Freya Allan Explores Her Role in 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' | Exclusive Interview

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in the latest chapter of the Beloved scii Saga tensions rise and Futures are pretty much forged today we're joined by Freya Allen who stars as May in Kingdom of the planets of the apes from challenging power dynamics to embarking on Journeys that question the very fabric of society FR is here to kind of share the world of Apes that rule and humans linger in the margins welcome to the show Freya how are you my friend I am good how are you I'm doing all right Planet of the Apes is a series that I've been a big fan of um all of them every single one pretty much can you share out with us like how you approached developing the character of May what aspects of her personality or story kind of resonated with you the most I mean I I basically did what I what I usually do which is um come up with a backstory um I you know was rereading the script and every time I kept coming up with new questions I had a whole list and so I would go and nag the producers and W for answers and and a lot of those answers I could we actually came up with together um because you know there were there were certain personal elements of her backstory that weren't figured out and so that kind of gave me the freedom to to figure that out and create that myself um which was what really kind of rooted me um when when shooting began because I had all of these personal stories um to to sort of anchor me and and give more more than just what was on the page um to to this character and you have to work with a lot of practical effects mixed with CGI how did these elements influence your performance well I mean we were we were lucky to to actually be able to go on location for the majority of this shoot so I feel like that's it it's it's always the best when you actually get to be you know um on on the real like in the real thing you know in out in the wilderness and and you know a lot of that you know some of that work is is done for you then because you can just you can just take a moment to look into the into the distance and just like really believe that you're there so um so that was that was amazing and and you know I think a lot of people think that we did a lot of like green screen stuff on this but we really didn't we were on location constantly and every role pretty much presents its own challenges what are some of the most demanding scenes for you to shoot and and what made those particularly challenging I would say uh one of the most there's two physically demanding uh you know the human hunt and then there's a sequence with the water that I'm in um and they and they were they were you know physically uh draining but but in the best way I mean I love doing all that stuff I I find it really exciting and but I definitely went home with a lot of bruises um and then you know uh emotionally it was probably the the one of the last scenes of the movie between May and Noah um because we were shooting that that was that was my second scene I think um and so starting with the end of the film was was quite stressful but um but we got through it and and you know it's a lovely scene so but that was that was demanding R Allen thanks for joining me this morning Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is now in theaters and you can check that out in theaters in both iMacs and regular screenings thank you for joining me Freya thank you so much bye
Channel: Director's Cut Radio
Views: 3,070
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Id: 3-JtB-T9Lo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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