From $0 to $26 Million Dollars by 28.

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hey everyone me kept here in this video i'm going to show you how i started with zero dollars coming from a broken and divorced immigrant household to turning zero into 26 million dollars of invested money with just myself and my amazing wife lauren you ready for this first i'm gonna take you on a little bit of a journey so you get the full story and then i'm gonna give you the secrets at the end so make sure to stay for the secrets oh and of course this video is sponsored by life insurance you can get in as little as five minutes and two free stocks you can get worth up to sixteen hundred dollars via the link down below let's get started in 2008 i met lauren in paris and in 2009 i moved from south florida to ventura california with no money and no idea what the heck i was going to do so i did what every normal person does i ditched school to play starcraft because rumor had at starcraft 2 was coming out well then i decided i should probably try to make some money so i started at entry-level jobs like hollister and working at jamba juice and eventually worked at red robin and i always figured that you know what eventually i could probably just find one of these darn minimum wage jobs where i could finally love the store and love everything about it and work my way up to be ceo one day but then i realized that's probably much more likely in the 1950s but not so likely in 2009 so i decided college was the answer despite flunking my junior year of high school i got straight a's at junior college so i could transfer to ucla with in-state tuition rates and apply for substantially reduced tuition costs because i got straight a's now that was a grind in itself but i was living in california supporting myself and every bit of money mattered so i did whatever i could to try to just get ahead and graduate college debt-free but in college i realized well while i'm going to college i got four years a smartphone and a laptop there has to be a way to make money and i'm not gonna do the 2009 version of drop shipping or amazon fba aka ebay wholesaling and i wasn't about to be a day trader statistically day trading was just not something that i wanted to start even trying so i decided i needed to do some actual work that had the potential of making me more money with less time and gave me the ability to have a schedule that i wanted to have because well i had meetings all day long on tuesday and thursday called college so i figured hey how about selling real estate which that's convenient because with real estate you can make your own schedule and so this is where boom i realized crap i'm 19 years old and i don't really seem too credible when it comes to selling houses after all i'm 19 and we just came out of the worst financial crisis we've had since the great depression welcome to 2009 and 2010 real estate so i thought well if i got to convince people that now's the right time to buy a house the best thing to do is buy a house myself but i didn't have any money i had nine thousand i guess i didn't have any i had somebody had nine thousand dollars saved up by the time i had my real estate license and i started deciding you know what i should probably buy the house and some of that was probably around three to four thousand dollars of money that i just got lucky yoloing into apple stock and then watching that double over the last you know three years come 2010 2011. got lucky on that timing but hey lauren and i had about nine thousand dollars saved up lauren had been working for a year longer than i had she was working at mrs fields and we thought hey let's buy a house and there are four ways to buy a house when you're getting started number one is you buy a house yourself but that wasn't gonna happen i just got my real estate license and i'm going to college full time and college doesn't pay too well number two you can graduate college with a degree in something that you could then also use at work and then on day one after you graduate college lenders will say hey you graduated college coding or as a software engineer and now you're working at you know some place coding well oh my gosh you qualify with two years of work experience because you went to school for the same thing you're doing now here have a loan but that wasn't gonna work because well i wanted a loan while i was in college so that left option three and option four option three was known as taking out a hard money loan this is basically where you find a really good property like a cheap house you can fix up and flip and you buy it using a hard money loan and you pay an exorbitant amount of fees like three two to three percent in fees plus you pay like nine percent of interest it's ugly but it makes sense if you get a really good deal and i conveniently came across a house in a neighborhood that was a three bedroom two bath and it was totally gutted this neighborhood was like a 450 000 neighborhood and i'm like oh wow this place is listed for 287 500 uh and i think it only needs like 40 to 50 000 of work and i thought to myself i mean it can't be that hard i mean like i i could probably paint and do drywall i mean i've never done it before but like you know there's always youtube which was true back then too uh so i made an offer planning to use a hard money loan and this is called buying a wedge deal or getting a golden ticket because you spend 50k fixing it up well now you're into it for say 300 plus 50 you're into it for 350 but it's in a 450 000 neighborhood which means you kind of got 100 000 in net worth that goes into your pocket so by buying a house that was a fixer-upper we could bump our net worth from eighteen thousand dollars to a hundred grand like day one and then if there was any appreciation on top of that well that would just be bonus and so that's when i realized wait a minute this is a bank of america foreclosure