from this there is a boot camp it's a three-day boot camp it's September uh in my opinion it's one of the best multi-family boot camps out there because you actually get to work you you get a workbook and you get to solve math problems I know it's not the best it's not what you're hoping to get but from our experience from my personal experience all the events that I've gone to most of them are like speakers and more of them are like motivational and informational but this you actually have to flex your your brain muscle so I really like this about about this boot camp it's right Cliff's boot camp September 15 to 17 in Orlando so you also get to write it off that's a business expense and then go take the kids out to to Sea worlds all right all right so well I'm gonna stop talking because I can do this all night I'm gonna bring in Miss iffy my guest so if he is has been a pharmacist for 14 years but she decided to get into multi-family and we get to hear why and what drove her to real estate investing what convinced her that this is the asset class to to invest in hi iffy are you there can you hear me yes hello thank you so much thank you thank you thank you um thank you for coming over and and saying yes to my invitation I I'm honored so I have to tell you something about that um kind of ties in I told him I'm gonna gonna do a lot of blah blah in here but it kind of It kind of ties in with my journey right my ability and everyone I'm I'm sweating I'm sorry so there's a fan blowing just pretend I'm Beyonce you know at a concert if you see the hair flooring so that's that's what that is okay I'm realistic Beyonce um that's your new nickname real say Beyonce there you go you heard it here first people right right okay so you asked me to come on and this the same objection that rose up in my head was the same one I had when um Jennifer asked me and this this whole this ties in to you know my journey Etc which is it boiled down to a mindset issue you know I'm honored I'm honored to be here but I thought gosh what I have not done anything I have nothing to accomplish I'm not you know I'm not high up there you know what what am I gonna say what people don't want to hear anything about it but again you know that's a mindset thing and mindset has been a mindset shift has been a huge huge huge impact right it's been a huge thing in in my journey and if it's for anyone that might be listening to this now or listening uh when to the recording um you need to get your mindset right first before you even think of acquiring anything absolutely so that was that was something I you know I learned pretty on early on and so when you ask me it came up but I was able to dismantle it a little bit faster than me that before than before I got on to Jennifer's uh uh podcast so thank you thank you so much you're very welcome listen I am drawn to your energy like you bring in this bubbly positive energy okay I'm not gonna lie real estate is a little bit boring okay and then people like you make it so much fun to just come in and talk about it and be real about about what's about this type of investment right like who wants to talk about on a Sunday afternoon who wants to talk about real estate you know like if it's not for my guest if it goes me yeah me too I love talking about and everything if you ask me a question about real estate I can go on and on and but I do understand that people have have lives and not a whole lot of people would like to talk about real estate on a Sunday afternoon right but um but it's my guest who keeps me coming back and wanting to talk about this like getting to your head getting to every uh every of my guests had to see where where they were at because everybody's journey is very different so I am very curious so you're a pharmacist yes in my you know in the healthcare World pharmacist doctors they're one of the like you know like you guys are top paying nurses and this is this is another this is another issue maybe for a different webinar but I'm gonna touch on it a little bit that's why I said I I kind of alluded to it earlier it became my personal mission to help nurses get into real estate because nurses when I was doing my research when I was doing getting into a multi-family nurses are not considered and it's true we are not considered high net worth individuals and so whenever yes whenever I look into deals for example like I would like to invest um I would like to invest in in a deal and a syndication for example um I would uh most of the marketing materials you know like if it's directed towards professionals it's either doctors lawyers individuals right so nurses are not considered high net worth so we're not even being considered to invest yeah that's unfortunate I mean a lot of nurses make more than I do so um you know because you have a nurse that's just starting off and you have nurses that have had you know tons of experience some nurses have been nurses before I was even conceived you have nurses who are nurse practitioners so that that's interesting you have nurses who are crnas so it's very interesting to hear that they're not considered high net worth individuals regardless they fall into the same category of healthcare professionals that know diddly squat about real estate so you and I have a lot of work to do yes exactly and so I'm gonna segue into so you being a pharmacist and walk us through how going from being a pharmacist and getting into real estate and I know so it's it's not it's not even just real estate it's it's only in a business right because because that takes that takes quite a bit this is something I never thought I was going to do anyone who knows me who knows I would say iffy 1.0 I would never have heard me say I'm always going to do a business it was just no in fact fun fact um for anyone who did this kids of the 80s on my what on my list of who not to marry businessman was on there so I wanted nothing to do with people who were in