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oh yeah me me me me Oh Oh mother they said they were gonna try to kill me they said they were gonna try to hunt Jason down but nobody's be here Jason no mother stop them I will stop him for you mother so this is the first game of the night I honestly just woke up in my god I'm still nakaka I'm still like a beast such a peaceful to me alright so they said that they were going to try to hunt mothers I mean they were going to try to try to kill me so that means one of them is going to try to come over here let's go ahead and put down you know two traps right here look at we can put down two traps and then then we need to go through the phone because the phone is the most vulnerable point in the game because if they call the police and it's over it looks like someone has already been here oh let's go ahead and break down these doors so nobody outrun Jason nobody yeah explosion stores all around explosion it's a good there is someone down in this area I wonder what's down there the house okay so let's put a trap down right here a beautiful mutt mother mother I will catch them for you mother I will I will kill them all for you mother the hell is going down oh this is where the car is this where the car is oh it is where the car is let me go ahead and break down this damn door right here right Oh scream there's no screaming allowed no screaming allowed does she jump out the damn door oh no she still she's still here oh hi source let's go ahead and remove some of these windows so they can't run around here so the car is here so that means there could be trying to get the car a lot around here I'm going to break these windows in all these swords because Jason doesn't like windows Jason doesn't like doors Jason doesn't like music Oh mother mother I will sacrifice them all to you mother alright so he left where did he go oh look already alright so that was how was that uh that was that mother's house where's mother all got words it's for the fryer system in here don't let them take my no I'm not gonna let them take your mommy I'm not gonna let them take you how dare you come to my house try to steal my mother's sweater I gave that to her for Christmas okay okay stop Jason or there are other woman here to die all make them suffer like them yes yes oh poor guy poor guy oh my god here I'll put I'll put I'll put my last two traps here just in case they want to try that [ __ ] again nobody kills Galerius when he chases nobody okay listen to scream at me a mother idiot please not that damn hideous let me give my damn necks like a nice people just you know they don't understand what a good knife is nowadays they just they just want to throw knives around that's how they want to do in their legs so that person really messes up date she went over there trying to steal my damn mom's sweater and she got caught close by traps on there but my traps I'm going to bring everything in this house and then we're going to teleport house because I'm pretty sure people are going to be trying to start the other car up ah yeah I was here to my home that day I would kill Jamel [Laughter] oh I said house oh it's my step neighbor's house and I don't never like my neighbor Tess okay okay okay so figure out where they are I don't see where they are let's go to the other car because we haven't been up here at all I know and now oh god they did put the engine in I mean the the battery in this car there is some there has been someone around here so they're looking for gas properly or the Keast gas or the keys well you got that huh were you hiding breaking down your doors you ain't calling police nobody called the police on the lyrics is here all I see someone running through the woods see someone running through the woods we go say hello make us say hello to Tim oh oh where you going on you got that fancy shotgun I see here let me pick your back problems let me pick oh my god call me later my name is Jason that's my best man money Town Meeting hey I will hunt them down mother I will make them pay my dad we heard now there is someone still in this house with us break down this house ah hello the link is here the leaders home Oh get the [ __ ] on my way shout of my way I walk through this house like I own it because I do I'm the landlord I'm the landlord not you to me let me out please oh holy [ __ ] what happened happened happened huh whoa wait God oh no Tommy you got another shotgun Wow Oh that was sick that'll take Tommy but here oh my own [ __ ] [ __ ] at you what the hell man it shall be twice this son of a [ __ ] he's going down Oh Tommy you cannot I meet Jarvis you could be dynamite but mother you could be sacrificed to de mommy oh my god how dare you okay he tried to hit me like that alright so right now I'm in quiet mode hopefully he doesn't hear me walking around I'm gonna get this OH someone did jump out of the house just now what did I no no he's right there right there okay that that window I mean I mean I'm outside like not Tommy I would love for you to come outside please my side I wanna I wanna have a high Oh Siri Big Brother look at the fight back oh here I would be the a video that the tummy Mennella matter you were to [ __ ] doing huh so [ __ ] do you think you're doing huh uh-huh yeah yeah jump back to that damn window go back to the damn window I dare you I dare you come back here Becky oh they're all here they're all here they want to jump me you guys want to jump me huh is that it then you want to fight Tommy come on come on Tommy let's fight yeah yeah let's fight Tommy I'm coming in here coming in here let's fight fight no I'll beat the hell are you sweet the hell out of you right ah I made him eat his bread I made a little