From Figma To 3D Website (Using Framer & Spline)

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in this beginner tutorial we will turn a figma design into this fully interactive 3D website by using a super easy 3d tool called spline together with my favorite web design tool framer you'll find all the working files down below now let's go before we get to the fun 3D stuff we have to first convert our figma designs to a framer website now in order to export this I'm just going to select structure and details I'm I'm going to go to the resources menu and search for framer and then I'm going to run the framer plugin and once I run it in the web browser I get this model I'll just hit copy to clipboard now if you do this outside of the web version in the figma app it will just copy automatically when you run the plugin now I'll jump over to framer I will go to my canvas here paste it in on the side you can see that it's uploading figma images now once it's uploaded I'm going to select the navigation I'm going to put it inside of the hero I'm going to change its position to Absolute I'm going to pin it to the left the top and the right 0 0 0 now I'm going to go to my details here to the right I'm going to take this blur copy it and paste it into the hero here I'm going to change the position to Absolute then while moving it and holding down space I'll just move it to the top like this so it's in the top then I go to the next one copy this paste it in here position absolute move it while holding space and the third one copy paste absolute move it while holding space and then the last images I can even drag them just into the frame like this absolute and change the positioning now I can zoom out I'm going to select the structure here go down in the right side bar I'm going to copy this color copy and I'm going to paste it into this desktop frame now I'm going to select the structure copy select desktop and paste if desktop doesn't become a layout automatically you can just hit plus here to make it into a layout then we're going to go to height and set it to fit content now we're not going to make it fully responsive in this tutorial but what we can do is set max width so that it at least doesn't grow infinitely large so I'll just go to the left sidebar here and select all the sections by holding down shift I'm going to go to size Max width I'm going to set it to 1200 PX now I'm going to go and select the structure and change the alignment to Center and that's it for the initial export if I hit publish this is now literally already a website we'll dive deeper into framer later in the tutorial but if you want to become a certified Pro in the tool and create websites in minutes sign up for the weight list to my upcoming Ser to Hero frame course below now however it's time to create our 3D object so let's pop up a new tab and go to spline dodes now if you're not familiar with spline it's basically like figma or framer but for 3D super powerful super easy to use so what you do is if you don't have an account you just create a new account and if you have an account you just log in of course and you create a new project once inside of the project you'll end up in a view like this we're going to remove the rectangle so hit backspace then we'll go back to figma I'll take this little rectangle here we're going to hit Plus on export and just export it as a rectangle and this goes for any kind of shape you want to export from figma it doesn't have to be just a rectangle as long as it's an SVG you're good once exported you can go back to spline pop up your finder window and just drag it onto the canvas now while holding down option and just using my trackpad you can see that I can change the angle here before we do anything else I'm just going to remove the group here so I'll right click in the left side barar and say ungroup then I'm going to remove the rectangle here for the actual group I'm going to take this shape ape here and rename it to cube now we can go to the right sidebar and use the Extrusion option here extrude it by 300 because the size of the cube is 300 by 300 so I want to have the Extrusion as big so it becomes a cube I'm going to go to the corner here and set eight same for bevel and same for bevel sides it will round out the cube a bit then we're going to scroll down a bit and go to material here for color we're going to go in here and change it to a nice blue and I found one that I really like that is 000000 FF it doesn't look very nice right now but believe me it's going to be better so just stick with me here we're then going to go to lighting click on this sh eye icon and Open the Eyes we're going to change this to 80 which is the opacity of the light then we're going to go to the plus here hit plus which gives us a new material for this one we're going to click the drop down and go down to mat cap I'm going to change the mat cap to 75 I'm also going to click here to change the actual image that's used for the Mac cap so I'm going to go from this green one to the blue one going to go out here going to place it below the lighting going to once again use option and trackpad to change the perspective a bit then I'll go to directional light here which is our light source for the scene I'll go to the right sidebar hit four here in the the intensity of the lighting going to disable Shadows so nope we don't want it then from here you can either use these handles to change the lighting however you want it you can also go to the position here and change it from here so let's say minus 150 750 450 maybe something like that but again if you zoom out and you take this handle you can just do it however you want to and yeah you can spend a full day just tweaking lights believe me I've done that in the past now if you click on the canvas you will get these menus here to the right we're going to click on effects enable it then we're