- [Coyote] Copper red color to-- - [Mario] Oh, oh no. - Almost silver--
- Oh! - [Coyote] Oh, she
got them, Mario. (fox squealing) - [Mario] Gotta
watch these foxes. (tribal music) (country music) - In the past, I
have made the attempt to get up close with a red fox. While filming our epic
Wolverine Episode, I worked alongside
Steve Kroschel who owns and operates a
renowned wildlife sanctuary, that is home to a number
of native Alaskan species, including this
adorable little canine. Nonetheless, getting
a fox to sit still for the cameras is
nearly impossible. Hey, Lupin, come on back here. Today we are on location
at the Everglades Outpost. This rehabilitation facility
provides medical care and treatment to sick
or injured animals. And they currently have a
resident red fox named Swiper who will provide me
with a second chance at getting the sly creature
up close for the cameras. Alright guys, we've seen
this scenario before. Coyote Peterson getting into
an enclosure with a fox. Last time, it didn't go so well. Although the video was
adorable, I didn't manage to get real up close and
personal with the animal. So today, we're gonna
hang out with Swiper. Now he is a rescue,
and from what I'm told, he loves to play. So if you guys are ready,
let's enter and see if we can get up close
finally with a red fox. Hi, Swiper. (gasps) There you are. Alright guys, come on in. Look at you, up on the platform. Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi. Okay, so far so good. I just touched
noses with the fox. Okay, I'm gonna come over here. I just wanna give
Swiper a minute to get acclimated
to me being in here and the cameras being in here. Alright, come on up here. You wanna come up and
play, you wanna hang out? Come on up, come on up. Wow, much, much different
than when we tried to work with the
baby fox in Alaska. I'll give you a
little head scratch. Oh, there we go. Now the red fox is the
largest of the fox species and one of the most widespread
canines in the world. You can find them on
almost every continent. Oh, what do you smell? What do you guys
smell, do I smell good? You wanna get inside my
vest, you wanna get in there? She's very curious right now. I got a little something
up my sleeve too. There's a guarantee
that this episode was gonna go according to plan. Oh, she's trying to eat my hat. Yeah, that's leather, isn't it? (imitates fox squealing) Okay, lets see if we can
get a bell rub going here. Oh, that's nice huh? Look at how handsome
that fox is. Now the red fox, despite
being called the red fox, can come in various
different colors. From this beautiful copper
red color to even white and almost silver.
- Oh, oh. - [Coyote] Oh, she
got them, Mario. - That's not the first
time that's happened. - It happened again. This is a very common thing. Animals, for some reason
love the microphone muffs. And now Swiper has literally
swiped the microphone muff. As you can see, he's got some
other little toys in here. You know what, Swiper, we're
gonna need that back, buddy. We're gonna need that back. It kinda matches your tail. It looks a little silver fox. No, no, don't eat the rubber. Here let me, let me just go
ahead and take that back from. (fox whines) Listen to the
(imitates fox's whine) He's like, that's my toy. (fox whines) He doesn't-- - even know the mic, oh man. - He does not want to give
that microphone fluffy back. Now I would imagine
that he's thinking, okay, maybe it's a squirrel. As we know, red foxes
are incredible hunters, voracious predators. They primarily feast on rodents but even something the size
of a rabbit is fair game. And I have a feeling
that microphone muffs aren't exactly high in protein-- - Oh go get it, get it--
- Aren't exactly high in protein but, oh let
me get it, let me get it. He really does not
wanna give it back. There we go, look
at, let's take a look at the leaping
ability, watch this. Okay, there you go. - [Mario] Are we gonna
just not acknowledge the giant zebra behind you? - [Mark] There's a zebra. - Well, yeah, there's
also a zebra right there. Now we are working today
at the Everglades Outpost which is a wildlife sanctuary for rescued and
rehabilitating animals. And Swiper is actually
one of those animals. Now, Swiper was raised in
captivity but unfortunately, his owner got to the
point where he wasn't able to take care of Swiper any
more and he ended up here. The red fox does
not make a good pet. Now while they are
very gregarious, they will often times scent
mark all over a house, they love to dig, they
love to rip things up. What you guys can't
actually smell through the camera right now is
there is a very distinct musky type odor
in this enclosure. Almost like the musk of
a skunk or a wolverine. Even though foxes are
not related to mustelids, Mark, he's coming up
next to you there. - I see that.
