Fried Beans with Eggs | The Most UNDERRATED Breakfast Recipe

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Bienvenidos and welcome to another episode  of Spain on a fork today we're going to grab   a handful of the most basic pantry staples such  as canned beans and eggs and we're going to create one of   the most underrated and delicious dishes ever  we're talking fried beans with eggs this is   known in Spain as Alubias Fritas con Huevos and let me when I  say this dish is packed with flavors I actually   mean it's filled with an explosion of so much  goodness but the best part it's how easy it is   to make and that it's all done in just 30 minutes  folks this is a perfect dish for breakfast yet   it's bold enough for an elegant dinner next to  a bottle Spanish wine either way with each bite is the   kind of food that's going to fill you with so  much goodness alright let's begin by getting   our ingredients ready I'm going to drain two  cans of white beans into a colander and rinse   the beans under some water the size of the cans  that I'm using are 15 1/2 oz which is 440 grams each then we'll finely grate a couple tomatoes  to end up with a half a cup of tomato   sauce which is 120 grams you can also use canned  tomato sauce here or even passat if you like   and we'll finely chop one small onion  roughly chop four cloves of garlic and   cut one small zucchini that's already been  washed and patted dry into small bite-sized pieces for the next step let's start  cooking our dish I'm going to fill   a saucepan with some water you want to  add in about a 3-inch depth which is 7 1/2 cm then we'll add in half a teaspoon  of white wine vinegar which is 8 ml   and heat it with a medium high heat at the  same time I'm going to heat a large fry pan   with a medium heat and add in 3 tbsp  of extra virgin olive oil which is 45 ml after a couple minutes we'll add in  the chopped onion and garlic into the fry pan and as always we'll mix the  ingredients around continuously   that way they don't brown too  quickly and everything evenly sautes after 3 to 4 minutes and the onion  is nice and translucent and that garlic is   beautifully fragrant I'm going to add  in 1 teaspoon of sweet smoked Spanish   paprika which is 2 1/2 grams and 1/4 tsp  of ground cumin which is a a little under 1 gram and we'll give it a quick mix until  everything's well mixed together as   always the Spanish paprika I'm using is  from Kiva link where you can get some   in the description box below and if you buy  it from that link you also get 25% off your order then we'll add in the grated tomato and we'll give it a mix  and then simmer it for a few minutes after 4 to 5 minutes and the grated tomato  has thickened I'm going to add in the chopped zucchini and we're going to continue to mix this   and go for a few more minutes or until that zucchini is lightly sauteed after 2 to 3 minutes and the zucchini  is lightly sauteed we'll add in the drained white beans and season everything with sea  salt and freshly cracked black pepper and we'll give it a mix that way everything's well  mixed together and at this stage you don't have to   mix this around continuously but do get in there  every minute or so that way the beans evenly saute in the meantime let's start cooking our  eggs I'm going to grab a couple eggs and crack   each one into individual bowls as you know I  always like to take this step before adding   eggs into a pan as it ensures that no egg shells  going there and that the yolks are not broken then we'll move back to the saucepan and  lower the fire to a low medium heat   when you're poaching eggs you want  the water to be at a simmer not at a   boil otherwise the eggs can easily break  apart then using a whisk we'll create a whirlpool and add in one of the eggs and we're  going to let it sit there between 3 to 4 minutes or  until those egg whites are nice and firm but  we still have a beautiful creamy yolk and as you finish each egg gently remove it from the  pan pan and transfer it to a dish with paper towels and we'll poach the rest  of the eggs in the exact same method once all the eggs have been  poached make sure to season them   with a kiss of sea salt and  some freshly cracked black pepper okay let's move back to the beans once  they're lightly golden fried they've been   cooking for about 15 minutes and once again I've  been mixing them every minute or so this dish is   ready to go I'm going to remove the pan from the  heat transfer some of the beans into a serving dish top them off with one of the poached eggs  and sprinkle it with some chopped fresh parsley   check it out fried beans with eggs Alubias Fritas con Huevos restaurant quality presentation basic   pantry staples and all done in just 30 minutes  let's give this a try and see how it turned out out once again folks Alubias Fritas con Huevos seriously I feel like   a kid at a candy store because I'm  so excited to try this here we go that is absolutely fabulous the beans have  such an incredible texture and flavor to them   then you have the vegetables with the spices  giving it that beautiful lift of flavors and   of course that poached egg taking this to the  next level you saw this super easy to make   the most basic pantry staples and all done in 30  minutes give it a try at home truly that kind of food   that's going to make you feel like a million  bucks really quick before I go a shout out to   a couple of my patreons Holly Parker, Rogelio Junior Rivera, Elaine Engros and Bryon Skiver again guys thank you   so much for being patreons of Spain on a fork  you know how much I appreciate you if you enjoyed   today's video hit that like button leave me a  comment below and if you're not subscribed don't   forget to smash that subscribe button and click  on the bell icon that way you can get notified every time   I release new content and to become a part of  the Spain on a fork family till the next time hasta luego!!
Channel: Spain on a Fork
Views: 21,262
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Keywords: fried beans, fried beans with eggs, spanish fried beans, spanish fried beans with eggs, breakfast fried beans, easy fried beans, how to fry beans, how to make fried beans, easy to make fried beans, fried beans recipe, recipe for fried beans, alubias fritas con huevos, can you fry beans, how to make fried beans with eggs, fried beans breakfast recipe, breakfast recipes with beans, eggs with beans, breakfast beans, breakfast beans with eggs, video, recipe, spain on a fork
Id: rugOxWqWoW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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