From Gangster To Novelist: The Vic Dark Story (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] I'm Danny Dyer playing hard men and acting tough has been my bread and butter but now I've got a new role I'm going to be tracking down some of the most feared men in the country on both sides of the law I'm going to find out what makes them tick how they got their fearsome reputations and why they considered some of Britain's deadliest men [Music] this is my Manor I've heard a lot of stories about eastn villains if it was big crowd would use a double barel shotgun this guy Vic dark is as hard as they come we didn't really give a [ __ ] about anyone he just mentioned his name people quiver don't upset him because he you know he just he just take your head off I've heard he bench presses 160 that's two of me and he loves guns the cop is sitting next to me I've got the gun in his neck like that he's a man of Honor but if you cross him he gone I'm back in my own manner London's East End for much of its history it was the center of the capital's criminal underworld it's my home turf but will it be my toughest job yet this is not just a birthplace of the chirpy Cockney and jelly Hills as well as being my Mana it was the home to a certain pict of dark one of the East end's most feared armed robbers had it been a life of Glamour or would I find that these crimes have haunted his entire life the East End is a dark place and there's a lot of tough neighborhoods me and Vic are 30 years apart but both being amers I'm hoping we're going to have something in common I'm going to try and get inside his head but I'm not sure I'm going to like what I see he's the kind of character I get asked to play in films but this is my chance to meet The Real [Music] McCoy he believed in hitting him hard and hitting him fast and he's got a rap sheet as long as my arm prove it from 1974 to 1988 he carried out hundreds of raids on security bands Banks post offices and even a pack nightclub he wasn't the kind to plan big jobs like The Great Train Robbery and he never scooped as much as the legendary Brinks mat job he was all about the smash and grab organized chaos more than organized crime but it led him to spend 21 years in The Slammer I don't want to cross him so I'm going to play it [Music] easy what VI what D mate mate what brings back few memories can he turn in it you don't live any no I would any P then mil [ __ ] years no joking nowadays he doesn't make his money out of crime using his name and reputation he's a legalized debt collector and that reputation is pretty nasty we used to have a little bottle of amonia which is like if I you you there sort of BL you sort for a few days or couple of hours this would be innocent bank tellers even he close his friends know they shouldn't mess with him there is people out there he hasn't got respect for and then people just stay away just totally stay away I don't get frightened too much but if I was one of them I'd be frightened very frightened and I said to him what happened if you get these Heroes to come up to try and stop you he said in his own words I'll blow their [ __ ] head off I always remember what's his name SED him up was Charles bonson you know not the ACT Char but you know Charles bonson in Nick and he he said Rick Rick dark is The Real McCoy he isiv in 1974 at the age of 17 Vic earned his notoriety as the leader of the Sledge game so called because of the way they smashed down the cashier screens of Banks and post offices we just pull up here with a car say four of us will get out no three of us will get out and be a g a driver then all of a sudden we just walk straight across there Sledge ammer the guns walk straight into there when it's the most busiest time take up take down the screens get behind the screens used have big bags at the time then like we come across they show big they like post office bags quite big bags and when we got behind the behind the tills my mate would be the littlest one it I get the door open getting just getting just chucking all the money in the bags yeah that's how we do so we didn't really give a [ __ ] about anyone who's in there for 5 minutes just clearing out all the money then we just come straight out of here get back in the cars and drive off in and out 5 minutes yeah that's it that was it every till would have 10 grand behind it and they'd pick the busiest times to crash in nobody move surprises me that you obviously look going in there when when it's uh when it's you know when it's the most busy you know I would have thought you'd wait for it to calm down but obviously it makes sense because that's when the most do here obviously there will be guns firing everywhere warning shots over people's heads Panic all over the place what they didn't like the robbery squads cuz we were so young we was only like 20 years old obviously we coming into Banks and sorting office like big post offices steaming straight in nicking all the wedge out of it and coming straight they were saying we didn't give a [ __ ] for No One literally we had confrontations with people obviously a few times I mean how many would you keep it to a minimum I mean how many would you do a month a week I mean you you would never do two in a day would you would that be taking a piss three three in a day I was just beginning to see why he got his reputation three lots of innocent people a day terrorized with ammonia sledgehammers and guns not nice these raids went on for 4 years until the law finally caught up with him in 1978 Vic dark was one of the most prolific armed robbers this country has ever seen hundreds of banks security bands and post offices bled and thieved from he's exactly the sort of person you don't want to piss off if you do meet him you better