FRIEZA CONFUSING EVERYONE!! | Dragon Ball Super Episode 107-108 Reaction

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oh play roshi I Vegeta them up like thank you BW that run that Quest that all right boom Dragon Ball super episode 7 I want to say maybe a bit more but as always epis will be uncut and edited over the patreon in the description OB if you might do want to check out some super before on YouTube head over to the patreon let's run it up now Revenge f a cunning trap is set okay okay arrenge F meaning like free oh so of what's his name again WS you want all your crimes to be pardoned you have no right to be asking for such a rised especially considering how badly you embarrassed me during our contest with the seven that's true to be fair you are absolutely correct Frost that's his name go do some stretches what if I can accomplish more what do you mean I can throw that despicable Seven's team off balance humiliate them and steer them toward defeat would you pardon me then how would you how would you how would you do thatand of Vengeance huh and how exactly do you plan yeah like how I make sure I'm in this Frame sorry yeah how do you plan on doing that damn okay oh that transition was clean the moment is right I will prove myself most useful to the six how for the sake of my own Endeavors how many do you think are not gone yet are not gone um 40 how many figh oh thank God a toal oh I was close though I said 40 36 oh my that's a lot of Out Boy a lot to keep track of perhaps you would like me to break it down by Universe I would like to hear it to really with Universe 2 at this moment they have six contestants remaining in the ring oh that's pretty impressive to be fair while there are seven survivors from Universe 3 oh okay to study our enemies a little more while we have the benefit of a wider field his abilities are too unknown for Comfort yeah and he see he seemed to like he seemed the he seemed to like really just qu everybody's come across as well like what did he do again he's he knocked legendary uh Cali C no what's her name whatever use his unique body to find out more the fourth Universe has four Fighters remaining okay wait four eight remaining Fighters the six univers is currently tied bro you might got eight Shar thaton with universe is that Piccolo with remaining Fighters the who's is that is that Piccolo but like Universe 6 is Piccolo we ain't even seen him yet did we have we even like spoke to him has he even had a voice yet sharing that honor with Universe 7 and you know what's jarring about Universe 7 two of their Fighters got knocked out because they just got a bit too they uh lack of Judge not lack of Judge what they call it again cocky cuz kin got knocked out for being cocky which [ __ ] know why kin's being cocky Tien got knocked out for oh lowering their guard that's what they did it wasn't it wasn't I mean that's I guess that's another sign of Cockiness right but man the two brothers that you think like like listen you a [ __ ] not [ __ ] but you know what I mean like you me of the weakest out of the bunch of the of the of universe 7 like come on if if Breo was here no man boo needs to car out the show like I'm actually pissed off like it's cool boo didn't come cuz of Frieza but then you could have been like listen Krillin n no listen TN just go and protect the animals with Gohan with go with Goten and and and Trunks you know no one's there you don't need that prize M uh uhma run him up run him up our defensive battle formation may not have lasted for long but they've still employed enough teamwork to be tied for first place I'm starting to see a oh you can hit let's calm down actually win this let's calm down lord beerus cuz beerus you hear the count for the fourth Universe what four yes the grand Minister said they had four but we only saw two in it I count six on their bench which does add up to 10 what's your point where already other two no one's seen the last two waited what I sense them the faint energy of two more Fighters [ __ ] you ain't sensing [ __ ] but we have no idea what they're actually like wait what so they got two what is invisible I have heard it said that the fourth universe is home to many warriors with most unusual abilities at a critical moment they may very well try to Spring something on us yeah see this is why I'd rather be in the fo then cuz if you're telling me I can get an ability run it out man I'm not going to lie if you look could have like any superpower like only one though like you like sh like you might got the Dragon Balls you could make a wish and like what would that wish be for you l I'm just curious I don't know what mine would be I maybe I'll think about that's the end of the video where are the other two fighters is it is it something to worry about Della always plotting sounds like a female name oh that's last of the competing universes still in contention we have the 11th with three three Fighters left right yeah oh wow I can't say I enjoyed that time numerically speaking we're in the worst position my Lord being outnumbered doesn't matter it's quality that's key you're have taken virtually no damage yet we are the that's also very true yeah I can't even lie I don't think we've seen any of them fight man they fully forgot about rabbit man you know I can't even lie they fully just did not did not give a [ __ ] about my man deso that's yeah deso I just heard something again D ra BR back him like he's good God damn but good good um good senses though I guess that comes from your ears see now we should leave because doing anything Justice is sus that is Justice remember