going to click this little I icon again on Bloom so open our eyes to bloom wow that looks amazing I'm also going to go to the background color here change to0 70 934 now if we hit play here you can see that we have our amazing Cube now now it's time to create all the different states for our Cube because remember it's going to be animated so I'll select the cube I'll go to States and add a new state going to call this multiply for this one we're going to scroll down and enable cloner we're going to scroll down a bit more change the count to eight going to change the position to 305 which squeezes them together and again I'm going to zoom out a bit and use the option key to kind of tilt it a bit so maybe something like this going to go back to the right sidebar and right click on multiply and duplicate it going to rename it to grow and for this one we're going to scroll down back to the cloner we're going to go to scale y AIS and set this to 1.5 now you can see what happened here we kind of increased the size of all of these clones to make them go in the other direction I'm going to change the position y AIS to one 50 now I'm going to go back up to the base State and for the base State we're going to have a count of one if we zoom out a bit and go back to the top you can now see that all our different states look different base just a cube multiply multiple cubes and grow cubes that have grown but now it's time to animate so I'm going to go to events hit plus I'm going to change from start here to scroll we're going to change the type from steps to scroll Start From Page start at we're just going to leave at zero but end after we're going to change to 1,500 and the reason here is that after some trial and error I think that around 500 represents the full height of one section and we have three sections that we want to scroll through so 1,500 now I'm going to add a transition we're going to click it up we're going to change the first first one to be base the second one is going to be multiply then I'm going to hit plus to add another one that is going to be grow now we're going to hit export and we're going to go to the play settings and disable logo we're going to have no page scroll no orbit no pan No Zoom no soft orbit we're going to have no Zoom when pinching and no page scroll if I hit play and I scroll it works don't live in an amazing time so that's the but now we need to add some Hollywood cameras so I'm going to go back I'm going to hit plus and scroll down to camera click it then we're going to double click it and rename it to Hollywood cam then we're going to go all the way to the right sidebar change from personal camera to Hollywood cam now we're going to start adding States again so I hit plus going to rename this to be multiply I'm going to add another state called grow and for the base State here so if I go back to the base State we only want a cube remember the animation I had just a cube so what we can do is go back to the cube select it and click base State then we'll see just the cube now if we go back to the Hollywood cam we can zoom in here and find something that works I think 0.7 is a good zoom going to tweak it a bit so that it's kind of centered maybe we changed the camera angle a bit by holding down option again something like this perfect now we're going to change to the multiply State and again we're going to go back to the cube and change to multiply back to the Hollywood Cam and we can zoom out a bit maybe change the Tilt change the position something like this maybe 0.35 sounds good maybe here now we're going to select the grow State going to go go back to the cube going to change the state to grow go back to the Hollywood cam zoom out a bit change the position again something like this maybe maybe a bit more up now if we change between states you can see that we have our amazing animations maybe this one is not exactly how we want it maybe a bit more tilted like that and a bit more up like this but here you you can see the different Hollywood cams now we're going to add another event we're going to change it to scroll again scroll Start From Page end after 1500 going to add a transition open it up start from base go to multiply add another one for grow and if we hit play there is our scroll interaction but before we get back to framer to implement it let's add some more life to it it go back I'm going to select the cube right click and group selection we're going to rename it to levitate going to add another state and I'm going to call it levitate and for this state we're going to say minus1 130 we're going to add an event at transition and this time on start it's going to go from base to levitate and it's going to Loop infinitely in a cycle of pingpong now if we play it we have this amazing levitation in every state but I still feel that something's missing I think we want it to slide up as well so let's fix it with levitate selected um again going to right click and group The Selection going to rename it to slide up now I personally like using separate groups for separate animations like this but you could also just add multiple interaction in the events panel and we're going to add another state here going to call it slide up going to go back to the Hollywood Cam and change to the base State go back to slide up actually we're going to open up levitate go back to Cube and change that to base as well then a back to slide up now we're going to go to the right sidebar again I'm going to change the Y position here to minus 1,000 so that it ends up in the bottom of the screen going to hit this lock icon and change the size or the scale to zero and going to change the rotation here to 45 and here to 45 going to right click on slide up and just push these changes to base State then I can just go back to the original state so minus 150 1 in scale zero in rotation and zero in rotation here too going to hit