Freeze Drying Mandarin Oranges

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okay i'm gonna try some of these little mandarin oranges they're an easy peel i'm gonna try cutting them in a couple of different ways and i'm going to do some of them in the food processor and just kind of gush them up cutting them in thirds and cut the little top off a little bit so i've got segments what about these are segments sliced in half what about just the full segments that'd be interesting i don't think it would ever dry yeah you could just leave okay okay in this corner here okay that'll be interesting because these are just whole segments i don't think these will work at all okay i made one line of them i'm going to leave it near the other ones because i'm going to just try these few pieces cut this way and see how those work with this particular kind of orange especially these that are just the segments i think those will fail i'm going to put some of the little oranges the mandarins the food processor and push them up a little bit hold your ears [Music] yeah i don't think it needs to be completely smooth so i'm going to try it like that so just kind of minorly gushed up i should probably try different amounts of gush and see how that works i'm going to brush them a little bit more okay so that's gushed more this time a little over okay okay so that's going in the freezer for pre-freezing and away it goes not trying to place any blame here but well one of us forgot to make video of the little cutie oranges going into the freeze dryer out of the trays and into the freeze dryer let the air in and we'll check to see if this stuff is dry it's like these whole segments i expect that these will probably have failed and not be storable yeah those are still moist on the inside that's exactly what i expected with those it looks like you could probably go a longer amount of time and get those to work because they are getting pretty close but they're not storable okay so i'm going to put those back in and give them more time put this back in [Music] okay add more time i'll check it tomorrow interesting to see how the slices are so we gave the mandarin oranges some additional time especially for these segments that i hadn't cut open before and now they're good but they don't work well if you don't cut them so those definitely did a good job very good orange flavor very sweet very dry and with oranges and things like that i want to get those in bags right away before they start absorbing any moisture i'm gonna bag them in fairly small amounts so i'm gonna put this in two bags so i'm only gonna put half of it in the bag so it's a very small little snack wow look at all the sugars on there jeez [Applause] and this one i'm going to keep out the one that wasn't blended as much so i'm going to powder that some okay it's very dry very brittle breaks apart very nice it's got a little bit more structure than i expected so for my next project maybe that will work i'm going to take both of these and save them out for a little project [Applause] it'll be coming up soon and experiment with some so see how that works out i'll just go ahead and heat seal them with oxygen absorbers in and then reseal the bag real quick using the 500cc oxygen absorber then i don't have to worry about inventory i can just have one size and use it for all the bags that i'm using so i'm using mostly pints quartz and two quart bags
Channel: SchoolReports
Views: 8,953
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Keywords: Harvest Right Freeze Dryer, Food drying, Food preservation, Food storage, Prepping, freeze drying food, Freeze dried food, Freeze-drying, Freeze Dryer, Harvest Right, Freeze Drying how to, how to Freeze Dry, Loading Freeze dryer, Loading Harvest Right, Harvest right loading, Freeze dried, Rehydrating, Rehydrating food, Rehydrating freeze dried food, emergency food, freeze dry, taste test
Id: 4weaymNtEo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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