your top city is not doing it you're not doing it for justice you're doing this for your Universe damn I'll knock him out before he tries something Justice yo gotcha oh damn what the maybe that's why didn't say his name you're a monster that's crazy yes I am oh right bro Grim bro said yeah run out though his freakish always prevails so wait team 11 if you ain't going to in no time now his body is 100% healed maybe he was never injured you pretended to be helpless I mean it's good strategy to be fair with you a huge dispo bet if I snip them off you'll be able to run even faster yo yo yo top jiram back up your boy diso's clearly having trouble with that one I'll handle it damn why is your voice so deep let's go you see now if I didn't know he fought Goku right I'll be like he ain't really done much for you to call him big boss he ain't really done much but I know he fights Goku but it's just like it's like if I didn't I be like it really done anything though for for for you to really call him big boss like he CH one energy ball you know and then done a pose of it as well cuz what was it he dashed the T I went no I don't think he did that maybe that's me might imag wait is he about to get qu wait who's getting qu wait whoa I'm chatting [ __ ] what I doing sorry at last the big boss steps in I'm look going to lie your ey looks cold oh so you destroyed his thing okay I'm sorry jiren I'm out you're the one I came for anyway right okay okay okay okay some fun show me what you've got bro ra can you do that to anybody po damn damn [Applause] damn was that a beam or a bang a all that from a mere shock wave damn you know Goku's like oh my God I'm getting hard numbers will not be an issue yo a for real that's what I was going to say how am I supposed to conduct my research if you get tossed out from a single attack yeah but you're you're you're you're you're missing the point though bro got C in a single attack that means there are 35 who what to do what to do calm down man up already how are we going to stop him Whoever has the most fighters in the ring when time Runs Out wins so we should focus on weakening the seventh not oh yeah I forgot about that I'm oh [ __ ] yeah when time Runs Out Whoever has the most Fighters left in the ring is ten is is base the winner ah team Lord sh pay attention sir our man is making his move who's your man you good roshi cuz I say you died thinks about being old I just don't have the stamina yeah Frost you look dreadfully weary oh God Frost what the [ __ ] are you doing and why you going for my boy ro oh yeah you need to get the universe seven people don't you oh Master roshi oh damn hold on I'm back from the seven oh please go away please go away you're barely resisting at all old man why is he going is he going off because he's tired I know what you're doing you start by picking off the week that one [ __ ] s your way up to the strongest on our team with trick I don't know if you can say that on YouTube asess as ever damn what is it about the feeble elderly that makes them rattle on so incessant experience maybe I don't know damn oh yes give him the one give him come on how about you trying to ambush my boy go oh BR ra damn damn hesky rule about not killing our foes it's hard to hold back my strength against such delicate flowers you're not even that strong what containment evil containment come on come on what this attack come on trying that again can he do it though cuz I know he's got he ain't got a lot of stamina come on [Music] me I don't know if he did it that didn't happen last time did he do it the exposion didn't happen last time last time we saw a [ __ ] he didn't do it he got the stamina where's Goku Dam it Goku you were literally just on Route where are you I know that I know that fat thing got in the way but like time the older had this trick of his sleeve how naughty said how naughty Man sound freaky Vegeta V you don't know what's going on behind you hold on I admit you almost got me but who would have guessed you still posed such a threat he's not going to go try and do evil containment to the Vegeta is he oh [ __ ] no maybe oh damn so you did you know all along that he was there because I'm not going to lie you got no match with a G like it's not even like you're like the same as Frieza like what what you what can you go through second second base form or something like that Frieza like you're not a technique for sealing away problematic foes that could prove rather useful one of those Senus on standby that old man has reached his limit once he's knocked out be sure to feed him one before he dies ra I mean he's not wrong now then it's time to make your defeat official why is he aiming for the head like he oh [ __ ] ejection is going to sting just please be sure not to die Vegeta Goku are you I was going to say yeah I was going to say like you shot Vegeta don't get the wrong idea I came to crush that repulsive bastard not yeah cuz he he did he did sh at him it's been far too long Vegeta did you two even fight each other I thought you just F Goku too long into this tournament for you to still be in the ring true not the same as when we fought last are you not though Mo you to realize that are you not though please misunderstood completely I mean I've gotten weaker what as a result of my misdeeds in the six Universe being revealed I'd become a fugitive criminal and all that running has sapped my Vigor after that opening Salvo of yours I can barely stand on my feet he's acting one more of your Mighty punches before I've recovered could kill me stop trying to buy time coward yeah he's acting I guess there's no