From Pagan Nomads to Christian Knights // King Stephen & The Birth of Hungary

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this video was sponsored by expressvpn protect your online privacy now that expressvpn comm forward slash history time there is a story of old still spoken on the Hungarian plains today a tale the stalks of an ancient world long before Christianity took hold in these lands back when the Hungarian people lived a migratory nomadic existence steeped in the mythology and legends of their forefathers for this some 11 hundred years ago was the new grazing grounds of the Magyars a pastoralist nomadic people pushed into Europe from the Eurasian steppe lands to the east as far as Hungarian mythology is concerned in the year 896 or there abouts the tale differs from region to region the seven clans of the Magyar horse Lords came thundering westwards in search of a new home along with them leading from the front came a long lasting symbol of their identity the mighty tor albert a huge monstrous falcon like creature personifying the nomadic way of life these people had lived since emerging from the Siberian forests of the Far East innumerable centuries before one day so the story goes the outriders of the Magyar clans spied the torille bird landing on a hilltop not too far from the river danube the planes around were lush fine pasturage for herd animals and of course their prized possessions horses each Maki our warrior would have needed at least ten to maintain an effective presence on the battlefield for the Magyars were not a peaceful people in fact they had been pushed westwards from the north and shores of the Black Sea after a lengthy series of wars with their neighbors most notably the passion acts a fierce confederation of turkic tribes represented by their own animal symbol for Eagle perhaps representing one of the great leaders of the tribe such as Alma's a man said to have been ceremony ly sacrificed to the gods at some point during the exodus desperate times call for desperate measures the turul bird carried a sword within its talons which it dropped on that day though signifying the formation of a new homeland for the hungarians and as far as the traditions are concerned the city of Budapest stronghold for owl masses descendants the Arpad clan for centuries to come of course this is just a story yet it speaks volumes for the pagan world these people inhabited a preliterate pre-christian existence inhabited like gods and monsters a time when the border between the spirit world and the material was perhaps not so firm as it is today though almost nothing concrete is known of pre-christian magyar religion the later chronicles exclusively being written by disapproving christian writers close to a century after the hungarians converted to christianity we can catch brief glimpses of this primal world not just in mythology but in the archaeological record and in contemporary written sources [Music] like many steppe people's shamanistic beliefs are often thought to have been held perhaps alongside animistic practices ancestor cults and the belief that kin groups descended from animals we know that sacred trees and Springs were worshiped and the elements themselves perhaps thought to be harness abour by specially trained wizards using Rainmaker stones these strange artifacts have been excavated all over Hungary perhaps like the Caucasian homes to the east wars were fought by chieftains to obtain the services of these sorceress thoughts to be able to summon rain from the hollowed-out trunks of consecrated Oaks [Music] yet Rainmaker stones aren't the only archaeological remains of these people all over the Hungarian Plains both elite and peasant burials have been found filled not only with horse gear but with astonishing amounts of wealth and plunder from lands as far afield as Spain Italy France Germany and the Byzantine Empire even before the tour Albert signified their arrival on the European see groups of Magyars had served as mercenaries in armies all over the continent far from a unified singular army other groups went their own way forging paths to wealth and glory via plunder and mayhem during the early 10th century a still very pagan Magyars became us feared and reviled as the pagan Northman sweeping down along the coasts with Scandinavia though of course like Scandinavians not all magyars were Marauders it is nonetheless with good reason that a common prayer for this time ended with the infamous words God save us from the arrows of the Magyars yet nevertheless within just a couple of generations of their arrival on the Hungarian plain Christianity began to seep into the region in the form of Eastern Roman and Slovak missionaries sent primarily from Byzantium and neighbouring Bulgaria to tame the wild Horseman causing havoc on their borders astonishingly just a single generation after that a Magyar chieftain one of the most powerful of the bunch and a descendent of the mighty warlord Arpad stone of almaas progenitor of every hungarian king until the early 14th century at least nominally converted to christianity probably like most pagan kings of the time who did the same from Norway to Kiev simply adding Jesus to his existing polytheistic Pantheon though by the next generation there was no going back his name was geezer and though he was just one ruler amongst many soon enough through brutal acts of aggression he was suppressed most of the other rulers of the region in solidifying centralized control by the time his son vag came to power in the late 10th century the world had changed baptised in the year 1000 and according to many accounts sent a symbolic crown by the Pope and his German patron after the 3rd vag was given the