From Believing To Knowing | Touré Roberts

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[Music] [Music] jumping right into this word today I feel the Spirit of God I believe this is prophetic for you in this season I believe we're in an interesting season I'll talk about it in just a second while you're standing I'm gonna draw your attention to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and we're gonna read hallelujah I feel the spirit I feel God in this place we're gonna read verse 9 through 16 first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 through 16 I love this this is not an unfamiliar passage of scripture here these words and I'm going to come back and I'm going to kind of break room almost verse by verse these things down as we get into the message for today but it reads but as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love you says in verse 10 but God has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God the Word says for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God it says now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God that we might this is important that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God and the word contains it says these things we also speak to your neighbor speak it these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches comparing or judging spiritual things with spiritual and then the word says but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned it says but he who is spiritual to tell somebody that's me as me as me tell me somebody else say that's you dad dad to you that's you but he who is spiritual judges all things yet he himself is rightly judged by no one it says for who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ I want to talk today from this thought from believing to knowing hallelujah from believing to knowing father I thank you so much for this word God your word is a lamp unto our feet and it's a light into our path that I thank you Lord that this word is gonna align us so that we can be in position for what you're doing in the season in this era and in this moment of the church now god I thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation and inside knowledge and prophecy and got full use of all the gifts of the Spirit to make this message hit home in the hearts and the minds of those you and I thank you Lord God that they will be focused and that their hearts will be open and by the time we're done we'll be better will be powerful will be more edified to walk out what you're doing from this moment we love you we celebrate you and we pray these things in Jesus name Amen amen hallelujah just send the blessing in some way just as you take your seat just just honor someone bless someone if you don't mind hallelujah thank you hallelujah from from believing to knowing I I believe that we're in really an unprecedented era for the people of God and the purposes of God I believe that that we're going to see unimaginable things and sometimes we get taken back because we see unimaginable things that sometimes are negative you don't like like some of these houses of worship being being shot up or things happening on campus we're we're seeing kind of unthinkable things and the negative but but I believe that we're getting ready to see some unthinkable and unimaginable and unprecedented positive and powerful things and I'm seeing it in my own life we're gonna see things that God begins to do through his people for his glory that literally shakes the earth and God is gonna do all of this he's gonna do all these things to let everybody know that no matter what happens he is still on the throne do me a favor tell somebody God is still on the throne he's on the throne of your life he's on the throne of your marriage he's on the throne of your business he's on the throne of your finances he's on the throne of your city he's on the throne and your family God is still on the story I dare you to take five seconds and shout God is still on the throne he's still he's still Steele and God and God will oftentimes do things that prove it see see some of us and I'm trying not to digress because I want to get through this but but some of us don't realize that God is the one who raised up Pharaoh what if God let me make it personal what if God is raising up your enemy is raising up your difficulty what if God is raising up your dilemma because he's about to come through and show every mountain and every obstacle in your life that he is God that no weapon formed against I feel the Spirit of God sometimes God will raise up something to take it down I feel the Lord he'll raise up a strong enemy you'll raise up an obstacle and you're like God where are you and God is saying I'm right behind you I know you can't see me but as soon as that thing gets close I'm gonna take his head off the Goliath was raised up for David and so we gotta learn how to look at an obstacle we gotta learn how to look at the Giant and I believe that we're in a season we're in the time family you got to hear me I believe that God is getting ready to do some crazy things that's why as a believer you've got to be bold that's why it's a believer you got to be full of fakes now it's not a time to start pushing back and start compromising and start going to plan a or plan B C and D now is the time for you to plant your feet on the ground stand up flat-footed open your mouth and decree what God has spoken to you that's the moment that we're in I feel it I can't get off of this because this is the real prophetic part you're getting ready to see it things that eyes haven't seen things that ears haven't heard things that haven't even audible shutter I'm choosing to teach it and I'm not trying not to get lost in this thing