Fresh Painted Tailgate for the Bubble Eye Silverado aka 90s Truck (Making my own Tailgate Protector)

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel my name is Travis of course you are watching TB Motorsports and today yes we are working on the daily driver that Cohen's been driving guys so when I had the dly bedsides painted and the tailgate redone I took up two tailgates if you guys remember we pulled some stuff off of that truck as well and so I've got a new tailgate well a freshly painted tailgate let's put it that way this was actually the one that I had on the duly when I got to bed so we swapped uh this one has a little bit of a bend in it that he couldn't get out and honestly guys it it'll do for that daily driver truck um remember it had a pewer tailgate on it he painted the peor one that's the one that is now on the douy over there and this one is the white one that came with the doly B so we kind of switch or switched things around he filled the holes on both um I didn't necessarily need him to do that but after he found it has a little bit of a bow in it that a cap would cover up um he said I think I would use that one on the dly and if you don't care as much if you want to get me another tailgate we can do that but guys I had a temporary tailgate on Cohen's truck we actually sold that thing so today we're going to get this put together and we're going to install it back on Cohen's truck right now he does not have a tailgate and obviously it needs one and I'm kind of back and forth I may try something towards the end of this video that's a little bit different I don't know we're going to experiment with it possibly just depending on if the stuff comes in and we get to it but the very first thing we need to do is I took everything out so it' be nice and easy for him to paint we need to go grab um some extra parts so I'm going to show you guys what we got going on out here I've got the remember when I bought that truck Cohen's driving it came with this tailgate that has um a huge dent I'm guessing somebody backed into some something when it was down and so what I'm planning on doing is I'm going to take these hinges and latches out cuz they're less Rusty than the other ones I had so I'm going to go grab a 13 mm and let's get these things out and I'm also going to have to unhook the handle here the bolts already out of the handle but I need to unhook the little swing outs so we can pull this completely out of place so I'm going to use a pair of needle noose pliers to unhook these maybe I can do it with one hand look at there all right so that's how you do that hopefully the camera caught that and then we just need to pull this out that's loose same thing on the other side and it'll be loose once we get the bolts out guys you'll notice there are two different ones they're both 13 but see how this one has um like this sleeve on it that is for your tailgate catches all right so the wires or the cords that come and hold the tailgate up but now we can just drag this guy straight out and it should have that on it that's to keep it from rattling inside there we go so now I'm going to clean this up a little bit and we're going to put it into the new tailgate now that we have I cleaned up the bolts a little bit on my wire wheel and I clean these guys up we need to shove these in here but guys remember they need to go in the [Music] middle so you need to make sure that it's going in the opening and we in so I'm going to go ahead push it the rest of the way in and there are they are side specific there's a little stopper that's supposed to be up top that's one of the things I'm waiting on and then these are side specific as well um they should have a right or a left on them this one says left side that would be the driver's side and that goes on the bottom I believe I don't remember I think it's the bottom so what we're going to do is get it in place we can always switch them if not and then of course this is is same 13 mm that we took out guys I cleaned up the threads too let's snug it down of course it pinched it that's okay we'll loosen it up we need to do the same thing on the other side now to make my life a little easier installing the handle I generally like to put the tailgate on and then do that so let's see if we can get it lined up without beating the crap out of it okay got it on one side really helps when you have two fingers there we go we're just going to hook up clips we'll adjust that and they do go on the bottom I was right thought they did so there we go now I'm going to have to tighten those up but we'll do that here in a little bit this one's not wanting to comply man that looks great on a truck that looks pretty terrible but let's go grab our handle and we'll get it snapped in here first and then while it's loose we'll install you guys just recently saw me do this but we'll install the bezel but let me go grab the handle cuz we got I also had them paint the handle white and then we need our 13s for the back I've got my two or three 13 mm that go on the back side of the tailgate but what I'm going to do first is we're going to get this in here push push the Clips in