From Blender To VRM Tutorial - Full Body & Facial Rigging + Setup - Blender to VTuber Avatar

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so in this video we are going to be riging a vtuber avatar from a scratch so we are going to be applying the Armature we are going to do all the weight pins we are going to make sure it's Rigg properly we are going to do all the shape keys and stuff then we are going to do all of the optimizations and then get it into Unity do all the settings convert it into vrm do all the vrm settings and then convert into a do vrm file to use in a program like VC face or any vtuber program and we are also going to be testing if the vtu model is working and and then we are also going to be testing the so let's get started so first thing first we need to download the vrm addon in order to make sure the rig is working correctly so amateure is the first thing we'll need people usually go for Mio but in my case I use the vrm amateure itself to get a vrm amateure you got to download the vrm plugin if you don't have the vrm plugin just follow along type in vrm blender Aton I'm also going to be giving the link in the description so there you go we got a gith up link I'm going to click on it and then I'm going to download the Aron in my case it's already downloaded so I'm going to cancel so here in blender you're got to go to edit preferences arons install you're going to select the Aron and then install Aron after installing it you're going to type in vrm here and then you got to make sure the Aron is checked now if you press shift a go to Armature and then go to vrm humanoid so we got an Armature here you can go to Armature properties you can go to object data properties viewport display and then check in front now we are going to be making some changes into this Armature the first thing I'm going to do is go to edit mode and delete this root bone over here I'm going to hit delete and then bones so once it's deleted I'm going to align the foot bones first I'm going to press one on my numpad I'm going to go to side mode by pressing three I'm going to grab the toe here I'm going to make sure the xais is turned on I'm going to press G and then Y and then I'm going to press G and then Zed so I think it's looking pretty nice here I'm going to select that start of foot bone and then I'm going to drag it here now I'm going to select the head of the lower leg I'm going to press G and then place it on the knee wow I just rhymed lastly select the upper leg actually I'm going to select the head of the upper leg I'm going to press G and then place it between the thigh and the hip somewhere here okay so now we're going to press one on the numpad to go to front mode I mean front view I'm going to press G move it to the center I'm going to select the knee I'm going to press G and then I'm going to select both of these bones right here I'm going to select both of these bones right here I'm going to press G and move it here I'm going to make sure it's properly aligned and I think the legs are looking pretty good at the moment okay yes it's working I'm going to press three on the numpad I'm going to select all of these bones here I'm going to press G and then Y and move them on the center okay now I'm going to select this this bone I'm going to place it here this bone going to place somewhere here this bone I'm going to place it right here I'm going to press one to go to the front view yep I'm going to select the head of this bone and move it here and this right here is supposed to be the neck bone so I'm going to select the head of the neckbone and I'm going to make sure it assigned properly to the neck actually these hand bones are annoying at the moment so I'm going to select all of these I'm pressing C I'm pressing C to go to Circle select so I'm going to select all of these I'm going to press G and then X to move them a so I'm going to move the whole neck and the headbone a little backwards yep I think it's looking good here and same for this bone some here this bone too okay nice LS this bone I guess yep so now I'm going to set the neckbone into a right position and then I'm going to select the head of the headbone find again I'm going to press G and then Z and move it somewhere here okay looking pretty nice and these right here are eye bones and these are also necessary and the vrm arure do give us eye bones while the mixo Armature doesn't give us eye bones so this Armature is pretty cool so setting up eye bones is a little bit tricky we need an origin of the eye so we are going to first select An Origin and then we're going to going to place the ey Bones on the origin so I'm going to go select the mesh I'm going to go to edit mode I'm going to select the whole eyeball here I'm going to press dot on the numpad okay and then I'm going to press two or you can go to Edge mode from here I'm going to I'm going to select alt and then click here to select this whole Edge Loop and I'm going to press shift s and cursor to select it and there we go we got a nice origin right here now I'm going to select the left eye bone I'm going to press shift s selection to cursor and boom it's on the correct point now okay so I'm going to press shift C to then I'm going to press shift C to reset the origin to its original position shift C okay I'm going to press one on the numpad to go to front view okay you need to make sure that you save your files I'm going to select all of the arm bones I'm going to press G and then get it to this position nice he uh I'm going to select the the shoulder left shoulder bone I'm going to press G and then X to get it somewhere here okay I'm going to go to front view and I'm going to make sure it's right on the shoulder somewhere here and then I need to press uh and then I'm going to select this corner I'm going to press G and then y it needs to be somewhere here so these are supposed to be color bones okay nice so I'm going to again press one on the numpad