but I feel that God is doing something in there maybe if this is just hitting you hard maybe we could just take about six seconds and just worship and just worship and just water and just worship because this family this this this this is for you this is for you this is for you this is your word this is not just her word or his word this is not just your neighbor's word this is your word and I decree by the Spirit of God it's gonna come to pass in your life God's getting ready to do crazy things he's getting ready to do Wow things he's getting ready new awesome things he's getting ready to ship some things he's getting ready to take those who were the tail and break them right back to their rightful position as the hand I hear God saying the last shall be first where my underdogs in God's house I'm looking for the underdog God is getting ready to have you come from the back bring you straight to the front because he's just that type of God if you believe it come on give him glory with me hallelujah for His purposes for his glory God ain't losing he's not failing he is God and every knee is gonna every knee will bow every knee will bow because he is the truth it's not even abhi every knee is gonna bow because I just want to willingly bow the same way I wish I had a good analogy the same way this platform has to hold me that this platform doesn't have an opinion it was created to hold me are you checking what I'm saying that the seats that you're sitting in they don't have an opinion they were created to hold you so people aren't gonna bow because they want to we will but the reality of the truth of who God is is getting rather be manifest that is going to force but what I want to talk about tonight is that is that I want talk about today I think it's night maybe it is you know no hallelujah I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding it's night in some other parts of the world and say anyway anyway just seems just go with me with you what you want to move on how do you just stay focused BT but here is the thing this thing that God is going to do in the earth these things that God is doing that will shake the earth God is going to do through people I don't want to sell you sell you this fantasy in this fairy tale where you can be normal and experience extraordinary things no no no what what God is doing in the earth he's gonna do through his people he's gonna do through what the scripture calls the ekklesia and that was the greek word that was translated churches to ekklesia the called out once this this tribe hallelujah fill it and I'm Sarah to switch it because I want him to be able to do it through you and I want him to be able to do it for you but but there is a tribe that God is raising up in the earth and this is a tribe of people who know who they are that this is a tribe of people who have been tried and refused to deny and will raise up and are ready to even be tried again because they are so convinced in the God that they serve that they won't back down they will not really office it's a special type of person it's a people this is a people who will go from believing ooh to knowing let's talk about the difference between the two let's talk about that for a second to talk different because because you've heard you've heard that believing is awesome and believing is awesome it is awesome there are times when I just believe God I just believe him and and it's wonderful right because when we believe God it it pleases him it please Abraham you know he believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness right and typically when I just believed God there is a space in my belief for an alternative outcome take my time here when I just believe God it is possible for me to believe God but not to have all of my self committed to what I believe oh can I take my time I talked to two or three people come on Denver listen up listen come on Ellie look there are times when I am legitimately believing God but there is a space in my heart for another outcome and I'm too spiritual to say it but but I'm not committed I haven't pushed all of my chips not that any of you gamble I don't know why use that analogy I haven't placed all of my I'm not betting on God fully can I take a moment drive down your street I believe them I you know I'm hopeful about something but but I'm not convinced and there's a difference there's a difference there's a difference there's I'm hopeful I believe it I'm somewhat optimistic but if it didn't come through okay and maybe it's I'm in this if it be your will place right that that's that's believing God but there's another level there's another level and I'll be honest with you this level requires some participation from God himself I'll be honest with you I recently if I might just testify I recently went from believing that something was going to happen to knowing this stuff was going to happen and and and to be honest with you I didn't know that there was another level to my belief as I say is right I thought when I was in the belief zone that I was actually where I needed to be I thought that that was enough I believe I thank God I believe I even kind of like claimed it and in that moment and in that season in that space I actually thought that it was enough but there is another gear and so what happened to me we're gonna go get a lot of the ground to cover but what happened to me was all of a sudden it went from me believing that this wonderful thing was gonna happen to knowing that what I was expecting was gonna happen I got it I got a joke out of painters I got a paint this picture I got a faint hiss Bijlee I went from being optimistic about it which is wonderful and then somehow in my spirit what I was hoping for went beyond what I was expecting but went