"Frogs Are Good Luck" Creepypasta

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I grew up in Northern Nevada and I've always had a love for the macaws I dove things interested in ghost stories in the town's folklore I often find myself searching for haunted locations around city or through high school I never found one that was truly haunted and then let me down I began to think that there was nothing in the city that was weird enough for me so after I left high school I went to college in Washington in a town that I thought had much more history to it I'd only learned about the real dark stories of my house town when I came back to visit at the beginning of this summer during vacation I was working the summer at a sushi restaurant that had employed me a few years before I only really got the job because most of my friends were still working there too I was up talking with the sushi crew and they invited me to hang out on the North fifth and talked about life and probably smoked a little North fifth is a street that leads as you would guess out the north side of the town if you follow the nicely paved road out far enough you will come across a cattle guard and the pavement will give way to sand and dirt and rocks the roads are lined with gnarled sagebrush and the kind that grows everywhere in Nevada like cancer I felt like I hadn't seen my friends in ages and I didn't want to spend the night indoors so I agreed to go once the clock struck 9:00 p.m. all five of us busted our asses out of the restaurant and headed up Fifth Street my friend Liam and I were in his cheap following behind Jay Austin and Jays girlfriend Danielle you passed the cattle guard as we were following our friends and Lynne turned to me I hope we don't go out too far his eyes arted around his face almost in a fit of paranoia I had no idea what provoked that statement but I felt like it would lead to something terrifying so I bit down and swallowed the bait why shouldn't we go out too far ghosts I chuckled as I spoke because I was a supernatural junkie there isn't anything like the rush of encountering something that felt like it wasn't totally there we waited in silence for a moment as I watched the weeds past the Jeep while we got deeper and deeper into the desert I'll never forget how my friend looked when he replied like there was a history like there was something out north if that Liam had run into before and never wanted to see again I'll tell you later his voice had turned cold there was only fear present in his words why I probably sounded angry then I wanted admittedly I was irritated and confused at Liam's dodgy attitude they don't like it when you talk about them my head was jumping from thought to thought I was trying to delve into my self-consciousness and remember what my family and friends used to say about the desert my brain never stopped thinking I was coming up with all kinds of monsters in my head after a while I began to think that I wasn't going to get any sleep when I got home time that was par for the course though as a matter of fact my brain was often the cause of my sleep loss and I hated it of course if there wasn't a piece of me that loved the adrenaline from the supernatural paranormal terror I wouldn't have been driving out north if in the middle of the night to begin with I seek it out I love the feeling I don't think I will anymore though a few minutes passed and Liam spoke again just be respectful we're coming out to smoke and talk we won't be destroying anything we should be okay if we are respectful Liam's words confused the hell out of me because I wanted to know exactly what it was that he was talking about of course he wouldn't tell me I wanted to respect his fear as much as possible even if I had to spend the next couple of hours in blind confusion we arrived at a clearing we're out of town and as we got out of the car I heard him mumbling about reservation land and coyotes I was still confused but out of respect to his fear and the realization that he didn't want me to talk about it I didn't say anything the two of us met up with our three other friends and they loaded their pipes as we all began talking a conversation bounced from parties we had been to how life was for us now how the restaurant was doing we talked for maybe 30 minutes before Liam decided to speak up he shivered when he did ah are we on reservation land his body was so cold that his teeth were chattering at least I hope that's what it was he told me the next day that he was terrified and wanted to leave as soon as he asked the question one of our friends Austin spoke up I think so why are you not supposed to be on tribal grounds he was as confused as I was Liam grabbed his hat and pushed down on his scalp oh my god I don't want to be here I don't want to be here names face was hard to see under the black sky the moon was cast behind thick shadowy clouds all we had to light our adventure were a handful of dim stars did you guys see any coyotes on the way here it's important he was leaning up against the door of his Jeep almost as if it was holding him up at this point I was pretty freaked out too I didn't know what was the matter and he wouldn't tell me so I was forced to sit in a cloud of confusion which made me uneasy why came Jays voice out of the driver's seat of his car wait is that frogs name spoke up more or less ignoring Jays question the rest of us sort of chuckled but Liam got excited he turned his ear away from the rest of us to get a better listen no no frogs are good luck they will keep the evil spirits away he said leaning off of his car and now standing the faring image subsided at least a little bit and it seemed like he was enjoying the experience a little more are you talking about skinwalkers is that what you were afraid of nothing let her laugh after figuring out what it was that Lane was so afraid of as he spoke his red locks swung around his neck I don't give a damn about a skinwalker don't worry I won't kill every single one of them if they come and try mess with us Austin patted Liam on the shoulder and the group fell silent - the sound of inhalation and the occasional lighter flick after 10 or so minutes have passed Janie's girlfriend Danielle looked out the front of their car and turn on the lights it wasn't strange because Liam had been randomly turning on his lights when he couldn't handle being in the dark anymore I was thankful because I was growing more uneasy by the minute I wanted to ask exactly what a skinwalker was but I was sure that I didn't want to figure it out after a while Jay turned on his headlights once again