not cross him he's a lovely fell but you don't want to see him flip because if he flipped he might let off one of these like every Workman Vic had his tools people didn't just hand over the cash to him he held them up he intimidated them he pointed load with guns at them and threatened to take their lives if it was big crowds would' use a double barrel shotgun which is like sort of snor off which is like looks the part or if it was like quick robberies like security v b guns with shotguns it was more frightening really so the bigger the crowds like a big salting office it would be like a saw no shotgun to get through the screens would use ammers big sledg ammers obviously the guns I fired off was over people's heads you know so it wasn't at the people I've done martial arts for a long time it's like when they you go just like bang you just make jump really not that obviously once you far g into someone once again you're going to kill him is you I've not gotten with the intention to shoot anyone you know so I'm that's quite clear in the robber's code you don't go and shoot people robber's code or not I can't help thinking that the people at the other end of the gun probably thought their life was over I could see he knew what he was talking about now I've played my fair share of villains in films but didn't really know how it was done he joined me opposite this bank to give me the inside track do you PL up in a little CF up the [ __ ] or I mean what would you do a couple of days before or no what is a lot of people do fall over because what happens they go and plots out a couple of days before all they do they run back to CV TV and they say who's in the area who was here at this time so you're best off what cut the MS before or yeah about a month before yeah 6 weeks and then come back just do a little fly one just one person make sure everything's still the same and then come back they say you do it really would he now be doing anything else differently from the 70s well basically with the sort of same methods B CL helmets or any anything with identity gloves you know sort of like thing leather gloves or anything what you wouldn't leave fingerprints about he's just got to be a little bit more aware of the cameras a little bit aware Ware of like leaving DNA and and obviously you know if you discharge a firearm or anything like that it would go up your nose like resid you what's the different approaches to obviously a bank and uh you know a van there's different approaches to every kind of robbery A banks are sort of solid so you know you're going to go in there might be six or seven tills if if if the safe open but the actual security Vans works on speed you know like the guard gets out Pang you out the back of the vehicle bang you got him straight away or if you're going to take on the big heavy duty when you're going to stop the vein get in the back of the vein or do you know what I mean so it depends it's every every rubber is so different from each one how many people did you go to work with I mean obviously you got people allocated different jobs I mean you got the brains you got the I know the BR I mean how how would it work if you in with the chaps and and like the arm arm rber well type thing you would know who's good at who obviously a very short list of people yeah but if someone's going to have a van and you want to professional person good at the van you you pick him out go on a bit of work with him or if you want to do a big salting office a big post office you you'll be going to work on sort of um you that's how people are good at what they do I knew that Vic had been good at what he'd done but I also knew that the law would eventually caught up with him in total Vic spent 21 years of his life Behind Bars that's more than half his adult life in 1978 he went down for the armed robberies it wasn't his first time inside but it was his first long sentence I've done 4 months from abh I've Done 3 years for stabbing gbh I've done 12 years for a bank fre sting offices in a security van I've been in most prisons around the country mostly up north even penville I was in when I was a kid Albany Parkers Lincoln darham FSE sattin Franklin long Len strange ways Walton bmarsh scrubs wesworth Brixton just keeps going on nearly every nearly every prison in the system but his longest sentence was still to come he gets out in 1986 but it's not long before his addiction to Crime gets him into trouble again and this time it will be the stuff of Legend I just can't get enough I just can't get [Music] enough sometimes it only takes one night one misjudgment and you're facing a 15year sentence the news from itm in the early hours of this morning he and his accomplice both armed with handguns raided a nightclub in ilford and shot the owner who's now in hospital after having surgery I got shot in the hand I got shot in the groin uh and I got Sho through the arm the penthouse nightclub ilford September 1988 it's 3:00 a.m. Vick's brought an accomplice with him to on the job I was bored I I say it all starts on board you know I mean I'm bit triggery bit bored taking on it didn't really matter what I done I could do security Vans Banks sting offices didn't really matter to me up and down could be anything anything where it was money be there I'll go and do it that's what it was about he's born and there's 30 grand in this club Vic and his accomplice get let in the back door by someone on the inside they hide in a back room waiting for a signal to move you sort of standing here all getting ready got the stuff on so put the mask on put just waiting all a sudden then it happens and it you go here we are that means give him 10 minutes to get off the out the Gaff then I'm coming out he gives his accomplice what he