Christian name Stephen aced van in Hungarian unlike his father he took his vow very seriously within a decade the New Kingdom Hungary was officially a Christian realm brought into the fold alongside Norway Poland Bohemia and of course his benefactor Imperial Germany in the space of just 50 years the Hungarians had gone from one of the most feared enemies of Christianity to its newest converts and an anointed member of the community of European kingdoms but of course the story is nowhere near as simple as that this is the story of how a kingdom is born this is the story of a tribe of horse Lords who became a sedentary Christian nation that still exists today in the year 9 27 a solitary missionary headed north from the great city of Constantinople his destination was deep into the heathen lands along the Danube e'en frontier his name was Gabriel and though he wasn't the first servant of Christ to arrive in the region the famous Cyril and Methodius converters of the Slavs having arrived long before him in the latter 9th century times had changed in the interim period Gabriel's task was an incredibly dangerous one to begin the conversion of the pagan horse warriors fresh off the steppe who now called the region home [Music] once long ago this had been Roman territory the visible remnants of that long gone by time could still be seen on the landscape yet times had been hard for the Romans since then their territory pushed back significantly to the environs around Constantinople and the southern shore of the Danube many empires and kingdoms had risen and fell in the region in the intervening years the Huns had ruled their mighty empire from here some four hundred years in the past followed by Germanic yepit's Ostrogoths ava's Slavs and vulgus the remnant populations of most of these people could still be found in this rugged land nestled in remote fastnesses and Transylvania and the Carpathian Mountains as well as in roving nomadic bands and towns all over the sprawling plains [Music] the most recent incomers to the region the Magyar horse laws now held the power and reins of society yet these other peoples still had some say - and certainly some kind of a reciprocal relationship with their new overlords perhaps like the Avis before them and as the archaeological evidence suggests still living a semi-nomadic lifestyle themselves whilst exacting tribute from the settled populations of the region in return for safety [Music] the land which Gabriel entered in that year wasn't necessarily cut off from the eastern Roman world its new inhabitants long having held diplomatic contacts with the great city even before migrating westwards in the ninth century though nevertheless it was a very different lat [Music] despite usually being labeled as Turks or Syd Ian's by the contemporary sources of which the military manual written by Byzantine Emperor Constantine porridge Anytus is an invaluable source of information the Magyars were originally a Finn o or Greek speaking people descended from neolithic forest dwellers of faraway siberia it was within these great forests of modern-day russia adjacent to the Ural Mountains that the ancestors of the Magyars lived originally fishermen hunters and trappers at some point long ago perhaps after forging links with neighboring horse-riding steppe nomads via the fur trade these proto magyars would first venture forth onto the Great Plains to emulate the lifestyle of their nomad neighbors throughout history nomads and forest dwellers have often had long lasting connections sometimes nomads would become forest dwellers once more such as the great ruler Genghis Khan did during his youth but much more likely was the pattern of forest dwellers adopting a nomadic lifestyle [Music] the linguistic evidence of the Magyars origins is unequivocal yet similarly irrefutable evidence of turkic and even Iranian influence exists - in the form of numerous loanwords from neighboring steppe people's the tell-tale signs of long lasting interactions many of the names of conquest era Maggie our chieftains or even Turkic in origin themselves perhaps reflecting the years spent under the hegemony of the Khazar Coggins as the Magyars gradually headed further and further west over the centuries [Music] the seven tribes of Magyars spoken of in later sources such as the hungarian chronicle written by an anonymous author in the 12th century a thought by most modern historians to not actually have been seven tribes at all but perhaps as many as 18 a number of smaller Turkic and Iranian people's such as the kay bars sheckler's and others having been absorbed into the whole during their long centuries of migration from the Ural Mountains in the east these tribes would later be joined by bogus Pechenegs and even Muslims perhaps vulgar bogus seeking better lands and a new beginning these people's thought to have continued speaking their own tongues and inevitably in such a diverse world there were those who could converse in many tongues perhaps as time went on even Greek and Latin - this was the world which Gabriel entered in the late 90s a land of transition a realm of many guards Gabriel would have to combat ten Griest follow us of the sky guard and worshippers of sacred trees in short Gabriel certainly had his work cut out we get a brief glimpse into some of the pre-christian rituals of the Magyars when the contemporary German chronicler vidiq end of coffee talks of dogs being cut in half at a meeting to symbolize the breaking of an oath a tradition found in many steppe tribes to symbolize the fate of the Oathbreaker during this period we find innumerable pagan burials all over Hungary providing rich evidence of pre-christian culture in the form of clothing weapons and