and there are two cash offers on it already how's some doofus 19 year old with 18 000 using half his girlfriend's money gonna buy a house like this for three hundred thousand dollars so i went to bank of america i went to bank of america's lending center and they said kevin because this is a bank of america foreclosure we can actually give you something called an fha 203k loan which means instead of you paying like nine percent interest and paying all these fees you can get a regular 30 year fixed rate loan at a four and a half percent interest rate with three and a half percent down and will even lend you fifty thousand 000 to go fix up the place and if you buy this place you would actually get priority you probably have to pay more they said but you would get priority over a flipper or investor because the us government wants banks to sell houses to people like me not to investors hmm the only catch they said was and this is where the option four comes in remember option three was hard money they're like the only catch is you gotta find somebody that can qualify for the loan because you ain't gonna qualify for it and i'm like okay well how's that gonna work and they're like well kevin good thing is you don't have any debt so you're basically worth a big fat zero which is actually better than a lot of people's situations because a lot of students come in here and they're worth negative fifty thousand dollars and on a monthly basis they're worth like negative five hundred to seven hundred dollars and it's like yeah no you ain't getting the loan but because i didn't have any debt and i had my credit already established on my 18th birthday i walked into wells fargo and got myself a credit card put a nice custom picture of lauren and myself on it anyway credit was established and we didn't have any debt they said hey find a family member you could co-sign with and you could go with this option if you can't find a family member then you could always go with the hard money loan option and you'll still get priority because you're a home buyer and again i still had to pay more than the other people but i ended up finding a family member and ended up making that work so i was able to avoid a hard money loan but i still ended up refinancing the property within about six months and by then the market had extrapolated in value and i ended up making around two hundred thousand dollars in net worth on that property because that property appreciated to 550 000 between the end of when i bought that property and the next year when i refinanced it oh and it's helpful to know by the time that i refinanced property number one i had one year of tax returns as a real estate agent which meant lauren and i could qualify for the loan ourselves and then we would use a year to date income statement for our second year which you can do if you're self-employed and i have to knock on wood like the timing on that was insane that was extremely lucky because there was a big bump in the market but at bare minimum my net worth would have been up a hundred grand so soon after that and soon after the market appreciated i ended up finding another deal and the seller was interested in selling the house for the old values they hadn't realized that values just moved up like 20 in a matter of four months and so this seller ended up also being lauren's elementary school guidance counselor and she remembered lauren and also hated having open houses i met her because for weeks upon weeks i was passing out flyers knocking on doors and holding open houses doing whatever i could to find a fixer-upper to buy and it's kind of like the movie the secret the more effort you put in all of a sudden the more opportunities you get so i took a hundred thousand dollars out of property number one in that refinance and we bought number two off market as a rental without having to move putting 25 down and we paid 384 700 for that property which was in an about 550 000 neighborhood at the time which meant i just got another 100 000 golden ticket and folks this is when the snowball started i got so excited about picking up these golden tickets that i did three open houses a weekend that's friday saturday sunday just to meet clients and tell them about the real estate cycle the beauty about buying deals below market value and all of a sudden people were using me to help them find golden tickets too i really felt like i was willy wonka and i'm like let's go find some more tickets giving out chocolate bars and the sellers that we're also in the community are like hey like if you're helping buyers do those things can you help us prevent us selling a golden ticket because sellers want to keep the value right surprisingly most agents in my area don't fix up properties before they sell them it takes special tricks and special formulas to fix up a house affordably and that gets really complicated and a lot of people are so worried about liability and oh my gosh what if the seller sues me or something goes wrong whatever it created all these opportunities for me to fix up properties instead of other agents and so i got a lot more listings which the more people i sold houses for the more people i bought helped buy houses with the more commissions i got and the more houses i was able to buy so it kind of always like this big cycle of the more i help people buy the more i'm able to buy myself and i use the profits for my business and my goal was if i could buy one house every single year it would mean by the time i'm 39 years old i would have 20 houses and i mean it's you know it'd be kind of ironic keep this in mind too it'd be kind of ironic if i was telling people to buy golden tickets but i wasn't actually trying to buy golden tickets myself but let's be real i don't have an endless amount of money so i can't buy every deal that comes up so you give some golden tickets away and you keep one for yourself every year that was my