thinks is a simple job all he's got to do is get the money and rip the phones out that's all he's got to do yeah anyway it goes bang what I got to do now the first thing I do I got to get everyone under control meaning I got to wrap them all get them all together get them all together wrap them up have the money slip off that's what we're supposed to happen nice and easy well you know what goes on next is unbelievable but his accomplice doesn't get the phones off and the old Bill are called they surround the place there's over 100 punter still in the club Vick's got them lying on the floor but the place is panicked every one's running everywhere there you imagine 120 people running [ __ ] everywhere right so I've got them all down in here it's at this point in the story where we see Vic turn he takes the owner of the club and makes him kneel in the center of the Dance Floor holding a gun to his head the uh Paramount thought that I had is just how helpless I was if they want to kill you they want to kill you I grabbed what might or might not have been the gun and of course it was a gun and it went off actually in my hand I was holding the barrel and when it came down I got shot in the stomach as well you don't feel anything when you get shot in the scuffle the bullet passes through the club owner into the shoulder of Vick's accomplice my mate gets shot the bullet goes through his arm F out of his back right he's like blood spurting everywhere it's like an art I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required there were two injured men but Vic was only concerned about his accomplice not the club manager I lost a lot of blood uh and apparently caused a blood shortage in essics uh and very nearly died David's condition was critical I can't imagine what it must be like to be shot three times Vic wasn't interested though he still had a long night ahead I've got two options take me clothes off put me natural clothes back on walk out no I'll get away or do I have to carry this my mate and get him away so Vic takes his accomplice and Carries him out leaving behind 100 stunned clubbers the wounded owner and all the cash it's been a total disaster but it's not over yet as I'm getting here then right I'm carrying mate now I've got him like this yeah like that so I've got this thing like as a can like that as I go like that a police car goes back yeah just pulls in front of me I haven't got to the car I can't get to the car police car there police car there I I told the copper I said get out get out the car I didn't want the copper I wanted the car to put me mate in the car i' been quickly injured like you know so I just got me mate in the car then I look I thought oh [ __ ] it I took got the copper he got back got to put the copper back in the car then we're off this is the moment that catapulted vi from Armed robber to police hostage take up making him in the eyes of the law one of the most dangerous men in the country the old gen is racing so what you imagine I'm sitting there like that I'm in the car the cop is sitting next to me I've got the gun in his neck like that so as I said to the gee I said to him you [ __ ] drive right and he went right as I going like that to take the gun off his neck to see if the mate was all right there's a loud explosion as he as the explosion went the glass fell out obviously the gun had gone off the police are in Pursuit so Vick points his gun at his cop hostage and gets him to call off the Chase he realizes he's going to have to change cars and they pull into a random side street knock at a door and an Irishman answers he goes in gets the keys comes out instead of taking the keys and walking away he tries to give me the keys but as he tries to give me the keys I can't take the keys got two end GS got hand gun in each hands so s the Irishman looked at me I looked at him and now he's looked at me now he knows you seen the guns I thought so I said right you're coming with me mate hostage number two and unfortunately for Vic the irishman's wife calls the police and tells them what's happened soon he's got the armed response team on his tow I'm heavily out numbered heavy out guns I've got a wounded man is's prop proper on me now right I still will not give up on my mate I mean no one in England has ever took out a Giza a surrounded building is so surrounded by police Vic drops his accomplice at a safe house where he stays hidden he's never caught by the police but for Vic it's a different story the chase is taken out to roal essics the car crashes runs out and hijacks another car they forced a Vietnamese restaurant worker to drive them further did you believe he would kill you I think sometime he might suot me so what I did I turn around went not at them I went bang bang over the top of their heads so like so but I don't know what's happened then all a sudden I see back like yellow flashes you know what I mean obviously they're firing back at me but I wasn't F I wasn't trying to hurt them anyway I was over there so I just dug a big hole got a few plants put them on the Ed and all that load there right now they know I'm in the field they know I'm here somewhere but they don't know where and so I just lay there then they come back through again back through again now this is for nearly 6 hours then all a sudden I get I get a bit P I thought myself I'll get a thing called hypothermia where I'm in the earth is soaking started really shaking you know what I mean and with that Vic had had enough he crawled out of the muddy hole to face the music just over there I stood up and then that was it then I walked out it was about [ __ ] 150 coers that day I'll come out me hands up and then um just know where to go was it really I was F I was bottled in but they said to me