jewelry exceptionally rich brave gods found in some sites are no doubt the burial places of chieftains and notable warriors though more modest graves have been found to in similar styles perhaps those of less fortunate soldiers like all steppe tribes bows and arrows seem to have been the main weapon of choice though Sabres Spears and swords sometimes found two ornamental bow cases decorated with gold and precious metals and artistic carvings were rich status symbols and a sign of power interestingly whilst horses are almost always found in graves usually only parts of the horse are interred along with all of the skin perhaps because the rest of the body was eaten during a funerary feast there may simply have been a great multiplicity of beliefs due to the sheer variety of people's absorbed into the hole on the westward journey of the Magyars though Christian crosses are found from this period too it remains near impossible to interpret whether these were at first simply ornamental status symbols or genuine examples of piety brought in by missionaries such as Gabriel who unfortunately for us disappears from the record almost immediately as he appears gravesites tell us one thing definitively during the first half of the 10th century raiding formed the basis of wealth and power in Hungary this period is often known in Hungarian sources as the time of adventures though at first campaigns were fought for mostly defensive reasons in the early 900s the newly Christian Slavic realm of great Moravia threatening the Magyars from the West was destroyed thus undoing all the work of the missionaries Cyril and Methodius at first the Bulgarian Kingdom on the southern border paid the Magyars not to raid their lamps though later they hired them as sorts for hire other people's who eventually hired the Hungarians included Bavarians Byzantines francs and long baths as time went on by the middle of the century perhaps as diplomatic and commercial links began to form instead of taking slaves to be sold to foreign buyers captives would often be fairly quickly ransomed back to their own people for cash whilst it remains difficult to assess the impact of Gabriel as he is only mentioned in passing most likely other unrecorded missionaries set to work during this time - just as they did all throughout Europe many meeting grim ends at the hands of those they sought to Brazil a ties to nevertheless as time goes on traces of Christianity show up more and more in the archaeological record overwhelmingly in the form of Byzantine crosses and trinkets though of course it remains difficult to distinguish their origins between Commerce and actual conversion by 948 however all this was to change the Byzantine historian John skylit sees relates a momentous occasion where several Madhya chieftains were invited to Constantinople whilst there several of them including a grandson of our part to and a figure named as one of the primary princes of the realm bullsh-- cou were named as friends of the Emperor [Music] bullsh cou along with another ruler Keola even accepted baptism likely in return for political help and legitimization from the ampulla over their regional rivals with the emperor even becoming godfather to [Music] nevertheless according to skylit C's bullsh apparently had second thoughts about his conversion continuing to raid Byzantine lands until his death in 955 keola however was more sincere taking a monk by the name of higher our thief's back with him to his Lance in 952 to serve as his priest according to skylit C's he converted many people to Orthodox Christianity thus until the mid 10th century it looked increasingly likely that if the Magyars converted they would become Eastern Christians like the Bulgarians before them and their roost neighbors after yet in just a handful of years all this was to change for another power was arising to the West [Music] in 93 a large force of magyar warriors headed westwards once more passed the desolate burnt-out fortresses of the Moravians through the forests of Central Europe and towards the heartland of the fledgling German kingdom beginning to fall for of course the Byzantine Empire wasn't the only Christian power the Magyars had contact with is now after several years of exacting tribute they sought to ravage the fertile lands of the Germans waiting for them however was the first non Frankish king to arise in the region since before the time of Charlemagne an experienced military commander and founder of one of the most important dynasties of the early Middle Ages Henry the Fowler the ensuing battle fought at Mercer burg was a crushing blow for the Magyars perhaps the most significant defeat in a generation [Music] the battle not only ensured German independence but is often seen as the beginning of the end of the adventuring period nevertheless by the nine 50s the Magyars were back ravaging and plundering their way through bavaria now ruled over by Henry's son after the first though this time they came as allies of Otto's rebellious son and uncle by 955 his family members brought back in line to fight alongside him Otto surprised the Magyars near the river Lac forcing them into a confrontation against his heavy Knights levied from all corners of the realm by [Music] day's end a roll call of the most important magyar chieftains of the age they dead many of them executed by hanging as common criminals at the ancient eastern court of the Carolingians at regions burg in bavaria according to the chronicler Aventine as' amongst the dead lay lell Shaba taxon ii and bullsháá the one-time converts to byzantine christianity defeat at the lechfeld hammered home the superiority of heavy Knights in an open fight against lightly armored horse archers