and then slide the locks up into place if we can get that [Music] accomplished sometimes they fight you a little bit got one in there this hole not having two solid hands sucks okay I got the other just got to swing this around and get it locked in what I'll probably do is go grab my oh my might be able to do it I was going to say I might go grab my needle those pliers but I may not need them yeah I'm going to grab them this just makes snapping those clips together a thousand times easier there we go now I'm going to start come on don't get locked up on me uhoh there we go um I'm going to start a couple of these bolts actually I'm going to start all three of them or no the top two and then once I get the top two started we're going to go grab our bezel and we're going to snap it into place while this has got some play to it generally like to go in the bottom first then snap the top in we are there nice now we can go ahead and snug down our 13 mm I'm going to go ahead and put the one in the center and this does have some side to side play so as you're tighten it up just make sure that it goes into place and there you have it now there is one other issue like this cable is making me nuts over here it keeps poking out we need a new we need a new set of cables really um I may have another extra this one's just not wanting to line up like it was supposed to but uh the next thing I need to do guys is there's little rubber pieces let me show you here little rubber pieces that go on this and so I'm waiting for those to come in once we get those in which maybe a day or two it'll it'll be in this video uh we'll get those installed next so there's a couple things I need to do here um like I said one of [Music] them uh we need to put the bumpers in that keep keep this thing from rattling around and making a ton of noise so I ordered a couple of these because several of my trucks need them these just slide over this end piece and it may make your tailgate harder to shut all right just how it is but we need to get them in here so I'm going to put them in and we'll try to shut it and see what happens but that's not the last thing I want to do uh I look guys this truck is going to get used as a work truck cuz that's what it is and so because of that um and look you can shave some off that they're touching I think they'll eventually kind of wear but um look it's going to be used as a work truck and we didn't spend look I didn't spend a ton of money to have my painter paint the tailgate we already we obviously had some other parts going to him at the same time so the rest of the truck's beat up but look I don't I don't necessarily want to put a tailgate cap on here for a couple reasons one uh they're way too expensive for what they are and two he went ahead and shaved the holes and this was I I think I discussed it in in another video but um he shaved these holes because I was want this was the tailgate off the the the uh doie and the other one was in better shape so he shaved the holes on both which I wanted him to shave the holes on the douy but on this one I didn't necessarily care I was just going to put the bolt on one um they're way cheaper the stick on ones are more expensive so we're going to give something a try here I'm going to go grab Cohen's driven this in some rain so it's kind of dirty at this point but I'm going to go get something to clean kind of this Leading Edge off both on the inside and outside and we're going to try something that I've never tried and it may or may not work I don't know but uh let's let's get this cleaned off and I'll show you kind of what I'm thinking once I get it wiped down with kind of like a Windex type stuff I'm going to use a little bit of alcohol on this uh this is a good idea whether using what I'm trying here and like I said this may be a may be a joke and you guys may think I'm nuts and it may not work and we may decide not to use it but I want what I'm going to use to stick so uh good idea like I said whether you're doing what I'm doing or you're just putting the stock one back on you need to clean that paint up get anything off of it any contaminants because it won't stick if you don't here's what I bought guys this is from Vivid and Vivid is uh they've been around for a hot minute I'm going to have to cut this um they do a lot of vinyl wraps so that's what this is it's technically a vinyl wrap but if you notice it's got a texture to it okay this is actually meant for like um the door jam where you're getting out uh a lot of people buy this to put there so you don't scuff up your paint and so we may use it in that manner um down the road but what I'm thinking is I'm going to stretch a piece across this and try to fold it over and get to the inner part where we've got some protection on the Leading Edge of this tailgate look is it going to be as tough as the plastic absolutely not um but it offers some protection on the paint in case you just accidentally rake something across it it's cheap uh I think I spent I don't even remember I think 20 bucks on this roll uh it's like 12 in by I think it's 5 ft long um I'll list it in the description down below if you guys