Fresh Awakening - Jerame Nelson | FGO Night 1315 | Aug 12, 2021

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good evening fire glory family welcome tonight we're so glad to have all your beautiful faces here in the house this evening hello to our live stream family thank you for joining us tonight if you didn't know doors are open get in your car get on over here and join us it is going to be a fiery night for those in the house if this is your first time i'd like to invite you up to the altar we're going to jump into a little bit of prayer and for those at home go ahead and position yourself for an encounter with papa amen jesus we worship you and we praise you tonight god we thank you lord for this night we thank you for this weekend god we came tonight and we're coming every night this weekend god with an expectant heart god with a heart surrendered and humbled before you king we love you lord we worship your mighty name jesus it's our honor lord it's our hearts desire to sit at your feet and to gaze on your face and worship your mighty name lord jesus we love you king we love you king we love you lord i thank you lord for all the testimonies that we've been hearing in this season lord and i thank you for all that you're gonna do tonight and this weekend jesus i pray lord that hearts would be turned to you god the eyes would be open this weekend lord that wounds of of past hurts from from just a walk with you king that they would be healed this week and that horse would be set on fire for you again lord i pray that tonight there would be a fresh fire a furnace a rekindling of the fire in our hearts king for you lord that there would be a fresh love for you again father that we would burn with a flame that can never be put out king but of a flame that sustains the test of time and the test of days god that brings glory to your name that brings glory to your kingdom lord that honors you jesus that pleases you king i asked lord that we would walk out a lifestyle that brings great delight to you king holy jesus people would know that we are a followers of christ because we love the way you love king i ask lord for eyes to see for your people lord to see people the way you see them god to see them with the love that's in your heart for each and every one of them king lord i ask for a heart that stirs in your people lord a generation that would rise up in this season that would have a hunger not only for you king but for the lost lord that their hearts would break for the things that break your heart king that they would have a hunger for the nations for those who have not heard the gospel or of your goodness king lord i ask that in the season that a generation will rise up of dread champions lord the ones that when they wake when they move when they pray when they worship when they speak when they walk on the enemy shakes with fear because he knows that those ones are on fire for you lord those are the ones who are radically obedient to your voice the ones whose ears are so attuned to you their intimacy is so deep that they know your voice king and they move without hesitation lord bring up a generation and the seasoned king who understands intimacy with you who desires it deeply to be face to face with you daily king to walk with you oh in the garden lord to receive your fire king those who are willing to step into the refiners fire to be refined before you god to made perfect to be made perfect in your image lord we want to reflect you to the world lord the grace of a generation that reflects your life that reflects your love that reflects your goodness your humility lord jesus integrity and purity god thank you lord for a generation even now stirring king i praise you and i thank you god for those who have gone out into the streets and who continue to go out boldly king boldly proclaiming your truth proclaiming the truth of the gospel of god's kingdom oh and all that you are lord thank you jesus thank you lord that in this place your fire falls thank you lord for your fire falling in this place tonight king thank you god for the fire of revelation oh jesus in revival tonight god thank you jesus thank you lord for touching every person in this room and over the livestream god for giving them a fresh touch king for breathing a fresh breath of life into them thank you god for breathing your breath of life into the dry areas into the areas that have died king thank you god thank you jesus that you're resurrecting what we've put down king for a time such as this lord we worship you we thank you god we surrender our hearts and humble ourselves before you god we ask you to fill this place to fill this place and to have your way to have your way in this place tonight god to move in a way that only you can move god we have no agenda we have no plan god we submit this night to you and we ask you to come to come and to move god oh lord wreck us tonight king we want to be wrecked before you god we don't want to leave this building the same as we walked in king we want to know you more tonight we want to know you in a deeper way god we want to know you we don't want to know of you king we want to know you jesus we want that deep and intimate relationship tonight god we want to go deep we want to go deep into the deep places with you god and we want to go high god we want to go hide to the mountaintop encounters with you king lord a lifestyle of glory to glory [Music] comes from intimacy with the king thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus for the eagles that are soaring tonight god thank you jesus for the eyes the seer realm being open tonight god thank you that you're the opening the eyes of your people to see tonight king to see you and all of your goodness and all of your glory god to see your manifest presence god oh thank you jesus for opening up the heavens tonight lord thank you god for opening the heavens tonight what i just asked for ministering angels to go forth tonight lord and to minister to those who have backslidden who have walked away who are broken-hearted who are lost and confused god those who have been bound up by the enemy jesus but their hearts still cry out for you i asked tonight god that there would be a breakthrough that the prodigal son would come back tonight god that he would come back fiercely lord passionately for you again god oh thank you for breakthrough tonight god even in finances lord i thank you jesus for breakthrough and financer for financial provision coming tonight god i thank you lord for the revelation of kingdom finances god that as we're intimate with you as we hear your voice god and we steward what you give us well king oh jesus you multiply for your glory you multiply for your kingdom you multiply for nations for your people jesus to make a way for salvation for the brokenhearted the lost and the poor god thank you jesus that you're tying it all together tonight god thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus thank you king oh we worship your mighty name lord we worship your mighty name lord we give you all glory all glory and honor king have your way in this place jesus have your way in this place jesus thank you god thank you god bless holy spirit lord i thank you for your for your anointing oil tonight god i thank you for the oil being poured out tonight i thank you for the oil tonight jesus i thank you that you're anointing your sons and your daughters god for this season lord you're setting them apart king thank you for anointing their mouths lord ho being the ruler the ruler and lord over our mouths in the season god that you direct our lips you direct our tongue king we submit our mouths to you tonight god and we ask you to have your way lord to have your way jesus oh god to be fully submitted over to you with our mouths with our lives with our our actions god i thank you lord that you're anointing our steps tonight god that you're the light upon ourselves that you're the light in our path god that you guide us lord oh there's an intimate realm tonight thank you jesus thank you father god thank you for that closeness king that you direct our steps god oh jesus thank you lord for directing your sons and daughters steps tonight god thank you lord for directing the path of their lives those who've been the ones who've been crying out to you god what's my direction where do i go what do you want to do with my life king i thank you that tonight blueprints are being poured out tonight god that keys are being poured out tonight god that direction is being poured out tonight thank you father thank you for hearing the cries of the heart of your sons and daughters jesus thank you jesus oh lord paul lord thank you that you're touching our ears lord you're fine-tuning our ears tonight god to hear your voice that still small voice god you're drawing us closer come on there's an invitation tonight to draw near to the lord to draw so near to the lord to have your your ear on his chest to hear the heartbeat of the king god we want to hear your heart be god we want to be so close jesus that we can't not only can we hear the heart be lord but we can feel it we can feel what your heart beats for god lord let our hearts be for what your heart beats for oh jesus thank you for the shift tonight god thank you for removing the callous off of the hearts that have been hardened god thank you for removing the pains out of the hearts tonight god that we could have pure hearts before you lord jesus search us and reveal to us lord our ways god our motives key and let us come into the refiners fire that you would burn away all that does not glorify you god that we may serve you well that we may be good servants on fire for you jesus tonight oh thank you that the chains are breaking now the chains are breaking now thank you god that the chains are breaking now god thank you that you are beside us lord fighting our battles god that the victory may come to your name lord jesus thank you father god thank you father god thank you lord oh even for that healing touch that's coming tonight god i thank you for radical miracles tonight god i thank you for the bodies that you're touching tonight god i thank you for the blind seeing and the deaf hearing tonight god i thank you for the cripples walking tonight god i thank you that the sicknesses and the disease that take life lord that you shut down death lord and we speak life in those bodies king thank you god for your healing touch coming in this place tonight and through the livestream god oh for those who are watching over the livestream god i thank you that you're touching their bodies tonight god that healing is coming into their homes lord and not only healing god [Music] but the blessing to see miracles through radical obedience with you king thank you jesus for impartation tonight god thank you jesus for mantle's falling tonight god thank you father jesus we worship your mighty name father we bless your mighty name god oh god oh oh man may you be magnified tonight may you be magnified tonight king jesus i thank you for the signs and the wonders coming in this place tonight god i thank you jesus for your glory and your goodness father let your fire fall i thank you for the healing waters god the healing waters being stirred tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus oh and that fresh oil [Music] we worship you lord we worship you we worship you thank you papa thank you father god thank you oh you are so good you are so worthy so worthy to be praised come on if you believe that the father is worthy to praise i want to invite you up to this altar tonight as we step into worship come on as a family as one accord we're gonna lift our voices and we're gonna fill heaven with worship and praise unto the king amen why don't you guys come on up here and join us for worship amen [Music] hey [Music] spirit breakdown [Music] [Applause] [Music] break those down [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] here tonight spirit breakouts [Music] spirit breakouts [Applause] [Music] spirit breakouts [Music] spirit brings [Music] [Music] spirit breakouts [Music] spirit breakouts heaven calm down [Music] spirit breakout break our walls down spirit break out [Music] heaven calm down [Music] everything that has breath breathes the lord [Music] and everything that has breath praise the lord then everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord and everything has breath praise the lord everything that has breath praised the lord [Music] spirit break out [Music] break all walls down spirit [Music] heaven come down [Music] i give you glory for all you brought me through and now i'm ready for whatever you want to do moving forward to follow after you i'm ready for whatever you want to do your presence is an open door we want you to like never before [Music] your presence [Music] an open door come now though [Music] in every season no grace has been enough [Music] i'm believing the [Music] [Music] you jesus the best is yet to come [Applause] [Music] your presence is an open door [Music] is an open door [Music] oh no like never before [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] he made me a promise and he won't stop now [Music] [Music] breakthrough is [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's an open door we want you know like never before your presence is an open door [Music] so come now lord like never before [Music] come along like never before blow a fresh wind tonight a fresh way to show your goodness god show your grace [Music] your presence is an open door we want you know [Music] like never before [Music] your presence is an open door [Music] so come no longer like never before [Music] so [Music] some [Music] he made me a promise and he won't stop now there's unknown breakthrough is coming by i see a miracle oh my god he made me a [Music] my god he made me a promise and he won't stop now not know pray through his comments [Music] and he won't stop now [Music] shiner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to glory shine around shine around let your glory shine for all the world to see see you clearly [Music] would you shine around [Music] breakthrough is coming by faith i see a miracle my god made me a promise and it won't start now silent breakthrough [Music] i is a miracle my god made me a promise and he won't stop now [Applause] [Music] so we've come to join the song song long before our light to raise our voice [Music] we see your faithfulness your mercy without it [Music] the god who sacrificed [Music] to be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations [Music] we lift our voice to heaven [Music] all through this life we lead on to eternity our endless praise will cry jesus [Music] our endless praise we cry jesus be glory by jesus be glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] singing worthy [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] praises the lord [Music] praises the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] is lord [Music] [Music] r [Music] up [Music] a [Music] we [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Music] praise [Music] praises [Music] we lift our [Music] our highest praises highest praises for you're worthy of it all [Music] the highest praises [Music] you are worthy worthy of it all [Music] it's the victory is yours you're riding on the storm your name is unfair the kingdoms rise and fall the throne withstands it all your name is unshaking the victory is yours you're riding on the storm your name is unfairly the kingdoms rise and fall your throne withstands it all your name is unshaking [Music] love from the ashes your love is out of the darkness and into the light lifting your sorrows and bearing our burdens and healing our hearts god we lift to our up we lift up one song to a god we lift up one voice singing hallelujah to our god we lift up one voice to our god we lift up one song to our god we lift up one voice singing hallelujah [Music] things have been broken eyes have been opened an army of drive homes is starting to rise death is defeated we are victorious for you are alive [Music] to our god we lift up one voice you are gone we lift up one song [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] singing is [Music] is [Music] gloria [Music] is [Music] we lift up [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] singing [Music] [Music] singing [Music] make his praise glory us glory us glory us for his name his glory us glorious glory us and make his prayers glory ours glory us glory and shout isn't that it's glorious glorious glory [Laughter] [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] and the victory is yours you're riding on the storm your name is unfailing no kingdoms arising for your throne it stands at all [Music] your name is [Music] shaken [Applause] [Music] oh your name is unfailing no matter what our circumstances look like you're unshaking you're unshaking god [Music] who is moving on the waters [Music] who is holding up the moon who is peeling back the darkness [Music] with the burning light of dune who is standing on the mountains who is on the earth below who is bigger than the air vans and the lover of my soul creator god is your way the great i am is yahweh the lord o lord is your way [Music] three in one knee is your way [Music] oh god [Music] is he that makes me happy [Music] who is he that gives me peace [Music] who is he that brings me comfort and turns the bitter industry who is stirring up my passions [Music] who is rising up in me who is filling up my hunger [Applause] [Music] with everything i need [Music] creator god is [Music] is [Music] the righteous sunnis [Music] [Music] [Music] your way your way [Music] we always you are holy and eternal [Music] and forever you will read [Music] every knee will bow before you and every tongue confess your name [Music] all the angels give you glory [Music] as they stand before your throne and here on earth [Applause] to declare [Music] is [Music] is way creator god creator god is your way the great i am is your way [Music] is [Music] [Music] the way the way [Music] your way your way your way [Music] your way [Music] and who is he that makes me happy who is he that gives me peace [Music] who is he that brings me comfort and turns the bitter into industry [Music] who is stirring up my passions [Music] who is rising up in me and who is filling up my anchor with everything i need [Music] creator god is yahweh the great i am he is yahweh the lord o loneliness your way rose of share on knees yahweh the righteous sunnis yahweh three in one knee is your way your way your way [Music] your way your way always showing you so stir it up in our hearts stir it up in our hearts stirred up in our hearts a passion for your name [Applause] so stir it up in our hearts or stir up in our heart storm stirred up in our hearts a passion for your name [Applause] [Music] stir it up in our hearts [Music] a passion for your name stirred up in our [Music] a passion for your name jesus i love you [Music] oh jesus i love you [Music] [Music] thousands elsewhere better is one day in your [Music] thousands elsewhere [Applause] better is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] oh jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] oh jesus i love you jesus i love you [Music] oh jesus i love you your name is like on you on my lips spirits like one to my soul your word is a lamp on to my feet [Music] jesus i love you i love you your name is like on on my lips your spirits like to my soul your word is a lamp on to my feet jesus i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you [Music] [Music] [Music] as you are here moving in our midst i worship you i worship you as you are here [Music] working in this place i worship you i worship you you are here moving in our midst [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you as you are [Music] worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] my god that is who you are you are here touching every heart i worship you i worship you you are here healing every heart i worship you [Music] i worship you you are here turning lives around i worship you [Music] i worship you you are here mending every on our worship year [Applause] when i worship you [Applause] [Music] that is who you are [Music] that is who you are [Music] my god that is who you are [Music] that [Music] [Applause] oh is is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you never [Music] [Applause] [Music] even when i don't feel [Music] my god that is who you are [Music] darkness my god that [Music] in the is my god that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are [Music] that is who you are is who you are [Music] that is who you are [Music] that is who you are and that is who you are [Music] that is who you are [Music] and that is who you are [Music] you never stop you never stop working even when i don't see you working even when i don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop working come on just put your hands out right now the the power of god is in this place come on he's infusing us right now i see jesus walking in the midst of each one of us infusing us with the power of god infusing us with his strength right now i feel the lightning of god coming forth upon us and i'm telling you whatever you've been going through whatever you've been facing the lord the triumphal god wants to come right now and he wants to blow the winds of heaven in the midst of darkness and he wants to level he wants to level the enemy right out in the midst of whatever is happening in your life right now i see jesus the light of the world shining in the darkness you know i'm reminded of john chapter 18 the most one of the most phenomenal verses you know jesus is right there and he's about to be betrayed with judas and with all the pharisees and all the troops that are coming against the king of glory and i love this you know jesus the light of the world is standing in the midst of darkness he's right there and everyone is surrounding him with all the clubs and all the swords and jesus the fearless one stands up and they said whom are you seeking and and and they begin to ask them that we're looking for jesus of nazareth and jesus steps forward well that's what it says and he steps forward in the midst of darkness and he says i am he and right when he says that the power of god comes come on the power of god the father of glory backs up his son in the midst of darkness and takes out the enemy and all of them fall to the ground oh jesus come on if you want that anointing just put your hands out let them touch you lord let that power rest upon us lord let that power come let the lightnings of god be released and father we thank you that you are taking out the enemy lord in the name of jesus father the lord let your glory be manifested tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] that is who you are oh that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are [Applause] that is who you are [Music] jesus we love you lord lord we thank you god for your glory in this place lord we thank you that you are the one who's called us out of darkness god into your marvelous light and lord i thank you god that the light of your presence jesus would shine lord that you would shine in us and around us god jesus we love you lord we love you lord that in the midst of darkness god the triumphal king rises with a healing in his wings the lord thank you for that healing power god and we thank you for the anointing of god just coming right now holy spirit we love you and we thank you that you're pouring out your oil tonight god you're pouring out the anointing of god lord that's gonna rest on us and it's gonna remain upon us and jesus we give you this night lord and we thank you for your goodness upon us in jesus name come on give the lord a shout of praise come on he's so good jesus oh hallelujah [Music] come on welcome everybody tonight to the fire glory outpouring who's excited for tonight on what the lord is doing come on he is so good jesus is in the midst of us right now and he's just pouring out his goodness upon us this is nigh 1315 i hope you guys are just ready to receive in the glory of the lord man the cloud is in this place come on the cloud of his glory is here and so i want to make a couple of announcements real quick we got this is the fresh awakening weekend we got jeremy who's going to be preaching tonight it's going to be intense i feel you know something special is going to be released this weekend i feel that there is the holy spirit i was seeing 333 even last night and even today and i know that that you know that jeremiah 33 3 that call upon the lord and he will and he will show us great and mighty things which we do not know then i believe that we we although god wants to blow our minds this weekend he wants to blow our minds in the anointing of god and he wants to take us into that place where i feel the mind of christ is gonna is gonna come forth this weekend so i'm excited so it's gonna be good we got jeremy tonight and then brian giron tomorrow guys brian he's a phenomenal just a man of god who carries such a realm of the anointing of the holy ghost and really a relationship with jesus and such an intimacy with a bridal realm so you're you're not going to want to miss that come out tomorrow it's going to be powerful i've watched some of his stuff online and man the anointing just drops in heavy so guys we want to get into the atmosphere anybody watching online this is the fresh awakening weekend come out tomorrow brian guerin's gonna be speaking we have it's gonna start at 6 45. doors are going to open at 6 15 and then we'll get into some intercession and then we're just going to let the holy ghost flow but man i love the holy spirit he is so good man oh he wants to acquaint us with the king tonight and so it's going to be good so yeah that is going to be happening on friday brian gurin miranda nelson is going to be speaking on saturday night oh man it's it's already flooding the atmosphere right now lord we just thank you whoo and then jeremy is gonna finish the fresh awakening weekend off and he's gonna our regular sunday nights are open to the public but we're open all weekend everybody so come out tomorrow come on on saturday and then jeremy's gonna be finishing up on sunday and um guys the fuel revival nights uh jeremy has heard from the lord to go out and start taking the outpouring uh just to different churches in different places fueling the atmosphere of revival in many different cities and so we're going to burbank california uh september 16th through the 19th guys man i had the privilege on going with jeremy uh just what a few months ago and we went man and i'm telling you guys the heavens open jeremy preached what yeah so that's the church that we went to guys anyone in burbank are close to burma california we were at the gathering place and we had went there and my goodness uh jeremy had preached the morning service in the afternoon and guys there was such a realm that came of an open heaven i mean i was shocked i was getting angelic visitations i was seeing angels appear in the atmosphere and there's so much to receive all when you're in when you're under the glory spout and that's what we want to be and so guys come out it's going to be powerful we're going to be traveling there in burbank california guys you never know what could happen when jesus christ comes into the building you never know what can happen when the lord comes through so guys it's going to be powerful and i'm sure after burbank many more places yeah and so rancho cucamonga at that same spot that we went to with the west coast rumble okay guys rancho cucamonga is going to be after that man that's where i actually saw the treasury rooms of heaven i saw gold appear all around me and i freaked out it was such a radical encounter guys heaven is wants to mark us god wants to take us into the open door of the father's house in this season and we're going to see things we're going to encounter things that we've never known before so i'm really excited for that so guys that is gonna gonna conclude the announcements but we're gonna receive the offering tonight oh man i love the offering i love taking the offering for the lord it's such an honor and a privilege because it's all about the spirit of wisdom and it's all about the spirit of revelation and tapping into the heart of god and it's uh i just love when jesus wants to pour out the realms of of of heaven and so we're going to sow into the lord tonight and as i was back there with jesus i was like god you know i like i always love when god when i we you know we are able to receive the offering for the lord and because it's an honor because heaven wants to mark us with something heaven wants to mark us with something special and i kept on seeing i was going to talk about something else about the deep mysteries but then i kept on seeing these canisters of oil in the heavenly realm and i was like god what's going on and i saw this red oil this blue oil just burning it was like bubbling forth in these cauldrons and i was like man and i knew that god wanted god was mixing anointings for us tonight and you know when oh man you know even jeremy had an encounter where he saw jesus as a mad scientist and he was in he was in a lab coat and he was mixing all these anointings and i was reminded of that encounter because i was like um the lord said i want to pour out special anointings tonight and in this offering where we could present ourselves before the lord and he can mix up a batch of the goodness of heaven and he can pour it out upon us and we can actually enter into a place in the heavenly realm that we've never been before see there's places in the heavens that god wants to pour out he wants to give us access to but it's only by the oil it's only by when you act when you come into the agreement with the lord and you bring your offering and you bring it before the king and you see that oil in the heavenly realm god begins to mark you with that realm and i was like lord where is this in the scriptures and i was reminded of exodus chapter 30. a lot of us know the know the story you know but god is telling moses to mix the anointing oils that he's gonna pour out upon aaron upon his sons to consecrate them so they can come and minister before the lord and and there was a special oil it was it was mixed with five different ingredients and i'm gonna talk about those ingredients real