and then I'm going to assign some of these bones onto the correct position the r is supposed to be a bit longer so I'm going to scale it okay nice so I'm going to move these bones backwards I'm going to press G and then y. keyboard so now I think the elbow and the shoulder is assigned correctly you need to make sure the elbow is pointing a bit outwards it will be necessary in arm tracking so then I'm going to select the end of the wrist bone G and then X to move it backwards g and then Z to move it on the center then we need to make sure that it snap mode is on and we got to change the mode to volume after that I'm going to select all the thumb bones when I press G boom now if I select end of one bone and press G it's going to be moved to the center because of this option right here I'm going to do this for all the finger bones okay so now it's nicely done what I'm going to do next is select the mesh and then shift select the amateure I'm going to pre I'm going to press contrl p and then I'm going to press with automatic weights it's going to take some time so I'm going to skip the process okay so it's done I'm going to save it and then I'm going to check if it's working correctly um uh yes I think it is working correctly yep fingers yes is yeah so the weight pains are perfect now in my case the model is rather simple but in your case the model might be complex so if the weight p is not going perfectly for your part you can join my Discord server and contact me there and I'll get back to you as soon as possible and help you out okay so I need to show you something so here's the eye bone so as you can see the ibone is moving the whole face what I do is a simple workflow and I'm going to show you to solve this issue right here what you need to do is go to edit mode on the mesh press a to select the whole mesh press a to select all the faces and in the vortex group type in I and here we got i l and I I'm going to select both these groups and press remove and then now if we go onto object mode and select the ibone uh we can see nothing is moving now noise so now I'm going to select the mes again go to edit mode and then I'm going to turn off x-ray I'm going to select the left eye I'm going to I'm going to select the left and right eye and then I'm going to go to the drop- down menu I'm going to click on remove from all groups so once done I'm going to select the left eye I'm going to select the Left Eye vtex Group I'm going to press assign and then same for the right eye and now if you go to pose mode you can see the eye is moving perfectly now okay perfect so let's move on to shape Keys now now so when it comes to shape keys there are two type of groups so first group consist of really really simple shape Keys uh like really simple just for speaking and stuff and then the second group is like really really Advanced and it is much more better so in the second group of shap keys you can track the pupil of your avatar you can track eyebrows you can track the whole mouth and you can basically track everything so I've just created a mini course on shape keys and that is the only course you will need to animate your face without rigging so by watching that c course you'll be able to create amazing shape keys and you'll be able to track eyebrows eyes pupils and every part of the face of your avatar the link of that course is given in the description by accessing Ur from brand new account you can get up to 80% discount as well and it's a really really cheap and mini course so you can learn everything in just 30 minutes I would highly suggest you get that course if you are serious about getting an amazing Bea Avatar rig but I'm also going to be showing you how to create the other group of shape Keys which is used for basic tracking so let's get started on the basic shape Keys first I'm going to hide the amature I'm going to select the mesh and the shape keys I'm going to create a new shape key it's it's called bases and you don't need to touch this one you got to create another shape key I'm going to name it a I'm going to press tab I'm going to select the center face of the lower lip of the Avatar you need to make sure proportional editing is checked and you also got to make make sure connected only is checked I'm going to press G and Zed to move them out downwards I'm going to shrink the circle of proportional editing by using a scroll wheel of my mouse and I think it's looking pretty good here now I'm going to select the lower teeth I'm going to press G and then Z to move them downwards I'm going to select the tongue and I'm going to move it downwards as well and boom I think it's looking good so this is the only WIS me I'm going to be showing you in this video but if you want to get really high quality mouth tracking you can check out the code next shape key I'm going to be creating is an I blink so I'm going to name it blink I'm going to hit tab to go to edit mode I'm going to select the center edge of the top eyet for both eyelids in the course I showed you how to create both ey blinks separately so you can you can also wink but in this video I'm only going to be showing you a single blink so I'm going to press G and then Zed to move them downwards and I think it's looking good here okay nice I'm going to unhide the Armature so now as the model is ready I'm going to be creating a new Unity scene I'm going to be going to Unity Hub and hit new project I'm going to be using 2019.4 31 F1 I'm going to name it project vrm tutorial I'm going to hit create project okay so now the unity scene is loaded next thing you need to do is import the vrm project file I've given the link of that project file in the description you can download it for completely free so once you download the uni vrm Unity package you going to drag it and drop into the asset folder of unity I'm going to hit all and import vrm package is also loaded I'm going to go back to my blender file I'm going to save the file I'm