definitively bringing to an end the period of adventure campaigns [Music] though the hungarian chronicles were mostly written 200 years after the conquests and tend to oversimplify and relate everything to the great noble families of the Magyars most notably the house of our part it does seem that an are part family member now came to the fore wielding significant amounts of power in the years that followed aided no doubt by the deaths of so many rivals his name was tax oniy in his youth tax only her took part in rates most notably leading an expedition into Italy in 947 though now he would begin work in setting up a kingdom singling out Byzantium for raids in the years that followed and never again venturing into Germany it seems that by this time great changes had already began to take hold on the Pannonian plains archaeological evidence suggests that although hungarians continued their traditional ways after arriving in the Carpathian Basin they also found it at least some permanent settlements shortly afterwards which may have served as winter basis at first by the mid 10th century however in areas where the soil was suitable for agriculture these gradually turned into permanent villages with houses which became a new source of food alongside the traditional animal raising as tax oni set about attempting to consolidate his power to the west otto became a super power to rival constantinople being crowned in rome as emperor the first since Charlemagne a hundred and fifty years earlier this power seems to have had a lasting effect on the Magyars he began accepting Western missionaries as well as those from Byzantium the Italian chronicler Liat brand of cremona for example writes that Pope John the 12th hostile to Otto's Imperial pretensions sent a certain bishop named Zacchaeus to the Hungarians in order to creat that they should attack the Germans in 963 thus a war of the mind between east and west was fought in order to bring Hungary into their respective spheres of influence [Music] nevertheless despite historical arguments attacks owning first initiated the Latin orientation of his dynasty before the 970 s the gesture hunger Oram recounts that significant Muslim and pagan pecheneg groups also settled during this time Christian influence was just one facet amongst many and it would take many years before it took hold it would be tax oniy son who would be the real founder of Hungarian greatness [Music] in the twentieth century a number of family cemeteries were discovered in Hungary's Aperta sharee j'en those dating from the conquest period and the 70 or so years afterwards showed signs of great wealth and power by the latter half of the 10th century however in the decades following the defeat at the lack the graves get smaller and smaller until finally they are not used anymore whilst this may seem normal to the casual observer a number of archaeologists have interpreted this as evidence of great changes in the country specifically the rise of a new centralizing power the discontinuation of the tombs coincides with the reign of the first magyar ruler for whom firm evidence is available for his name was giza succeeding his father in around 972 giza was very quick to realize the link between Christianisation and the building of centralized royal power a tendency for which he would develop a merciless reputation amongst the plethora of titles in Hungary at this time Peola buoyant Archon in most sources skeezer is singled out above the rest a senior Magnus or even as King just before his death tax OD had arranged a profitable marriage alliance for his son to sir alt the daughter of gorilla of Transylvania one of the most important regional magnates of the region thus giving his son a firm base of power yet another marriage in 972 also sent shockwaves throughout the continent Otto's son after the second married the Byzantine princess Thea fauna thus bringing Hungary's two most powerful adversaries into an alliance a situation to threatened the fledgling ground it's unclear who converted Giza though it is clear why he did so attempting to forge a lasting peace with Otto and the Holy Roman Empire and thus protect himself from Byzantium in the process a monk named Bruno arrived in Hungary in around 972 dispatched from Otto's Court and in the next year Hungarian legates were present at a conference held by the Emperor in quelling Berg Bishop kilogram of Passau claimed that some 5000 Hungarian elites converted in the early 1970s due to Western missionaries whilst this is almost certainly an exaggeration the added details that Christian slaves were now able to practice their religion openly may be true although a telegram may have been liberal with the truth in order to emulate other writers such as bead and to outdo his own rival the Archbishop of Salzburg nevertheless it does seem that Giza was the first to support Western missionaries rather than Eastern Orthodox some historians even see him as building the first bishopric of hungry though again this may not be true and is very open to interpretation yet nevertheless Giza continued sacrificing to pagan gods long after his conversion a situation illustrated by the contemporary German chronicler Fiat ma of Massa Berg gayssot was very cruel and killed many people because of his quick temper when he became a Christian however he turned his rage against his reluctant subjects in order to strengthen this faith thus glowing with zeal for God he washed away his old crimes he sacrificed both to the omnipotent God and to various false gods when reproached by his priests for doing so however he maintained that the practice had brought him both wealth and great power by the late 90s having realized the power which Christianity