business I saw I felt that they were never home and um they were always traveling and it was just something I risk I did they took risks I was not a risk taker not at all I was the Rochelle you have a uh African Heritage right if you ever met the stereotypical West African you would know that um stereotypical now you would know that we have probably four different careers that your parents expect you to be in right they're just these four jobs and that was it let me guess all right doctor that's my older brother lawyer my younger brother engineer that's my father I'm not sure about the fourth one well it depends on which country so you know for some people it could be accountant it could be you know so my my oldest is an accountant he's been a bank manager and then there he comes to do I want to be I my my bachelor's for for those who don't know I did industrial chemistry so my parents were very very supportive of my choices and so I did chemistry came immigrated to uh the U.S in 2004. I'm not ashamed of my age I immigrated married and all this is kind of helpful uh my background is kind of helpful because yes I'm targeting uh Healthcare professionals but I'm also reaching out to immigrants because the things I know now I didn't know before no one told me no one said hey knock knock you can invest it was knock knock get a job um so immigrated here went to pharmacy school went to an accelerated pharmacy school program my parents were disciplinarians they were high Achievers uh we had my mom was a teacher in my school elementary school and then eventually high school she eventually became a principal we had um only one job stay on top of the class that was not an option it wasn't an alternative you were to be top three that was it and that's all we did so top of the class check and that was a mentality that you know I had that success was measured by my academic achievements and so I came here went to pharmacy school became top of the class check married check kids check and so I thought I had everything right because I was doing everything that life had told me that I needed to do and then life happened right life happened to me yeah in 2019 um I went through a three-year divorce which was a blessing in disguise I can only say that now right so the thing the things the the harsh things we go through everybody has trauma but the harsh things we go through the the struggles we all go through everyone in this room at the time you're going through it you're probably you're not thinking Hmm this is training me for the future but the thing is it is training you for the future so um here I am in 2022 um I had always worked two jobs in in Pharmacy I'd been um I did a two-year residency worked in an ICU absolutely love it uh don't intend to leave anytime soon but I was working two pharmacist jobs I have three kids um and I had something called a mortgage so to me it was a mortgage to you guys it's called the student loan because when I graduated it was it was like a hundred thousand um I I put it on pause during my residency year so you know it's like 10 years later I'm still staring at this hundred thousand because you know with the interest and everything and my oldest was going to become 13 that year and I'm thinking well can't work anymore uh that's not possible so I have to learn how to work smarter so I started looking into uh invest investing you know uh investing and buying a home because I no longer had a home I was now renting so it's 2022 right so um went to where everyone in 2022 went to join the pandemic to learn um about stuff which was the University of YouTube so you know go save lives during the pandemic come home and learn how to invest and so learned a little bit about the stock market learned enough to open an account on my own not the 401K open an account started putting money in there understood the type of Market we were in on the studio supposed to just dump it walk away don't look um but I looked and I could see you could see it was going like and I understood I totally got it the stock market is on sale but I wanted the sale to either stop or someone to tell me when there still was going to end because I needed money so I was like this is this isn't working so let's let's look at an alternative asset so that's what took me to real estate and you know a couple of YouTube algorithms after or I'm I'm watching wholesaling videos Fix and Flip thinking it's a scam right I'm from Nigeria this this is too good to be true this is all scammy scam scam and so um before you know it I'm watching this guy called peace Morgan and that was my true journey into real estate I joined in June 2022 I joined subtune so yes to anyone who's listening I've only been in this for about a year a little bit over a year um I joined up two and it was drinking from a fire hose because the entire gamut of real estate is there you have short-term rentals long-term rentals um notes wholesalers fits and flip everyone's in there I drank from a fire hose in between that time I chased every shiny object if it wasn't shiny I was chasing it out anyway just Chase and then I had to stop at some point and say wait a minute you know if you came here to buy and hold that's why you came here well that's why you came here for but I came with the intent to buy residential uh multi-family I live in Massachusetts I knew I wasn't buying here uh there's a reason behind that for for those who don't know uh there's certain fundamental Market fundamentals you want to consider before you start to invest and so Massachusetts was just not my market there's money to be made here but it was my market and um I was going to buy in the Midwest and while I was in sub 2 learning how to come learning how to take action going through a lot of mindset um seminars so to speak you know there was a lot of sessions where we had you know different mindset coaches that were on there and I thought the first thing I was going to do was