goal and by the time i was 39 that would mean i have 20 houses and hey that's probably good enough to retire on actually it's very well good enough to retire on and you know this by the way just keep this in mind as a side note if you're thinking about being an agent this is very different from working at some high-end brokerage and partnering with the main broker on a ton of transactions i had to find my own clients so it wasn't like all of a sudden it's like here's a stream of people to work for and i wasn't partnering with you know some heavy hitter agents who were doing ten million dollar deals nope these were three to four to five hundred thousand dollar houses and i had to find every client myself almost every client myself i got some referrals i'd say 95 percent of my clients were my own that i found by passing out flyers doing open houses distributing pumpkins i had to replace the soles on my dress shoes every six months from how many doors i knocked on sometimes even more frequently but that wears you down after a while but anyway i never stopped and so after my first house between 2011 uh and 2012 and my second in 2013 i bought my third in 2014 as a short sale that i found on the market for 425 000 it was also in about a 550 000 neighborhood so you can kind of see inherently a lesson here that if you kind of get used to your market you can look at a property start going um that's cheap like that should be worth more and so i stayed in my radius around 30 minutes of where i live and i just became an expert at these particular kinds of property and that made it a lot easier to help my sellers and buyers and it made it a lot easier for me to identify deals as well and every house i bought i always told myself that i would learn one thing so on that third house i bought i ended up teaching myself how to become a master electrician through youtube let's just say i failed but i ended up hiring an electrician to show me how badly i sucked so i could learn how to do things correctly which that was really cool i feel like now i'm at least decently versed in some electrical aspects uh and then lauren and i bought our fourth property in 2015 which is actually the house we live in now we paid 602 000 for that house and the house was probably worth around 650 at the time this one we got off market and we didn't spend a dime on it when we bought it we just left it as is and i found this one off market because i told all the realtors in my community i want a house in this particular neighborhood honestly i didn't even really want the house lauren wanted it so i told all the neighbor all the realtors i'm like i need this house for lauren help me find one please and sure enough somebody called me they're like hey we know you want a house over here i'm like i'll buy it we met the seller face to face walked through the house after a five minute walk through the house lauren my father-in-law and myself we walked out into the patio lauren's like heavily pregnant and we closed the sliding door we look at each other and we all looked and said buy it buy it buy it we went back in and said all right we'll make you a full price offer now the seller of course naturally said well you know i'm thinking about putting the house on the market uh and so i quickly responded and said well you could do that but if you do that my full price non-contingent offer is gone so you have a bird in hand or you can go for the two in the bush he took my offer i only moved once but moving was uh you know moving sucks so moving only once was cool and because i moved into this place i was able to put less money down which i generally recommend and you know i could have done five percent down but in this one i actually did something known as an 80 10 10 loan this means i put 10 percent down but i don't pay any mortgage insurance because i get a credit line for 10 and then it's as if i put 20 down on the first loan so that was really cool and then i was able to use that credit line to go buy other real estate as i kind of paid that off and drew on it paid it off drew on it it's great in 2016 i bought a short sale that was on the market for 510 000 that cash buyers kept trying to buy but they kept cancelling and the seller said the seller's agent said there's no way i'm selling it to you dude come on you got a loan and i said don't worry about the loan i'll put my deposit on the line and i'll remove my loan contingency well then we get into escrow and uh let's just say the lender found out there was a water leak and drywall was missing and the furnace was broken it was a problem and so the lender said kevin this deal is dead i'm like that's not good for my deposit well i told the lender give me a week and within a week i had the drywall fixed all the water damage removed and a new furnace installed in the seller's property held up the lender and said hey send that appraiser out again and let's just say the lender's jaw dropped thinking dude i can't believe this guy had the balls to go fix up a seller's house just to be able to buy it yep i did though in 2017 i bought house number six on the market and i say on the market as and i bought it from the mls or zillow or redfit if i say off the market it means it's through a you know real like a connection or whatever 2017 i bought a house number six on the market in this house i did a massive renovation and i even did an office edition which that additions are stupid i bought this place for 688 thousand dollars and it was worth 900 000 when i was finished with it in 2018 i bought a house that i ended up flipping which to this day just yesterday i drove by this house and i regret having sold that house that was a great house flipping sucks when you're trying to build a portfolio and it's nice for like oh i just made some quick money on an option sure but all the selling fees and real estate eat away your growth and your portfolio's value i hate selling i hate