and became knowledge oh god I II I gotta say this right I gotta say this right it was beyond what I thought was gonna happen or what I really really was convinced it would it went beyond that it became knowledge just as just look at the person next to you there is no doubt in your mind that they are they're wearing what they're wearing you have no doubt you don't even need no faith for that it is knowledge it is truth that's what happened about this thing and the crazy thing is that thing had it still hasn't happened but the way I feel about it is that it has already happened on the inside of me and my friends and I of them and they're saying they'll keep their fingers crossed and all that kind of stuff and that's wonderful because it didn't happen to them but for me that thing that I'm hoping for has already happened it has become my truth it has become knowledge and I'm in a whole nother zone in fact I'm passing happening I'm looking at the outcomes that will take place because it happened that's when you know you've moved from believing to knowing it's when you already see past that thing that you're hoping for and you begin to make plans about what that thing will man affects down the road if that's you if you got a revelation if you're ready to go from believing to knowing do me a favor and celebrate Jesus with me and I'll be honest with you I don't think that I don't think that you could just take anything and make it that I think that the God I think that God gets involved to bring you to that place and that's what I want to talk about that's that's the text that's the text let's go to it really quickly because I believe that the text I believe that the text deals with these awkward and complicated realities that we all face in our walks with God and it deals with times watch this when our natural senses cannot support what God is doing in our lives for the Lord sometimes God cannot wait for your natural senses to catch up to what he is doing Oh hallelujah and our natural senses if we're gonna get into in just a second but our natural senses are what we are luck rely upon to function in the earth and that's wonderful those are gifts from God it's a wonderful thing but sometimes God has to supersede your sight your hearing and your feelings to get you to what he's trying to do in your life because you have to cooperate with it you have to participate with it and so God will say listen I don't care if your eye hasn't seen it I don't care if your ear hasn't heard it I don't care if your heart doesn't believe it I'm gonna manifest I'm gonna show you I feel God let's look at it let's go to let's go to text hey let's go to text and so and so it says but it is written I want you to see the conundrum it says but it is written eye has not seen that is a deficit nor ear her that is a deficit I has not seen take out my eyes ear has not heard plug up my ears nor has it entered into the heart of man take my feelings out the game the things which God has prepared for them okay the conundrum is this that there that God has a reality and it says that the things that God has prepared not is preparing not as getting ready to prepare God has prepared it is settled thy word has settled in heaven it is settled the things that God has prepared the things that are stored up for me exist but the conundrum is no eye has seen can't see it I can't hear it I can't feel it so right there is a conundrum we get excited about that but that's a predicament God has prepared something for me that is reality but the things that I use to measure reality like my sight like my hearing like what I feel have that there is a divide between the reality of God and my perceive realities and Paul is breaking down this to us because he wants to understand that God is not governed by your natural sin sis which means that neither should you be and then he further discusses how this all takes place right so it says for no eye is seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man those things which God has prepared for those who love him just do me a favor and just say God has prepared something for you certainly somebody said God has God has prepared something for you God God has prepared he has prepared something for you hallelujah he has prepared he has prepared before you got here he I love I feel the Lord before you got here he has prepared things for you they are in front of you and that's why you cannot be stuck in the past Paul said forgetting those things that are behind me and reaching forward to those things which are ahead of me I press toward the mark no matter where you are there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more oh this is too much there's more there's more I know I has seen no ear is heard it hasn't into your heart see God can't trust your heart because sometimes your heart doesn't have the capacity to receive what God wants to do in your life sometimes your insides are not big enough to dream with God because oftentimes your heart and your insides have been shaped by by your past experiences by your family by this and that and that's why he's saying no eye is seen you've never seen this before no one has even heard when I'm getting ready to do in your life and your heart don't trust your heart it's too small I'm getting ready to break something out that's bigger than you that's bigger than your city that's bigger than your industry that's bigger than your family something is getting ready to break out in your life that's better than your insides and sometimes that's why the miracle takes so long is because God is stretching your insides oh I feel the Holy Spirit he's your insides I got a you're not ready I know you want it but you're really not ready for it because it's bigger than what you think