quick but it's with myrrh that was that was the first one the second one was with cinnamon the third one was with cane the fourth one casey and the fifth one was olive oil and god is telling moses hey moses i want to i want to invite you in into an encounter with me and i need you to mix these oils because this is the ingredients for the realm of my glory this is the ingredients that i want to mark you with and i just love this because here here's what the things that that moses had to anoint the people for he had to he had those five had to be mixed they had to be brought before moses he he had to mix them and then he had to go and anoint there was two places this is in verse 25 right here it says this it says and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil and ointment compound it according to the art of the perfumer oh come on you know god i saw these black canvases and god was was pouring out artistic works of the anointing and he was painting a fresh picture tonight of blueprints and the lord see it's all about when you receive a blueprint from heaven and jesus begins to speak to you according to your destiny and you you are coming into agreement with the king of glory and that perfume that ointment comes upon you god paints on the canvas and he wants to paint upon that canvas tonight and it's beautiful because in verse 26 it says and with it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting and the ark of the testimony all the all the utensils all the altar of incense the altar of the burnt offering the the labor of the base and all these things had to be anointed but i love it was the outer court he had anoint the tabernacle of meaning and then the inner courts the ark of the testimony that's where that's where it all took place that's where the mercy seat was that's where the glory of the lord began to come down and then after that he says i want you to go in anoint aaron and i want you to anoint his sons and i love this right here it says it in the last part in verse 31 this is it it says and you shall speak to the children of israel saying this shall be a holy anointing oil to me throughout your generations that it shall not look at this it shall not be poured out on man's flesh nor shall you make any other like it see this was a quality this is a quality anointing it was a quality oil that god wanted to pour out but it says in verse 33 the last verse whoever compounds any like it or whoever puts any of it on an outsider shall be cut off from the people and you know i love this god says you know this is a this is a special realm this is a special oil that i want to pour out and if anyone if you put it on any or or if you try to make anything like it or try to put it on anybody else they're going to be cut out and i love in the very beginning it says it says that god wanted to make a quality oil it was also take for yourself quality spices come on who wants to carry the anointing of quality in this season that anointing of the oil that god's gonna pour out and i'm telling you all i saw the all the colors of the oil the blue and the red they were being mixed from the father of lights tonight and i believe as we give to jesus oh man god we're going to have encounters with the king we're going to have encounters because it was all about ministering to the lord they needed that oil to go before the to go before the presence of god and minister to the face of god and so we're going to give to jesus tonight i believe that god's going to mark us with visions whoo he's going to mark us with encounters with dreams and even like esther how she had to be beautified with the anointing oil to come before the king i feel that the lord tonight is going to release encounters who wants to see jesus face to face come on so if you want to give to the lord there's going to be um there's going to be envelopes on the back of your seats if just listen to the holy ghost come up the holy spirit is marking you if you feel that oil dripping on you to sow into the anointing tonight anyone watching online who wants to partner with the holy spirit in power then um just just be radically obedient to what jesus wants you to do tonight there's three ways you can give if you have the app of a life's revolution you can go on the app and give there that's the way i give and then um if you also want to go to the website of you can also go that route and then also on the screen you can text revival to 206 859 four zero five oh and we're just gonna love on jesus tonight i believe as we just love on him and as we just listen to his heart you know jeremy miranda they're carrying the anointing of revival guys to the nations man i'm telling you if you want to go to africa if you want to just be marked with that realm of caring signs and wonders partner with the vision partner with the vision of what god is releasing tonight and just be radically obedient to the lord also if you want to make checks if you want the old school way and do it that way you could uh make checks to a last revolution and mail it to the address on your screen and um oh jesus come on it's good tonight he's gonna he's gonna lather us up who wants to be lathered in that oil i feel it just dripping tonight from the heavenly realm but um go ahead and uh you the the envelopes in the back your seat be led by the lord come up and and um we can play a song back there molly if you want and then we're just gonna give to jesus and then we're gonna come back up in a couple minutes and pray so just bless you guys as we give to the lord amen [Music] [Music] all right guys oh jesus come on the lord's already confirming the oil of the anointing tonight all right guys stretch your hands out towards the offering jesus we thank you lord for the king jesus you are the king of glory jesus you are magnificent in all of your ways all the oil drips out from your garments jesus we invite you here tonight lord we invite you lord we lay this offering before you lord as a sweet-smelling fragrance god all the ones who gave or all the ones that gave online jesus i'm asking lord even as you encountered me god in the realms of intimacy lord i'm asking that you'd pour out that intimacy god tonight and lord that everyone who sowed lord there will be multiplication god that you would release or divine access god into the realm of finances lord into the realm of favor holy spirit that that anointing of favor god would begin to rest upon people the lord i pray that you crack open canister's god of of the anointing tonight and the lord that you'd pour out those mixtures father from the heavenly realm lord father of glory in whom all o rabbi the whole family of heaven and earth is named and god we pray lord that you would begin to mark people over that realm the lord of multiplication god and that the oil would just ooze out of us jesus lord that you would place in us god lord just just a motor of oil god that that motor would begin to run of revival lord god that you would place a motor of revival inside each one of us to run on the oil of heaven and lord that you would you would infuse that in us tonight and god just let let let bank accounts explode or let the let the angels be released god from the heavenly realm lord to bring forth visions and blueprints in jesus name amen whoo come on and say whoa jesus we love you guys i it's it's a great honor tonight to welcome up jeremy nelson the revivalist just the general of revival who just loves the lord manly in love with jesus everyone give jeremy a round of applause as he comes tonight and ministers with the lord [Applause] come on give jesus a big hand [Applause] that was good i love it it's 8 18 right now come on god's people are for signs and wonders come on isaiah 8 18. if you don't know what i'm talking about jesus come on put your hands out and just receive listen he's so good you guys i was laughing he's up here talking about the oil and the lord told me to preach on luke 4 18 tonight and to talk about the anointing talk about the oil being poured out and i just really feel god wants to release fresh oil he wants to release fresh oil he wants to release a fresh anointing come on if jesus himself could do nothing without the anointing without the oil without the baptism of the holy ghost and what would we think we could accomplish in the flesh see sometimes it's not a matter of whether you're trying to be a good person or you're trying to do the right thing it's a matter of the anointing that breaks the yoke and destroys strongholds of the enemy just close your eyes and just enter in for a moment just be still know that he's god just love on jesus come on you can just pray in the spirit jesus come on just pray in the spirit just love on him right now just love on the king of glory oh thank you jesus [Music] um [Music] rise [Music] you were [Music] until [Music] just [Music] and you deserve the glory you were [Music] you were [Music] and you deserve the glory you deserve it all lord you deserve it all you deserve it all god who are coming [Music] we love you cause there's an open heaven in this place there's an open heaven in this room there's an open heaven in this place oh i see jesus tonight he's pouring out all your over here he's pouring out all here he's pouring out all your [Music] hmm [Music] i see the lord is high and lifted up yes i see the king of glory [Applause] i see the lord strong and mighty in battle he's in this place he's in this room right now he's in this place he's in your room right now yeah [Applause] he's worthy of our [Music] [Applause] let prayers glory shine around around let your glory shine [Music] so let your glory shine around let your glory shine around can you have glory [Music] mighty in battle in this place i see the angels coming now i see the angels being released all around [Music] because when you lift up the name of jesus heaven comes when you lift up the name of jesus heaven invades your space [Music] [Music] so let your glory shine around let your glory shine around can you glory here before so let your glory shine around let your glory shine around let your glory shine we're hungry [Applause] and we're [Music] love [Music] listen to those who hunger and thirst for they shall be filled blessed are those who hunger and thirst for they shall be filled for yeah shall be filled [Music] i want to just see jesus whoo he's got this massive huge big old bottle of oil tonight i see him walking around the altar right now pouring it out [Music] if you want that oil just come up [Music] on the here now there's oil on the altar heaven's pouring it out there's oil on the altar now there's oil coming down from heaven well there's more than enough to go round it's flooding your living room it's flooding your bedroom now it's flooding the altar of our hearts [Music] can you have glory come [Music] can of glory come i see jesus walking around the room he's releasing fresh oil over all you gotta do is say yes if you say yes you pour out his one best for sure pharisees receive nothing from the lord one thing's for sure the hungry get fed one thing's for sure the pharisees receive nothing from the lord but the hungry or the hungry get fed here comes the oreo here comes the fresh oil of heaven [Music] the oil of wisdom and revelation wisdom and revelation he's opening the eyes of our hearts he's opening our ears he's opening the eyes of our hearts he's anointing us to draw near he's anointing our eyes to seize anointing there is to hear [Music] oh come on [Music] holy spirit [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] we don't want [Music] we want an churches with our king [Music] so let your glory shine around let your glory shine king of glory here before king of glory so let your glory shine around let your glory shine around king of glory here before king of glory so let your glory shine around let your glory shine around king of glory here be found king of glory so let your glory shine around let your glory shine around king of glory here before king of glory [Music] king of glory he's the king of kings and the lord of lords he's the king of kings and the lord of lords he's releasing the kingly anointed now he's releasing kings and queens in the presence of the lord he's a king he's a king he's a king [Music] the kingdom of heaven has been released [Music] he's releasing a fresh anointed to ruling rain with his [Music] [Music] he's releasing the audio is it's taking us up it's taking us higher now through the open door it's the same door the saw before [Music] so [Music] it is [Music] i will not be shaken cause i put my trust in jesus [Music] shaking we're going higher tonight in the realm of the spirit every limitation every glass ceiling is [Music] i will put my trust in cause we serve a good god yes and his kingdom is unshakable though the world might reach the world might freak out and lose control our god's kingdom cannot be shaken [Music] so i'll let your glory shine around let your glory here's the oil of joy here [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the comes of gladness that breaks the earth it's the oil of gladness for happiness cause he took the heaviness on the cross he took all shame and fear he took all anxiety and he nailed it to the cross [Music] come on just put your hands up right now [Music] there's the anointing right there so let your glory shine around let your glory shine can your glory here be fun he's drawing near to you right now he's releasing an anointing of friendship [Music] just like jesus told his disciples [Music] said i no longer just call you servants [Music] but i call you friends i no longer just call you servants for a servant doesn't know what the master is doing [Music] but i've called you friends i've called you friends i gave it all for you i paid the price in my blood well to take you from glory to glory i hear the lord saying i gave it all for you i paid the price with my blood to take you from glory to glory yeah from glory to glory [Music] here comes the oil of friendship now cause the lord says i no longer just call you servant but i call you fred [Music] now call you friends i hear the lord saying i'm longing for friends that i can share my secrets with i'm longing for friends oh that can hold secrets [Music] anybody can shout the truth i'm looking for someone that i can share the intimate details of my heart with oh yes [Music] someone i can impart my heart to [Music] someone who will follow me anywhere [Music] here comes the friendly council of god here comes the friendly council of god if you wanna be still a new be still and know that he is [Music] gone cause if you want this anointing you can have it says the lord [Music] you the lord said i never withhold [Music] as long as you're hungry and you're thirsty if i didn't withhold the anointing from peter why would i withhold it from you he denied me three times [Music] [Music] on you now [Music] i'm raising up the johnson spirit i'm raising up my beloved says the lord it doesn't matter what you look like it doesn't matter whether you're male or female to me doesn't matter your race or ethnicity you all belong to the family of our god [Music] [Music] total saturation [Music] total saturation [Music] what i'm pouring out on you don't expect the religious