selling stocks too quite frankly i just hate selling as uh as i like to say i sell real estate i don't sell real estate anyway i bought the place for around 482 000 and sold it for 620. through 2018 my income was exclusively helping people do real estate that's it so from 2010 to 2018 i just help people buy and sell real estate and i use that income to buy my own golden tickets which i bought on average one a year lauren and i mostly saved all the money we made so we would do anything we could to save money and sacrifice ourselves to be able to buy more golden tickets because it's like oh my gosh do we want to buy a 50 000 fancy car or do we want to take that fifty thousand dollars buy a golden ticket that's gonna make us another hundred grand on top of that um so when people like kevin kevin should i buy a tesla model three even though i own a lot of tesla shares i'm like uh no that's stupid that dumb yeah it's a bad idea don't waste your money on cars uh and it's true and then you know i get some people that are like oh but kevin oh but kevin you should buy gold because the dollar might lose value and that's true i hate cash and i hate the dollar too in fact that's exactly why i put all my money into stocks and real estate and at the end of 2018 and throughout 2019 i started sharing my strategies instead of just with people in person where i used to have like three hour coffee shop beatings to teach people about buying wedge deals and buying golden tickets and people are like oh my god this seems genius but how do we start and then it'd take me like weeks and months to to mold people into wedge deal buyers it's not that easy it's not something you could pick up in five minutes but anybody can do it anyway i started sharing my strategies and teaching these tricks and the psychology and the psychology that i use in a real estate investing course that i started selling online uh and later in 2019 my entire formula for my zero eviction record for tenants never had an eviction never planned to have an eviction knock on wood and my rental formula for renovations uh you know how to do exactly the style let's do this don't do this noob versus pro things like that but basically what i started doing is i took my teachings from in person and coffee shops to online and let's just say online pays you more than meeting people at a coffee shop does but this is where you want to be careful because it's easy for people to say oh yeah i got successful doing this and then they sell that idea online but then as soon as they get successful online they don't do that strategy anymore it's kind of like i don't want to give any particular examples here but oh i don't know drop shipping or amazon fba oh yeah look at all this money i made look how easy it is and then they don't do that see the difference with me and i'm not trying to catch shade here just is what it is is i still do what i teach every single day i'd buy cheap real estate that i know will grow my net worth and watch the rest of this story and then let's get into the lessons and the takeaways for you so in 2019 my income started growing as i took my business online and all i did was buy more houses in 2019 i bought three houses i bought house number seven worth uh well four six hundred fifty thousand dollars worth seven hundred seventy five thousand 000 the seller ended up flooding out that house the day before the close of escrow and their insurance company wrote me a big fat check to fix it all up which that was more free real estate house number eight i got for 450 000 in a 630 thousand dollar neighborhood which that house also ended up having a plumbing backup and leak and causing damage which led an insurance company to write me a 40 000 check to fix that place up that was convenient and house number nine i bought for 465 000 worth 640 000. oh and i should say the 650 and the uh 465 i bought on the market on the mls the 450 000 house was an expired listing that was a for sale by owner and i hit the seller up directly in 2020 things changed a bit and we're gonna go even faster here but let's just say my income from youtube and my views and my revenue for my courses went up and often what would happen is i kind of found that for every one person who buys one of my courses they tell like two to three other people to buy the course because they love the value that's in it and they want to share that with other people so that has really helped the course be extremely successful most people start with the zero to millionaire real estate investing course and then they move into like property management or maybe the money in stock course and things like that some people pick up the youtube course i have now but this is also around the time that uh that i started talking looking for other ways to find deals and so recently in 2020 i partnered with this company called deal machine and they make it so that when i'm riding my segway around with my kids and i see a fixer-upper i could take a picture of that house and automatically put that deal into a 12-month follow-up cycle to send that person a postcard and you know this is not the postcard but this is just a postcard uh and this shows up in the mail every single month and it's like oh kevin will buy my house as is oh i'm just trying to find deals off the market and so i'm partnering with deal machine to do that a link down below by the way if you want uh a discount working with them or some free credits but anyway here's what i did in 2020 as my income went up i didn't retire and i didn't stop what i was doing instead and we're gonna speed this one up all right you ready i bought house number 10 for 660 000 on the market worth 8.25 i bought house number 11 for 525 on the market versus worth 700k i bought house number 12 for 450 000 off market from someone this was off market from somebody who knew i did renovations uh this was a great one this was the hoarder house you could type