when I got back at the police station if I stayed there for another hour they gone they thought I lost me yeah so if I just stayed for another hour I would never got next that night of crime cost Vic a 15E sentence and for his victim it changed his life forever it's a cowardly way and it's a lazy way to just try and pinch what somebody else has got especially I'm running a oneman operation I mean it virtually put me out of business David spent five agonizing weeks in hospital trying to recover from his gunshot wound and I remember when I got home eventually and I couldn't get out the car I couldn't I couldn't lift my leg up and people don't realize these sort of things Vic had shot and injured an innocent person and taken a copper hostage I wasn't surprised he was to have a difficult ride in ja g at the age of 31 Vic started his sentence as a top security category AA prisoner with terrorists and murderers as companions for much of that time Vic was thrown into what they call the blocks in the segregation unit he was on his own for months at a time I've been in segregation units for many years and I've been down there for months and I've been pushed to the limits where a play about with you thir food egg games don't let you out on exercise they just like absolutely push you to the Limit turn the eating off you got you have to sleeping in your clothes putting things in your food so you can't eat it cockroaches or things or anything they can find you know and it's a proper head game in the prison system and if they don't like you you go into the blocks and that's where most of the beatings take place people will be beaten up really bad in the units which I've been beating up quite a few times that me leg I to walk on crutches for nearly I think a month and then I could walk probably for about a year where it might let me ankle with a trunion so basically I've seen brutality done to myself and many other [Music] prisoners I couldn't help thinking that prison isn't meant to be nice for criminals who hold guns to people's heads but it had really affected Vic he told me a story of his friend coming off hunger strike something what really shook me and brought tears to my I was in a place called Full sat I was doing a 15 in and it was an old boy his I to say his name was Ronnie an old boy he was on anger anger strike he'd been on anger strike for about nearly 3 months so you imagine his bag of bones yeah I me this great big screw walking up and doing his door with his dinner and I see him staring there and go in his food and then I see that Ronnie a 63 year old man weighing about seven Stone stand there and eat his food in front of the screw I mean How brave is that I mean it made me I had tears in your eyes mate I mean when you see things like that and you got to the prison system Humanity they don't know the [ __ ] word then don't [ __ ] know the word mate no would you say there it is now the prison system now I mean obviously you haven't been there in a while but um I mean from what you had to deal with and from what it is now I mean what would you say it's worse or no I just think they silly cats who turn around and say um it's easy it's like an all camp in prison yeah for the cat season I mean I talk about the cat who bang up 24 hours a day or they might have their telling now but it don't matter they don't get out their CS I mean I talk about C I was a c a for nearly 10 years so what I'm saying it's close to my heart it's okay for these knobs to get on telly and say oh and say it's an L Camp it's this and that but not not for [Music] K viit dark a bank rber armed to the hill with son of sh shotguns a hostage taker and a man who's done 21 years porridge during that time he'd met some men that are still his M to Day Vick invited me to a barbecue and he's told me these are the real si6 boys yeah so hanging out with rans is one thing but these guys are serious I don't want to end up in a Country Lane you know what I mean see what these boys have got to say unlike Vic most of this lot haven't been inside pleasure to Mee you pleasure to meet you hello mate hello mate I'm a friend of Vick mate how you doing pleasure to meet you good as go thank you I as well good man to meet you mate pleasure all right mate you this is gav inside M prison yeah good you want a be I've got a be thank you very much no no good A bit walk with my camera car 24 day one of your best mes one of mates like since was kids one of the most stest nicest Fells in the world you ever going to meet I actually met him in Mason prison when he serving seven years from slaugh okay and I saying and then we come out and we become good friends and ever since he's been one of the best mats in the world and he's always been there for me yeah and he's been a father figure but he always he's always been an older brother best friend he always has been he's never wanted nothing of Me no always give me true I love him I love you as well it's like being in an episode of The Sopranos they all seem to love Vic but then they've never been at the wrong end of him or his gun well he's just one in them yeah this is Glenn he runs his own steel supplier business funny really since been seen out with him everyone pays me on time made a phone call and the checks in the post but um no it's good really because when I first met Vic the business was probably doing I don't know 78 million year turnover it's up to about 20 million now and you don't do that sort of turnout without people like his name behind you so although ain't got no involvement in the business where we've grown close if anyone ever tries to um like knock me he he's just mentioned his name is enough he don't even have to get on the phone so while they all love him there ain't no doubt about his