buy a house well the first thing I really needed to do was establish my why I knew what my I thought I knew what my wife was initially it's huge it's huge your why is what is going to keep you going you know late at night when everybody's gone to bed and you still have stuff to do your why is what's going to get you up in the morning before you know you normally would have woken up to pursue this you know this dream of being a business owner of um pursuing Financial Freedom right before I joined a mentorship so that would be that would have been that would have represented the first investment into myself right before I joined this mentorship I did hear um I forget it was one of the quack Brothers they they also run a mentorship but he talked about full currencies and it never left me so we all think we're chasing the currency of money like when you start the journey initially you think you're chasing that currency of money but there's also the currency of time so you talked about high net worth of individuals you talked about nurses anesthesiologists you know surgeons Etc oh they have high net worth but do they have that currency of time or is their schedule still Tethered to somebody else's schedule can they do what they want when they want with whom they want anyhow not all of them not all of them can and Financial Freedom is what I sought and so the other currency that you know the third one would be currency of knowledge right education and that's why I began to um value paid mentorships I'm not saying you have to go into a mentorship I'm into paid mentorships you don't have to go into a paid managership but it certainly accelerates your growth cuts down a lot on a lot of learning and then the fourth currency that he uh spoke about was the currency of um Community right relationships that's one thing you will get from a mentorship that's one thing you'll get from rooms like this so I showed up to Rooms like this I showed up to different free zooms if there was any free Zoom I was always on there speaking of which if you're in here and you haven't connected with someone put your info in the chat and connect this is how I connected this is how I Network um this is what we're encouraged to do so too so be very active in the chat I don't have my glasses put on my glasses and see what who's talking to me and try just try and you know connect try and show up Etc so joins up to in June and while I was there trying to pursue do this dream of owning a multi-family residential and for those who don't know residential is uh you know your duplex Triplex quadplex anything that's five and up is considered commercial I thought that it was rich people that only had to buy that it was too too you know difficult I it just was Out Of Reach while I was in that Community uh two people who had gone to oh no a couple of people it was more than two they had gone and and um through a paid mentorship a commercial multi-family paid mentorship 15 weeks they had spent I think 25 Grand each and came back and they were teaching us pouring into US everything they know um Shameless plug I'll just do it right now part one uh two of those people belong to the multi-family Freedom Chasers I am part of that Community right after this um sorry Rochelle I am totally defeating here we're right after this Zoom there is the MFC Community Zoom I don't know if someone is from that Community that's in here that can put that in the chat but uh our Mentor rock cliff will be speaking pouring into our community at eight o'clock it's free show up that's what I did this is how these things happen so joins up to um they started talking about commercial the one thing that clearly stood out to me which I'm sure it did to you as well was the math the math was completely different it was like whoa okay this makes sense for my brain I can do this I don't have to buy 1500 uh duplexes I can attain uh economies of scale using this asset class um another thing was you know Teamwork because I was thinking of buying a dupe you know duplex quadplex I had to come up with a team I had to find you know uh a property manager myself I had to find every element of the team that I would have needed to execute my plan um in Ohio not that it was impossible it was very possible but with commercial family it is impossible to do this without a team and so I started learning the very you know the basic elements the foundations of commercial multi-family this was late summer into early fall because in sub 2 I always showed up they said take action I did even though I had no clue what the heck I was doing I am not a cold caller I am not a wholesaler but there I was I picked up the phone I was cold calling people and you know those activities although at the time it looked like you know I'm not getting any money from this it seems like a waste of time they helped me overcome a lot of objections the showing up uh putting in that effort because I didn't know that a couple months after that I was going to be cold calling Brokers and speaking to Brokers and you know I had gone over that and overcome that fear of what if they say no what if they hang up well what if they say yes what if they don't what if they call you back well okay they did call me back and I was sweating bullets the first time but what did they do um so that's that's the that's the beauty of of what my experience with sub 2 it prepped me it prepped me without me even being aware of what I would face in commercial multi-family and then um I do have to give props to the MFC crew and I also have to give props to Vina Jetty she was very very instrumental this is before I joined um The Warriors very instrumental she also has a community I joined it's free um I was I was joining all this by the way I was drawing all these three groups because girl I hadn't made money yet so I was like I am not spending a dime on any other mentorship I am going to do this thing free and and so I was I had I