ones to understand [Music] just give them a hug and pour out some oil cause they just don't know who i am [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] oh tonight i'm bypassing your brains and i'm going straight into your spirit straight into your spirit yes straight into your spirit it's not about head knowledge it's about her knowledge [Music] cause those who know their god will do great exploits yes [Music] cause the lord says i don't pour out my spirit for no reason it's always with a purpose now [Music] here comes the oil of creativity [Music] here comes the oil of creativity [Music] here comes the anointing for words of knowledge [Music] for miracles signs and wonders now for words of knowledge and signs and wonders an anointing to glorify the sun an anointing to show the goodness of the father to every word [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's often in the secret place [Music] it's in that quiet moment [Music] that the words of heaven begin to burn inside it's often in the secret place when no one's around but the words of jesus start to burn [Music] in stillness and quietness strength is released in stillness and quietness his strength is released he's breaking off suicide he's breaking off addictions it's breaking off doubting fear now [Music] [Music] freedom is in this place freedom is online [Music] religion has no power but the spirit of god can break every year [Music] the winds of heaven receive the winds of heaven huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus cause you are the one [Music] king [Music] jesus [Music] king of glory we worship you jesus [Music] you are the one that will look into [Music] all eyes on jesus right now thank you lord this is pouring out his spirit all right [Music] king of glory [Music] you know just be still i feel like we need to go into a little more stillness [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] come on he's anointing us tonight [Music] come on that word anoint means charisma it means to rub off upon to smear to paint a new picture [Music] come on how many know what's on jesus god wants it to rub off on you come on acts 10 38 says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and power and he went about doing good setting all who oppressed to the devil free come on i see that anointing getting on people tonight online getting on people in this room that fresh oil of supernatural power that fresh oil of wisdom and revelation to hear the voice of god that fresh oil to show forth the reality of the kingdom and to push back darkness [Music] thank you jesus [Music] i won't just keep receiving that right now [Music] come on keep receiving the oil as you watch it online those you in this place come on he wants to pour out that oil like joseph had on his life come on how many know in the book of genesis 41 verses 38-40 it says so pharaoh asks can we find anyone like this man one in whom the spirit of god is in and then pharaoh said to joseph since god has made all things known to you there is no one so discerning and so wise in all of the kingdom you shall be in charge of my palace and all of my people are to submit to your orders only with respect to the throne will i be greater than you come on how many know one touch of the oil one touch of the holy ghost one smearing of his anointing can give you a discernment can give you an authority that even the world marvels at they look at it and they go how did you get that how do you know this stuff how do you how are you able to interpret dreams how are you able to prophesy how do you know the secrets of my heart this is what starts getting into us when we get into this realm right here who wants that joseph anointing to rule and to reign i saw it when we were in the worship the king of kings and the lord of lords let me know that jesus is a king maker he's a queen maker come on somebody he wants to release that anointing to rule he wants to release that anointing to reign huh jesus come on i saw the anointing of creativity coming into the room i'm changing up my message now but still on that luke 4 18 jesus said this he said the spirit of the lord is upon me he proclaimed that in his day he took out the he actually took out the scroll of isaiah and he proclaimed the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good news the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives in recovery of sight to the blind to set all at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord come on god wants to pour out his spirit on us tonight and just like jesus there's a moment when you have to know and you have to understand the spirit of god is being poured out on you and you carry that spirit you carry that anointing listen you cannot fulfill the calling of god on your life without the oil this is not a matter of saved or not saved this is a matter of i'm gonna enter into the fullness of my destiny or i'm not the holy ghost is not optional his anointing is not optional he wants to pour it out on us right now some of us been looking to our own hand for deliverance and god is saying that it's time to look to him because he's gonna he's gonna mark us listen i've seen the anointing of creativity coming into the room when we were in that that just flow of the prophetic and i knew it was the bezel-l anointing for our for the artisans and those that are desiring to walk in creativity if you want that anointing he'll put it on you oh here it comes i could feel it right now there it is there he is he's moving whoo more lord more whoo see i like it when the holy ghost starts to come he starts to move whoo jesus thank you holy ghost [Music] so when he comes he moves in different ways on different ones some people laugh some people cry some people they feel the goosebumps some people feel nothing at all see the bible says when god poured out his spirit in the book of acts there was noise abroad it wasn't just some religious meeting the holy spirit when he starts to move there's action listen this bezel anointing you guys how many know that god spoke to moses and he said i want you to build the tabernacle i want you to build the tabernacle in the wilderness and as you build that tabernacle god gave him the dimensions he gave him the blueprint he said it must be absolutely perfect it must be perfect how many know that god wasn't going to dwell in anything other than perfection and excellence and so you know what god did he anointed a man named bezalel and he anointed him for the work of the kingdom listen god wants to anoint people for the work of the kingdom tonight he wants to anoint people for the work of his glory that you would walk not by your own might or your own strength or your own skill but you would walk with the guiding of his hand that he would begin to move through you and that there would be things that would happen through you and to you that you could never take credit for because you couldn't if you tried because everybody around you is gonna know that it's jesus they're going to know that it's the king of glory they're going to know that it's the one who sits on the throne because of of ourselves we're nothing you guys you know what it says it says in exodus 31 1-5 it says then the lord spoke to moses saying see i have called by name bezalel the son of yuri of the tribe of judah and i've filled him with the spirit of god in wisdom and understanding and knowledge in all manner of workmanship to design artistic works uh to work in gold in silver and bronze and cutting jewels and setting in carving of wood and in all manners of workmanship and so you have to understand god anointed an everyday ordinary man through the holy ghost how many know he took that man he took bezalel's mind he took his hands he took his skills that he had working with gold working with wood working with these natural elements and god put an absolute perfection in him and on him that he was able to actually perform what god had shown moses do you know there are things that god is going to show leaders that god's going to put his anointing on for everyday ordinary people to perform to begin to manifest to begin to bring it forth i think sometimes we look to leaders in the church as if they're going to do everything listen how many know that god wants to anoint the body of christ who put your hands out and receive this is a different night i like fresh awakening because we don't know the one thing we've always tried to do at fire and glory is we don't we don't try to put the stop on the holy ghost and we don't really care if you don't like it if there's somebody that doesn't it's how many know it's all about jesus he gets preeminence and that's that's the thing a lot of people that go oh we want preeminence but they don't let the spirit of god move you know i'm saying who am i to tell the king of kings oh lord you're moving too much right too hard right there like no way i say more god you found a people that want you and lord if it makes people uncomfortable make them more uncomfortable because they need to get set free anyway they need to get delivered to that religious thing because it's the glory of god when the glory comes when the presence comes stuff happens so you got to understand god anointed this ordinary everyday man with the holy ghost and all of a sudden when he began to work and he began to do what he was called to do with the skill of the anointing there was perfection listen what would happen if a brain surgeon got this what would happen if somebody that was a dentist got this what would happen if somebody listen if the you could perform perfection in whatever it might be i'm telling you god wants to touch people and anoint them how many know god wants to raise up those artists he wants to raise up the muse the musicians and the ones that are going to bring the sound of heaven the ones that are going to bring breakthrough i'll never forget i had a friend who was an artist and she would sit in her her garage and paint and the spirit and god was in the host she was getting the holy ghost praying tongues and she started praying one day and she saw a woman's face and she's like well that's weird the lord said paint that woman she painted this woman you know on the canvas and even just a nice full you know silhouette and then later her church entered into this new age festival fair where they were actually all these witches and all these warlocks every single year it was the biggest new age festival in all of america and they went and they got a tent and anyway the there was this woman that was there that was known to be one of the top witches in all of america will she walk by my friend's tent and as soon as she walked in the door she goes where are my spirit guides i can't find them no more she couldn't find him she said what's happening right now and she goes i don't know what and then she looked and she saw her face on the canvas you guys and she goes how do you know me and my friend just said oh i saw you in the spirit and so god loves you so much he wanted me to draw this for you and you know what ended up happening that witch gave her life to jesus right there on the spot see there's a fresh awakening that's happening right now where we're going to get outside the four walls of the church and we're going to get outside of religion we're going to start bringing the kingdom where the darkness is at see so many people they just all they got a vision for is just in the church but god wants to anoint us to take this stuff out of the church and to begin to see the glory of god manifest and and i love it because you know we're just all about souls you guys that's what we want i mean we've already seen 700 000 people saved in the last two and a half years we're believing god for a million by the end of this year and people they say how do you expect to pull that off the anointing it's not how many no when we go we go to nations and we show up and the people that went before us got ten thousand we show up and we get a hundred thousand how many no that's the anointing that draws people see god wants to god wants to draw people to your business god wants to draw people to your your family god wants to draw people you know to whatever it is that you're doing see sometimes we try so hard to make it happen out of our flesh and god's just saying surrender he's saying let me put the anointing on you i mean you got to understand when when jesus how many know when jesus preached the the sermon that messed everybody up the most he said unless you drink of my blood and you eat of my flesh you can have nothing to do with me you know or my father's kingdom and people looked at him and they were like that was a hard teaching jesus we liked all that other stuff you know we were like yeah bless of the poor spirit we can dig that but are you like a vampire what do you mean see but here's the thing he spoke nothing but in parables to people because it was about a test of a heart but here's what he told his disciples he said are you going to go too and they said where else can we go for you have the words of eternal life but then he said this only those whom the father draws can come to me did you know that that means that god wants to put an anointing on your life that would draw people to him see people shouldn't be drawn to you they should be drawn to the king inside of you whoo see i'm telling you and if we accept that and we realize that how many know that that surrender gets the oil on you and you start you start carrying the oil you won't even have to try i mean i've had so many miracles that happened because people just ran into the like i i don't know what happened i just turned around boom there they are and i'm like ooh you look like you fish jumping in the boat right now what's wrong with your leg boom leg gets healed jesus they get saved how many know god wants you to be like a holy ghost magnet it's like come on somebody somehow how many know religious people it's like the opposite everybody runs they're like i mean god wants to put a favor on you right i'm telling you if you want that that artisan anointing just put your hands out that and you know i'm not saying everybody's going to overnight be able to play the guitar or do whatever but you know what's funny is i mean listen god can do anything he can anoint someone for something that they have no business doing and and and before you know it people will be coming to you going how did you get that and you go well i don't know i just gotten the glory and the glory gotten me and now i i can do things you know so lord we just release that prophetic flow right now god that realm of the arts and entertainment lord god that realm of uh holy ghost rap that realm of of of songs and and sounds and sights and that that realm of lyrics from heaven that realm of lyrics that are going to touch the earth god and release the love song of the father to a generation lord lord i thank you right now god for the for jewelries and and and lord i thank you for our sins lord god that that just like you put that anointing on bezel lord god you're going to put an anointing on people to to to work you know unusual miracles in in in the stuff that that would glorify you in entertainment god woo i see like jewelers in this