and we will shifted our attention to the front of his car after we heard them Yelp standing in the road about 30 feet ahead of us was a single coyote its eyes were dark and unreflective unlike the way animal's eyes usually were this one didn't reflect light from anywhere as a matter of fact they looked almost human but they were devoid of emotion and staring at us it wasn't a blank stare there was intent in it Liam and I had screamed but Austin remained quiet meanwhile Jane Danielle had tightened their grip on each other and Jay was trying to keep Danielle calm see we all knew deep down what the skinwalkers were we knew the stories we've been hearing them since we were little kids according to some people if you find yourself on an Indian Reservation land at night and are causing a ruckus or even just doing something you aren't supposed to be doing they will come out they will crawl from the shadows and peer over hilltops they are subhuman and often come disguised as coyotes vengeful spirits and the only way to know what you're really looking at is to look at its eyes they will never look natural the animals eyes will look flat like a human's there will be very little gloss on them I pulled in a breath and whispered to Liam we need to leave I watched the coyote as he was nodding his head at me and opening his sheep door I slid slowly from the side of Jays car to the door of Limbs Jeep my eyes were fixed on the Coyotes eyes and it followed me it was staring at me I'm blinking as I climbed into the vehicle before I broke eye contact I could have sworn that I saw it smile the sight of his fangs shook me to the core long and sharp they seemed to glow in the night it held and was met with an echo of howling around us the sound of the dogs bellowing everywhere in the canyon twined at my soul it was an evil sound the worst part though was what was just out of sight the lights were my car's bathed the ground in front of us and illuminated the coyote but on the edge of the light my eyes caught multiple pairs of feet there were maybe ten people standing there behind the coyote staying out of the lights of our vehicles the skin was dark it was dark and unnatural like it wasn't really attached to the flesh like it could slip off at any moment the feet then began to move towards us from dark-skinned ankles covered with mud and paint the light slowly illuminated the hunched over figures their needs are scraping from rocks and dirt their legs covered in blood I couldn't bear to see the full figure so I slammed my eyes shut and felt Liam shift his car into reverse Liam backed out of a clearing that we were parked in the trees past us and I was sure that I could see glowing eyes in the shadows the way the legends go when the skinwalkers were in the human form they would have the gaze of a beast their eyes would never match their bodies always shining when they weren't supposed to be when we were backing up quickly dangerously I don't blame Liam fer wanting out he didn't even want him as we broke through the treeline and back into the sagebrush Liam turned the car around in a patch of grass off the side of the road he must have seen an owl fly past because he pointed it out and said that it was good that we left owls are observers they are smart creatures and they know to leave when there is danger so we should leave now is Jay behind us Lemes voice is trembling and his fear was easy to feel I'm sure that mine was too I remember looking back and seeing Jays truck but not before I saw the man standing right behind the Jeep his eyes glowing white skin painted black wearing the skin of a mango coyote he had a sick grin on his face a grin ole never forget his teeth were black and yellow and his body looked like ahnuld root I screamed and ducked under the seat as his handstand against the metal frame there were no words coming from his mouth but we both heard a howling a dark howling coming from out in the darkness Liam knew that it was time to stop asking questions and he slammed on the accelerator for a moment we quit caring about Jay Austin and Danielle we just wanted to get out of there about four miles away from the tree line Liam started to slow down my heart was still beating furiously and I was still huddled in the back seat of Liam's Jeep it's okay we aren't on reservation land anymore we should be okay his voice came slowly through long gasps for air we drove until we reach the pavement and then stopped to wait for Jay a few minutes had passed and we saw his truck crest over the sagebrush behind us my head flashed images of the eyes brooding waiting thinking floating in the trees it was so much darker there than it was here in the city it was darker but there wasn't any less light than where we were it was the air itself that felt dark I parted my ways with Jay Danielle and Austin after I made sure they got back to us safely the ride with Liam was quiet so I tried to break the silence man I thought frogs were good luck I tried to joke with him but Liam didn't respond he just pulled onto the street and drove me home the silence bothered me I felt bad for Liam because he didn't want to be there and yet we talked him into going with us at work he pulled up to my home and we then parted ways the next day we all talked about the experience I still didn't get a lot of information about them so I left work and did a lot of research when I got home about skinwalkers none of the natives wanted to talk about them so it was hard to hear the local stories I did find out some interesting things online though they say that they have all these poisons and dusts that they can use on you or that they can take the shape of anything they've consumed anything that they've consumed they say when you lock eyes with one it attaches itself to you that it'll follow you to your house try and break in they try take you all I can think about is that coyotes eyes they seemed so deadened empty so here I am now my dogs are barking downstairs and there's a banging at my door man I thought frogs were good luck you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 174,007
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Keywords: creepy pasta, creepypasta, Scariest creepypasta, horror, narration, scary, reading, narrator, creepsmcpasta, mrcreepypasta, haunted gaming, creepymcpasta, jumpscare, dramatic reading, audio book, audiobook, Jeff the Killer, slenderman, Ben Drowned, spooky, Short Film (Film Genre), Survival Horror (Media Genre), creepypasta wiki
Id: r8NZ7UYu3BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2015
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