had gathered all the info confidence the know-how to call Brokers get uh properties uh what's the what's the other thing I could do I could um uh what's this quickly on the right the napkin underwrite them I can napkin underwrite them I couldn't do a deep dive and that's why I got stuck right I got stuck because I didn't have a team so if you want to move in my commercial multifam you need you need you need a team a team is more important than the deal finding the right team is more important than finding the deal and um and Vina gave me Insight she was like you need a team you need to find an underwriter stop trying to reinvent the wheel stop trying to do it yourself you're stuck in analysis paralysis again um and this was about January and so I I I buckled I said you know what you're right I need I need I need a team I can see the finish line for those who are just joining I'm hot there's a fan I am real estate Beyonce so just a bear with me you're in your element you know I love it I love it so I needed a team right so I realized I needed a team and that's when by that time I was familiar because I had shown up to all these groups I was familiar with who the owner operators were who had mentorships uh who was a good name out there who had a community Etc and right before I think she's on this uh meeting I'm not sure I have to look but right before right before I joined um Radcliffe's group and this is why I keep stressing join a team join the team come come to these rooms come to these networking events right before I did that there was this lady who we had been in these rooms like this you know different zooms I I would always see her the camera is always turned off I would always see her she was always in these in these rooms and we decided to network about can I say her name yes yes okay yeah so um we we connected she had a team and she had been given a chance in real estate she had been given a chance and she now had a team she had obtained so much success but she was forming a team and she was opening it up to people like me and here I was looking for a team so I cannot underscore I'm not saying this is how everyone finds their team but I'm just saying show up we're every every Sunday Rochelle's always here show up be in the chat um it was important so I joined her team and then I joined the Warriors and it was super super super super super super timely that I did that because through the Warriors I joined the Warriors not necessarily for the currency of Education I mean that is there there's a lot of information poured out there mindset Etc but for the currency of community and that has served me well absolutely very well yes um you had put in so much information on there I just want to make sure that we didn't miss any one of those very important tidbits so of course absolutely well thank you so much for sharing that and breaking that down to us and I feel like everybody who goes through the multi-family Journey kind of goes through the same thing we all wanted you know something more out of our Lives we want control of our finances you know or that hoche band we saw you know say you and I I did the whole stock market thing Robin Hood when it first came out I was on it you know like I was putting money on on Robinhood and yeah and then but but honestly like did I know how the stock market Works kind of but do I really know that no one says no and then I I read um Tony Robbins well I I mentioned it a few times money mastered the game and then right on there one of the chapters if you haven't read this book it's really I really feel like it's very instrumental and he because he laid it out there he went and he interviewed billionaires you know people who who made their wealth in the stock market and one of the people that he interviewed was Ray dalio so if you don't know who Ray dalio is he's his I don't know I forgot the name of his company but one of the leading hedge funds right and he admitted that the stock market is not for the average person it is rigged against the average person so if you don't know the rules of the game there is no way for you to win they do say towards the end of the web I mean it's it's this big right and um if you manage to go through the book eventually it's it's it'll tell you to find not a financial advisor but a financial fiduciary there's a big difference I did not know that um and then uh and the reason is fiduciary has a legal obligation to you okay for your success so financial advisors they don't they don't have any legal obligation they will make money off of you whether you make money or not and that is one of like the huge turnoffs for me in the stock market and also the ease that they collect so as as you know and and you know like every time I I speak about real estate investing this is why I feel like real estate investing is is far more Superior than the stock market because the returns are consistent um fees but again you have to vet your sponsors you know you you get to see what you're gonna you're gonna get up front granted that that you are with a reputable sponsor it's an investment so there's always a risk um but then also you know just like the tax benefits that you get from Real Estate that is not available in in the starting point correct it's also recession resilient you know it doesn't it doesn't fluctuate now you know I believe in a diversified portfolio we just you give the disclaimer at the beginning of this we are not telling people not to go and invest in the stock market but it's a session resilience you know you you if you're looking for something that doesn't necessarily yo-yo with each um change in in the news for instance uh real estate will be the the best way to go and uh with commercial multi-family it also has the highest risk adjusted return so you remember in the beginning I talked about risk right um I I am not you're fixing flipper that is not the kind of that is not the kind of um of real estate