could bring due to its insistence on a Divine Right of Kings geezers military retinue increasingly became the basis of a Royal Army he could count on the loyalty of most of the regional Lords and those who defied him suffered grim fates the longer version of his sons saintly life states that geezers hands were defiled with blood whether dark legend or truth geezer Isetta buried alive with honors Oba chieftain of the patch annex that had settled in Hungary a few decades before 20th century Hungarian historian Paul Engle argued that geezer carried out a large-scale purge against his relatives which also explains the lack of references to other members of the Arpad dynasty from around 972 onwards innumerable regional Lords and even family members were massacred with just a handful such as koppány who continues to rule the southern parts of transdanubia surviving the cove by the 1980s giza again turned to foreign policy taking advantage of internal conflicts that emerged in the holy roman empire after emperor otto the firsts death Giza invaded Bavaria in 1983 seizing the fortress of melt in 1991 the Bavarians finally launched a counter-attack which forced giza to withdraw Hungarian forces from the territories east of Vienna he had succeeded however he being recognized as a serious power by 996 a new peace treaty was negotiated with Henry the fourth cousin of Otto and the Duke of Bavaria Deezer returned the lands he had taken but also arranged the marriage of his eldest son and heir still bearing the Magyar name matched to Henry's sister Gisela it was an auspicious moment and even before this marriage Alliance Giza assembled all of the Lords of the realm before forcing them to take an oath confirming his son's right to succeed [Applause] by the time of Jesus death in 997 his son vag was in an extremely favorable position bavarian wife at his side no doubt along with a contingent of household knights now loyal to him he immediately set about consolidating his rule yet as we shall see he had his work cut out Kizer knew the transition to his sons rule would be a difficult one helping out as much as he could before he died by surrounding his main rival companies lands with sheckler's Pechenegs and other turks loyal to him and after his death his son vag the succession was in truth a power grab contrary to the traditional custom which held that the elder family members should inherit the throne not the son right on cue koppány rose up in Revolt seeking legitimacy by attempting to marry geezers widow stevens mother Surratt after this fierce baptism of fire vag overcame koppány according to one source sending his quartered body parts to all corners of the realm 1/4 was apparently sent to his uncle gorilla who fairly quickly puts off any idea of rebellion enjoying support from Germany via his marriage to Gisela contemporary sources named various western nights in vadik service a power he would use to break the power of local laws finally at the turn of the millennium vag is said to have been sent a holy Lance from OTO and a crown from the Pope the man promoted by Otto the third born of Byzantium and Rome to help him oh sure in the new reign of what he saw as the last Roman Emperor though the story of the crown may have been invented by the writer Hartford when he wrote his Saints life in 1100 the momentous turn of events at the end of the first millennium cannot be overstated just as vag became King Stephen Duke boleslav of Poland based his allegiance to turning both men into Kings in truth it remains almost impossible at times to disentangle Stephens real power from the later legends especially as he became the center of nineteenth-century nationalistic causes and seen as the founder of the modern state just like other figures from the past such as Hermann the German Boudicca and Vercingetorix yet Stephen lived much closer in time to these other European figures thus his cult was more pronounced he remains as important as ever in hungarian national identity many sausage regarding his life searches the Saints lives were written during the later rains of Ladislav and coloman two kings who sought to defend and establish their own power against 11th and 12th century Pope's and emperors and verse used and distorted Stephen for their own ends in order to construct a historical memory that would serve their own goals for example portraying all of Stephens enemies as pagans a situation that was far from the truth in 1002 after the third died quashing any ideas of a resurrected unified Roman Empire and throwing Germany back into turmoil in Poland boleslav soon made himself a nuisance to the new emperor seizing the opportunity to reinforce his own power for stephen however the situation could not have gone any better the new emperor was none other than the former duke of bavaria henry and thus his brother-in-law this coupled with boleslav campaigns made stephen all the more valuable and allied though he still had much work to do in his own Kingdom in the years that followed Stephen extended his personal power as much as he could probably in similarly brutal ways to his father continuing in the footsteps of his father he built large wooden castles and forts all over the realm dividing up the land between them each under a royal representative loyal to him [Music] in 1002 the issue the first known Latin charter in Hungary likely made by a scribe in the court of Otto the third between this and the second charter issued in the ten thirties illiteracy began to flourish a few runic words have been found from before this time written in an old Hungarian script probably developed from the ore conscript used by the khazars though these weren't used for legislative purposes like Latin