place i don't know what this is but i see god's going to anoint someone to make jewelry if that's what's burning in your heart take it right now there we go thank you lord listen god's going to put his anointing on us like gideon tonight you know what i love about gideon get in was from the smallest of the tribe of manasseh which means that in his heart he thought he was insignificant but listen it's not about what you think and not about what people think come on somebody how many know god's not looking he's not looking for other people's approval he's looking for your surrender and when you surrender listen it don't matter what people think about you because you ain't getting your security out of what people think you get it out of what he thinks and that's why i can i could stand up here tonight and i could preach and i it doesn't matter to me that people are on the floor crying and laughing and rolling and some people are you know screaming and it doesn't matter holy spirit have your way because i learned it ain't about me anyway and god taught me if they start getting whacked just preach over me he said just keep going he said because as you're preaching the oil is being poured out he said as you're throwing it down as you're releasing the kingdom of god there's stuff being released into people's hearts but we don't want to stop people come on somebody that's what that's one of the sins of the religious spirit is they stop they quench the holy ghost the holy ghost is everything i'm telling you right now oh jesus come on he wants to touch us like gideon how many know gideon went from hiding in a wine press he was treading he wasn't even treading grapes in the wine press he was hiding what some wheat because he was a part of a generation that was so ransacked by the devil that they were so poor that they had no food to eat so why was he in the wine press because he didn't want nobody to see the wheat that he had so he could have another meal because he was scared the midianites were going to come and steal it from him how many know that god wants to slay the spirit of poverty come on somebody he wants to slay the spirit of lack where the devil wants to hold a generation down you want to know why they were the in gideon's day they had to have a judge rise up because every time the harvest came when it was harvest time the midianites would destroy all of israel's harvest and keep them in bondage and they never could rise up until the anointing came on a man until all of a sudden gideon hiding in the wine press an angel of the lord shows up and it says hey there valiant warrior hey mighty man of god and he looks at him goes me he goes i'm from the smallest of the tribe of manasseh you might be saying tonight i'm not that significant like i don't even know why i'm here somebody here you're like well you know what i'm getting older now listen don't even start with me moses didn't even start his ministry till 80. come on with somebody who i mean smith wigglesworth didn't even get saved until he was 50 you guys and i mean listen he raised 13 people from the dead and saw hundreds of thousands of people saved in a in in england and you got to understand that was a sign and a wonder in that day and and god wants to release his anointing on us tonight i love reading about smith wigglesworth but where's the next smith wigglesworth at you might be in the room you might be watching online some of you need to dare to dream with god that he would anoint you that he would put his glory on your life and here's the only requirement you're willing to give him all the glory you're willing to die to yourself and say god you can have whatever you want god take it all because i know that in exchange you're going to give me you and that's really what i need come on somebody see i'm telling you i love it gideon how many know god chooses this guy he doesn't even he's not even sure of himself i mean and then all of a sudden the anointing comes on him he blows a trumpet and 32 000 people come out of nowhere and god's like see here you listen there was an anointing to gather but you know what sometimes it's not about the gathering it's about the right ones come on somebody you know sometimes we think the only thing i i don't think you think this but sometimes some people think the only time god's really moving is if it's in the stadium or if it's in the mass meetings and you know it's all packed out but that's not true how many know jesus appeared to over 500 people the bible says but when the fire finally fell there was only 120 in that upper room i would not want to have been one of those others could you imagine if you're like you know what i'm just going to take one night off and then the fire fell you're like no they come out all oily speaking in tongues witnessing miracles happening oh beat up peter's bold now come on somebody they're like what happened to pete he's on fire you know that could be your story i saw it in the spirit man when we were up there worshipping i saw the lord it was so interesting i saw the lord and i heard the lord say to me he said if i put my anointing on peter why wouldn't i put it on every one of them tonight [Music] he said and you've got to understand that some of you just need to think about the bible you don't put yourself in the stories that's why see god wants to god wants to mess us up and you know what god gave here's what i believe god wants to give you just like he gave gideon you know god took him to the river you know whenever god tests his people to see if they're going to go the next level it's always in regards to the holy ghost there's different levels of walking with god in the spirit there's ankle deep there's knee deep there's waist deep there's head over heels like the prophet ezekiel saw in ezekiel 47 when he came out of the throne room floor a threshing floor and the angel instructed him to go out into the river listen did you know god wants us to go deeper not more shallow come on he's calling us into the deep and and so gideon he's over there with 32 000 people and the lord says this if they're scared tell him to go home and so he made an announcement the cdc said no i'm joking but anyway he made an announcement and what happened over 20 000 people left immediately come on how many know humans are afraid but you know what sons and daughters of god are secure they're not afraid they're on fire and and you know what there was ten thousand and i if you were getting you'd be like well we got ten thousand right and then all of a sudden the lord's like get them to the waters and they start drinking he says according to how they drink it's to be how i choose this army the ones that get down lap like dogs are yours and the other ones they got to get out of there the dignified ones they're gone and you know what happens god narrowed it down to 300 but 300 was the number he wanted to destroy the midianites with because 300 would give him glory 10 000 would not how do i know that because he told gideon he said you're too numerous for me to give you the victory because you would say that you did it come on how many know that's how us humans are sometimes you wonder why it's like i got my back against the wall now my victory comes like it's because the lord's like just make sure you know but then all of a sudden you get into a momentum and your back's not on the wall now you're anointed come on somebody and then before you know it you're destroying the enemy's kingdom and he doesn't even like when you're around he freaks out you got a kingdom reputation you got a jesus reputation you know i mean he ain't no son of skeeva getting beat down stripped naked and thrown out of a house you tried to deliver a dude from come on somebody i mean all those sons of skeva that was like the worst story ever in the book of acts man them dudes tried to go in there they said i'll cast you out in the name of of of of jesus whom paul knows that devil was at first the devil scared me what'd you say i cast you out in the name of jesus that paul knows and the devil knew he's like who i got these fools he was like because they don't know who they are and they're not really god's i thought they had some authority because they sounded real religious and loud you know you ever met people like that but they got agreement with with darkness in their life you know the quickest way to have no authority is agree with the devil come on somebody that's why i tell people you got to be all in or not i don't play around with a little drinking here little smoke in there a little this and that it's time to give it up and and and sometimes what happens is in the name of our religious freedoms we actually sabotage the breaker anointing you know and and if that offends you who cares i'm like i was an alcoholic and a drug addict i smoke weed every day i drink like a fish i'm telling you like i i would drink since i was 13 years old bottles of liquor just before i went to the bars and you're like what do you mean you were 13. i was like well i would still do it because my uncle's you know but you know what when i got touched and i got set free i never touched it again and people go why did that happen for you and why does it happen this guy and i go because i got the anointing it's the anointing that breaks the yolk you know what i had to do to get that breakthrough is stop being scared of the holy ghost seriously i would i didn't like it first people would shake and break and fall on the floor and scream and laugh and cry in my brain and my little religious spirit i was only saved for a month so thank god it didn't last that long but you know what it was the moment that i finally let go and said god you be god not me when i was the one on the ground i was like and then i i never never touched any of that stuff again delivered set free you know what i love about this is if you get the anointing of god god will show you your victory over the devil how many know that god told you know get in he said go down to the enemy's camp after he had 300 he wasn't too sure he's like lord you sure we're going to fight these guys he went down he hears the devil i had a dream last night and his barley roll came down the hill and destroyed our tent and the other guy the other demon interprets the other demon's dream he's like oh no that's none other than the lord and gideon they're going to kill us and then how many know you'd be sitting there like yeah that's right let's go let's get god wants to give you a picture of who you are and how powerful you are even if you think you're outnumbered numerous troops against you it doesn't matter because god is more powerful in you than any demonic force any sickness any disease you're going to find out sooner or later the more you push into god the devil's more afraid of you than you should be afraid of him unless you've got agreement with him so i'm telling you we're going to release this anointing oh i don't know about you but i'm hungry i press in every day i don't go a day without reading the word i don't go a day without praying the scriptures i don't go a day without speaking in tongues worshiping god it's not a religious exercise to me it's a relationship i can't live without his presence i'm sharing that with you because you got to understand that's where you've got to get to if you want to be an overcomer if you want to walk with god and talk with god and see the glory in your life then then we've got to make him the most we got to make him the most valuable thing jesus yeah you know samson walked in a mighty anointing the bible says he once killed a thousand men with a jawbone they tried to attack him the might of god was so powerful on his life they tied him up and this dude he was he was like an entire antagonistic you know dude i mean he let him time i was go ahead and tie me up you know they tied him up and the bible says that the the cords they put on him they just broke right off as if they were being burnt and and you know what i think about that i think he was on fire and i think that anointing of might burnt those those cords off of him and then he went he went straight up commando on those fools he found a jawbone of a donkey and was like that's it boys i mean listen they could have made a movie about that and you know what's as crazy as one time he was walking around the bible tells us in judges 14 and the lion rose up on him and came at him and he ripped that line to shreds as if it was nothing and it was because the anointing of might came on his life i'm telling you god wants to put the anointing of might on your life that every time the enemy sends something to devour you god begins to release the sweetness that every time the devil tries to come to steal kill and destroy every time the devil comes prowler around like a roaring lion you rip him to shreds because he ain't no prowling roaring lion he's like he's a fake and when you see correctly when you begin to walk in the perspective of heaven you'll shred that thing come on somebody come on the bible tells us in the book of revelation i don't glorify the devil one bit i hate churches that do that no i don't hate them but i just don't like glorifying the devil i hate that mindset that's a better way of saying it yeah the devil man get your eyes on jesus i'm not denying there isn't a devil because there is and i've learned listen the closer you get to god sometimes the more the warfare comes but you know what that's why the bible says to prove the good and acceptable will of god i mean there ain't no proving it if you ain't got an opportunity right who jesus see but god wants to anoint you to prove the will he wants to anoint you to destroy yokes when you pray and and but you know what's interesting is the saddest verses in the bible you guys it's actually in judges 16 20 through 21 it's when samson loses the anointing of god and he doesn't even realize it doesn't even realize it i don't know about you but you know what keeps me in the fear of the lord is because i don't want to lose favor with my god i don't want to i i don't want to stop hearing his voice i don't want to stop being in his presence i don't want to lose the whole the holy spirit the anointing of god that's one of the motivations i go i don't i'm not going to do that with you over there i don't care what you say is good for you that ain't good for me why because i fear the lord and i want to walk with him and i want to do great exploits you guys i want to see millions of people saved and i will i mean and and you know what here's the deal you could do great exploits too he's just looking for someone to pour his oil on he's just looking for someone to anoint he's just looking for someone that's willing to say yes and when you say yes to god listen he will a million times over he will bless you beyond anything you could ever give up ever the bible says that you know he can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask think or imagine ephesians 3 20. whoo i see this oil but you know what's crazy as it says in judges 16 20-21 it says in she said the philistines are upon you sampson so he awoke from his sleep and he said i will go out as before at other times and i will shake myself free but he did not know that the lord had departed