that I do that is a high risk High returns type of um of uh approach which is great we need fix and flipper if you're a fix and Flipper on this um on this um Channel if you're listening to a fix and flipper come and invest your proceeds with me or with Rochelle over here um but I'm not a fixing flipper so and you know commercial vote if it appeals to and the reason I say this is the more I spoke with people the more I knew that not everyone was built for commercial multi-family not everyone is built for doing it not everyone is built to be an owner operator everyone can be a limited partner a limited partner for those who don't know of those people like I'm a limited partner for it for instance people who want the benefits of commercial family they want the tax benefits the appreciation the pay down uh Equity is the one I forgot um no you mentioned that I think we mentioned everything okay can you chime in if we forgot something yeah they want all of that right without the uh headaches of tenants toilets trash termites Etc but they also don't want the added headache or they added they don't want to have to put in The Sweat Equity of looking for the property understanding the markets coming up with a team dealing with a an SEC attorney Etc so the general Partners do that and so the limited partners don't they are the ones that get the mailbox money um and so yeah not everyone's built for real for commercial multi-family and as I you know as I speak with a lot of people I try and determine what exactly are their needs not everyone is built for commercial multi-family but not everyone is built for commercial multi-family right now you know for the person that wants today money your daughter is getting married in you know in the fall you you're not gonna get your money back you know anytime soon so that's not the approach yeah so so yeah let's talk about let's talk about math all right yes y'all's ready to do some math because this is one of the best like this is one of the things that when I understood as like a single family I'm out okay I'm into multi-family and it just totally made sense and a lot of my colleagues actually they would come to me because um a lot of my friends and my colleagues know that that I did Fix and Flip and um long-term rentals so they'd come to me and they're like hey Rochelle I saw this duplex in Ohio you know looks great and I was like you know like if I I always say this and sometimes I don't know if I should be saying this but I just truly want to help them I was like let me show you the math okay let me let me tell you how this works single family you're you are you don't have any control on the appreciation of your of your property right but those the single family investors out here you don't you don't have control on the appreciation you are dependent on the comps of uh on the on the value of your neighbors right um whereas multi-family when I understood that it's a business and your income is what determines the value of your property and that and I was like what you mean I can control that I actually have I can increase it I I can increase the income decrease my expenses and the the appreciation will follow so I was sold and then when I understood the equity multiple so for for those who are passive investors out here this is how you make money in in multi-family when when you raise the rent even just buy 25 it increases the income I'm sorry yeah it increases the income and the appreciation of the property so you don't have to wait two three years for your appreciation to be realizing the property which you have to in real in um in single family now of course on a side note if you're doing the Burr you know like the buy rehab you force the appreciation um that's a different story but then again you have to buy right you have to buy 75 below the the value right in order for that to actually work so so when I understood that and it's all this is all in my ebook by the way so if you want it broken down um congrats on the ebook I saw it thank you yeah that was though that was that was work but I enjoyed I enjoyed putting that together because it was really I really believed in what I was writing and what my message was but um yeah going back to the point is that um multi-family has it's very objective there's a science into an art to it that that's what operators would say and I totally agree but the science part is very objective it's very clean cut and you can see it so when you look at a PPM you look at a an OM um an offering memorandum you can automatically see if the numbers work if they're fudging the numbers right if the operators are kind of inflating the numbers a little bit um so so yeah so that is why I fell in love with multi-family I agree no I I absolutely agree um I remember remember my my story began in the single family space uh in in um sub 2 and every time we were comping one thing you had to do was look at properties that were you know similar you for that was the very first thing with commercial multi-family doesn't matter you're forced in the appreciation either by increasing income or decreasing you know expenditure or both you know and it's the the things that one is able to do completely completely blows my mind it's amazing so it completely you know it appealed to me the economies of scale appeal to me working with the team appealed to me everything about it just absolutely appealed to me yeah yeah what I'm gonna I'm planning to put up a session where we're actually gonna Deep dive into the math and multi-family so stay tuned I know you've gotta I want to be respectful of your time and I would like to take some questions from from the audience if anybody has them and I would also like to to give a shout out to everybody who's here I would like to say hello Jeff he's a new Warrior Simon's Island in Georgia hi Jeff say hey hey and he's very excited to becoming a multi-family LP first on the right deal with the right folks