Plus on events it's going to be a start event going to have a transition position open it up it's going to go from base to slide up and now if we hit play it slides up like that how magic is that well it is pretty magic but now it's time to get framer ready for this export so back in the framer document first of all this thing gives me OCD so let's just move that a bit to the left like that looks much better already now on the side here we're going to create a new frame so I'll hit f and create a new frame going to remove the background fill of this Frame going to go to the insert menu and search for embed and grab the embed and drag it in there we're going to select the frame again hit Plus on layout to make it into a stack I'm going to grab this stack right here and drag it onto our desktop frame let's see I dragged it onto the wrong one did I let's see here drag it onto the desktop frame there we go we can actually remove remove these other ones here so details and structure remove now we're going to rename this to scroll container and this will be our scroll area for the scroll animation I'm going to change its width to fill it's height is going to be set to 300 VH I'm going to set it to be position absolute and I'm going to pin it to all the sides except for the bottom going to scroll down a bit and change distribution to start you can see that once we did that this embed component ended up in the top of the scroll container now we're going to select the embed or embed oh potato potato we're going to go to position type set it to Sticky we're going to set the width to fill we're going to set the height to 100 VH this will make sure it covers the whole height of a user screen so let's do it for all of our SE sections actually so I'll go to structure open it up I'll select all of the sections I'll set the height to 100 VH now one super important thing is to go into our scroll container and change the Overflow here to visible the same thing for the desktop scroll down overflow visible if you don't do this the scroll animation will not work so super important now for the structure container I'm going to scroll down and remove the fill because we already have the fill on the desktop I'm going to go to Styles here hit plus add c Index and we're going to set this to two this will make sure that our content is always above the embed element I'm also going to go and open up all our sections I'm going to highlight our blurs I'm going to go to Styles here and set c Index to minus one if you don't see c Index you have to go to to plus and add it I'm going to go and do the same for the images here so c Index minus one now with all of these settings the scroll effect is ready for our grand finale the 3D element but the whole page is looking a bit static you see if we publish it we open it up again it's visually nice but it doesn't feel alive enough so before the grand finale let's just add some quick animation to the text Fields so we're going to go back we're going to select our heading go to effects hit plus scroll animation layer and View Center replay yes then we're going to click on enter here we're going to make a custom animation so I'll set it to opacity one just so that we can see what we're doing going to change it to 3D then we have 24 on the x-axis minus 24 on the y- axis and a 24 in the offset on the y- axis so it kind of slides up in this 3D manner I'm going to change it back to opacity zero then we're change the spring curve here the spring transition to 240 24 in damping 2.4 in mass and 0.1 in delay I'm going to go to the effect here in the right copy it by right clicking then I'll select this and this element right click paste paste effects now if we play it we have this cool looking animation going to go back going to select just one of these copy the effect again and now I can just take every one of our elements here so just select the elements in our other section paste effects do the same for this one paste effects do the same for this one going to Target all of these paste effects and for the last one target all of them right click p paste effects and now if we play it as we scroll into the sections we get this amazing thing but I think I forgot something here let's try to Target the images as well and paste the effect here too so now if we scroll it looks amazing looks amazing and it looks amazing so with that done with this smoothness let's wrap it all up by jumping into spline again and getting our 3D animation so now back in spline I'll go to export in these settings here I'm going to change to viewer I'm going to change Mouse events to be on global full window we're not going to have any logo now I'll update the viewer can even scroll down a bit here and run a test to see if it's performant and yes it is it looks very green and nice back to export and just copy the embed head back to framer go out of the Prototype view scroll back up select our embed element scroll to the bottom click on HTML and just paste the code in here and hit enter now if we go to publish here update it click on the link we have our animation working smooth like butter again if you want to learn all the tricks I personally use to create websites like this in framer consider signing up to the wait list for my upcoming Z to Hero course on framer in the link down below until the next one have a great life
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 6,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, spline 3d tutorial, spline 3d website, framer tutorial, framer website tutorial, framer animation tutorial, framer scroll animation figma, figma animation, figma animation website, figma web design, figma to website, figma website to framer, 3d animation tutorial, 3d scroll animation figma, spline scroll animation, spline 3d scroll animation, spline framer scroll
Id: 4Byq1fjaUSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.