stature time for me to make me exit up bab yeah the pals are always a different thing you know it's always it's always a whole new a whole new ball game and um you know as soon as I walked in you know the first G just stands up looks me straight in the eye I thought okay what what is this a test it's almost not not Mafia likee but that you know how they sort of they just they've got their circle of people and that's it so what had led VI down the criminal half I've asked him to take you back to the beginning to see where it all began to the East End we're driving through can town and it stir memories for B it breeded a really hard type person cuz it was the dock L they worked in the docks I mean and they was nicking things out the docks good thing about canning San it was it was no like it was very stonch people weren't they in in them days there was our sort of uh you know you know anyone who come from cany most of the jails was filled up with can people be hon with us you know what I mean we was bought up in a thing called the old school you out the granny across the roads you know what I mean you made sure the working you never robbed the workingclass person in your life you stuck up for him throughout his history the East End has been one of the poorest areas of London those living here worked hard to earn their bread however some went further and used crime to get the jam if you look at crime in the East End of London in particular I you you can Define it in some ways as a form of self-help exercise you know it's the people it's the Have Nots trying to be the Habs finding their own way of getting what they need and what they want the courage and resilience of the East Enders was well documented during World War II these people were bombed night after night but however the Germans tried they couldn't break their Spirit as Landon was rebuilt after the war being an eastn gangster was like being a film star you got the best in life there was all the Glamour and all the girls The Craze were at the Forefront of the 60s London underworld they were respected in this part of the world and they were feared everywhere else their communities that are very close that look after themselves that generally come out of poverty quite often they're using their money to help their own this is the code that Vic inherited the basis of the world he operated in he's brought me to his old neighborhood in Laton Stone where he grew up it was like a shop and in here used to be an old junk shop and this used to be me front door it's the worst thing when you're a kid to live be a junk shop you're going to grow up with a [ __ ] chip on your shoulder a you mate and you literally you me man go where' you live I go I live be a junk shot [ __ ] sake you know what I mean we never had a proper B for years you know like if I wanted some shoes or wanted that it was all right everything I think was double our work then and it was at the school yards from his home that Vic met friends that give him his first taste of crime while still in their teens they began by doing jobs on jewelry shops by making holes in the windows who have a big the big metal catapults the big things we used to get the bll bearings the bigger the bll bearing the bigger the hole in the window so like we stood there like that there's a l guys go cool long as it didn't H the silver strip the bells won't go so it's like a bullet and go like the old coat H and get out the dry cleaners you know the th ones that get a knook on it go they call the [ __ ] Jew out the windows all that call little time all these Jew shots was getting knocked out on here cuz obviously looking for G doing Jew window and I remember when I was in that house we had these wardrobes and I stack all me manun out in the wardrobe and I think you know here you are Big T [ __ ] arm robber right and go when I was a kid go [ __ ] my man don't fall she'll kill me what it was like we drive up the road to Posh wed I met this bird right this is where she lived right now you see the difference of the areas this is like this area was like you know what I mean d 25 minutes down the road know it yeah and she lived up here and I went into a house and like I was like [ __ ] hell beautiful house chandeliers and I mean and this is what really catapulted me in one he manage you know what I mean I mean cuz it's look see the area to where we just come from yeah I mean I know it's mad this is me girlfriend ex-girlfriend's ass here theyd come into these areas and I'd realize what money was about then do know what I mean so this is what really really kicked me off you know what I mean yeah I want T it I want some of it yeah I weren't going to get it [ __ ] working at FS so Vic had no choice it was his poverty that had led him to a life of crime so his brother must be a criminal as well then but it turns out nothing could be further from the truth Vic's younger brother Tony is a multi-millionaire he had the same upbringing but made different choices making his fortune out of packaging not robbery he was chasing money at an early age I think I think that was your route you know you was working he was working all weekends weren't you on the railways crafting nut I earning 50 60 quid a weekend and every weekend you just you just just doing the same thing I think enough was enough and you said this is it I want to I want to earn easy money I'm glad really that the brother took the root he did because um I say he made the family proud but we have made us as I said we took different routes and he has made us he's a you know a brilliant businessman and uh he's put a family on the map really what I wanted to know was why Vic hadn't made the same decisions as his younger brother why do you think you took a different path to