then move on to GP we are absolutely gonna connect with you Jeff welcome and May Lee is also here I would like to say hi she is with I just saw mainly you were with being a jetty celebrating her birthday and I love that you're here showing up always here showing her love and support and to everybody Joanne from Alaska hello so Joanne you're you're with um you're an investor with RV parks is that right hello everybody it's really nice to be here with us a hard-working health professionals I actually I was a traveling Health provider for three years in the village up here for Indian Health Services and like I put in my chat I went to so many traveling nurses up here it's it's a huge a huge state for that and also down in Arizona I have an RV park in Tucson just three blocks from the Tucson Medical Center tons of activities yeah so um I've been an investor for about 20 years um and um I'll just you know quick introduction started because I was you know a single mom for a long time with two kids and I didn't have any money and I got tired of a pet and you know finished my degree and still you know wasn't happy with you know how things were kind of paycheck to paycheck at least for a single one with two kids so I I put all my money into my first transaction which was a four Plex in 2023 I mean 2003 and been doing it ever since and I actually have another RV park under contract right now in Denali it's an amazing deal um and one of the people who's coming into um the deal with me is he's married to a doctor and they are kind of part of you know an investment group of medical professionals and his good friend I hope the second couple comes in she's an anesthesiologist on Quantico where my Marine son is but there are a lot of health professionals that come into real estate deals and it's it's not hard you guys and and women investors we consider you all high net worth hard-working professionals and we love to do deals especially with women so you guys hit me up I'm really happy to be here and a lot of energy a lot of good content I love it and I love Rod Cleef I've known about him for a long time he's an amazing leader uh and really good to have as a coach very good well thank you so much for hopping on here Joe is IT Joanna Jones Joanne um I'm gonna reach out to you because we're going to be talking about RV parks I haven't had a guest who um who can talk about RV parks in this webinar so I would love to chat with you and would love to learn from you all right so um iffy yes I I mean I love that like RV parks self storage units you know the things that you don't usually that doesn't usually come to mind um so tell me I know you have a project going on and I just want to make sure that we have time for that for you to to to do a plug yeah actually wrong because we got two we got two I was gonna say something about your two projects so um because of time I'll make this nice and short I don't know if she's still on here um is baby still on here I I do have to give um you know props props to her because she's the leader of two teams remember guys when I said I joined the team and I talked about Bibi she had this team put together we had the asset behind me behind you know real estate Beyonce she's in the Pennsylvania Market um by the end of this week we would have closed on two different assets so we have opportunities still for credited but I look very dark right now I'm so sorry I should turn on my lights but we have opportunities for accredited Capital Partners Equity Partners people like you if they're credited for those who are new to the commercial multi-family game when we are syndicating what we the SEC considers is that we are selling a security when you have a common Enterprise that comes together and one party is simply providing funds and they're doing absolutely no Sweat Equity at all they you are selling the security so they have a lot of restrictions and so how funds can be raised so the SEC has come up with definition one is a accredited investor you have sophisticated investors so if you don't meet the definition that I'm about to talk about then you are not accredited you're probably sophisticated so you're credited if as a single person you earn uh 200 000 or more in at least two consecutive tax years with the intents that you're going to still you know it's it wasn't just a windfall and you know you just you know one at once if you file as if you file jointly it's 300 000 or more you can also qualify to be accredited through your net worth so if you have a net worth of a million dollars um not including your primary residence there are other um things that can make you accredited I think people that have series 65 licenses Etc if you go down that route you'll know you're accredited and you don't need to listen to my definitions so we have still opportunities for accredited investors one of our assets is 120 unit class a property in Shippensburg Pennsylvania um it was built in 2009 renovated throughout 2022 the returns in this market phenomenal no one really seems to be knowing much about it it's a great Market Bibi has been in here since 2021 uh she has about 78 units um we project on what we're telling our investors is an average cash on cash of seven percent we have a 21 irr of 2.0 X Equity multiple Over a four-year hold what does this mean it means if you put in a hundred thousand at when we exit in four years which we really aren't because we're holding it for 10 years when we exit in uh four years your return on Capital and off Capital combined is 200 000. the other asset that we have is in Texas Fort Worth Texas the third largest growing city in the country it's 123 units uh with that one we have uh people who love to live there the average tenancy is five years it's a well-maintained um Class C asset we project a seven percent as well a 7.5 percent cash on cash we are offering seven percent pref our Equity multiple is 1.7 on our irr which is our internal