From Chaos to Calm: Our Moving Story Away from Osaka, Japan to Our New Countryside Location

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you're going to help you make the Box okay packing is one of the most tiring actions you can [Music] do we've moved in the past but this time it's even more difficult because of the extra animal in the [Music] house need no more because we have to pack no more no more guys today no by so I don't bring inent today do you want to pack some books for you no no do you want to bring your animals let's playing here wait Stitch wait almost ah don't take them [Music] out here because we moved quite a lot in the past we had anticipated the pain that was going to come going through our belongings doing procedures to move out and preparing for new environment are really stressful a month before moving we decided to start parking little by little because it takes more time to prepare than we always imagine but somehow I always catch myself doing something other than packing besides packing we had to visit to our new town together because I had some errands to do in preparation to move into the new house the house is very far away so these trips take some effort and planning here she is here she is we always try to make it feel like a small vacation trip and make it more fun it's usually dark and cold by the time we arrive to the area because of the far distance it is a 4-Hour drive without pain Highway tools here one thing that we wanted to do was clean up the house in a preparation for our stuff to arrive whoops blo oh we lost in the really cleaning the floor was a priority so that when our stuff finally come in we can unpack everything in a clean envir [Music] ironment go oh good morning [Music] this time of year is always cloudy and cold but the sun came out so we decided to go for a walk to enjoy the weather have you seen pictures inside the weather changes so quickly in the winter season here but when Blue Skies come out it's best to take advantage of them blue skies after all are what you imagine when you think of the coast we wanted to go to a nearby cafe and enjoy the time [Music] together after delicious treat it was bath time is this lion T shower since there's not hot water at our home yet we have to drive 30 minutes to a sento to take a shower my daughter loves this public bath [Music] y that next day we had a Tak a walk on the shore and I dropped my phone into the ocean where's Mama phone M phone M's phone's like no it more did like a Splat it's like cuz it landed and then it was floating for like a second I thought you just landed like this so then it just went down right away it felt like face first oh really and then it went like this I didn't see that on the waves and then it went it was really sad about losing lots of picture but I can't keep weeping I had applied for a job and I had gotten an View and now the final stop even my daughter feels like we had many things to do [Music] today and it's last place okay my husband had applied for permanent visa and after month of paperwork he had finally received it yay this is huge for me too since his Visa situation is always stressful to renew thankfully we got everything done this trip we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now but there are still some things we need to prepare and lots of coals to make Japanese procedures for everything are so complicated and tiring sometimes my family had also come to help us clean the house because one day cleaning was my daughter around was obviously not enough the help meant a lot for us we also earn Earth some antique Treasures around the house Missy get in there oh no oh no are you tired I'm tired you not that's good tired finally moving day a good thing about using a moving company is that they take care of stuff really carefully they wrap and cover Furniture so that it doesn't get scratched and they work fast it was a rather cheap apart apartment costing only $450 a month at first I thought it had a great view but then came the noise the noise became really terrible and that's erasing the beautiful view especially at night I'm really looking forward to moving to a quiet area if you stack around to the end don't forget to drop a comment and hit the like button thanks for watching
Channel: Kiki in Countryside
Views: 2,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moving Day, Family Vlog, Packing Tips, Cleaning Tips, Moving with Kids, New House, DIY Moving, Moving Company, Family Adventures, moving to japan, Japanese countryside, moving to japan's countryside, ine japan, ine kyoto, kyoto life, living in japan, international marriage japan, half japanese
Id: VdZSNjBr6Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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