he said ask of me and I'll give you the nation's and you won't even know how to ask with a little heart and so there will be moments where God has to bypass your ability to see you have to bypass what you have a tendency to look at he has to bypass your hearing you ain't never even heard and I feel God you haven't heard anything like that you you you even your circles as wonderful wonderful as your circles are and we'll talk about that in a second I think even as wonderful as your circles are the conversation is still too long that's why sometimes it just has to be you and God because God is gonna speak to you on a level that is greater and higher than the level that most of the people in your life if you have one person the spouse a best friend if you have one person that can speak to you on a level you're doing well but sometimes even that person will not get it sometimes only you and God will get it because it has to do with your makeup it has to do with your background it has to do with your now and it has to do with your future and only God has the knowledge of all those things no eye is seen no ear is heard neither has a hidden to the heart of man those things that God has prepared for those who love him it says but God has revealed them to us through his spirit so so here is the bypass I'm bypassing your eyes because you haven't seen it I'm bypassing your ears because you you never heard this before and I'm bypassing your heart because your heart can't be trusted anyway and your heart is limited to your experiences right Summa bypass all of that because those things will if you rely upon that exclusively that will keep you from being into what I have already prepared for you in other words there's some things that are done they're done there [Applause] there's some things that are already done Oh hallelujah God is not behind the scenes making it he is not behind the scenes putting it together it has been put together before you got here the moment that you took your first breath it has been placed out there in the universe waiting for times and seasons hallelujah I've argued a number of times I don't know if God has to do anything else I believe that he did it and just set it in motion and just set it in motion and we catch up to what he did and it we said Oh God thank God too much so he bypasses all of that but he still has to get us to somehow participate with what he is doing because he needs us to come into alignment with it in order for it to happen so how does it get us to something that is that transcends our ability to see here and to hold within our hearts how does it get it to us he supersedes and bypasses all of that by the spirit that's one of the greatest gifts that God has given to you and I he's given us his spirit let's read more about the spirit it says but God has revealed he didn't reveal by society didn't reveal by hearing he didn't reveal by heart he revealed by spirit he revealed by spirit he says but God has revealed them to us through his spirit and then it breaks down the spirit it says for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God who spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God for what man knows a thing of a man except the spirit of a man which is in him even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God so the Spirit of God the spirit of God is a searcher of knowledge and truth that our eyes cannot perceive that our ears cannot hear and that our heart cannot hold in other words I am not limited to my natural functions what I'm a believer I have access to something and the whole job of that thing is to search out the mind of God is to search out God's mind that's what the Spirit does and that's why I'll be honest with you I had this encounter just the other night and and I am an avid reader I love books I read a lot of books a lot of business books I read a lot of what you would call self-help books I'm always I want to be better I want to be better and and I was getting ready to read this book and it's a great book and then this this passage popped up on my phone you know because I have a must to like the YouVersion Bible and you can send it up to whether the first of the day comes in someone you probably have that and and I was getting ready to go and search and read this book it was a great book and then his verse pops up and it was looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith and I'm like oh you want me to press into the Lord you know and it's wonderful I'm not I love books and I read books and I encourage you to read them sometimes your best friends are gonna be authors because sometimes they soon to take an offer for author for the season that you're in it's gonna take an author only an author's gonna be able to feed you is gonna be able to stimulate you on the level that you're on so sometimes my best friends I never met them but sometimes my best friends are authors of books are you tracking with me so I love books but sometimes in that moment is the middle of the night and I'm getting ready to read from my often get ready to have communion with an author that I enjoy that verse pops up and says look unto Jesus the author oh I didn't see that the author and finisher of your faith in other words these books are wonderful and you should read them and God can speak to you through authors and through books absolutely wholeness is one of those purpose awakened is one of those very shameless flood I'm sorry and there are a number of other books out there right but right testimony so so but but but sometimes the limitation with those books is that they are not the author and the finisher of your faith so it will help you in one area but it can't help you in all areas and so so for me it was basically saying search