into youtube meet kevin hoarder house and you'll see it and that place is now worth 700 000 house number 13 for 559 on the market worth seven hundred thousand dollars house number fourteen five hundred eighty thousand dollars on the market for seven hundred twenty five thousand dollars so just fyi if people say oh you can't find deals you ain't looking hard enough because i got a lot of deals this year property number 15 is a four unit apartment building now in fairness i got this one off market but you get your off-market connections from actually doing business but anyway i bought this four unit apartment building i bought this property now this one in fairness i got a little lucky in this four unit apartment building i actually bought from lauren's parents which what's insane about that is i inherited their tax basis because if an in-law like if you buy a house from an in-law in california you keep their tax basis because in california usually you'd have a new tax basis so my tax basis is 28 lower than what it should have been and these are huge units they're all like three bedroom four bedroom uh townhouses uh on this property i'll be adding two units and i'll be turning this into a six unit apartment building property 16 i bought for seven hundred fifty thousand dollars from an agent also who knows that i fix stuff up seven hundred fifty thousand dollars this house i'm going to turn into a three unit apartment building by converting the detached garage and another part of the house where there was an add-on down a legal add-on and so i'm going to have three units on that property two guest units and a house property 17 is a 722 000 house i bought on the market probably worth somewhere around 850. property 18 is a 1.33 million dollar beach home that i bought on the market it was uh probably about well let's see they had it listed for 1.5 and i wrote an offer for 170 000 under the listing price nobody else wanted to put pen to paper on it they're just like well i'll verbally pay 1.3 for it or whatever well um i put pen to paper and i got the deal and the day after i got the deal somebody offered me 50 000 to walk away from the deal that'll be a 1.8 million dollar project when it's done probably worth around one five right now until i fix it but anyway i'm in escrow on three more two of them are off market houses that were agents that helped me buy other deals and they're like hey kevin you were fun to work with on those other deals you want to buy this one too that's cool and i'm buying a three unit apartment building that was built in the early 1900s this could be the earliest like well i should say the oldest property i've ever bought it's in downtown and i'll be able to convert this from a three unit building into the original four unit building that it was and i should be able to add two guest units on top of that by turning the garage into a guest unit and then building another guest unit on top of the garage that means we're going to turn a three unit apartment building i paid a million 265 for into a six unit building that's gonna be fun all that added up to well now today because some of these values have gone up substantially like the first ones i bought are not worth 550 anymore they're worth like 6.75 now or seven in some cases anyway all of this adds up to 17 million dollars of real estate and here is the beauty about real estate when the market crashed on march 6th because of the pandemic well it didn't really crash on march 6th it hit bottom on march 23rd but on march 6th the federal reserve and this is why i always make those federal reserve videos people are like oh but kevin why are you making all those federal reserve videos i pay attention to the fed because they make me money okay as soon as the fed came out on a sunday and said yo we're dropping interest rates emergency style i instantly called my lender and said um hello i'd like to refinance property one two three and four and in about three weeks i'd like to refinance property six seven eight and nine and by early april i had over two million dollars of cash that i was able to invest in the stock market right at the bottom of the market i guess you could just look back at my whole life and say i just got really lucky or maybe i just put the effort out there and yeah sometimes you also get lucky my stock portfolio today uh having invested that two million dollars plus other income and growth is now worth over nine million dollars uh and that's how i did it that's how i started with nothing using skills that i learned by buying one stupid fixer-upper and then making mistakes on every single stupid property i bought after that to finally be a little bit less stupid today to teach people on youtube and in my teachable courses how to be a little less stupid when you buy stuff now it's helpful that i also got to partner with lowes and you know we get you know 10 to 15 off at lowe's and i could share that discount with my course members and things like those things are cool but you know it all came from that one stinking first house and as my income grew i just did more of what i was good at and because i bought assets and didn't blow my money as my income grew so did my ability to acquire things now i'm going to give some lessons here some big secrets but i do quickly want to say yeah i kind of have stopped helping other people buy real estate or sell real estate it doesn't make sense right now to do that mostly because i'm trying to buy as many deals as i can myself but i do want to clarify that so there was a transition in 2019 and in 2020 i stopped completely so just to be transparent and this is why when people leave me comments like oh but kevin you're just a real estate agent trying to get people to buy houses that's not really true anymore i'm mostly just doing my own deals okay number one big secret start buy your first property don't be a tenant being a tenant based on my story being a