was minted coins also began with the reign of Steven likely being made by bavarian money as' imported from henry's realm of course steven also introduced churches on a massive scale traditionally being credited with the establishment of ten bishoprics though this took time returned in to his legal charters came the stipulation that every tenth village had to build a church which he and his bishops would then provide with vestments liturgical objects and books though the extent to which this was enforced is unknown and almost nothing remains of these early churches made of wattle and daub thus due to events happening abroad Stephen found himself in an extremely strong position his kingdom however was far from unified there was still the issue of the most easterly lands wild and hostile to his centralizing rule said in near contemporary sources to have been ruled over by pagan chieftains known as the black hungarians as opposed to stephen's white hungarians since before Jesus time they had apparently been to Hungary's the eastern people's allegedly being made up of Magyars as well as auxilary tribes who joined later such as sheckler's pechenegs and kay bars for the most part they still lived in the transcarpathian region of modern-day Romania small independent groups formed here under the control of rulers such as gila and Ashton II the importance of whom can be Illustrated like geezers marriage to one of them though the black hungarians are often portrayed as recalcitrant pagans in reality expansion was a means of expanding royal power rather than religious and there were probably pagans and Christians on both sides in 1003 one chronicle recalled schedulers defeat though Ashton II a Byzantine Christian probably enjoying support from the Empire remained too powerful to assail surviving as an independent ruler until the late 1020's though the legenda mayor of Saint Gerard describes him as politically dependent on the Empire the Gesta hunger Oram also describes Stephens defeat of a ruler named ko who may have been an independent Bolger Prince ruling in Transylvania though no large trade center developed for a while royal centers at ash Tagore which received its own archbishopric in 1,000 and further ha were important towns and principal seats of the king [Music] times were changing very quickly and by the early 11th century agriculture dominated much of the plains in time replacing nomadism entirely with cultivated crops such as rye barley oats and millet like most steppe people Smith's had always played an important role in producing horse accoutrements and armaments for the macaws and now they would export their goods to a wider market selling items all over Europe though the previous conquest period pagan works were not continued intricate gold and silver items forged in Byzantine and western styles began to be made hungry was now well and truly integrated into Europe though Stevens family would rule hungry until the extinction of their clan in the early 14th century in the years immediately following his death the political situation very nearly fell apart in a particularly vicious purge not long before his death and following the death of his son and heir emmerich in 1031 Stephen had his cousin vassal blinded his ears filled with lead and his sons exiled the successor he chose was his sister's Venetian husband Peter or siela or Cielo ruled successfully for a while but after so much death a reckoning was on the way in 1041 Peter was overthrown by a ruler named Samuel perhaps a member of the caber tribe in 1044 however he was overthrown and killed with German support and Peter but back on the throne two years later in the midst of a great last pagan revolt against Stephens reforms another war tore through the country Peter was overthrown for the last time this time a member of the Arpad car again came to the throne Andrew Sonne of the mutilated vassal who ruled for another 14 years interestingly Andrew had been put back on the throne of help from a group of anglo-saxon X Isles sons of King Ethelred the unready thus illustrating the far-reaching diplomatic ties of the New Kingdom following Andrews death in 1060 yet another pagan revolt broke out and instability reigned well into the ten 70s for the most part Hungary was a Christian Kingdom now though the eradication of pagan rituals preoccupied lawmakers well into the 12th century more than a thousand years has passed since the heyday of the Maggiano's the world has changed today we can't all build hilltop Citadel's and recruit armies of landed Knights for our security in 2019 a different sort of Raider poses a threat to our security hackus if you're anything like me and spend time using public Wi-Fi in hotels cafes airports and museums you need to be aware that without a VPN a hacker could steal your passwords credit card info and other personal information I recently had a run in the slightly questionable individual who talked a lot about the dark web and hacking after he sucked out what I did for a living the situation made me completely reassess my online security the solution I found was Express VPN a virtual private network which encrypts your internet data when you're using public Wi-Fi thus 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Channel: History Time
Views: 564,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magyars, invasion magyar, magyar, hungary, hungarian, early middle ages, early medieval period, early medieval, geza, stephen, vajk, taksony, arpad, almos, turul bird, hungarian mythology, archaeology, grave sites, burial mounds, burial mound, pecheneg, pechenegs
Id: bmzD_p_6XoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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