out the Lord is basically saying pursue the Spirit because the spirit already knows everything the Spirit leads you into being exposed to the mind thoughts the insides and the insights of God and the insights of God have your future in them and so that's what it says and so and so I want to go a little deeper there just kind of a few thoughts that I want to I want to bring you to as it relates to going into this to this knowing zone to this knowing zone and and as I mentioned before God has to when God is gonna move you from believing to knowing he engages you he gets involved in that process and what he would do and what happened with me is he basically revealed that this is what's gonna happen and really what he's doing when he reveals something to you and God speaks to you what he's doing is he's giving you an opportunity to get pregnant he is providing the seed and if you seize that moment then you will be pregnant and therefore it is just a matter of time before you birth that thing if you do not abort it are you tracking with it I feel that for somebody if you do not abort what I mean by board if you don't let go of it and I'll tell you right now you got to fight to keep what God gives you especially when it's a knowing thing because when it's a knowing thing and I'm going to show you in the text when it's a knowing thing sometimes you will not get a lot of human support oh let me show ya laughing let me show you I want you to look at verse 11 real quick verse 11 says it says mmm-hmm it says for the spirit searches all things yes deep things of God for man knows the things of a man except the spirit of a man which is in him now watch this it says even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God which means that sometimes when the Spirit of God brings you a truth is going to be a lonely truth can I talk to you just for a second it says right there Paul is teaching he's trying to teach us how to go from believing the knowing and to live in it Paul let's say a man let you know right now and nobody gonna get it and if your ability to know that this is my word and this is my truth it's predicated by how many people support you in it you're in trouble it says right there nobody knows except the spirit so you're gonna have to be okay with good people not supporting you with good people not believing in you there's nothing wrong with them it's not bad they are ordained not to know because this is you and God and this is God honing your ability to hear from him to receive knowledge from him and to stand in that knowledge regardless I'm thinking about Noah my wife talked about Noah this weekend last weekend I'm thinking about Noah no one rocked with Noah and his wife probably went along like all right now you better be right no one Rockwood Noah but but he had a word and guess what it wasn't just a belief that the the actions that Noah exhibited and demonstrated in building the ark was not belief level insight that was knowing level insight because it had no I had seen the flood no erat heard the flood it had entered into no one's heart the things that God was preparing and I believe that what God is doing in this era and what God is doing in this earth is gonna require you knowing and God did not ordain your friend - no he didn't say that he says no one knows except the spirit y'all don't share the Holy Ghost hello you have the same Holy Spirit and there can be confirmation but the Holy Spirit deals with us individually he doesn't convict everybody because everybody has various things they need to be everyone has a different thing we need to be convicted for he convicts you that's why this can be sin for one person and not sin for another person y'all not even ready for that because the Holy Spirit convicts that which is not in alignment and but what may be alignment for you may not be alignment for me so it is an individual thing that God has with are you tracking with me that God has with each of us and so and so so that's one thought I want you to know straight off the bat but not everybody's gonna get it and and don't think it's strange see that's the thing I'm trying to move on because we've got a few minutes but bow before but that's the thing we think like oh man no one believes me and then you start second-guessing yourself I almost want to sit down and stage Denver and talk to you and I just want I just want almost like your grandfather just just with a cup of tea and just sit down and talk to you no no this is what happens when we don't get support from people we respect or love and admire we start questioning now I'm a big believer in counsel the Bible says in the multitude of counselors there is safety I believe in all of that but the only counsel you need is what the Holy Spirit has shown and there will always be watch this there will always be some sort of resistance against a no word there all that the most resistance you will have the most resistance you have will be about something that God has called you to do I'm gonna jump around a little bit let's jump down to verse 14 because verse 14 helps us to understand it deals with the conflict that you and I will have while we're trying to rest in this state of knowing because ultimately it's not just getting to that place of knowing but it's coming to that place where you rest in it and there will always be conflict and verse 14 helps us to deal with it and here it makes it plain it says but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so so here is the conflict that arises the cod that the conflict that arises is natural versus spiritual okay the natural first begins with me my eyes don't see it my ears can't perceive it is so that's already so you have a you have a conflict within yourself right there within you before you