your brother some brothers not you can't say all brothers are the same no they're totally different you got two two different brothers and he he like you said he's always been good he's been not one of them natural people like I'll cheat him at cards and still win he's just one people whatever I did whatever he's done he's turned the gold being living beyond a junk shop not even having no money we both stries to get where we wanted to be obviously he took the long rout and got him done really like I said I'm proud of him I'm proud of the put work hard and get there normal Working Class People obviously I took shortcuts I decid to go out and take what I wanted and he decided to go the right roots and which is I know I was wrong yeah and I say it to all the kids out there I knew I was wrong what I do then I know I was wrong yeah and be honest if I could change my life tomorrow and be like my brother I would have done it I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth I was born behind a junk shot with Mom and Dad bless him and that's I say but I wen't going to have it I wanted to go different routes my brother took the time he's got here and I love it a bit it's fantastic I couldn't believe the difference between the two perhaps Vic's bad example had been a warning to his younger brother do you want to I want to change the things that I do Vic's moved out of London now and he's trying to make a new life for himself leave the past in the past what could be more different from the toughness of the East End in this sleepy Suburban Village Vic swapped the muck and crime for Ming the grass and tending the Roses life for me has changed so dramatically in this area is mostly like it's a sort of middle class Rich area really um very I suppose Ooty Tooty there so much Greenery and and just wake up in the mornings and it's so nice just to be sort of live really I look out got big trees at the back of my house all swaying around and you know and it's just absolutely lovely just like I would never ever ever move back to London ever again you [Music] know he's also met the love of his life Allison he's completely different to what you think he's going to be he's kind he's gentle he's a gentleman I suppose that's the good quality in a man these days anyway we l didn't I so this is sort of um sometimes found very hard to love someone after so long in prison um but now sort of broke all in barriers down and it's um it's nice to find love it you know so it's nice I wondered what she made of his past speak I truthful I know bits and pieces but I don't know everything I don't really want to know everything some people have said oh what he's done and what he hasn't done and I don't really want to know I've never even read a book or nothing of his at all so it's about now isn't it not the past so I like to make my own mind up about anyone anyway for 20 years 21 years I was W around men so it's nice to come out W around the family again and he absolutely so last thing on my mind is knocking about with gangs or groups of fellas so I'm just I'm milking every minute of it because it's something I Dred about for the last 21 years he tends to be a bit cautious around food as well he doesn't like going to strange places to eat suppose that's effect of been being in prison all them years in prison people had spatting Vic's food he' paid for his crimes then and he was still paying now I could sees pass didn't want to let him go that's what you hear when there's a bug in your car so now I'm going to run this car just say you run a car like this a few years ago the police used surveillance technology to inct Vick she run it round the bottom like that he was acquitted with a conspiracy to murder charge today he doesn't take any chances I got be wher and white I got to be snow white I'm looked at all the time so I've got to be everything's got to be right car insurance your tax everything everything's got to be right everything's got to be paid all the bills got to be paid everything's got to be done you got to be ultra white especially in my situation so more so than anyone on the planet Earth really so this gear here this gear here what's it legal or what no you could buy it from any shop any Spy Shops it's called anti surveillance right so listen we both know you're straight going out now what why would they why would they bug you because they want to because like what it is is just it's people you knock about with so I could be you could be at it and I don't know I could come I can walk up to you you might be do up to say I don't know what you're up to I ain't going to ask you what you're up to I'm not a busy body [ __ ] am I so whatever you're doing could get me in trouble because I don't know what you're doing they think my association with you just because I'm talking to you means I'm guilty of a crime I don't even know about yeah so that's one of the reason why you have got to be careful what you say say like you're in some people's Tellies are bugged literally watch you through the the tell I it's science fiction but it's true so there you are you know you got a bug in the Telly so you you fancy your leg over you can't even have sex in in the front room cam in your Telly watching you yeah literally a couple of days is plotted up right you're never going to be out of that world over over the place no never no never I'm always going to have them on me back like say one what you're up against is one of the biggest firms tasty firms well funded firms probably in the world MI6 Soo the Old National Crime squads you're up against some of the biggest tastiest firms do not underestimate them at any time you know so everything you do you have to watch I had to remind myself why the police might be interested in vic he'd