fooling you never underestimate the Wits of a saan ever since our first tournament when you shamed me in battle I've been thinking about something obsessively oh wait he shamed you or Goku shamed you I thought go no oh no right yeah you not did fight because you poisoned Goku and then oh and then Goku got bought back into the tournament because obviously you you po oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the best way to defeat you you're not beating like you're not oh back for more give me a break oh he's got rocks on his ears as well Big Bang Attack oh Big Bang Attack so cold damn damn don't expect your name calling to work just because B's not here yeah he's got [ __ ] in his I'm not going to lie aim for the rocks in his ear could there ever be a more pathetic tag team you certainly enjoy your insults don't you meanwhile I will enjoy beating you within an inch of your life Dam dam yeah bro got scared there I'm all GL they using team up to their V which which I'm not going to lie what all of them should be doing univers kind of got locked down with that ring I've got spacular no don't try and do it again you just won't quit you're not going to be able to do it it's crazy it will be his third time to try it Master roshi no please it's too TR shut up could kill you cuz don't be chatting about advice when you got knocked out the ring for not for for Shar up Shar I don't care about my old sh of a life anymore at least I'll Make It Count tell him I don't need your help evil can't oh my God what I was waiting for why wait what how you could get sealed up instead how how was you how did stay back Vegeta it's a trap heads up dear how did how did you know to reverse it oh my he broke it but I still from when you tried to tr me oh my God there's no way there's no way because of your help I've realized my revenge against Vegeta and that detestable monkey is off of my back wow strongest Warriors what he's called him a monkey freezer bu up because of my own mistake too bad for you you're not going to be able to stop oh my God Goku where are you oh my god what was that was that the last bit of power you could scrape from the barrel oh play roshi I Vegeta [ __ ] them up like thank you blew that run that that go and him I'm sick of you man yeah in so him like the worthless I said her boying Rob bro really just gave up CU your next Frosty this round not him I swear with every fiber of my let him Escape don't let him Escape of he runs and throw that throw that thing off the ring yeah yeah good good good good your mental weakness is an embarrassment you're Tapped Out aren't you old man he is to be fair M and ab I don't even blame you for it I'm not going to lie the fact that the fact that he managed to reverse that and no idea how he's done now you can leave the rest of this to me fair enough fair enough bye M bye RI fair enough now you thought well I can't lie you done better than CR anti and put together I can't even lie so it don't matter it's okay rosi you're in the stands now you're the three Baldi of the B you fought well for an old no roshi did Bits bad rhi yeah roshi did bits impressed thanks to the tenhi did B I can't lie not the fre baldies on the bench is crazy the end for their team you're still beefing in the tournament of power there is no time for relishing victories as each Triumph Qui it's like Goku forgets a situation powerful threat next time on Dragon Ball Super 1 minute one minute it was get out of my way to him standing there like you know what I mean I was [ __ ] all right um might get into the next one right we might as well get into the next one let's go battle rib now oh wait it wasn't subt was that a mutual malevolence ooh okay more Frost and and Ro to get freezer as well I'm down wow you sure got some fight in you huh Universe 2 not fight this is 100% love oh please knock her out defeat you Universe with pure heart please knock her out girl could you know what it be called is there anything more beautiful than a shining maiden's passion it truly is magnificent how she lights up our world of course I promise with all my heart I will not let you down lord is this is she saying this in is she doing this while battling Goku I you my love what the hell pretty love machine gun ra I love man Goku is getting thrown off his game by that lady's weird lovey Goku is still in base form though kind of tickles but passion is indeed a powerful force no it's really not gr is still doing it in second may actually last until the end no don't tell me you're developing a soft spot for that Rian woman maybe I am hey yo oh meanwhile the 11th universe may only have three Fighters left in the ring but each of them is an absolute Powerhouse Justice H oh damn oh yeah you're done you're done that is Justice the simple fact remains this is is a fight among the universes with lower level Mort okay doesn't matter which of them comes out on top nothing is going to change for us why have you made this about yourself you're not even in the [ __ ] ring like like let's not forget it's about the lower levels with the the levels you of the universe you know cuz we're we're we're at the top so we don't have to fight like shut up like no one cares about you you're not fighting so just like I feel like every time he's come on screen he he's that one guy that remember we remember it's the Y universe that are fighting like come on man sit there watching this without having a nervous break down just imagining what it would be like if the F Universe was thrown into the middle of that it's giving me hard palp but not I look at just watching the discussion I think it's high