from him that's scary right there the bible says the philistines took him and gouged his eyes out and brought him to gaza and they bound him with bronze fetters and he became a grinder in the prison and and and so you got to understand as as you read this you know it's talking about the disobedience and you got to understand that the disobedience to god and the covenant he had with his father cost him the anointing see if we want to walk in the anointing you got to be obedient and it's radical obedience you guys and and it's crazy because if you read it says that he he shook himself like he had shook himself before when he had been tied up but this time this time the the chains didn't break so i've met people they got the same manifestation whoa but not the same anointing come on somebody it's possible to be intimate with god and carry a breakthrough anointing and and you're touched by god wow i'm getting hit and it's like man i'm intimate with him and then you could be over here in the next season you lost a secret place and it's nothing but religious culture come on somebody see god wants us to walk with him and talk with him i feel the fear of the lord tonight i feel that you know what though god is going to pour out a spirit god told me he said you won't lay hands on everybody tonight and there's an impartation of the wisdom of god that's going to be released he said there's an impartation of wisdom and revelation and we'll release it over the live stream as well and and and you got to understand that the bible says that joshua the son of nun was full of wisdom because moses had laid hands on him there was a transference there was an anointing there was an impartation god doesn't want i really do believe god wants to put amazing he wants to put an amazing anointing on the whole church he needs everybody on deck in the season it's like if you don't got a vision to be powerful in god then get a vision come on somebody sometimes we sit around just thinking about how bad we mess up and our sin and our struggles get your eyes off you and get them on the king what you focus on you will empower if you're always trying to manage your own sin you're defeated already you got to understand there's one who breaks chains there's one who destroys yokes and if you don't get in his presence then you keep the chain and you'll keep the yoke and god wants you to get the word in you and then the word will start to bring truth in your life that will start to set you free but it's the power of the spirit that breaks the yolk off of your life whoo come on somebody see some of you're going to break some yolks tonight and shackles and chains and break loose from some things and and i'm i'm telling you that god's you know there was another guy how many members saul remember the prophet samuel calls out saul and you know saul's an interesting dude when it came to the day that he was going to get anointed the dude was hiding in the luggage he was like he didn't even want to be there that's how big of a coward he was you know it was like god had told the prophet that's the dude that's the guy he's going to be the king and he was scared to death he was hiding in the luggage and you know what the man of god had to do the same thing i got to do sometimes on sunday nights or these nights when people don't respond to the word of knowledge you got to go find him he said lord where's he at he said behind the luggage how many know i do that all the time i did the other night just walk right over there it's you isn't it don't you know voice of god anointing but you know what happens the bible says when the anointing came on saul he became another man see god wants his anointing to come on you tonight he wants you to become otherworldly come on somebody who how many like all these superhero movies you know the whole world is hungry for something supernatural you guys i'm telling you god god wants to release the supernatural and you know what some people they don't like when you talk about this stuff but how you know that if if god's people won't prophesy then god will use the the world to prophesy and you know god got to release some things and i'm telling you guys about to release that captain america anointing tonight come on somebody somebody like what do you mean captain america if you study out the story of captain america it's very interesting because you know he was this scrawny little guy that basically got you know he couldn't enlist in the army because he was too weak he had bronchitis he was sick he was scrawny he was little it wasn't going to work and and then one day there's this there's this guy you know dr erskine who decides i'm going to take a risk on this guy because he's got a lot of heart and you know what he does he gives them a super serum and it was actually called operation rebirth come on somebody come on there's something that happens when you're born again and then there's something that happens when you get the super serum of the holy ghost the anointing of god they put them in the machine that i'm telling you they release the power on him and all of a sudden that super serum of the holy ghost that other worldly anointing that might of god got him he came out of that thing and i'm telling you everybody was like what and what did he do he was commissioned to take down the red skull army just like god wants to commission you oh see i'm telling you who i should have brought my captain america shield i got one and a real one not a fake one because we've been talking about filming a marvelous gospel series for rap but see some of you might feel sickly some of you might feel weak but guess what in our weakness he is made strong how many know that it's not our boasting and how amazing we are it's in our infirmities that god will anoint us and he'll he listen he'll break through and listen he doesn't want you to stay weak he wants you he wants you to get into his presence and he wants you to get that super serum before you know it man you're out running everybody nobody can stop you before you know it you're taking down whole armies on your own i mean like but you know what you know what is interesting is we're just flowing tonight is in that movie in captain america they say he says captain america do you know why i chose you and he said why he said because you're a weak man he said a strong man would abuse the power he said but a weak man who knows that he's limited a weak man that knows that he's nothing he would respect the power when it was given to him because he would know it wasn't given to him of his own that's what he told him how many know that's what our father is doing come on our father is looking at us tonight and he's going listen the world thinks you're weak everybody told you you can't make it everybody told you there's no way that you ever be a businessman there's no way you ever be a preacher there's no way you're ever going to amount to nothing there's no way that you're going to ever get an education there's no way that you're ever going to get out of that pit that you grew up in and the father is like oh just let me put my radiant glory on you in some super serum of the holy ghost we'll see what they say come on somebody you're gonna be rolling out this place to the spirit like but you know it's crazy how many know that bad character will corrupt the anointing it'll actually cause you how many know that your character has to be as great as your gifting and if it's not then your gifting will eventually crush you you know what saul got the anointing but here's the deal he was disobedient in fact the bible tells us this is crazy you guys the bible tells us the that tells us that that god chose saul and in first samuel 6 14 it it says this it says but the spirit of the lord departed from saul and a distressing spirit from the lord troubled him and so you got to see this god commanded saul i want you to destroy everything in this this city and he was disobedient he said no we're not going to destroy everything you know god really doesn't know best so we keep a little bit of that treasure for me come on how many know you start messing around like that i met so many people that were anointed and after a season they got familiar with god they lost the anointing but they were still gifted and little by little they began to backslide into the world and because miracles were still happening because they were still prophesying they thought they were all good they thought well you know what and really what was happening is they were living in the time where god gives you time to repent how many know the bible says in the book of revelation god gave jezebel time to repent but she would not and because of that he threw her on a bed on a sick bed and and he punished her right and so you got to understand there are times and seasons where we we begin to discover the lord is gracious and compassionate he's slow to anger he's full of mercy but at the same time come on don't play how many know that the anointing of god the holy spirit is a gift it's the it's the gift of the father he has given you and he wants to he wants to give you more i'm telling you there's more for every one of you what more for every one of us the bible actually says until we come to the full stature of christ and there's no one in this room that's even close so that tells me we got some more that we can go but but you got to see this our obedience and our disobedience and our love for god matters how many know david was a man after god's own heart have you ever wondered why was david a man after god's own heart why did god love david so much and what's interesting is david wasn't he wasn't the greatest of guys i mean he did some crazy stuff he messed up pretty bad with bathsheba but yeah god loved him why why did god say david is a man after my own heart what was it about david that god loves so much and i'll tell you what i believe it was i believe it was his authenticity i believe it was his hunger for the holy ghost i believe he was a man of the presence of god he was a man of the spirit you guys and and not only that david when he made the biggest mistake of his life listen you guys he understood he knew in that moment that he messed up and he knew that there was a possibility that the holy spirit might lift from his life he knew that the holy spirit lifted from samson he knew that the holy spirit had lifted from saul and so there all of a sudden in that moment of distress he pinned psalm 51. psalm 51 and it's one of the most beautiful psalms psalm 51 1 through 11 it says this have mercy upon me oh god according to your loving kindness according to the multitudes of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin verse three i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me come on we're going to stop right there you want to know why god loved david god loved david because david was real he was he was he was sorry about what he had did he was confessing his sin to god you know how many men and women of god you know how many people uh they don't they don't feel that that sense of conviction no more they don't it's like they're numb in their soul i can just do whatever i want leave me alone i'm not religious they got an anti-religious religious spirit but really there's a spirit of offense in them that has caused the anointing to live and i mean listen god wants to break that that thing off of people he wants to he wants to release his presence and he wants to release his power and and david is proof that god is not looking for perfect people he's looking for those that love him and you know what's interesting is you know he he he cries out to god and you know he's not trying to hide anything he acknowledges what's going on and it says in acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent and be converted that your sins might be blotted out so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the lord have you found yourself in a season where there's no more presence maybe search and just get with the lord and say search me and know me show me if there's anything i've been disobedient in god show me if there's anything that i haven't done or anything that i have done that's affected the anointing lord anything it doesn't matter what it is and when he tells you to put that when he tells you to put that thing down listen don't even hesitate whoo see that's what's happening david's coming into the presence going home no lord i already know right now god that without your presence i'm nothing without your power in my life without your counsel in my life without seeing you without gazing upon you i mean he was a he was a forerunner he was a prophet and he was a king and he was a priest his intimacy unto god was like that of a priest and his authority as a king was to rule and reign over a nation but he was also a prophet because he was prophesying he was seen into our time and day and at the same time he was crying out to god and he was he was seeing what the finished works of the cross was going to release into a generation and i mean listen you guys i want to just keep reading this verse 4 it says against you you alone have i sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blame us when you judge behold i was brought forth in iniquity and in my mother's whom i was conceived in sin behold you desire truth in my inward parts and in the hidden parts you make me known to know wisdom purge me with hyssop and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness that the bones which you have broken may rejoice hide your face from my sins blot out all my iniquities created me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me oh let me know this is the prayer of someone who's truly sorrowful and he's repenting for real but he's about to go into his greatest fear right here last verse verse 11 do not cast me away from your presence and take not your holy spirit from me come on somebody how hungry for god are we how thirsty how how close do we want to be because we can be closer than we are right now every single one of us doesn't matter who we are there's always another level there's always another realm and here's the beautiful thing is the blood of jesus is more than enough i mean you've got to understand i i really believe what he what what david was saying was he was saying you know take not your presence for me take not your holy spirit from me and he was basically saying you know everything else that i have you could take it he goes without your anointing i'm nothing i'm nothing i'm just a mere human come on somebody this is a man that walked with god raised up mighty men went and slayed enemy soldiers and defeat after defeat when it came to the battles his enemies were defeated every single time victory after victory when it came to battles and david was a worshiper he was a worshiper one of the key ingredients michael come up here one of the key ingredients to the you know what's funny is i did not plan on sharing this stuff we just went there i just felt the holy spirit say go on the keyboard and sing and i'll give you what you need and by the way a couple years ago i'd never played an instrument in my life and i'm not saying i'm not good or anything but at least i can pluck around