done some pretty serious crimes in his time the Mad thing about doing this this you know meeting Vic is the it's the first time I've actually sort of you know done one of these shows about someone who's from my manner from my area speaks the same way as me has been brought up with the same sort of morals the difference being the thing what you know look listen I know he's game he's a bank robber he's hurt people and you know the fascinating thing for me is this man's done 21 years in prison he spent half his life Behind Bars and it obviously sort of molds you into something you know being incarcerated it also seems it haunts your life forever Vic dark was one of this country's most feared armed robbers he held guns to people's heads but for his crime he did the time 21 years in total while Vic was in prison he had a lot of time to think he told me he wants to write a few wrongs it seems to be a better use of his energy I met up with him in this Snoop to chew the fact he was upset about the number of stabbings in the news and he wanted people to learn from his prison experience I'm look standing and be an hero I'm not going to say kids like follow my footsteps cuz I've been a total disaster I've been banging up for 21 years absolutely AR way there's no winners in this game no winners and the murder squads rate is 99.5 they nearly get everyone so you most of them will get arrested all these young kids so before they do it I just want them to know the [ __ ] misery they're going to cause on both sides of the fence the person who dies and the person who goes to prison cuz the person who goes to prison he's going to get 20 years of H at least the kid whoever happened to he didn't really know about it but the family will so there's two losers in that game there's never One winner no in a million years does anyone win Vic is concerned with the high incidents of suicide in the prison system in prison he made friends with a guy called David croak croak was a convicted murderer and was found hanging in his cell at [ __ ] prison in November 201 7 official investigations into the incident point of suicide with these black Ires being caused by a fall but Vic believes otherwise he's made it his mission to help krog's family we want an inquiry didn't we we want our own people solicitors to interview the prisoners who were there want the names we want our own body to investigate what happened to your dad that's what we want there is going to be inconsistencies did already the reason I do these sort of things is that most people when they get out of prison they forget about the fellow prisoner in back in prison after being in prison for 21 years of my life I can't forget I'm a a a straight goer as they call me and um certain questions and certain people you need to speak to it's it's it's nice to have someone like Vic who's there for you by your side and he's he's he's asking the questions talking to people that you wouldn't normally be able to do and there's a lot of people in the prison systems who are fighting a case who got down on to share to and I'm just speaking on behalf of all my friends and there's a lot more lot lot lot more at the grave side of croak Vic gets a chance to reflect I've lost quite a few friends in prison about 11 friends have died in prison and uh you wake up in the morning and you just think you're numb you just don't understand it it's just a list and list of people I thought about suicide once or twice in me Life in the long prison sentence are done but obviously I fought for it and it is you do you go to the edge and like I say I've pulled myself back you know I see me Mom looking down and just find a life out of me I mean I've seen people intestines out see people cut their wrist in people hanging theirselves I mean it's just a it's just prison is not what you think it is it's a proper horror Factory I just wish I grew up some way different uh I just wish I I just wish well I can't wish I can't wish it's it's happened I can't feel sorry for myself it was plain to see that Vick's time in prison still haunted him today but was it the prison time that he regretted or the crimes that he' done when you look back over the robberies you've done I mean how do you feel you know how how do you feel about it I mean I just I feel a bit guilty for the people I've C man to really I mean yeah I feel you know lot to apologize while I'm on the program sort of only the upset I cost call a lot of people but I done me time and uh I'm not proud of it I've met a man who want around London with a shotgun and a sledgehammer stacking his winnings in his wardrobe and living it up but a man who' lost 21 years shut up in ja who was still haunted by the shadows of his past and felt people were still out to get him I'd found a man whose crimes hadn't paid I dreamed of being a family man over the last 21 years locked up so I got what I want and believe it or not that's what keeps me on a straight now and me family I've got too much to lose now the game's over of [Music] [ __ ] I live across the track baby and I know what it's [Music] like get down baby the [Music] track
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 42,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary 2023, full length documentaries 2023, documentary movies - topic, free documentaries on YouTube, Real stories uk, real stories full documentary 2023, real stories, Britain's underworld, Vic Dark, Danny Dyer, Documentary, Crime investigation, Criminal journey, Deadliest men, Sledge gang, Armed robbery, Law enforcement, Socioeconomic factors, Criminal consequences, Real McCoy, Prison reflection, Criminal psychology
Id: L0Fi1Bufp2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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