rate of return is 19 I think I put my um info in the chat um I don't know if Ariana is still here if you can put your info as well there's that's another of my team member BBC you can pull your your info in the chat Rochelle I know you have something going on whenever you are looking at uh to invest the most important thing before the deal is the team yes right of an amazing team I'm fortunate I'm blessed it's they're more than a team they're family in fact one of them just became a dad where so it's almost like we're growing together we're we're we celebrate when one person wins we all win when someone's down we're all there for each other so it's been an amazing amazing roller coaster but amazing experience you know the path to entrepreneurship is not you're making it look like you're you're just making it look like it's you know nothing like with the fan too with the fan blowing me all right well okay so just for the benefit of those who are starting out not familiar with the jargon so tell me what is um you mentioned press did you say mention you you mentioned prep return correct I mentioned I I mentioned perfect turn which is offered on one of our um uh one of our offerings so when you're looking at an investment you know if you're someone that's kind of sort of like the iffy 1.0 if you're like yeah I'm not so sure I you know how do I know these people are not going to be you know abducted by an aliens well we're offering prayer from this one seven percent prep which means you get paid out first right you gotta pay it out you get your money paid off first with most of these in fact with all uh Acquisitions well the way our team rules and I'm sure the same instead of you you want to ask how are dividends or how are returns divided how are they divvied up is are the general Partners just doing this for themselves well there's there's a there's a ratio behind all of this so in some cases the uh light limited partners get 70 and then the general Partners get 30 sometimes it's an 80 20 split sometimes it's 50 50. sometimes it's 75 25. regardless of what it is the limited partners should be always paid first general partners are the ones doing the work so yeah so and I also mentioned sorry so I mentioned in internal rate of return I I apologize for for interrupting you the way I explain it to to my investors is internal reader return kind of talks uh it it describes the relationship of money with time right so if you had ten dollars now the uh the buying power of ten dollars now and 10 10 years ago completely different so if I were to go into an investment and my investments were to be held for 10 years not that it's a bad thing it's just a thing and Rochelle we're able to go into an investment and her own investment was held for three years see the purpose of commercial multi-family is to just continue to roll things from one investment into another and take complete Char um advantage of compounding your returns so if Russia went into a three-year our Texas one history our Pennsylvania one is four and she got her money out after three or four years she's able to take the humongous chunk of cash and throw it into another investment meanwhile I'm still here in my 10-year investment again not that it's a bad thing or it's a good thing it's a thing um people that do you know ground up developments they have a different tolerance they they go for a longer stretch of time before they realize their return of capital so that's that's kind of how I did describe internal rate of return I think what's healthy is an internal rate of return that's 15 and up Others May disagree I think in terms of equity multiple if you're at least 1.6 and up that's reasonable if you have a cash on cash of six ish that's even stretching it really it should be sevenish but sixesion up it's it's fine you know um because and it's good to know these things because if you're coming from the residential space where people are used to 25 you know cash on cash that's not that's not what's happening here it's not happening here at all we are not getting rich quick we are growing well slow that's right exactly so this is for the long run um there's no shortcuts and but that that is the way how you build wealth though right so the the the shorter the the higher the risk that you're you're taking um obviously you don't want to do that you would like to balance the risk your taking and that is that is also what I love about multi-family because the multi-family in itself is you're already diversifying your risk so um in a hundred unit apartment you're already spreading your risk among 100 tenants so if two tenants did not pay you still have 98 above and then we're also diversifying your investment um across asset classes so with multi-family slash commercial real estate you can invest in multi-family or apartments and then on the next deal that you're gonna have it will be with self storage or RV parks like Joanne is doing um and or Joan I'm sorry and or um development right so like our partners at massive Capital they this is what their strategy is they they're you know they do groundnut development they do um existing value-add multi-family uh Flex storage and all that so so this is what I love about it um you can see that in single family but not so much um I guess you can but I mean can you imagine the transaction of having that you're gonna have to go through of having 100 units that's 100 transactions exactly you know if you're doing a fourplex maybe less but still an amount of work that you have to do exactly and you made it you made a very valid point uh when I tell new people why you know people also ask me you know you know how I said you first have to have a why uh that wise what's going to keep you going it's what's going to get you up in the morning Etc at some point you're going to also have to answer why commercial multifamily why not airbnbs why not you know something else another asset class and when for