Friday Night Funkin' - V.S. Bob and Bosip FULL WEEK - FNF MODS [HARD]

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[Music] hey there are you ready i've been waiting a while for this as usual i'm all strapped up for this oh now this is getting really exciting well then if you're ready let's head right on in oh yeah it's minecraft time hmm i wonder how my farm is right now let's see it's finally time to defeat the end dirt dragon is something wrong this seems off it doesn't look like we're in minecraft wait a minute where the hell are we did we end up in the wrong game this isn't right at all nothing is even square bob just take a few deep breaths we'll be all right just relax a little oh no no no no [ __ ] don't tell me ended up in fortnite alright alright now bob you need to calm down don't worry we're going to be fine now let me pull my phone and ask him about it ah he finally replied so apparently we're inside of a popular game known as friday night funkhim and what are we supposed to do to get out of here well he told us that we have to locate a couple known as boyfriend and girlfriend challenge them to a rap battle and then we'll be out of here in no time that's all i'm looking forward to seeing how he'd be rapping though huh what does that even mean why do we need to rap battle leave who the hell even names themselves boyfriend and girlfriend was that their parents don't worry about it bob i'm positive we'll recognize them the moment we run into them let's not panic what the is that them ah are you boyfriend i guess we found them whoa now really this the guy damn he is tiny like [ __ ] small alrighty i'll be the one who takes you on then chucklenuts you'll be messing with the wrath of a handsome siren a melody where no king can resist bowing down to me alone excuse me navis do you mind if i stand here next to you all right thanks rock is in the house tonight oh yeah oh three two one go [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] oh god bob you good dude you fought with him for like six hours straight yeah he'll be fine i suppose just give him a couple minutes to wake up my dignity my life essence died in shambles well guess i'm up next for the challenge a little revenge couldn't hurt i ain't taking it easy on you little man you better be ready for this one let's get it rolling three two one go [Music] me [Music] eh [Music] um [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] that went worse than i thought oh well at least i managed to do my best while i could dude how are we supposed to get out of here now at this rate we'll never be able to go home hmm yeah you're right you've been out here for the entire day the moon is already out that little dude has got some mad skills you're working us up like this uh posted what's going on with your phone who's calling us this late what's happening to it your screen it's huh i i don't really know why is it glowing like that hey you guys what's up how's everyone doing after you little match hope you're all fine of the fiasco but more uh mind helping us finally get out of here yeah man this little guy here has been kicking our asses left and right we've been stuck here all day please tell me you know a way out of all this we really need to leave i just want to move on to the next game already all right all right let's simmer down now dudes i'll make sure to get you both out of this mess okay get moving over here for me if you can so your bf huh how about we have some fun let's have a round i can't exactly be in your world right now but i'm sure you wouldn't mind that right all right let's end this fiesta right now just the two of us in the final round three two one go so ready [Music] welcome so oh well i know my downfall was going to happen eventually i had fun battling against you though good game indeed now just you wait a minute amore hey you realize you just lost right how the hell are we supposed to get back home now bob you should really calm down not only that what did you mean by you knew it you already knew you were going to lose your something yup you see i did all of this on purpose it's actually because of something i've been planning on making for a while planning what huh what are you so you see i've been inspired by the amount of talent in this community i decided to make mod myself so i put you two here in this game in order to create my own mod although i didn't know that it would have taken you guys this long to finished it why you all just standing there are you guys confused what's the matter here what the [ __ ] [Music] you [Music] bye
Channel: Gegcoin ✔️
Views: 3,341,332
Rating: 4.921597 out of 5
Keywords: fnf, friday night funkin, friday night funkin', fnf mods, friday night funkin mods, friday night funkin mod, fnf custom week, friday night funkin custom week, fnf new week, friday night funkin new week, fnf witty, friday night funkin witty, fnf tricky, friday night funkin tricky, fnf zardy, friday night funkin zardy, week 7, fnf week 7, friday night funkin week 7, fnf week 7 leak, week 7 leak, friday night funkin week 7 leak, friday night funkin custom song, fnf customsong
Id: FDm6n0IRqtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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