brethren all their data take my mask off these scummy scumbags these [ __ ] scumbag oh oh oh what ain't nobody going in my cabinet ain't nobody taking my sweater you son of a [ __ ] ain't nobody taking my damn sweater so let's go [ __ ] move oh you like that one just what about you huh what about you here here to train again Oh Caturday my bad mother help me teacher is being abused oh oh let's go oh that means you I need to kill Tommy wanted oh he team after them spray this set of a bitch's confident spray yeah I'm being a [ __ ] best speed abuse that's damn it maybe a love me being a few oh you didn't like that what did you saw you like that one did you let's go let's go come mother [ __ ] go they got my lord under her to G yeah the other good just take it am asking who's taking a [ __ ] man oh they don't want to be on that's gonna hand pop that's why I got it let's go let's go let's go they took my damn map drop it back that day murder oh my god they took my damn mask off I got a pretty we are trying to go so pretty okay so the mask is still caught off for him maybe tell him we have him damask and you know ain't nobody kidding me oh oh no one gets carried away be careful do you know what kills me oh did I hit you did I hurt you all right me yeah I did [ __ ] say yeah damn [ __ ] coming in I'm mad I'm angry you shut the pictures on the cover oh no no oh come on oh and you see son come on after what my [ __ ] my [ __ ] oh I'll break down everything okay these are the [ __ ] take it the damn car how dare they out out there they take my damn cars how dare they ah you you plan on leaving Jason oh no they're gonna leave me please be shut the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] to the job at court she didn't jump back to the court good good you can never gone Oh mother I know no mutters one tiding right there there's one back here - the car of a [ __ ] come back here come back - you [ __ ] come back here you want to run around in circles fool me how you want to run around in circles of me let me get this right here there we go hey what goes like this window right here there we go there we go da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] come back here the playing games with my heart man quit playing games with me huh I don't like don't like it when you play games with me I like it at all oh my god oh the [ __ ] come back here oh oh oh oh oh let's go let's go Oh Oh break it down mate Oh get him your damn knees get on your feet right now we'll play against on me nobody plays games with the Nereus nobody oh how dare you tease my don't say how dare you see miss Jason okay game okay thank you I know that's my mother's that's my mother yeah yeah boy press you're trying to watch there oh oh he had another pocket night [ __ ] pocket knives Ernie oh my god I'm gonna kill the store owner I'm going to kill the damn store owner how dare they is she going huh she going is she going back to the car going back to the car oh oh oh she is going back to the car he is going back to the car here I'm over I'm the only lift you ever need girl let me make you to heaven let me lift you to the sky oh my god you're so pretty so very pretty is that the last girl does that mean they can't kill me anymore that was that mean thank you I know mugger that's my I know mother bullying I'm your spell also they got my damn master sons of [ __ ] sons of [ __ ] is that a knife right here let me get this knife that this could help me yeah how daddy c-max me no one does that to me my Master's right here is my mess still here did they get my mask oh I see them see them I think they just call the police they just call the police they're here here hello someone just called the police huh someone just called the police in here yeah [ __ ] the [ __ ] oh right there oh maybe they already call the police they already called the police even scumbags just come back with it over there they're coming to say hello they're coming to say hello to me mm scumbags they're ready to gather I'm not gonna be able to kill them all but if I could kill some of them it'll be fine it'll be perfect be perfect okay okay okay all right they don't know I'm here with it were they going what a [ __ ] they going to hell they leave with me are they laid with me oh maybe they maybe they'll have a [ __ ] map there we go maybe they all have a puzzle map oh here we go back here you son of a [ __ ] Oh back in late oh they go the road where we go to 'roger I don't never die I know mother I know mother all right so I'm glad to beat them down I can't I can't grab them grab the beat to me the [ __ ] down oh there you go once it yep yep on asteroid come back here you sons of [ __ ] ha don't leave me don't leave me please please preparing for the pictures you space excuse me also Kostas you hello no come back here don't leave me please John you hold like I love your place so they base the [ __ ] oh oh all day I'll see what the chat Edition mean Jane say what you try to do to dock them no no oh oh no one can it be to take another way to go no one killing me oh oh come back please please come back good please come back oh oh I'll come back please my mother [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] let's go let's go oh what happened what happened what happened here let me break your belt back you try to kill me you try to kill me you tried to kill some serious nobody kills me suppose you were generated love you broken toys you can make them yourself or closer to killing me better no begging five minutes oh my god they were so close to killing miss Mack Wow come home all they needed was that sweater and she picked up that sweater and she would have turned around and hit you on me I would have been stunned