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Hello, it's SEOULiAN Either iPhone or Galaxy Getting extra storage is so expensive So I brought in a way to save the money on the storage Is it NAS? Nope NAS can save you money But it's difficult to use it after learning it suddenly I brought in the one that you can easily use like Any other gadgets The product that I'm going to share is BeeStation from Synology Aren't there many of you who have concerns right after hearing Synology? Nope This is not NAS You don't have to have previous knowledge on network or storage You have to plug in to the outlet and hook it up with a landline So you don't have to worry If you ask me what BeeStation is Since it's the one that doesn't do something that other products do So it's difficult to explain it simply But if I explain it in too much detail Then it would look difficult to use It's a hard disk That you can connect Through ethernet port as you can save data here But the important thing doesn't lie on the hardware itself You need to look at How you can use it Synology has been doing great in that regard Most light NAS users Might like this product more From now on, I will explain how you can utilize it If you can use it like I tell you to do It's going to do more than it's price I'm going to go over the scenarios that you can best utilize the device When you get a smartphone You don't buy the one with the least amount of storage If you think about the pictures and videos that you have saved up It's better to get one with a bigger storage But if you consider the price It becomes not an easy decision iPhone or Galaxy The price difference between 256GB and 512GB is around 300,000 won It's nothing that you can take lightly So many people Sign up for iCloud or Google ONE to use it Based on 2TB storage It costs around 120,000 to 130,000 won a year If you consider that you have to pay it annually It adds up to become big The price of BeeStation is 350,000 won I think it's the perfect substitute That is better economically considering the long term as it has more ways to utilize it With pictures and videos that take up The most amount of the storage of a smartphone You can use BeeStation like personal iCloud or Google Photos Download BeePhotos app on your smartphone And you just have to log in with the ID that you registered On BeeStation And pick the pictures that you want to back up You can choose to back up Every picture or the ones that you had Recently I picked every picture and video And then It automatically stores all the pictures from iPhone and iCloud into BeeStation Android phones can do the process in the background But iPhone will stop the process when the app is on the background So when you back up, use Focus Backup As the entire pictures will be backed up in one day If you plug it into the charger Afterward, the pictures that you take on the smartphone Automatically gets saved on BeeStation In this way you don't have to Use internal storage of your smartphone Or cloud space which is the first advantage of using it And if you click on BeePhotos You can tell that all pictures are categorized Based on the On-Device AI as they are categorized based on face, location, and theme You can save up the pictures and videos and manage them Through the meta data, you can categorize pictures based on the device that you took the pictures with It's nice to save pictures that are taken not only By smartphones, but also Cameras And the entire process and pictures Are saved on your own drive So there's no way that the data will be censored Or used as external data If you do it once You can clean up the internal storage Once in a while based on the storage limit If you need editing to share it on your SNS Then you can download a file and edit it Then, you don't have to upgrade smartphones Due to the pictures and videos That's not the only advantage You can also save regular files Since BeeStation is always connected to the network If you use either PC or Mac anywhere You can access to BeeFiles through BeeStation portal Since then you can use drag and drop to use BeeStation As a web hard drive That's not it There are many devices that works as web hard drive These days, if you have an understanding on DDNS and port forwarding You can have a tiny hard drive to use it The reason why you use Dropbox, Google Drive, or One Drive is because It has a good synergy with other applications So unlike pictures Files have matching web drive Based on the use of the files So on BeeStation Has a function in which you can use it as a backup storage That would get synced with Dropbox, Google Drive, and One Drive So if you use Google Drive like you normally do Then it will get backed up on BeeStation automatically When the storage gets full You can delete the file on Google Drive that's done being worked And keep it on BeeStation only You can maximize convenience While using the best web drive that matches with the characteristics of each application You can also use it as the backup of external SSD And the mean of folder sync I use it as a mean of folder sync rather than a backup It works like this If you stick the external SSD on the slot behind The designated folder on Beestation and the external SSD Will get synced in a folder after getting processed So how do you use this function? There are many ways to use this Since I build and unbuild my laptops and PC for review I put all the apps for installing Window and Steam games in one SSD But the exe file gets updated everytime Then you can keep the updated file on BeeStation Or you can put the new updated exe file in the external SSD And sync it every once in a while Then both remains as most up-to-date must have app in SSD Lastly, you can use BeeStation With your family You can share the link to invite them The thing that you have to be careful is that each link can invite one person So if you want to share it with multiple people You need to send each a unique invite link If you save each invite link in a way it's easy for you to remember Then it'd be easy to manage them later The invited individuals would receive allocated storage that is separated They can use BeePhotos and BeeFiles that I just went over Each cannot open up another person's files on the drive Even if you own the BeeStation You can't have access to the files of the invited individuals So you can feel safe while using it This is the question mark that I had before using it So I am sure that you have the same question What's the difference between BeeStation and NAS? Do I have to get this instead of NAS? The feeling that I had since I've been using it Considering the hardware And the utilization of the device I felt that i's not completely different from NAS So you would have such a question with intensity BeeStation has all the functions That are most used on Synology NAS And allowed the users to use the functions with the greatest convenience You can use BeePhotos and BeeFiles functions On NAS obviously You can sync with and back up for the external SSD The thing called Cloud Sync Allows you do sync with Google Drive on DSM But this BeeStation is established in a way That you don't have to set that up on your own On the other hand, you have to deal with the network settings when using NAS So it allows you to set up more complicated and detailed set up So I recommend you To use it beyond the functions that I shared tody For example, If there's a server that you want to operate in a virutal container from Docker If you need VPN setup Or if you want to estabilish a servalence system Then you should use NAS But if you want to save up pictures and videos on your own server And share them If you have cloud storage And move back and forth between local and online data If you are the one who think like this Then BeeStation is easier and faster than NAS As you can estabilish a system with a better price As it can be a good substitute Honestly, after using it Even if I use NAS on the server rack I think it would be nice to use it as a back up device for pictures As I'm thinking of inviting my family to use it If you have questions, let me know On the next video I will for sure Will be back with Shinnadda Bye guys That's it Right I new there would be comments on Shinnadda So I said it in advance I read every comment It's about time It's really about time
Channel: 서울리안 SEOULiAN
Views: 167,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 시놀로지, 시놀로지 비스테이션, Synology, beestation, NAS, 시놀로지 nas, 사진 백업, 스마트폰 백업, 아이폰, 갤럭시, 클라우드, 개인용 클라우드, 개인용 클라우드 서버, 시놀로지 나스
Id: M2DXrA-01PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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