Friendship with Jesus

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[Music] then I see a little spot on the couch I do sometimes change this up I'm Rebecca jure and I'm going to talk about intimacy or friendship with Jesus with you I think one of the the biggest things that I learned over the years is that Jesus is a human and it's like such a simple really simple truth but I just didn't know I just was like when I got saved and started to following the Lord I just thought that Jesus was like up there like in this like big huge cloudy expanse with a father who's also like this really big spirit thing and they just weren't personal they were like these weird spirits up in the sky somewhere and I think after getting in the word and and really seeking out like God I want to know you I like her teachings and was reading in the Bible that like Jesus actually it was a man and that he actually stayed a man and I think that helped me like know that after the resurrection he he still is a man who still has flesh he still has bones he can still talk and hear me and I think when I realized oh gosh Jesus was a human he actually understands what it's like to be on the earth he knows like you have to sleep and to eat and to have friends who misunderstand him and that he still is like that today it was like oh I'm actually talking to a real person I'm not just talking to a spirit like he has he has human emotions he has human thoughts he is God he's fully God he's fully man but he understands that humanist and I think when I realized I was talking to a human that helped me tremendously to know that like I'm I can actually talk to him and and he gets me and I can cry and I can laugh and I can have all these human emotions and they're not it's not bad and he he can say and sympathize with my weakness Hebrew says and that helped me a ton I think also remembering that we are going to live forever and I hurts my brain to think about to wrong but we're going to live forever and that means that like this is just the start of my friendship with Jesus and I'm going to get to grow in intimacy and friendship in love with him for billions and billions and billions and I think when I realize that like this this part of my life is so special because I get to have faith in my friendship with Jesus and I get to seek him out without actually seeing him and so when I think through that I want that moment when I see Jesus face-to-face for the first time I want to be able to look into his eyes and him to look into mine and for there to be history a friendship and not just like oh so you're Jesus nice to meet you and and for my friendship to start with him they're like I want as much of Jesus on this side of eternity as I can and so if that means that there are times where I stay in on a Tuesday night because I want to dig more into the word and pray and get to know him more then then that that's like just as important as if I were to let go and hang out at a friend's house and watch a movie and develop friendship with them like it's equally as important to me and so it helps me to say yes to him a lot more when I realized like this is for the long haul and this time on earth having friendship with face I won't ever have that in eternity because then I will see him and my face will become sight and so I want to get as much of Jesus on this side of eternity as I can I think the biggest thing that has helped me throughout my entire Christian walk is that he actually loves me even in my weakness and so it's not my sin he he doesn't love my sin but he loves me and he knows that I'm not perfect yet and and he knows that I am pursuing holiness and for bigger words like it's sanctification it's it's learning how to grow more like Jesus and saying no to things that were in my pastor or patterns of behavior that that aren't holy and pursuing it it's like in those moments where maybe I fall back into an old pattern of thinking or like I just wake up in a grumpy mood whatever it is like he still loves me in my weakness and I think when I actually believe that because I still wrestle through that even now there days I'm like gosh do you even like me but when I realize that he he does like he loves me my weakness and that I can come to him about anything and there's not there's no barrier there's no shame there's no there's no blockage or wall in my heart and and then that helps my friendship and my intimacy with him grow because then I'm not just trying to stand at a distance trying to be perfect and trying to say the right things in my quiet time or say the right prayers or do the Christian thing it's like I can be raw and real with him because he loves me no matter what and when I can come to him in my weakness like he really does show me his strength and and I feel his love and our friendship only grows deeper the same was with a friend like being vulnerable with our friends like we can try to be these perfect friends with everybody but it's like those moments when you're nitty gritty where you let your your friends just cry with you or you tell them like the hard stuff you're going through it's the same with Jesus you only grow more in depths and in friendship with him I think one of the things that was hard and it still can be hard sometimes is I I just want to be perfect for Jesus like I want to have my perfect quiet time and when I have my perfect prayers I want on my perfect Bible study plan and I just want to do things to really impress him and to yeah just like she'll look I'm really committed as your friend and that's just not what friendship is like I I don't do that with my earthly friends I would I do that with Jesus there are some times like where I have quiet ends and like Jesus I'm just not feeling it like I feel bored and I have nothing really new to say and and I feel like sometimes those moments or sometimes like the most impactful because I'm just real and and I'm just like okay well I have nothing else to read Lord is anything you want to say because I'm kind of bored right now whereas maybe in years past I just thought have been like gosh I'm a failure like I don't have I'll have my prayers right now and I'm not showing the word that I'd love him and am I really committed and I just doubt like my own value and worth before him and so being able to move past that and just be myself and have real raw moments of the Lord and not come to him trying to be perfect helped me a lot I think we can often like be very stoic couselor because we think he's really stoic and so if I really do believe that he has human emotions and feelings and he's also like the funniest man that ever lived and he's hilarious in his jokes and he he isn't so stoic and serious all the time and so in my friendship with him like I look for ways that Jesus is funny and and then I can like talk to him more because I need his feels maybe a bit more real and I think that helps me a ton is realizing that Jesus isn't like this stow a command in a robe on the throne like he it like he is like the king of kings and he does have a real throne and me probably sometimes wears a robe but it's like he isn't just that like he's also goofy and funny and he has fun things to say and he's fun and he's adventurous and he likes to take risks and when I think through that then I'm then I'm a little bit more relaxed and I don't feel like I have to come to him as a stoic God and I have to think through like how do I talk to like the king of the universe you know instead I'm like I'm going to to Jesus who's my friend [Music] um even I feel like even like the last six months there is this like month or so where I just felt like I feel like I'm in a rut like what is going on and I think for me that the thing that helped was that I just stayed consistent I could get really frustrated or really annoyed with myself I feel like I'm a failure and so instead I was like nope I'm going to still get up every morning even if we don't get through ten pages of the Bible or I don't feel like I'm weeping before the Lord or have this incredible moment of Revelation instead I'm I'm thinking like okay Lord like this still counts like not every time when I meet with a friend for coffee are we having this epic moment where all of a sudden were like me you're the best of friends and we're crying about it like if I think about it in like human terms I'm like oh sometimes you just hang out with friends and it's just normal and you talk about random random fun things and sometimes it's really deep and it's really intentional and so to help me in a I have to remember that Jesus is human and he were just normal and I'm a human and I'm normal and so I'll still just get up though I'll still try to read through the word sometimes I'll just pray in those mornings and sometimes all I'm praying is Jesus help me help me to love you more help me to get you this rat help me to persevere what are you thinking and what are you feeling in this season like what are so maybe some keys that are going to help me get through feeling a little bit bored right now and and sometimes I don't even feel it in the moment but I'll feel it three hours later in a meeting where I'll be like hey this is what I was thinking and I'm like could you just but I'm so thankful because then I remember oh yeah this is a friendship like you can talk to me throughout the day and you're not an ATM machine I'm not just going to get things when I want them it's for growing we're growing and communicating we're growing in friendship and yeah [Music] everybody's friendship with Jesus is going to look different because not all of your friendships on earth are the same like people are different and so the way that I relate to Jesus and maybe talk to him about things is going to be different in your Andy bird or John marker and so I think this is just one way that I do it but it's not the only way [Music] yeah three years I've lived with three Canadians and my house is filled with Canadian property in them
Channel: Fire And Fragrance
Views: 1,656
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: ywam, dts, fire and fragrance, jesus
Id: hHiK3W04pEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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