even get to people who don't get it right there within yourself there will be conflicts and then you'll have people who don't support you and as I mentioned before we oftentimes we need this support and all that kind of stuff or whatever so he's warning us right now I'm gonna let you know now listen the Spirit has gotten store for you things that the eyes haven't seen things that ears have heard it's settled that it's prepared it's settled this is true the spirit is true the spirit is knowledge it will give you all these things but I'm gonna let you know straight up right now there's going to be a battle against it and the battle that will be race against the spiritual is the natural which you and I unfortunately have to deal with both realms so there's going to be an enemy enemy and he wants you to know it and that's why sometimes you can see it so clear sometimes you were full of faith sometimes you're going to knowing and then you go into questioning and the word never changed God didn't move we moved we were a little more spiritual when we were able to perceive what God was saying but but as we leave the spiritual and begin to to go into our natural they could just be you just tired you didn't have to be you're backslidden in some sort of crazy buck wildness you just tired you know when you're tired none of us let me tell you some when I'm tired my wife will tell you tired and hungry don't play with her eh you better throw a piece of meat in that cage or something sprinkle them you know wet him down with a water or something like that it gets crazy when I'm sleepy and I mean well so it's not necessarily that that you're off backsliding in some sort of sin but but sometimes we got to deal with that natural thing we got to deal with that flesh thing is there and what the writer is saying is like yo dude I'm telling you that's gonna be a battle the natural doesn't get it I'm tell you right now if you're in your flesh you're not gonna see it and people who are in their flesh are not gonna see it and that's gonna be the war they don't receive the things of the Spirit for they are spiritually discerned they're spiritually discerned and so so the things that you're called to do will be the areas that these great things and I believe guys comes do great things these will be the areas that attempt to discourage you the most I got this for somebody to and I believe it's gonna make sense like when God is calling you to do something and when you're really truly like on the right track I want you to pay attention to filling warned feeling worn down and discouraged I want you to pay attention to those moments where you believe in God for something I feel it there's some of you in here right now and you you you've been after something and you've been after it for a little while you've been after it for a good little while right and you're tired and you feel almost worn down in your pursuit of it and or discouraged and I just hear God saying be not weary and you're well doing for in due season you're gonna read that there's something about being in that that that that Jesus garden moment where you are you're on the road to destiny but you tired and you're on the road to destiny and you feel like you've given everything that you've got to give to it and you don't have anything else to give to and you're tired and you're so weary that literally you are are are this close to quitting nevertheless there's something on the inside of you and you want to quit but you never quit is that you anybody ever been there before you you wanna quit you think you one day even my quit but you never quit there's something developmentally there's something development why's that happens when you're in when you have taken that thing so far and you've been faithful but now you are weary and you want to quit but somehow someway you don't there's something very very Jesus like that takes place on the inside of you that makes winning worth it and so I just want to talk to somebody and you're weary or you discourage and I was the enemy to your destiny I would try to wear you out too I would try to discourage you too but let me tell you something all you got to do is keep going keep living keep breathing you're gonna outlive discouragement you're gonna outlive weariness you're gonna outlive all of that and it's gonna be in your rear-view I dare you if you are committed to say it I'm not gonna be weary I'm not gonna give up I might be tired but I'm gonna go the last mile into my future do me a favor give God a roar come on give him a roar I'm going all the way not gonna stop it's not all words of God says it's over I feel that for somebody Denver I feel that for you LA I feel that for you I'm telling you it is normal to be weary it is normal to get discouraged it is normal to get frustrated be not wearing it's normal and I'm gonna I want to say this right you get ready to break through something see here's the thing sometimes God wants to teach you that it's not gonna happen by your strength not by might not by power but by God's Spirit so if it's gonna happen by God's Spirit and it's gonna happen by his strength now why would I want to quit because I feel like I don't have any strength sometimes that stretching is just to get you to a point of dependency on your real source I don't want my strength to do it because if my strip does it that I think I didn't I'm not mad when God takes me to the end of my I feel God to the end of my rope to the end of my capabilities to the end of my capacity because when he comes through he's gonna get the glory he's gonna look back and weak and that people might be praising me but I'm gonna know who did it if it had not been for God it was on my side I would not be here here's the last thing I'm gonna say