want to pick some of the up but this is going to be kind of my first go at this I really I I don't even know exactly where how far down I want to go I think I want to go about halfway down this side is is what I'm thinking but we'll just uh let's get this cut open and we'll kind of see I'm going to stretch it out I'm going to cut a piece off I'm going to leave the length because I'm going to try something else on the inside that may or may not work either we're just going to kind of lay this out get an idea how long it needs to be and this tailgate has a kind of an arch on the end man this stuff's stronger than what I thought um I'm not sure the cutting method I'm going to be using is going to work or what I thought I'd used on the inside it's going to work but we'll see oh are you kidding me it's not long enough it's not long enough who have thought this tailgate was oh man well poop I guess I could go just shy which the factory piece goes just shy oh that's a bummer guys really thought that this was going to pan out for me well that's what you get right for not measuring before you buy stuff I'm still going to try it I'm going to try to Loop this over I don't know if it'll work or not we'll give it a shot man I've got it somewhat taped in there but not exactly sure how great it's going to work I just kind of centered it side to side there's about a uh about an inch of overhang it doesn't cover from right to left uh you can see that I've got it taped in a manner that I'm hoping I can peel back some of this and start to stick it kind of like that there we go maybe I'll get lucky and a piece of that'll stay on all right so we got it stuck there and then I'm going to work my way down here hoping that I can get more of it to tear and I'd really like to kind of work my way from the middle out is really the best way I think so if I can get a spot in the center to tear and guys believe me I'm no expert in wrapping stuff as you can tell uh I think it' probably help if you had multiple people but we don't so I'm going to peel a section off here maybe there we go we'll get it started so now we've got it stuck on the outers which is probably a huge mistake cuz it's probably going to want to move around in the middle but let's give it a shot let's try to take this off let's try to peel some back get it stuck in the center and then work our way towards the outside and if we have to move stuff we have to move it but what I'm thinking is if I started right [Applause] here I may get lucky maybe be able to knock the bubbles out of it once we get get a good portion of it set now I may be wrong okay so there we got the middle which is probably the best part to start on I'm sure there's somebody that does this for living watching this and just cringing it's not wanting to stay very straight yeah all right new plan we're going to peel this back and I'm going to try the other method that I was going to use on the inside and we'll see if that works this is 3M knife tape okay so how that works is it acts as a knife um to cut through this once you've laid it down will it work I don't know we're going to give it a shot though so I'm going to start in an area that I know I want it to be which is like Midway through here and you leave need to leave some over and then what I'd like to do is measure this okay and then go to the other side and lay it out in the exact same position so we've got what looks looks like a straight line let's see what we got here so we are at an inch and 1 two 3 4 5 16 so I'm going to go to the other side and we're going to see if we can lay that out U Got the line ran across I don't know we're going to see if it works so look now we can lay it all willy-nilly on there and as long as it covers that out hold [Applause] it let me press it on there cuz it's an inch shy of covering the whole thing see I take measure I wonder if that line would act as a guide actually we could start in the middle and I could just use this go your way I'm going to mark this just let it set there for a I'm going to mark this where it's even on both sides and um that'll give me a starting point I may we may not even need that tape on the front side but what I do remember it is 1 in shy of covering both sides so we'll give it a shot and see like I said maybe I can just use this line as a guide to stick this stuff down and then work my way over the top with him holding one side it's just not quite as forgiving as regular film I'm actually afraid that this may not even cut through it [Applause] it's getting this tailgates goes out this may work we not be the prettiest thing but it may work we just use the tape for a guide so we just wasted some really expensive tape to make a line that we could have made with just masking tape oh well I'll take it so now I'm going to work it down all the way across and we'll see where we line up on the [Applause] inside and push it towards the middle and it you know the tailgates bat on the inside too so we may get lucky here guys that didn't look terrible now as you can see I've got it wrapped over the ledge um about to wear out my fingers but I think here's what I'm hoping I'm going to