Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics

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okay we're gonna today learn how to use the frequency and descriptives options this is what you would want to do if you were trying to find descriptive statistics concerning your data so if you're looking for the mean the median the mode standard deviations if you're looking for histogram information frequency information this is what you would do we'll start off and we'll look at our data we've got up a column called participant ID sex race and aid these are clearly demographic information we then have some other measures social anxiety rejection sensitivity whether or not someone suffers from depression and their disgust sensitivity if we go to variable view we can see that for sex if we click on values one is for male two is for female for race one is Asian two is black three is Hispanic four is white and five is other this just lets us know what our values are so let's say we want to find out we'll want to start with frequency information we want to know how many people are male and how many are female or we wanna know how many members of race how many people live in an age category do we have we're going to go up to analyze we're going to go do descriptive statistics and we're going to go to frequencies now in here you will see frequencies and you'll hear descriptives these are the two places we're going to be going in this lesson if you click on frequencies will see the following window let's say we want to find out the frequency of race and we move race over to here and let's say even we want to do sex as well this box here is already clicked and it says display frequency tables we're going to leave that and we're just going to hit OK we can see that on our descriptive statistics we have 18 individual responses for race and 18 per sec we have for individuals who are Asian 3 who are black 4 who are spanic 6 who are white and one other the next column is the percentage of our individuals who make up that category and then the last column is the key percent that is the if you add up every category from before so if you add Asian and black together you get thirty eight point nine percent which is sixteen point seven plus twenty two point two if we go down to the sex category we see we have eight males and ten females for a total of eighteen the valid percent column is the column if you had any missing data let's say someone had forgotten to state their race or their sex that you would have a slightly different number they're generally not something we pay a lot of attention to now let's go back to our data view let's say we want to find out the average for age and the frequency we can go to frequency we can reset these will put age in here and now let's click on statistics and we're going to see all these different measures of different statistics we have our mean median mode and our sum let's click all of those we'll leave out some let's also say we want our standard deviation our variance our range let's get a minimum and maximum if we want to know what our percentiles are we could say I want the 25th 50th and 75th percentile or I could give very specific groups I could say I want the 33rd percentile or I could say I want the group's set off into certain equal sized groups we'll hit OK or continue we can click on charts and we can get different charts because we're looking at a histogram a frequency distribution will you click on histograms now we can even show the normal curve and then we'll just click OK here are the statistics for age we have 18 individuals responding on age the mean age is nineteen point five the median is 19 in the mode is 18 as a standard deviation of one point four two and here's the rest of our information our variance our range minimum maximum or different percentiles here's our frequency distribution six people who were 18 four who were 19 etc here is our histogram showing our graph and this is just one option for looking at the script statistics in SPSS now let's say we wanted to use the other option the other way of doing this let's say we wanted to go to descriptive statistics and then click on descriptive this is another way of getting descriptive information now descriptives will not allow you to get frequency information so anytime you want frequency information you have to go to frequencies like to get descriptive information you can go to either frequency or you can go to descriptives let's say we want to script information for age we can click on this variable age we can click on options and then we can click on our mean certain vacation minimum maximum variance range these are all already clicked and several of them are already clicked if we hit continue and ok we'll see that how we get our age information and it looks a little different the setup but it's the same information our mean is still nineteen point five our minimum is still 18 or maximum still 22 standard deviation is still one point four two so this information is quite a bit the same it's just presented in a slightly different format if we wanted to get just frequency information for the other variables or descriptive information we can go to descriptives frequencies we can bring in all our levels of social anxiety rejection sensitivity amount of depressive symptoms and our level of disgust let's see I don't actually want the frequency information I can click that off and all I actually want are my mean median and mode and let's say I also want my steering deviation I can click continue and I can click OK and now I can see that i've got my statistics for level social anxiety the mean is 4.1 with a meeting a four and a motive for and i can see that for my other three columns this is how you can determine descriptive information and descriptive statistics in SPSS
Channel: bernstmj
Views: 501,897
Rating: 4.8484254 out of 5
Keywords: Statistics, Psychology, Academia, Math
Id: XrfQfEwjZA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2011
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.