but my point is god could put an anointing on you to do things that every time i go on there i get i'm like oh jesus help me throw a demon in front of me i'm like come out see god wants to invite you into things that scare you and put an anointing on you somebody's been i can feel this somebody's been saying business for a long time business and you're like no god ministry he's going no business and ministry because you know we're all in full-time ministry right it's the way we should think you may not speak behind a pulpit you know all the time or anything like that but how many know god's called all of us to reach humanity he's called every one of you watching online to reach people with his love we're all full-time ministers because we're full-time lovers of god we're full-time in his kingdom for such a time as this but you know what i i love is this is that god is so good you guys he's so good like he's beyond good i mean like his mercies will blow your mind he's just looking for our hearts see the difference between david and samson one was humble and one was arrogant [Music] the difference between david and saul one knew who they were and the other did not and their identity when it came to knowing god how you know that saul went from the anointing to the witch of inlo [Music] that's pretty sad [Music] but david did not lose the anointing god allowed him to see an error raised up to fulfill the vision that he had given him solomon ruled in the kingdom and established the golden years of israel whoo i feel the anointing on that right there if you guys were here last week my wife on sunday shared a dream she had about israel and a whole bunch of peacocks flying over since that time we found out patricia king jesse duplantis it's like three or four other people who pocky davis different ones have prophesied this week about peacocks [Music] you know what's interesting is my wife and i we we actually closed on a home this week and [Music] actually rosie helped us get that and we were in the backyard this is no joke like doing our final inspection and rosie goes is that a peacock there was legit like a peacock statue in the back that we never saw we're like that's a peacock if you don't know what the peacocks are isaiah 60 says that the glory of the lord is going to rise upon us and you know the glory is going to cover us when deep darkness has covered the earth and the people god's glory will be seen it talks about the ship the ships of tarshish coming from afar and later when you read about solomon it says that he was he was given these shiploads of of gold and monkeys and you know peacocks and ivory and it's a sign of of supernatural breakthrough and wealth and all these different things and i believe that's another one of the anointings god wants to release tonight who wants that anointing here's what i'll tell you you get all the anointings when you just get him so often we want one little thing i want that i'm like i want jesus because jesus is the one i mean when you get into his presence and you begin to push into him what's on him begins to rub off on you and before you know it the anointed one causes you to become an anointed one and and next thing you know you're running around and people are going what is that like this guy's moving in miracles and signs and that's what happened to peter and john they started moving in power and authority the early church was a they were holy terrors to the religious spirit and some people what do you mean well they couldn't stop them i mean these guys like they would get beaten and rejoice like how do you stop people like that man they beat them and they're running away they're like praise god we got beat for jesus you know and then and then not only that they got thrown into prison and you know the the religious guys that threw them into prison go to have a board meeting and when they go to have their meeting about what to do with them the angel the lord opens the prison doors and says go back out there and preach again. and they come back and they find them blowing the city up again for jesus and then their head dude was like all right guys this is the way it's gonna work you mess with them you're gonna mess with god [Music] this is of the flesh it'll die off but if it's of god it'll keep going you won't be able to stop it how many know that's the move of god we want that even when your enemies see what's happening they go that guy's blessed i can't even deny it that's that's why they don't like you come on somebody god wants to put such an anointing on your life that when your enemies see you they they got no choice but to go i don't like them but god's blessing come on somebody and i'm not talking about materialistic things i'm talking about the anointing of god all that other stuff you get the anointing you get god's attention you get the friendship of god i mean that was probably the strongest thing i felt when we were doing that little time of just flowing is i heard the lord say i'm not looking for servants i'm looking for friends he said there's a ton of people that serve me son he said i'm looking for ones that i could share my secrets with i'm looking for ones that i can reveal my mysteries to i'm looking for ones that i can reveal my heart to and i can impart it to them and then they will take that little piece of my heart and they'll impart it to the world around them and they'll show the world the goodness of god you guys see god wants to raise a generation up that in times of darkness we begin to shed the light we begin to show the light everywhere that we go and i love it because we're living in days right now [Music] where there's a generation that needs jesus like never before there's a generation that needs to see the works of the father and you know some of it is we got to stop fighting with each other and just start going after the loss you know i get you wouldn't even believe how many hate mails i get and how much stuff comes into my inbox on instagram facebook all the different things and even on my posts people talking trash and you know i i used to just go at it with people you know and then the lord said to me one day he goes what's wrong with you i said what do you mean he goes don't you think i'm your defender son he said what he said stop defending yourself because when you do that i can't cover you and he said to me he goes you want to know a true sign of pride and i said what is when you try to battle without me he was like every time people do that to you just erase their posts he's like the enemy's wanting to distract people left and right when they don't agree with you oh well i don't believe in speaking in tongues don't you don't have to be rude to him just it's like whatever i'm not going to listen to that you know or when people they don't like the the anointing of god listen just ignore it and move on because here's the deal they're just saying they don't like god oh see we're living in a generation that needs to see the glory of god signs and wonders and miracles my good friends you know sean foyt and jay koopman every time they come around with lettuce worship i love it they let me get up with them and throw down and we see so many crazy miracles but you know i talked to i talked to jay on the phone all the time and and you know sean and those guys and one of the number one miracles they're seeing right now every city they go into they see like 30 or 40 teenagers that had a spirit of suicide get instantly delivered drugs and alcohol throwing them up on the stage people throwing all kinds of i mean listen we are in a season where the world is ready for revival but it's not just going to happen in a pulpit we need everybody to go we need all of you anointed to flow and i'm telling you that the anointing of god is going to flow tonight miracles and signs and wonders are going to be seen from you and if you're hungry for it you can have it i feel this is the word of the lord saying i want you to stand to your feet i can preach all night long i pretty much did but if you want that anointing just come out here you guys come on just come out here god wants to mark us tonight with the oil of his presence with the oil of his delight oh jesus and for some of us he's just he's pushing you over the edge a little more now he's like it's like come on a little more a little more more surrender come on this is you guys are hungry and this is just the first [Music] night i can't wait to see what happens tomorrow oh jesus [Music] thank you lord come on just put your hands out and worship him lord we release the oil of heaven right now holy spirit we ask you to come tonight with your oil and with your fire god over the livestream in this room [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] to declare the favor of the lord to proclaim to all the earth you victory to bring healing to the broken in the morning [Music] send me a place for your royal out for all of my days for your royal love annoy me in your power [Music] thank you jesus listen i don't know about this this woman right here that yeah you here just come out into the aisle please yeah i'm pointing right at you just come here put your hands out right there listen i saw the power of god through go through your body and i saw him touch you from up here like up in your neck even down into your spine you need a miracle in your back just yell it out yeah she says yes she does listen i'm telling you god's gonna heal you right now just keep pulling on the oil but i just the father just pulled on this miracle in my heart i looked over and i just couldn't not come over here father i thank you in the name of jesus for overhauling this back i thank you god right now for discs being restored i thank you for all pain going right now spirit of infirmity release in the name of jesus there's the anointing right there healing power into that bat here now move your back around [Music] how does that feel is the pain gone yes come on thank you jesus how long have you had that pain months it's been pain and hurting back there yeah off and on for months but tonight it was hurting yes and now it's gone come on somebody give jesus [Music] [Applause] oh fresh anointing on him god [Music] come on just pull pull on his presence right now [Music] i see the eyes of the lord on this one i see the eyes of the lord thank you lord come on that second chronicles 16 9 says the eyes of the lord range throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are totally committed to him come on man that anointing it's right there it's coming on this guy right here just put your hands out man god loves you whoo he loves you man he loves you he he loves your heart whoo you're a warrior for the king just put your hands out i don't even need to touch you he's going to touch you here's the anointing right here there it is in the name of jesus father i thank you for my brother i see your back being healed i see your back being touched do you need a miracle in the back you got pain in your back man [Music] what's up here lay hands on him with me we'll get him here come here let's put your hands up father we do we just release breakthrough over my brother right now i thank you god tonight you're marking him with the anointing he'll never be the same lord i thank you lord every every stronghold of the enemy that's tried to pull him down and pull him out of your presence lord we just break it now in jesus name and we mark him with fire we mark him with holy ghost fire in jesus name and i thank you god he's going to be on the front lines for your glory god casting out demons praying for the sick breath man releasing the prophetic words of the lord there it is it's coming on you man those gifts of the spirit that you thought were only in others god says he's putting in you right now there's the anointing right there you just keep receiving huh [Music] he'll release finances to you too that's been your biggest thing with him that's the thing that you've been dealing with fear about and the lord says i'm gonna provide for you and i'm gonna i'm gonna show you the way of my glory in the way of my goodness and so lord we just release that breakthrough anointing come on just keep pulling on heaven [Music] whose right knee over here needs a miracle is it your right knee who is this here put your hand on it right now whoo father i thank you right now brand new tendons brand new ligaments god i thank you lord release right now an anointing to dance you literally were praying to the lord saying god i want to dance didn't weren't you here come here [Music] that was today is this true oh yes you're praying saying god i need my knee healed so i can dance i need to be healed totally so i can dance lord here put your hands up there's the anointing right there ooh there's the power god hitting you you watch she's gonna get up with brand new knees thank you jesus we're going to pray for everybody but i just want to keep going in this just keep pulling on it there's an oil that he wants to mark you in god's coming on this right here this girl [Music] here bring her over here [Music] here put your put your hands out that's gonna put a fresh anointing on you there it is right there ah thank you holy spirit lord i thank you for that seer anointing i thank you god right now lord the fresh release of your anointing lord i thank you that even at a young age lord you're making her a seer in the spirit lord i thank you for crazy dreams and visions and prophetic encounters with you lord that you're marking her with the spirit of wisdom and revelation tonight lord god to see in the spirit thank you holy ghost [Music] wow my whole [Music] right in here in the elbow who needs this miracle on this side it's like this elbow injury who is this i can feel it who needs this miracle on this side it's like in your elbow yeah like right is it right here like this lower spot here put your hands up here put your hands up there's the anointing right there whoo father i thank you for creative power let it flow lord god right now into simon into his arm in jesus name i command right now for those ligaments and tendons to be healed father who in jesus name release ooh there's someone on this side it's like one of your feet on the bottom of your feet it's like you need a miracle on the bottom of that foot like it's really hard for you to run on it who is this there you are yeah is it that one here come here god's going to touch you here just just right here you can come right here here we'll scoot you over just a little bit so that there we go put your hands up here's the anointing right there who's coming on you father i thank you in the name of jesus for a brand new foot i thank you lord right now that all pain goes and i thank you lord that whatever has been damaged lord god in the bone lord i thank you that you heal it right now lord let that creative power flow in jesus name there's the fire of god coming on [Laughter] i command right now every trace of pain in jesus name go now do this watch this [Music] here come here how does it feel feels good so pain's gone how long do you have the pain uh for five months wow so has it been constant and now it's gone come on somebody give jesus a big hand [Music] thank you lord there's someone