lay some more of that tape down okay right here across that ledge and we're going to see if this will cut through this stuff or if it's just too strong so I'm going to have um conen hold this back while I'm threading this knife tape through and we will give it a shot and see we're just going to run up against that line on the tailgate you want to leave yourself something to [Applause] pull you know how quick a pin straper could do this I want to make sure it's all the way down and run over a second time here now I may go ahead and try to cut an extra piece here and loop this corner section so we have complete coverage it'll be buted up together but um let's give that a shot now as I said I'm not 100% sure this is going to work because this is meant for this is meant for um like vinyl okay so I don't know if it's going to cut this it may not sure doesn't seem like it wants to well started it's a good sign this is how these guys get like a two-tone wrap job on a car as they lay this down and lay two colors and then this Cuts in between them and they pull off the excess seems pretty strong and it's not a knife it's just a string it's crazy I'm going to cut this excess off not waste some of it all right cut that and let's see if it peels oo baby knife tape now if you're good and you got a straight line this probably looks pretty good I however probably don't have a straight line that's okay so now we're going to go back and just you know rep push this Edge down because that green tape was slightly under it and we'll just kind of see how long it lasts I'll I'll step back and show you guys what it looks like like I said I tried to wrap the ledge here it didn't come out the greatest we made that may peel off first rain cuz it doesn't have I don't want to cut the paint although like I said the truck's it's not like the truck's perfect but that looks almost professional now that we've uh got everything out of the way and kind of cleaned up take a look at it guys it is not bad even my little seam here you can see a little bit of white right there I don't know if that's going to cause US problems we press on it pretty hard and I don't feel any bubbles anymore this seam over here is a lot better um looks pretty straight when you look down the line here and the inside it almost looks professional I'm excited this is the first time i' ever done this and I thought it was going to go badly and I didn't think that stuff would cut and it did all right guys this is where we're going to finish this video I know this last section was kind of long but got the new tailgate on it you know the tailgate makes the the whole truck look like absolute crap but hey got a new tailgate on it coen's got some protection uh when he starts mowing so if he's throwing a weed eater in the back of this thing you know you've got some protection here if it stays on guys if it doesn't then I will update in another video where we'll probably just put a plastic factory cap on it but I like this better and honestly guys um I would really like to do this to the douie as well and the reason why I really want to do it to the douie is because the douly has Snap-on bed caps and they come down about to here and so it looks awkward both the factory one looks awkward and it looks awkward without one because the factory one comes way down here and the not having one you've got this black trim that just ends and it just looks weird so I'm not really sure I'm I thought about when I had the bed liner sprayed in that I may just have them come over the lip of the uh gate on the T on the dly but after seeing this if this lasts we'll give this some time if this lasts this may be an option for me but hopefully you guys are enjoying this video on this truck I know it's a daily driver and um we got a lot going on but it needed to be done it needed a tailgate it really needs a new um cable on the right side it's wan to pop out you kind of got to push it in when you're closing the tailgate but we'll get to that I'll probably slap one of those on soon because it's annoying to try to shut the tailgate but if you guys have been enjoying all this please like always smash that Thumbs Up Button guys if you are not subscribed you got to get subscribed we got a lot going on out here of course while you're down there doing all that ring that Bell notification that will notify you every single time we drop a new video on this or anything else and stay tuned to see what we work on [Music] next
Channel: TWA Motorsports
Views: 3,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fresh Painted Tailgate for the Bubble Eye Silverado aka 90s Truck (Making my own Tailgate Protector), TWA Motorsports, nbs, 90s truck, hd hood bubble eye silverado, hd hood silverado, hd hood on 99-02 silverado, tailgate handle bezel silverado replacement, tailgate install silverado, painted tailgate handle, making a tailgate protector, silverado tailgate protector, smooth tailgate handle silverado, how to install tailgate silverado, bubble eye silverado, silverado tailgate fix
Id: _2ZWLHP20wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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