because we got to stop just the last thing I'm gonna say about this and it's in verse 13 Alleluia is in verse 13 so he's talking about knowledge hallelujah he's talking about this knowing that God brings to us God's gonna take some of you and I believe all of you in this season from believing to knowing because epic things are gonna happen it is not a time to shrink back this is not a time to scrap scrap scrap your plans may be refine them and maybe maybe you need to beYOU know and maybe you need to do make them better because maybe you made them with belief and not knowing you understand what I'm saying maybe you need to relook them did I write this through the eyes of belief or did I write this through the eyes of knowing because when I write them to the eyes of knowing I've got levels to this thing I'm already past this thing looking at the next thing I've already claimed victory beyond the deal I feel the Lord I've already claimed victory beyond the vision that's when you know you're not in belief but you're in knowing hallelujah you start making plans over here you start doing deals over here because you've already claimed this because God made it knowledge for you by his Spirit he made it knowledge here's the last thing I want to say what done what are we gonna pray so it transcends my eyes my ears my heart transcends all of that transcends that but it's truth the spirit reveals something that's in the mind of God for me one translation of Jeremiah 29:11 says God says for I know the thoughts I think towards you I love that because that means that that God is thinking about me that means that that God and I love it this is a fun of the thoughts I think towards you thoughts of Shalom and not evil which means that if I ever have an evil thought about my life and about my future didn't come from God it's a lie because the thoughts and the plans and when God thinks about me he's thinking about his thoughts are good there's Shalom there peace and prosperity that's why egative thought is the worst thing that you can have because it is an anti the Antichrist is a negative thought that's Antichrist you know I'm not saying that isn't answered but I'm saying the Antichrist is a negative thought because it's against how Christ sees us are you tracking with me for I know the thoughts that he thinks towards the main thoughts of peace and thoughts thoughts and anyway so God knows there's a knowledge that there's there's he transcends all of our our stuff and he brings us knowledge and he brings us truth and we know that we already understand that people may not get it right in fact they are dein not - it's right there in the work right we know that okay we also know that the natural thing is not gonna happen I'm not going to see the natural the natural will not encourage me in my knowing whether it's an intern a chiral or the natural that's outside of you that's not going to encourage we already know that but then this is kind of interesting because it says these things we also speak these things we also speak we speak and maybe the last thought that I want to leave you with is it is a very is very important to to stimulate and to encourage your posture of knowing for you to speak what you know as if it is truth we got and here this is something you you be careful of what you agree with there's the things that I'm believing God for right now and and some of those things involve other people okay and other people may not have come to the place of knowledge yet and that's okay because remember that's for you have them do it other people right they might be in belief but you're in knowledge and they come to you and say ham just keep my fingers crossed and you can just smile at them but don't agree with them because my fingers are crossed this thing is done signed sealed delivered I've already on to the next thing so so I want you to be careful how you speak about Ogata Philip because it is sinful and dishonouring to talk about something that God told you is truth in a way that would suggest that it is optional I feel the Holy Spirit you got to speak it you have to speak it I wrote something down you got to speak it and one of the reasons you got to speak it is because you have to announce what the spirit realm revealed to you into the realm that it will be manifest in oh you got to get this oh you got it yeah yeah yeah just images the Bible says in the last days your sons and daughters will prophesy to prophesy is to speak forth what God has said it is to align with how God operates he spoke boom and the universe and the solar systems came to be now we as co-creators we have to do the same thing can you imagine if God said well I hope there will be lights I got my fingers crossed about no he spoke from a place of knowledge looking notice he says let there be let there be means that something has already been prepared so I'm just decree that it is allowed to be what it already is [Applause] let there be that's what you have to say I'm not hoping I'm not wishing I'm not believing I'm commanding the universe and I'm saying universe let there be in my life everything that God has promised for my life are you hearing me the universe has to obey me because God is the ruler of the universe and he is the one who has promised what I'm trusting him for if you believe that he is the king of the universe and even everything in the solar system has to bow down to you do me a favor and give God glory it created all this stuff [Music] so so you have to take what the spirit ramp has told you and announce it in the realm where it will be produced I feel the Spirit of God I'm gonna tell their bring forth what God has ordained for my life bring forth the blessing bring forth the miracle break forth the thing that God has set his mind