someone like me that was going to go into residential multi-family I like to say that if I lost one or two tenants you know I would start sweating bullets but with commercial multi-family we actually underwrite it with you know a certain percent advantage of vacancy in mind and it has to be there the bank has to write it in that way and you have to be profitable with that vacancy in order for that business to work yeah all right well we're on top of the hour and I know Evie has to run to join our Mentor Rod Khalifa who is he's also a a speaker with such energy that is unless so so if you don't have a seat belt you should find a way to to stay put in your in your chair because it's very passionate about these things and he just communicates it through the screen and so yeah so those who are interested in going to the boot camp in September I hope to see you there um and also so there's a few things I just want to make sure that we have questions answered here um somebody was asking for your information so if his information is on the chat yeah I think hello yeah I see you in here and then migena we actually somebody was Megan was asking for the link for the multi-family Chasers posted it on here already I think someone did I don't know if Ayanna did yeah and Monica and Lara from my shirt you're sharing it again there you go thank you I exited by by error and the chat was uh gone so Miss Dahlia I will send you the information on the boot camp I'll message you directly um oh Dr Holt is on in the house hi Isabel and special shout out to my friends from Legends Community Lira Monica and Isabelle and Olu and also Dr Holtz who are in here he's a team member yay so for for those who are you're unmute doctor holds powerful women in the house yes hi iffy hi Rachelle hi hi everyone oh tarek is here [Music] so guys do you have any questions um I'd like to say hi Debbie and manjan oh yes hi baby do you guys have any questions for Evie or myself um why are we so passionate about multi-family or what other information how what other resources do we use um if you a question that always comes up is there a particular book that you would like to recommend for people who are starting in real estate okay I love I love Robert Kiyosaki but the answer is always reach that for that is there another book that you would recommend so one one principle that that really upheld me so in in my background remember how I said being a high achiever blah blah blah one thing I never talked about was the fact that I was also an introvert so I always did everything by myself I studied by myself I thrived by myself I excelled by myself and so coming into real estate I wanted to do it by myself being a community but do it by myself and by the end of last year I knew I knew I was never going to get far so one principle that I do live by is who not how who knows and so I believe that is a book that might be helpful to to to people I love that and I love that you are an introvert introvert because I consider myself an introvert but you I would have not guessed that okay so I am an extroverted introvert for real estate and Pharmacy let me put it that way I mean yeah we this is a whole different topic but I also another topic that I can talk about all day long you know how like you know life is a stage and everything also introvertising um introversion and extroversion is all about energy and how you recoup that energy is what I learned from one of the events I attended I attended to so um yeah very cool yeah very good oh Dr hold is also an introvert oh she was just reiterating that she's uh she's an introvert oh yeah um well if you have we'll have to jump off because are you hosting the webinar with Rod I'm I'm not necessarily hosting it I invited him and he wanted to start speaking at 8 15. okay well I needed a little time to transition between zooms just like get the energy going just in case just in case I needed to make sure he's he he does come on Etc just in case I'm the point person yeah no worries well um if you need to go thank you so much for joining you guys thank you so much I promise this is going to be a fun session and it was you did not disappoint love it and I hope to see you in one of the events absolutely are you coming to San Antonio am I coming to San Antonio yeah in November not in San Antonio the warrior event in Phoenix is it Phoenix well that one yeah hopefully I show up at the right Hotel absolutely um yeah we're gonna be there we're also going to be in Orlando I will be seeing you Vicky in Orlando and a few others um so yeah that will be that'll be fun uh yeah so for those who are cool so much for a little bit thank you I'm gonna stay on for a little bit if you have any more questions um if again like I said if you have not downloaded my ebook please do so I'll put my I'll put the barcode there you go it's a multi-family investing for healthcare professionals it's a very high view 30 minute read about multi-family investing and why you should be investing in multi-family and also to those who are here for um who are budding GPS so those who are looking to get into their deals I also would like to plug an opportunity so there's an opportunity that that we are very excited about um you have a chance to be a GP in one of the deals um see me about it or sorry DM me about it or message me I'm gonna type my email up on here um I am working with the with a repeatable um operator slash syndicator who has a track record of over 10 years and um we are looking for to collaborate with future GPS so let me know that you are interested all right you guys I would love to see you again next Sunday this has been amazing thank you so much for coming out and joining me today [Music] thank you
Channel: Roushel Eid, The Cashflow Nurse
Views: 940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: krzOjk4UQC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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