tenant stupid you gotta move in two years i don't care buy a place and then you have a reason to buy another place number two get your money in the stock market while you wait to buy real estate get invested i don't care if your stocks lose money tomorrow or they lose money in a month i'm worried about what your investments are going to do over the next 10 20 years and my belief is we got to stay in the market it doesn't matter what happens when the market crashed in march all i did was buy more now i did make a mistake this year and that was going a little bit too heavy on margin now fortunately margin is about one and a half weeks away from being totally paid off so i will have zero margin debt uh which is a day i'm really looking forward to probably next week we'll see anyway uh when it comes to money focus on your money mentality money mentality means are you putting money into a stupid savings account and wasting money via the opportunity cost of not investing or are you finally realizing that a savings account ain't going to make you safe if anything it's going to make you less safe and getting your money in the market is what's most important investing real estate stocks real estate stocks real estate stocks simple number three get educated on what you're buying if you're clueless about stocks buy an index fund uh you know if you you could go to basket and those are my four favorite index funds separated into the allocations i like or honestly pick your top favorite 30 to 40 companies you could look at my top favorite by going to mattkevin.com1337v11 those are not my top those are my top choices broken down if you're buying real estate become an expert in your market and how do you do that you just go visit a lot of houses you start realizing if you visit 20 houses in your neighborhood or you know within 15 20 minutes of where you live you start realizing like oh that place just hit the market and that looks pretty dang cheap and then you go over and maybe i should write an offer on it then you'll also start learning is your market an appreciation market or is it a cash flow market or is it a mix of both and how do you succeed in those markets how do you succeed in buying single family versus multi-family for example most people overpay for multifamily real estate because they watch one youtube video where somebody you know magically draws together numbers and says oh look you can house sack and make it make sense yeah in some places you can do that but you have to be careful the majority of multi-family home buyers overpay the rule of thumb is if you're buying multi-family by moving ready real estate below market value uh rent value that's the key for multi-family so if you're thinking multi-family you got to get low rents but it should be move and ready fixing up multi-family kind of sucks and there are ways to get really good deals on like duplexes triplexes and four-plexes when they're vacant and fixer-uppers but everything in multifamily is based on rent values rents equal money that's it when it comes to single family you have to use a totally different strategy you buy fixer uppers for cheaper than what it costs to fix them you buy a place for 400 000 it better be worth 550 plus fixed up rule number five and then don't spend more than like 50k on it rule number five get insured people get so freaked out about investing that they panic and they don't get they don't do anything get invested get a landlord insurance policy for your rentals get an umbrella policy for all your rentals worry about an llc once you get over a million dollars my opinion not an attorney not a cpa seek advice from attorney or cpa if you want that kind of advice but that's just my pov get insured and build some wealth and then worry about protecting your wealth then number six realize that every single dollar you spend on stupid crap robs you of investing money like that car example i gave when you spend 45 000 on a car realize that if you divide that by your tax rate you really have to work at your job to earn about 64 000 that's more than the national median income per year and that brings up number seven if you don't have a great job get a great job learn a skill you know i took tests to become a real estate agent a real estate broker a licensed loan officer a licensed lender a licensed contractor a licensed drone pilot yeah there's actually a license for that stupid but anyway uh all of these things and i'm still expanding but all of these things individually are things that you can use to make money maybe not the drone one but anyway the point is you can make money out there there are many ways to make money out there get a skill do matterport 3d scanning learn to code get a six-figure job in norcal after you do a coding bootcamp figure out something you like doing and then milk your job i think there's such this passion of oh let me just you know make a bunch of money real quick and then i could quit my job when on the flip side if you manipulate your job into being something that you could use to help you buy real estate you start loving your job because all of a sudden it's like this job that pays me a salary lets me buy real estate do that for the next 10 to 15 years try to buy a place every year or two and you should be able to retire or you'll end up like me who still works because now it's fun thank you so much for watching check out all the links to weeble two free stocks with them life insurance and of course the amazing courses all linked down below thanks for watching and until next time [Music] you
Channel: Meet Kevin
Views: 430,941
Rating: 4.8777347 out of 5
Keywords: money, getting started, starting at 0, investing, beginner, beginner investing, investing in college, investing in high school, stocks, real estate, housing, buy house, investor
Id: o_wTw2e9NYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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