and then Tommy would have killed me extract that place that was so [ __ ] close oh I get this that oh oh good try I'm trying to kill me you sent the fidgets well you know it's the [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] had emails on that such [ __ ] let's go children long I already know where you guys are trying to do half Crystal Lake 1979 introducing the biggest the best the most badass Jason ever stepped foot on the face of the south credit a fish Safina gesture shut down everyone so much drinks our shift weapon sayonara Jason I will been there hey for what they did a will mother trust me they will pay for have a sex and our dance we own this entire location Crystal Lake is ours how dare they have sex at Crystal Lake I'm dared they even pay it missus came up in here busy them la cabins the hell man who comes into another person's land and builds log cabins like this does that not I I certainly don't owe again oh I missed miss come on Savini jay siegel Sabini restart weighted down with there you go there you go so first things first is yes I need to break all this stuff down because this is going to be a location that they're going to want to run through a lot if you ever Jason you do want to go ahead and break windows the sores before you get into the main chases because it helps a lot because it really sucks having a stop and break down a door or the windows when they're when they're looping around and and all that [ __ ] but you know what not talking stuff so I got getting to mine of Jason Voorhees that you believe there's someone right here all come in coming to the house already I say here let me get this knock and see that's exactly what I mean I already got you know busted all the windows down and stuff and this person looks at this athlete is like nope I don't want no part of it the back Jason Voorhees Jason wants to once you kill you he wants to make you his and then and then oh oh oh there another one here and she's always looking at her here ed or a girl or another nerdy girl too so she can repair really fast let's go ahead and break this door 1s through it oh where are you hiding uh you I do you over there hiding over there you shouldn't you shouldn't hide over there come on shift I need my shift ability Oh Oh what is going on off what the [ __ ] is going on over here who the hell is trying to call the police already who the hell and the hell you think you're doing sir trying to call the police Oh Oh let's go throw this right at you huh throw that at you oh oh you want to square up against Jason up want to square up Oh miss you miss you gotta miss you that time how are you this Cup let's go you think you can hit me like you can hit me no buddy hit me nobody drink it slam little man you think you're the tallest in the bellboys Oh oh my god a crush yourself a thin reaching oh thank you mother I know mother I know I'm very special to you our time mother I'm so stressed out the car of course of course the damn car art so there's one in that house let me go ahead they haven't put the battery in yet let's go ahead and trap this [ __ ] up a little bit yeah are you in this house is just someone there is that someone need a giant fork oh yeah how do you thinking oh we hit each other I stabbed him he shot me call you you and at the wrong window sir what'd they do to you you cannot die you can never die like a damn blue coat don't you run so fast man what's right it's what you get for [ __ ] running on me what are you living in no it was a disease how Saint hate it what are you trying to sneak into this house he's got some beautiful daughters you know and one them they don't want you know remail councilors gonna finish this campsite like this is what this is all are you running back running back I thought I saw the trap of the floor that's why I just did this hey thanks calm you down boys calm yourself forces are you going saying there's there's nowhere to go although it is I'm calling a vein this is Bugsy his name's Bugsy go Lane was the name on the house Bugsy IV do you have a spray for that for the injury you got buzzing D grab a Dem spray let's go ahead and smash this door yeah Oh is there someone else in there did you did you come inside Bugsy what what the hell is going on over here what the hell are you trying to put a battery in a car you know you're dealing days okay break off get it pray that ain't Nance quickly oh oh I could pork you did you just get worked haha you just say I've got 40 yes it is Roger section it is also someone hiding in a house let's go ahead and get this guy circle around on them how you yeah you got to gas up that's her sir do you have to guess what happened maybe he doesn't know maybe he doesn't know I'm behind him maybe he doesn't know I'm following him oh you know now don't you huh you know Oh what let's go let's go kiss me Oh Oh what happened what happened all your you to get men are your the guys man here let me give you a lift go back home and write a pin on my dam over experience sorry III kill all my victims I mean all my passengers oh you dumb councillor skunk I'm helpful is he still in the house no he's not they're trying to kill same are they crying your mother I kill for mother right now come back here I need to kill for mother he's cute oh I'm not I'm not looking at yourself fireworks I'm not looking at you they're fireworks [ __ ] that I wouldn't be caught dead in your damn fire where to keep one because I need to kill this this one we could put the battery and the gas in the car fast you do it really fast really fast but you're not fast enough damn it I messed all up I miss that all up come back here who's you lady are you gonna shoot ya ha ha ha how dare you how dare you nerdy girl okay alright