Friction Saver Basics For Doubled Rope Technique (DdRT) | Arborist Climbing

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[Music] so wanted to make a quick video to show you some of the basics of the ring and ring friction saver so this is old-school technology by this point in tree climbing it's basically a heavy-duty strap with a steel ring on either side and on the one side it's a large ring and the other side it's a small ring so we use this for friction management in different applications but what I wanted to look at is just basic old-school doubled rope technique with the ring and ring friction saver and how you would use that to manage friction for your climb so we're going to look at a few different things how to set them both in the tree and from the ground and then how to retrieve them so let's take a look at the ring and ring friction saver or so I'm up in the top of this big ugly silver maple here and I'm going to tie in so I'm gonna use my friction saver so what I want to do is the the thing that you need to think about with a friction saver is the retrieval when you're all done so you want to make sure that you'll be able to get it back down to you easily so I've trimmed a couple smaller branches here and a dead one around the back as well just to make sure that it'll come down nice and easy for me so what I'm gonna do I'm going to tie in on this limb here I'm gonna tie it around the main stem over this one so put my friction saver on there like that so that's gonna be my tie in there and I'm gonna use that rig out to good size leaders over there that are over the house and then I'm gonna swing around the back side here and I can use this point to access most of this tree and then James can access the other the back side there to Deadwood it so for my line here just pop my beaner off so again it's frickin it's color-coded so and this was red or orange so green first that's the small ring and then the big ring keep yourself back up and you want to do is you want to test it and make sure that it's good so you want to just release the tension on your lanyard but keep it on and put all of your weight into this tie-in point here and your climb in line make sure that your hitch is grabbing good just test it everything looks good so now I can take my lanyard off and I'm good to go on my on my tie end point so that is how you set up a tie end point with a friction saver all right so let's take a look at setting the ring and ring friction saver from the ground so I've taken my throw ball and I've tossed it up through a suitable crotch and now I want to be able to set my ring and ring friction saver so how am I going to do that from the ground so I'm going to start by taking the ball off and I'm going to put the line itself through the small ring and then I'm going to put the ball back on okay so that's the setup on the one side is a line on the ball through the small ring now on the other side I need to this is time-consuming by the way I need to take the entire throw line run it through the large ring so this is my setup now what I do is I'm just going to pull the throw line and you're gonna see the friction saver go up now just as it gets to the crotch what I want to do is give it a good pop and you're going to see it flip over and then the ball is going to flip backwards and come back down to me so we'll see that [Music] okay so there you have my friction saver set remotely from the ground and that's ready to put a rope up through it so we'll look at that next okay so we've got our friction saver set up in the tree and now we're ready to pull our climbing line up and through it and back down to us so with a splice rope especially this can actually be pretty difficult this is why I hardly ever go set up my my rope in a friction saver from the ground usually I'll just climb up there and set it manually but let's see if we can get this to pop through so I'm going to start with a pile hitch like normal there's my pile hitch now this is this is a case where I want to try and make a long streamlined tail especially on the very end or the splices so what I'm going to use here is a mid line clove whoops come on there's my mid line clove I'm going to put that right on the splice itself my goal here is actually to pull that splice as tight as I can pull both sides of it together and just make it as tight of a thing as I can like that okay so there's my setup and I'm going to try and pull this up and through that small ring and into the friction saver so let's see if this is going to work for us so again I'm gonna try it with a good pop there you go okay so now it comes back down to me so here's my setup I've got my friction saver in the tree and I've got my climbing rope through it so that is how we can set it up so that's what the splice tie so now let's look at a non spliced rope which is usually a little bit easier to set up this is usually a little bit easier I find again you start with a pile hitch we thought and then we'll just do some half hitches and you can either do a half hitch or a clove hitch on the end tighten all that up you're just trying to get that last hitch as close to the end of the rope as possible without it slipping off obviously so now let's see what that looks like just slide through there again once it gets up there you go give it a good pop and she goes right through and back down to you so that is setting it up remotely from the ground with a non spliced eye rope okay so we're done our climb and now we want to retrieve our friction saver so let's look at two different ways of doing that so in the first example what we're gonna do is just send it crashing to the ground so what you need is something that's going to fit through the large ring and then get caught on the small ring so I just use one of these quick links these work fine there's lots of different options the way I like to set up my quick link is I just have a short piece of throw line with eyes in either end so what I'll do is I'll just tie a pile hitch and that way that way the quick link sits beyond the end of the rope so let's see what that would look like I'm just going to pull it up it's going to pass through the large ring and get caught on the small ring and then you're gonna pull and rip it back down to the ground so that is retrieving your friction saver without control and next we will look at how can you retrieve it under control using the throw line okay so we've already looked at how we can retrieve it and just let it free fall all the way to the ground now we're going to look at how you can retrieve it under control using your throw line so again on the terminal end here I'm going to start again with just a pile hitch tighten that up and then I'm going to use my quick link again so I want to come down below the end of my rope and what I'm going to do is just do a girth hitch so I'm just going to put it through and then around so that is my girth hitch so that's my setup there I've got my throw line attached to my rope and then down below the end of my rope I have my quicklink girth hitch on so now what's going to happen is it's going to go up through the large ring and then the quick link is going to do the same thing through the large ring and it's going to get caught on the small ring but this time as I pull it around you're going to see the throw line is actually going to pass up and over the branch and now I'm lowering my friction saver under control you can see it's it's wrapped with the throw line on the large ring so you can bring it down under control using this method now keep in mind this uses a lot of throw line because you can see I got I have two legs of throw line on this side of my tie in and I have two legs of throw line on this side which means I'm using four times the height of my throw line which means if I was tied in at 40 feet with my friction saver and I wanted to retrieve it using this method I would use a hundred and sixty feet worth of throw line just to get this back down to me so once I get it down I'm just going to unhook the pile hitch from the end of my rope and then I'm going to take my quick link off and now what I'm going to do is just pull my throw line out of there and get this all the way back down to the ground so that is retrieving my ring and ring friction saver under control using the throw line so that is some of the basic aspects of using the ring and rigging friction saver so until next time climb high work smart and read more tree mugs [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EducatedClimber
Views: 79,256
Rating: 4.9092875 out of 5
Keywords: arborist, treesurgeon, gopro, educatedclimber, educated, climber,, tree, work, climbing, chainsaw, rope, knots, ropes, knot, trees, friction, friction saver, DdRT, ddrt, hitch, double rope, doubled rope, mrs, climbing system, cambium saver
Id: ZbK_a2TsEIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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