time I found my next and you ain't even gone gold yet Gohan damn but that was only to count it unstable oh you just SP to disguise yourself all the fighters who were still left are top notch are they though going to be easy to pull off I need to find Piccolo and the others to regroup nice is that the guy the in transmission dude not bad Universe 7 in the name of protecting my home the Beautiful Lord hes and the maidens it is my duty to defeat you all right go on Gohan you got this even though he can zip around on that but I feel like you got this yard radians like him are masters of Instant Transmission yeah I can't let my guard down for even a second I agree you know what they say qu qu qu this should be 108 right yeah yeah 108 yeah that's going to be jarring to fight I can't lie yeah that's going to be jarring to fight man and he can just do that unlimitedly yeah that's going to be Anno Gohan's blind spots this jimu fell one to watch if you can hey Jun is that really the best man said hey Goku junor I mean he's got a point man he's so hard to track and I thought dad was good at that move on your feet boy damn wa that one was that his oh my God that was more powerful than I expected only find a way to stop him from hopping around like that come on the poor kid's in trouble come on Gohan around and discombobulated now he just too much there's no way as great potential as a warrior but you are up against the wrong opponent if the condition I'm not saying this guy's weak but there's no way Gohan's going or just too much I would teach you this technique farewell now oh Frieza you seem to be having difficulties a friend of yours I didn't not expect Frieza to pull up and show him how it's done how are you struggling against this run I agree I can't lie it would seem you fail to inherit any of your daddy's skills disappointed as I am say I mean so much for the Great and Powerful San Warrior Race but perhaps this is the opportunity I've been waiting for what do you mean off the pontificating and get to it already hey Frieza why isn't he attacking the other fighter I don't like this you don't think Frieza is planning to turn on Gohan to get him out of the competition no but Frieza wants to why would he take out his own teammate Frieza knows it's a numbers game right there's no doubt in my mind that creeps working some angle plot to use this opportunity for some nefarious purpose but why would he knock out Gohan though nefarious purpose I thought his reason for being here was to obtain Resurrection yeah but yeah even so he could have an ulterior motive I know he said he's joined up with frost and whatever but to the end of the tournament and proves himself the strongest fighter he'll be awarded the Super Dragon Balls true and then he could make a wish far greater than anything that Earth's orbs could possibly fulfill true such as erasing a deity for example oh that's true he must see Gohan as an obstacle to winning this oh I'm not going to that would be cold well get rid of the zenis wish hey freezer if you lay a finger on that kid I will strike you down where you stand yo there's no way I see that your soul is a truly ugly one yeah clapped for the love and peace of the second Universe I shall defeat you both together I prefer to do my fighting oneon-one so you just I'll just sit back and observe until you're done with him so please put on a good show wow my goodness what an Unbecoming universe come on Gohan please cuz I'm not I get I get the transition is annoying but come on like come on it's like the only thing he's got like I feel like you should be able to handle this yeah okay I guess not God damn Gohan it's over it really is it's been my honor to defeat you yo oh Frieza pardon me my hand must have slipped no way what's your problem wait I thought you had said you weren't going to interfere but then I got bored and had a change of heart what anger are you playing dispense with you first the attack read where he's going to go in and anticipate it since I know about your proclivity 4 and over Reliance on instant transmission there's really nothing to it you just got to figure out where he's going to beely stated there's nothing to it okay but how did you know he was going to go up there hey yo yo thank you for the entertainment no Freez yeah don't kill him a he killed him he's disqualified I don't think he's dead I don't think he's dead honestly believe I could make such a foolish mistake I anything that's immediately vital though of course I cannot be held accountable for what happens once he's outside of the Ring of the red Frieza is devilish and I love it for him I am so sorry I know shimu I know don't say another word yeah you but she was right such ugliness I would have never believed that anyone in the cosmos could fight so dirty damn M looking R he looked at you like that you know oh dear why the sour look on your face go she basically saved you back declining to use your false strength you could have turned Super Saiyan and actually put up something of a fight but no no no you wait I'm glad some I'm Frieza I'm glad you said it cuz it gets to the point where it's like okay like you're losing like you're definitely getting punched up why the [ __ ] are you allowing yourself to get punched up I know you Med be like oh he's reserving energy there's no reserving energy when you're getting [ __ ] up like that if if anything worse that's even worse cuz you now your body's damaged and there's no sense of being to cover to heal up the wounds do you get what I'm saying like or or or replenish your stamina like you're getting [ __ ] like just go Super