from texas over here [Music] there's someone from texas over here on this side where are you at i'm telling i see this huge texas flag huh this is weird it's like i see i see san antonio texas [Music] what no but hold up [Music] you're in was it san antonio [Laughter] [Music] put your hands out [Music] he used to live in san antonio texas so funny some of these guys they're on our team and i don't even know these things about him i got to get a word of knowledge father i thank you in the name of jesus right now listen i feel like the lord says whatever he started there he's not finished with and that there's there's even going to be there's even going to be like a going back and coming here and going back and coming here and going back and it's like god is going to god is going to do some things where you're going to visit that land again and and there's even relationships and friends that you have there that god wants to uh reach with the with the the kingdom of god and i just see the anointing it's like i see this river walk it's very interesting uh there's something about the i see you walking on a river like but it's on a riverwalk does this make sense to you come here [Music] that's an actual place in san antonio it's called the riverwalk and did you hang out there yeah okay he said all the time here just stay right here but i see you yeah it's funny it was like i saw you on the river was that where you learned to hear the holy spirit or you you got god or did he meet you there or what that's where i went to school okay interesting [Music] now i get it lord says that you went to natural school but now you're going into the riverwalk of the spirit and just like you got educated in san antonio and you walk in the spirit or in the natural you got this education god wants to give you a holy ghost education because you're a river walker you're supposed to walk in in the spirit of god on the river and uh the rivers of impossibility and so lord we just release that anointing over simon right now in jesus name take him into a new season god come on somebody give jesus a big hand [Applause] that's so funny i wouldn't there's no way i could have known that that he would hang out and the riverwalk jesus lord get him again here bill just put your hand on him [Music] in jesus name come on man you you said the lord that you wanted to be a forerunner he said the lord that you wanted to be a trailblazer you wanted to be a pioneer here's the mantle for it in jesus name come on keep your hands out we're going to pray for everyone tonight i want to lay hands on people but i still feel a couple more things come on how good is god his anointing for miracles is flowing oh jesus huh the oil of gladness the joy of the lord that brings delight some of you are asking god for the joy to be restored if that's you put your hands up and receive it it doesn't matter what people think who cares father i thank you lord we release that oil of gladness tonight the joy of the kingdom of god whoo the joy of the lord being our strength god in jesus name i want this girl with the i am revival shirt put your hands up thank you jesus i can hardly see you because of the lights but yeah just put your hands up there's a fresh anointing coming on you right now there it is whoo thank you jesus yep that's the weight of his glory right there that's the weight of his presence well i just see right now this is going to be a season of holy ghost encounter for you and the lord says that he's turning the the lights on it's like i saw jesus flip the lights on in the realm of the manifestations of the spirit and in the realm of power and authority and i'm telling you that this is going to be a season where god uses you to dispel darkness in people's lives and even tonight you're catching the anointing sometimes the anointing of god is more cot than it is taught and even you just being here tonight in your hunger the lord says there's a fresh oil there's a fresh anointing that he's pouring out on you right now in jesus name we release it right now thank you holy spirit ah god's power is gonna flow through your life [Music] here hazel catch this god's gonna give you the bomb of gilead oh there it is right there whoo the bomb of gilead you're going to see more miracles in this season than you've ever seen healing miracles in jesus name [Music] huh this is interesting i just heard the name tristan [Music] i don't know if there's someone watching online your name is tristan or you have a what dude i literally was about to say a little boy named tristan like that's crazy i used to nanny him and his brother i just went and saw him today come on here put your hands up you know what we record these on live stream so i'm going to prophesy over tristan and i want you to show his family okay because god says that tristan is a special child and then he's gonna grow up like a young samuel in the bible he's gonna see he's gonna hear he's going to know things he's going to prophesy the lord has set him apart and god has actually ordained him from heaven to be a prophet and even if the parents don't understand that they just need to know that what he sees and what he hears is real and and the encounter realm that's on his life it's real and i just see uh that even in his his older years he's going to come he's going to come before governments and kings and presidents and leaders i'm telling you there's a prophetic mantle on his life and i'm telling you i prophesied to tristan right now in the name of jesus the release of the supernatural uh mantle of god and i'm telling you that that through that young boy there's going to be a a powerful move of the spirit that all the days of his life god has set him apart from a young age even the parents know that there's something special about him and even his personality and and so i'm telling you that the lord says there's an anointing coming on him today whoo in jesus name and i see the angels of god being placed around him to protect the gift of god in his life and so lord we release that anointing in jesus name come on somebody give him a big hand [Laughter] oh thank you holy ghost jesus tristan that's a different name [Music] this is interesting is there somebody that i don't know if it's like you flew here or you were flying recently and it's like something happened with your ears i don't know if they were plugged or they're hurting or what was going on with that who is this who who's this person that's you come on man god's going to heal your ears right now here hold up let me come over here i just flew here from college and i was just asking the lord to restore my hearing so yeah i literally was asking the lord for that yeah so yeah what's your name uh luke father i just thank you for luke and in the name of jesus i command his hearing be restored right now every assignment of the enemy to try to take from him to steal kill and destroy we break its power right now and we say release in jesus name wow what just happened i don't even know what just happened no like my ears are like open like i can hear like twice as better i'm not even playing i'm not playing my eye like my ears just like open come here come here come here just so that they could see you online here so so so your ears were plugged and they just popped yeah like everything's so loud how long have you been dealing with this um well like just recently like i mean i don't know if it was just from like my ears being damaged from like listening to loud music or whatever but like i was just feeling like just listening to my mom talk about like how oh like everybody in this generation they're gonna have damaged ears because like all the like ear paws and like my um ears are just feel like not like deaf but like plugged like yeah and it's just like just like i described yeah well i'm like kind of running circles with my thoughts too because it's just they're open aren't they yeah i i no explanation it's just god you know come on you guys okay i'll pray with you in just a second thank you lord i knew it was on the plane though [Music] what you asked the lord on the planet that's on the plane too yeah so thank you jesus come on you guys give jesus a big hand i will pray for you on you can't make this stuff up you guys [Music] oh god it's so good whoo i feel that whoo come on put your hands out there's the anointing coming in now drop it in on us right there [Music] thank you holy spirit lord release that over the live stream right now your presence your glory god your goodness oh [Music] just lean into that for a moment just lean into his presence [Music] thank you holy ghost [Music] more lord we want more god we're hungry we're thirsty god lord we can't live without your presence god invade invade our space holy ghost whoo fill us god fill us with your presence lord oh come on feel the fill the the homes lord feel those that are watching online lord let there be a fresh indwelling of your presence in their hearts lord let those in this room lord feel the weight of your glory tonight whoo something just popped wide open right there oh his presence is here hey [Music] come on just lean into that a little bit longer a little bit more this is why we're here this is why we're here we're here to encounter his glory [Music] more lord more jesus more jesus foreign [Music] oh jesus come here there's the power of god coming on you right now there's the power of god who right now we command your back to be healed [Music] we release healing into that back in jesus name [Music] and the lord says you really have been having encounters with the angel of awakening [Music] you actually had these encounters and said god is this really you specifically [Music] and he told you it was the angel of awakening and you said god really is it really the angel of awakening the lord says you heal you hear well don't question what you hear [Music] do you know what i'm talking about [Music] yeah oh jesus [Music] wow god's straightening your spine tonight there it is creative power in that back and it's one two three right now 10 23 all things are in order [Music] [Music] wow it's like a wind he's releasing his winds tonight his ministers [Music] of fire his flames of fire the angelic hosts who is releasing the winds tonight thank you holy spirit we'll release them over the livestream release them in this room [Music] foreign [Music] foreign come on i want you just to keep pushing in and i'm going to come around i'm going to start praying for people we don't need to form any kind of line i just need my catchers to be with me because i just want you to receive tonight i believe there's an anointing of the holy ghost that he wants to release on us i want to pray for those online real quick father i thank you for those that are watching tonight lord god lord i thank you god for that anointing like joseph god let it come on people lord i thank you you guys in this room pull on this prayer too father i thank you that tonight you're releasing that anointing like joseph lord god of wisdom and discernment lord that people in the world would look and say who is this one in whom the spirit of god lives inside of who is this one with discernment and understanding who is this one that walks in excellence and power lord i thank you for that bezel-l anointing lord let it be released god that realm of creativity lord i thank you for that samson anointing the might of god and lord i thank you lord there's a generation that's going to walk in might that's not going to compromise god lord i thank you for the gideon anointing in this place coming on people tonight [Music] lord i thank you for the deborah's god being anointed right now i didn't even talk about that one that's another day but if you want that ladies put your hands up right now whoo father i thank you lord release that anointing right now release it over the live stream [Music] lord i thank you god right now for the gideons lord the smallest of the tribe of manasseh those that might think what can i do lord put a mighty anointing on them and lord even those that have the anointing more god lord i thank you that lord you're going to crush the poverty spirit in this season you're going to break the backbone lord god of religion that every place where the enemies try to attack and destroy the harvest in people's lives of those watching online and even in this room lord release breakthrough release creative ideas release blueprints lord i pray right now god that you would destroy the spirit of the of midian lord god that lord that striving religious spirit that tries to hold people down lord break the effects off of people right now lord i thank you god right now for that anointing like david a sensitivity to the holy ghost throne room encounters lord lord david was the one that would gaze upon the beauty of the lord [Music] he was the one that saw the king on his throne desired to be so close to god that he declared i'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than dwell in the tents of the wicked this one thing have i desired that one thing i seek oh to gaze upon the beauty of the lord and inquire of him in his temple lord release that anointing god right now see that's what the heart of david releases when you love the holy ghost when you love the presence of god and you're intimate with him and you just follow him in any direction and anything that he tells you to do and you go where he tells you to go oh i'm telling you that that realm of heavenly perspective that realm of encounter comes on you lord release it on the live stream god release it in this place lord i pray father release the anointing of your spirit god just like it's flowing in this room over the internet lord god right now i thank you god for filling people's hearts touching people's minds god i thank you for a fresh realm of the holy ghost and fire marking them tonight they'd never be the same lord they begin to carry the golden oil of heaven and that lord it would saturate and soak them god and lord i thank you lord even right now their hearts would be filled to overflow release in jesus name [Music] listen those of you watching online i'm about to go into praying for people here but those you watching online get out here tomorrow night we have brian gierin with us it's going to be off the charts people are actually driving and flying and coming from everywhere for tomorrow night they're gonna run into you tonight and be like whoa what did you get maybe like i was at the first night [Laughter] i got that fresh oil whoo but i'm gonna start praying [Music] you guys just worship [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jerame Nelson
Views: 3,320
Rating: 4.9722223 out of 5
Keywords: Jerame Nelson YouTube, Miranda Nelson, Sid Roth It's Supernatural, Fire and Glory Outpouring livestream, Jesus Christ, Revival services, San Diego, San Marcos California, Grace Church San Marcos, Jerame Nelson angels, Activate your Spiritual Senses, Prophecy, Elisha Revolution, Andrew Hopkins worship, Bobby Conoor, Jerame nelson miracles, west coast rumble nights, goodyear arizona
Id: VDnyY-vO5r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 27sec (13587 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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