Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts: Motivation, Personality and Development

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[Music] Sigman Freud is one of the most famous names in Psychology even though most of his ideas have been abandoned by modern psychology his psychoanalytic theory formed the basis for many current psychodynamic theories Freud was the first to discuss the unconscious mind and its role in human behavior Freud believed that there were three levels of consciousness first is the unconscious mind which exists outside of your awareness at all times next is the preconscious mind which includes all information that you're not currently aware of but that can be recalled finally the conscious mind is your current state of awareness remember the cartoons you used to watch as a child the main character is confronted with a choice on his left shoulder is a little devil pushing him toward a bad choice on his right shoulder a little angel is encouraging him him to make a good choice he is stuck in the middle and forced to make a decision that will affect him this scenario is much like Freud's theory of Personality there are three parts to personality according to Sigma Freud's psycho analytic Theory these are the ID super ego and ego the ID is the first to develop the ego is second and the super ego is the last to develop the ID is the biological component of the personality and include your instincts the it operates in our unconscious mind it is like the little devil sitting on the cartoon character's shoulder that's always selfish and needy it operates according to the Pleasure Principle the Pleasure Principle is the idea that all of your needs should be met immediately then there's the super ego the super ego exists in all three levels of consciousness the super ego is like the little angel it is always concerned with what is socially acceptable the super ego pushes you to obtain the ego ideal or your view of what is right it also represents your conscience or your view of what is considered to be wrong finally we have the ego the ego operates in your preconscious and conscious mind the ego is part of the personality that makes your decisions this is like the cartoon character in the example the ego is in the middle makes the decision and faces the consequences the ego operates according to the reality principle the reality principle is the idea that the desires of the ID must
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Keywords: Sigmund Freud (Author), Personality Development (Literature Subject), Motivation (Taxonomy Subject), psychology, stages of consciousness, levels of consciousness psychology, e-learning, elearning video, elearning, online learning, online courses, psychoanalytic theory, psychoanalysis, freud, personality psychology, id ego superego, psychosexual stages, freud and personality, practical psychology
Id: 7vFf5CS27-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 38sec (158 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2013
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