Saiyan go Super Saiyan 2 predict the attack dead him out and what the quicker you do it the quicker you could like now go Gohan's hurt and there's no Piccolo to save him was your time sizing up opponents it is one of the many annoying flaws of your despicable Simeon race I agree understand not not that not not the Simeon race stuff but the flaw of of the sayans I agree ites it doesn't it doesn't make sense like you man are too much you you are too eager to enjoy a battle and too eager to get hurt I I know Sans go stronger every time they almost die but it's like how close do you like how many times you man want to almost die magificent sir it's a privilege to watch you work oh boy oh boy go who's back oh come on what is Rost up to now hey are you out of your M that's not the don't try to be a hero you can't take him you have nothing to worry about Lord cha our intended foe is this house knew it doesn't know when to quit I knew it did he just say and are together to take Frost and myself share a common loathing of the Saiyan race as such we've agreed to join forces oh Gohan please just go om man and just you say to us teaming up on the but I don't think man could even take care of golden I can't even lie so that's what his angle [ __ ] sake save Gohan right away in that fight with Jim because he wanted Gohan to waste his energy how did he waste his energy and his new best friend get beat up so he can get a wish from those Super Dragon Ball anyone who stands in his way I love the way you just keep looking at mirus please be my guest and take the first crack at him well how about that I don't really know what's happening but that's good news for our team forgive my caution but I must make certain that you're truly committed to this Alliance of ours because if you intend to double cross me you are not taking out Frieza is less than complete see now Gohan this is the time for you to like actually just [ __ ] him up I don't even know I don't I don't even know if they you could even [ __ ] him up yeah but at least go Super Saiyan at least do something don't just get hit no okay too latees he can't do it no way hell no freezer you jerk you're enjoying this way too much even if you are I'm not ready to let you oh my Gohan all right cool cool cool cool ra free to still kind of holding his own though I don't even know his name nice oh God he's going Frozen golden not frozen yeah I don't I I don't think you're beaten I don't think you're beaten golden freezer oh God damn it I I don't think you're beting golden freezer golden freezer that bastard really is planning on killing the boy isn't he it's kind of even to okay okay okay yeah you believe him now a it damn damn monster he did it he actually did it honor boy pieza with him on our side the sixth universe is Unstoppable we guaranteed Victory oh Gohan with a little effort you too can reach this level you really think so well maybe not golden what's going on be able to do this 100% freezer oh you can go there as ra you know there's a secret to fighting more efficiently in this form would you like me to teach you yes please do probably already know this there is one more bit of wisdom I'd like to impart and that is you should never trust anyone ever oh oh on what's wrong with you frost of the six wait what wait look he got back up Gohan are you going to be okay so does this mean what I think it does when I took that first attack from you I knew right away oh back as if it were all for show so then I chose to play along oh whatever you had planned well if you had been too dense to figure it out then I would have had no choice but to kill you oh okay you honestly think that I would join forces with a second rate diletant like you you know what yeah yeah a second rate dant how dare you I'm some sort of pathetic Neil fight will you I'll show you byebye a no attacks from outside do it again and the entire six universe will be eliminated I am so profound did they just kill him I don't think I would go that far did they just Blitz him onto what he was up to Frieza would have betrayed us all in a heartbeat that's for sure that was fun we should try to continue working together as we move toward victory with a mischievous you know what Frieza head off on duplicit villain ever really be trusted I mean I thought he was working with Frost the whole time but you know what's right I just don't care about her like even if she is strong it's just the whole Love Stuff I'm like I I I don't care you that sort of malicious attack will never work on me hey yo love is Everlasting how long left seems imperious to Goku's attacks Goku go Super Saiyan just 29 minutes left 29 or even better yet Dragon Ball super yet Goku go God and just qu her up you know what I mean cuz I feel like I feel like continuously fighting for a longer period of time I feel like we drain so much more stamina than you just going God for like 5 minutes and taking them out or not even 5 minutes going God for like a minute because obviously fights fights of this don't even last that long when you think about it going God for like a minute and a half or 30 seconds to a minute and then taking her out is probably a better efficient strategy than fighting for like 2 3 minutes in base form cuz it's just moving all the time you know maybe I'm wrong I don't know but anyway if you guys enjoyed the video leave a like sh to comment on today and I'll catch you man in the bit peace
Channel: Don Townsend
Views: 22,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RY1c0zouFrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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