100%생과일!매일 직접 신선한 과일로 갈아주는!젊은부부가 운영하는 생과일주스집!/Gwangjang Market fresh fruit juice/Korean street food

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Hello ^^ Today, I visited a fresh fruit juice house in Gwangjang Market. This place is run by a young couple. The owner says he buys fresh fruit himself early every morning. There are so many people looking for it as the weather starts to get hotter! In particular, a lot of foreigners are looking for it ^^ Then, I'll show you the process of making fresh fruit juice at "Juice Lab" in Gwangjang Market! Have a comfortable viewing ^^
Channel: 빈스푸드 Bin's Food
Views: 455,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 생과일주스, 생과일쥬스, 광장시장, 광장시장 생과일주스, 100%생과일, 쥬스랩, 광장시장 쥬스랩, 오렌지, 토마토, 바나나, 수박, 메론, 키위, 파인애플, 과일주스, 광장시장 맛집, Gwangjang Market fresh fruit juice, fresh fruit juice, Korean street food, Gwangjang Market, 빈스푸드, 빈스푸드 생과일주스, 빈스푸드 광장시장, 한국길거리음식, 신선한 과일, 과일쥬스
Id: F5-odLTp5wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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