- They do constantly scent mark and it has a very
strong pungent smell here. Definitely not something
that you would want the inside of your
house to smell like. - I'd say like a
tinge of a skunk. - Yeah, it's like a
skunk meets a bad fart, maybe a wet boot. Um, it's okay in the
moment but you definitely wouldn't want your bedroom
smelling like a red fox. Let's see, okay, look
at, look at this Mario. Go ahead and point at Swiper's
tail here, look at the tail. Can I look at your tail? I just want, it's your
tail, it's so bushy. It's the bushiest tail ever. What I love about the
fox is how its tail is almost as fluffy as its body. And in the winter
when it gets cold, as they nestle
down in their den, they will actually
their wrap their body in that tail to keep
themselves warm. Come here, I know, let's
see, let me see, come here. Oh gosh, why did you take
the microphone muff from me? - [Mario] Swiper really
didn't wanna give that up. - Swiper did not
want to give that up. Let's see what do you got
here, is that your duck? Swiper, look, it's a duck. Come here. - [Mark] Hey, what are you doing? Swiper! (whistle calls) (imitates fox whines) - [Mario] What's that,
is that fox talk? - Yeah they make these, they have so many
different vocalizations. Squeaks, chirps, little barks, the fox is one of the most
vocal of any canine species. - He's kinda hanging
up behind me, isn't he? - Yeah. Okay, what if I turn like
this and you come right here. Let's see. Let me see.
(fox squeals and grows softly) Well, I will say this much. I am having a much
better experience and much closer
relationship with this fox than we were with the
baby fox in Alaska. Here she comes, Lupin,
(imitates fox chirping). She's very excited
to have us in here. Come here, come here you. Oh yeah, get my
arm, get it, get it. He's really trying
to get my hat. There we go, get
the arm bite going. Just playful bites,
oh there we go. Let me get you the
belly rub there. (fox whines softly) Wow, let's see, wanna
come inside my vest? What's in there huh? What is it, what
is it, what is it? You wanna get on to my back? - [Mario] Getting a back rub? This actually feels great, this is a back scratch
from a red fox, and it's probably
valuable to know that foxes are
incredible diggers. They will often times
dig burrows to live in. They can also dig little mice
or voles out from the ground. And if it lives in your house, it will definitely dig
holes in your couch, which again, is another
reason that the red fox does not make a good pet. The red fox is an
extremely elusive animal. Often times you'll find
them in residential areas. They come out and
primarily search for, hunting or foraging
for food at night. Every once in a while, you're
lucky enough to see a fox. I've only seen a handful
of them my entire life. Look at you, I know,
you're so cute, so cute. Here we go, try to
bite at my watch. Very sharp claws,
perfect for digging. Little black paws, perfect for
walking over the top of snow. And unlike wolves and coyotes, they do not have
a pack mentality. You'll often notice that
foxes are completely solitary. Ow, the only time that you
will see foxes together is actually during
breeding season or if it's a mother
taking care of kits. (fox squeals) - [Mark] Those are
happy sounds right? - Those are happy sounds,
yeah she's just playing. You see those
little bites there? Just playful bites,
okay I got you. How cool is this? I finally managed to get
up close with the red fox. I'm Coyote Peterson, be
brave, oh, stay wild. We'll see you on
the next adventure. Alright, Swiper, we'll
see you later buddy. The red fox is a
seldomly seen predator that does its better to
avoid human interaction. If you get the chance
to see one in the wild, your encounter will
likely be nothing more than a fleeting moment. So consider the sighting
something special because getting up
close with a fox is much more difficult
than you may think. Tell you what guys, nothing
brings in the red fox, like a little bit
of pocket bacon. (Mark gasps) - [Mark] You cheater! - Leftovers from breakfast,
works every time. If you thought
Swiper was adorable, make sure to go back and
watch my first attempt to work alongside a red fox where things didn't
go according to plan. And don't forget, subscribe, so you can join me and the
crew on our next location. Yup, it worked. (animal growls, wings flutter) (birds chirping, wolves howling)