bring it forth let there be let there be you gotta learn how to say a man let it be established when God makes you a promise say thank you and a man let it be established every time you come to church you ought to be looking for God's Word to you and when he speaks a word to you that touches you you say hey man let it be I'm not simply believing anymore now is not a time for believers this is a season for NORs if you are a knower in God's house do me a favor and celebrate your ki I'm not against it I'm not a finger crosser I'm a knower because I have not seen nor ears heard but there are things prepared for me and the only way that I will access them is that I receive God's Word as knowledge its knowledge to me now the things that I'm believing God for and they're not even hopes they're not even wishes their knowledge its truth and I believe that there's some people in this room that God wants to take you about something that he's called you to something that he's promised you Denver la that he wants to move you from believing to knowing and it all happens by the Holy Spirit you and I need the Holy Spirit and some you may have the Holy Spirit but you don't understand the Holy Spirit you have it quiet discern the Holy Spirit's working in your life I want to pray for you if you're here and you feel like that word was for you here and you feel like God was speaking to you I want you to come and meet me at this altar today I want to pray for you and I believe that God's gonna reveal something to you he's gonna reveal something to you that your eyes have not seen but your ears have not heard that your heart doesn't even have the capacity for and I believe that the right here in this atmosphere truth the Holy Spirit is gonna show you something come on Denver come to this altar I see come on LA come to this altar I'm gonna pray something's gonna happen something's gonna happen something's gonna happen thank you Jesus the Holy Spirit the job of the Holy Spirit is to bring you the knowledge of God and the knowledge of God is the true interpretation of your past the knowledge of God is the true reality of the moment that you're standing in and the knowledge of God is the future that he has for you it's all there we need that that's the spirits job is to bring you into knowing that's why the spirit will deliver you from religion and only in religion like religion is bad I'm talking about from being religious spoke at the pastors leaders conference last Thursday about that very thing when the reasons why Jesus was was quite frankly upset with the Pharisees and the Sadducees those are the religious leaders at the time is because they weren't spiritual they had all these rules but could not perceive and so that's what happens when you don't have the spirit you become religious and you become locked down into rules because you're trying to find power through rules instead of the power that the Spirit gives you because it causes you to know all things things that God has freely given to you if that's you and you say you know what I don't i want i want the spirit that that verse ended by saying that we have the mind of christ that's our our portion as believers to have the mind of christ to be able to access the knowledge of god for my life for your life for your future we're not just stumbling around trying to figure out what's gonna happen I believe that our steps are ordered and I believe the Holy Spirit will reveal to us what those steps are I've got so many testimonies in then we got a we got to stop but I just want to pray for you father I thank you so much for what you've done today God for what you've said and God I think I just since loaded you're making a connection with some of your children that you love so much of making a deeper connection you're drawing closer to them God some quite frankly have forgotten about access to the Spirit of God and they were putting their trust in various things and and today there is just this reminder that they are richer than they thought they were that they have more that they're known resourced than they thought they were and father I just pray God that you would open their eyes in fact I pray God even beyond that that they would not rely on their naturai and they would no longer rely on their natural ears even their feelings because I believe that what you're doing is bigger all those things the perspective and everything is shaped by past experiences but you're doing something amazing make the connection make the connection I just want you to repeat after me Heavenly Father I thank you for you love I feel it father I thank you for your word I receive it lord I thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of mine all of my weakness all of my shortcomings all of my failures you placed in his body nailed it to the cross and once and for all put it to death and just as he was raised up free and victorious because I'm in him I'm raised up to with power and victory now lord I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit I receive the Holy Spirit right now the mind of Christ that I might freely know the things that you're saying god I thank you from this day forward I'll walk in a greater dimension of your knowledge I'll trust you and God I thank you that today I'm going from believing to knowing and I will do great things in the earth for your glory nothing can stop me because you're on my side my past is behind me and my future is awesome so I'm on my way in Jesus name Amen amen come on celebrate with me [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 74,050
Rating: 4.8982239 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Id: dQohEi5_X1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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