so we have some people going for the car back here so we're not going to focus on nerdy girl right now we're gonna focus on getting this person in this house right here get to judge attention today yes to get to dad yeah that's the debt defense attack pop goes the weasel oh did you miss did you miss the player are you should have missed the player booty lady should have not a missed the press oh yeah got a pocket knife these [ __ ] counselors are fighting back and I love it I enjoyed the chase this [ __ ] she just stepped in her own [ __ ] trap didn't she he stepped in our own trap back here back here lady back here please dammit dammit come back here I need I need I need you in my life please don't don't be in here - just a body something I get like just their bodies that's all they are so they are oh you guys aren't taking this car I'm not letting you take the same car I have not let me take nothing there's nothing now do you take naps come back it all got some book you got a search function what are you doing oh look at that oh my god what is going on what is going on - there - what the hell yeah yeah no no is enough Oh got each other Bridget yes come back here with that battery I needed need a charge some things men they charge auditing Edward why I need to catch her right now Nia kicked her right [ __ ] now come back here oh maybe maybe they don't know oh yeah let's get this knife yeah alright so she's got the battery she's running somewhere very very skin-like Oh Tommy I mean what the hell Tommy come back here are you doing alive and well huh the hell you doing alive and well - ah you [ __ ] oh hey did you guys in your whole trip make them suffer you get trapped in your [ __ ] old trap huh ah don't you run from me don't you run from me right Hey oh my god he just shot his friend oh my god come on come on come on go come back so she shot me to stun me and [ __ ] killed is them friend oh my god I guess he should have practice Martha at the DEM archery play it all it up oh where are you going huh are you are you hurt oh oh oh I see I see what's going on here I see what's going on here let's go let's go hoochie lady let's go oh you think you can talk they hit you Oh were you following oh look she's still giving herself head ha ha ha where you going come back here I worked them words with you alright alright we need to grab this when you grab this awesome job oh no no no no no no no she knocked me out I'm [ __ ] doomed she knocked me empty I'm doomed doomed in gloom doom the glooms all right I need to grab one of these there's one right there so we're good we're good we're good I just need to watch the tail car but don't watch the car go to [ __ ] knock this definition on they called the cops they just are called the cops okay alright alright you guys want to play games you guys want to play [ __ ] games like that huh I want to [ __ ] play games like that are you going huh echoing how Oh leave me don't [ __ ] leave me you watch nobody nobody nobody well thank you much thank you let's go how were you going hoochie lady we going huh where you going you're going to die in here no we're gonna die in here love what the book oh I'm back trip against the ground forgets at all it was so hideous we couldn't see it oh my god or any it gets a car welcome hooking a book you get yeah yeah she wonderful not hair Yes Mother I will kill for you mother alright so he's here here hey calm your thumb roll I'm your goddamn roll huh oh look she's still giving us a [ __ ] very good way to look at this oh where you going come back here please come back here I mean I need you I need you in my life I need you in my family life please don't leave me don't leave me excuse me huh what the hell was that no kill him kill him there we go oh my god English you're almost gonna kill her get on your damn knees you're too smart for your demo good here let me make sure that brain is used for anything else other than thank you for you know oh you will hit me Tommy Tommy nobody hit me Tommy please all right so there's only one left of life Tommy Tommy what's wrong Tommy Tommy are you are you alone you want to be best friends with me is that it Tommy huh that it ever every [ __ ] every time this [ __ ] keeps it on the mat go to be out of hand okay actually a beautiful what a beautiful night get the [ __ ] off me you can never die you know what just for that Tommy just for that you get a photograph it takes my giant roach oh all these damn capsules they think it is made I am been ejected and upon a friend suffer one escape that one really escape oh my goodness no way to easy escape I think you left catch after like everyone I am the best Sabina Gentiles on the planet trouble like leave a comment and let me know if you want more could he take the videos oh I'm sorry mother I was really into the whole thing I'm sorry that's why I keep talking it kills me to talk it fuels me so who escaped so it said nobody escapes so I'm guessing the last person just quit he just quit out Oh someone in it them house huh oh you got a shotgun rather my shotgun I'm not afraid of that [ __ ] not afraid oh oh oh she's glad you came what do Oh what I know what kind of [ __ ] Houdini she was there huh what the hell was that all all the faster they run the more excited [Music] [Music]
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 6,587,151
Rating: 4.9186673 out of 5
Keywords: H2O, Delirious, Funny, Hilarious, Random, Moments, Friday the 13th, Jason, Teddy Bear, Chase, funny moments, Kills, Kill Jason, How To Kill Jason, Killing Jason Voorhees, kill jason friday the 13th game, DLC, Savini Jason
Id: Df54hVC4kfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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