going to press a and I'm going to make sure the arure is highlighted I'm going to go to file external data pack resources then file external data and pack resources and then use files in current directory so once it's done I'm going to go back to my unity and I'm going to create a new folder I'm going to be calling it our vrm Avatar I'm going to go back to the blender file I'm going to go to file export fbx I'm going to go to the folder we just created and we need to do some settings I'm going to show you all of the settings we need to do so change the path mode to copy check embed textures check limit to selected objects and check MPT camera lamp go go to amateure uncheck add Leaf bones I'm going to name it vrm Avatar and then export fpx okay so once it's exported I'm going to hit save I'm going to go to my Unity file and I'm going to let it import once the import is done I'm going to select the file so we need to do some settings here I'm going to go to materials tab you need to change the location to use external materials and then go to rig change animation type to humanoid go to model make sure Legacy blend shape normal is check you do not want to miss this one please and then hit apply I'm going to hit fix now so the model is all black now because it got the textures I'm going to drag it into the sample scene I'm going to double click but right here you can see it's working perfectly except the eyes so in case of eyes I'm going to expand the vrm Avatar I'm going to go to my mesh and as you can see the Cora is transparent in this case I'm going to change the mode to opaque I'm going to do the same for the other one and it's looking all nice right now okay perfect I'm going to hit save so I'm going to create another folder I'm going to name it vtuber and then I'm I'm going to be copying the path after that I'm going to select the fpx file here I'm going to go to vrm UNI vrm export humanoid you got to name the author so it's [Music] m export B the path name your avatar I'm going to be naming it ready okay then I'm I'm going to hit save I'm going to let it load it takes some time okay so there you go we got the Avatar I'm going to drag it into the sample scene as well I'm going to hide the previous fbx file and there we go so now we need to do some settings here you can put any title here I'm going to put ready for the version I'm going to put one uh you can put contact information or reference if you want and you can also assign a thumbnail uh in my case I don't usually do so for the license you can leave it as it is and then I'm going to close it so vrm humanoid description in the Avatar uh I'm going to assign our vrm Avatar in the animator you're also going to assign the Avatar and in the first person you can ignore this one the vrm look at head script script you can ignore this one as well for the vrm look at bone applier uh I'm going to go and expand the left eye and then left eye is already applied and for the right eye it's already applied as well so I can close it I'm going to hit save CR s and then here I'm going to go to blend shapes okay so here as you can see there are a lot of shape Keys uh including the Expressions facial expressions like Joy angry sorrow and fun and and we are also going to be creating eyebrow shape Keys pupil shape keys and all of the facial shape Keys If you happen to buy the course the link of that course is given in the description and once you are done with all of the shape keys I have also shown in the last lecture on how to set up all the shape Keys here but in case if you don't want to get the CO I'm going to show you how to assign the basic shape Keys we got here as well so we are going to go to a and I'm going to assign the a shape key you can check the preview here I'm going to go to Blink and then I'm going to assign the blink shape key okay all nice and ready to go but again I would say these are really basic shape keys and if you really want to get high quality tracking you can get the course by clicking the link in the description and if you create a brand new account on Ur from a new device you can get an 80% discount as well so I'm going to save it I'm going to select the vrm file I'm going to go to vrm I'm going to go to uim vrm export humanoid and then I'm going to hit export you can save it anywhere I'm going to be naming it ready do vrm there you go so hit save and boom just wait for it to be saved okay there you go we got the vrm file ready you can import it into VC face and you can use it as you like so now I'm going to be sharing the test video with you I'm going to be sharing two test videos so one with the basic shape keys and one one with the advanced tracking shape keys that we created and showed you how to create in the course the link of that course is given in the description okay so now we're going to test with the basic tracking Let's test with the advanced tracking that we showed you in the course now as you can see the advanced tracking is looking much much better so if you want to make your avatar track like that you can get the course the link of that course is given in the description if you are facing any issues you can contact me on Discord you can also message me on Instagram I'm going to see you in the next video have a great fun
Channel: Moazzam Shah
Views: 2,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moazzam shah, blender, blender 3d, blender rigging, fbx export, unity, vrm, vtuber, vrm tutorial, vtuber tutorial, vtuber avatar tutorial, vrm avatar tutorial, vrchat, vrchat tutorial, vrchat avatar tutorial, blender to vrm, blender to vrm tutorial, blender to vtuber, blender to vtuber tutorial, how to rig avatar from blender to vrm, how to rig avatar from blender to vtuber, how to rig avatar for vrm, how to rig a 3d model for vrm, vtuber blendshapes, vrm blendshapes, rig vrm
Id: vKeORmnbqao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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