Freelance Android Developer - Vasiliy Zukanov

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okay so I'm live I need to make sure this is public though so let's go because they had last time when I did this I forgot to make it public and we sat here for like 45 minutes with it on private which was not a good thing okay so there I think it's public should be published now I'll go to my YouTube channel make sure it's good for those of you watching I apologize I just want to make sure that everything is working live now let me see you let me try and click this looks like we're live I think we're live start streaming alright we're good for those of you who don't know that his this is Vassili he's a free crouch your name right by the way yeah okay Vassili he's a freelance Android developer he's been a freelance Android developer for how long do years now for two years now and you also have some experience on the job he's also a course creator on and that's how I actually became aware of him because I think he has I think you have the best courses on you to me and I'm not lying about that but we'll talk more about that later yeah so everybody welcome to the stream and so let's get started by by telling me about how you got started programming you know from whether you started in high school university after university tell me paint me the whole picture I want to know how you got started okay so my story is kind of an usual one and I did have some experience programming in a high school nah I wasn't too geeky though just you know like took some classes and made it as part of my studies but then I never dreamed about being programmer I wanted to be like scientist in the physics that's a nerd what do you mean you weren't nerdy that's the nerdy side another kind of known you nor that that basically it tries to tell everybody how it's cool you know like all this Rayleigh scattering and stuff and people just look at me can't you just watch Rayleigh scattering is the effect that causes for example and the sky to be blue and the sunset to be red so each time we saw a sunset a kind of bring this topic up I think it's very interesting and stuff but people just tell me can you just be a little bit romantic don't injector so you wanna see you want to know everything basically yeah about the nature yes I have a have a degree in Applied Physics and I observed you really yeah so I have I'm specializing in microelectronics okay and I work the major semiconductor company so that was my path and I started as a logic design engineering and power optimizations and I worked on microprocessors and security hardware for several years before I actually kind of accidentally my friend brought up one idea and I had time to work on it and he told me like you're kind of a programmer anyways so write an Android application for that and I started writing Android application and it felt so great because I think I'm software engineers and especially mobile we have like the power to bring products to end-users almost on our own but you don't need any resources and and in contrast in hardware where I used to work it's like projects a fast project is a project that takes like two or three years and maybe 50 to 100 people work on it over a course of three four to three years that's like the smallest fastest hardware that you can develop and you probably like you don't get to see like yeah you don't get to see the results very quickly too so I I think it'd be very hard to stay passionate about something like that for like a long period of time because you don't get to see like it's not it doesn't feel fun to me I guess is a way to put it whereas when you're building apps or websites or whatever you have a purpose you're building it and you get to see the results of that product right away it's it seems more fun exactly it's it's more fun it's more satisfying and you're more in control so if I'd like that yeah software is much much more agile than hardware and that's what brought me in so I switch to Android development professionally and worked a couple of jobs until got to this point so so uh so how long ago exactly did you start doing Android development like when was the the one was that first app that you're talking about I think it was about five years ago okay and how did it turn out like how I know I've heard a lot of sort of I mean everybody has sort of a horror story about the first app that they built or the first freelance project that they did and they think usually when you ask them about it they say something like yeah I worked but you know exactly yeah we actually built it and yeah the application was called I do care and the idea was that um there are people who care about environment and we wanted to build a social network for them and allow them to collaborate so for example in Israel where I live a very popular like gatherings when you go like people who don't know each other gather and go clean beaches go clean forests and we thought about making a social network for these kind of people and allow them to create events and collaborate in some way one another way and I actually build this application and we build the front end and we've got the back and we build the entire system we build a prototype not fully functional fully functional but it worked and it allowed you to kind of collaborate between people and and write commands and give ratings one one to another but all of us were engineers yeah of course yeah I'm sure you if you were to look at the code right now you would just cringe that would be that was still the code you know I was my test bench so whenever I want to test something new I have this code base it's not very big it's about fifteen thousand lines of code but it's big enough to test and get the feeling of a real application okay so so so you got a pretty like you're a pretty good career going then when you decided to switch to Android development how many how many years had you been working at this this buscar year I mean before I switched yeah yeah yeah I wasn't a very good tracking well you know in my past camera yeah so I'm there for about three and a half years so how what like I guess just the things you described how it wasn't you didn't you didn't like it as much I guess you got a taste of Android development and then you said I'm gonna go and give this Android development thing a try I liked it very much but when I discovered that under development it was like so much I don't want the war but it was just so much different so much better in many aspects that just couldn't resist all right yeah I mean I definitely share that like i-i-i did have a job at one point but enough for very long I only ever had one job and as soon as I started programming I thought why why am I doing this I just I wanted to just keep programming I wanted to build things and then I sort of fell in love with teaching and now that's kind of where I ended up yeah you mean you didn't get a chance to work as a like hardware engineer or something related to electronics or micro electronics no no not yet all right no I probably never will well yeah I mean it's the thing you you do out of university or you don't do because you can always switch to software but I don't think you can always switch to hard work it's much much harder yeah you can't like yeah no-one's gonna because studying to like become a hardware engineer is not really practical like you kind of have to go to school for that whereas if you wanted to become a software anything any kind of software doesn't matter you can literally just learn on the internet and you can become like a very good engineer and that's another thing that I really like because for example um you can kind of study large-scale Hardware right you can build are doing and you can build all kinds of like LEDs and and stuff but once you get to this smaller scale at the micro electronics to transistors to semiconductor stuff all this knowledge it's kind of proprietary you know it's not open you don't get to see much knowledge sharing between for example people who work at Intel and people who work at Broadcom and people who work at Qualcomm don't go to conferences and tell well look we made this super new like certainly what's best for us now please compete with that taken it competed yeah it's on a daily basis in software and it's like really really cool I mean people don't so many developers whom I talk to they don't understand the value of the ecosystem that they are in they take it for granted and for me it was like a big part of why I switched I totally agree with that and that was a good that was a really good analogy you know like it's like a physical invention like if I invented some fancy chair that you know made improved your life and gave you a six-pack magically of course everybody's gonna buy the chair I wouldn't go and share that information with the community but if it was some piece of software it's probably gonna be on github and I'm gonna be like hey you know check it out look at it refine it you know whatever and then you can use it right they couldn't use it yeah and that's you're right the people I think definitely take advantage or they don't realize what they have especially with the Android community everybody shares everything yeah Android community is absolutely open and relieved I know Joel Spolsky once I think it was just Bosque hoose a very smart thing you said like business people they always try to hide stuff from each other yeah but then eventually a developer from for example Microsoft and developer from Google they could go to the same conference and sit next to each other on a plane so I'm a span of three four hours all the secret is that they for years tried to keep they will just cross an email they would exchange the secrets like without understanding what they are doing I mean I think that it's a really good thing for the industry I'm not sure business people like that but it's it's for innovation it's what drives innovation in software it's best for innovation like you said I can picture this this engagement between this you're soft employee and there's a Google employee they this is this is what happened I'll paint a picture they'd sit down on a plane both companies would have had them sign something saying don't talk about our stuff off oh yeah yeah and then and then as soon as they'll kind of both of them will kind of poke and see if they can get the conversation started one guy will release a little piece of information the other guy will release and other little piece of information and then eventually it's open and they're just they don't they don't care like they just want to share the information yeah and we don't we don't even think about it like I thought and it's I think it's actually good that we don't think about it because software developers should be doing another stuff we don't need to think about no trade secrets and stuff and therefore like for example I see software developers who are like presenting on stage and you know being part of companies Public Relation policies and you can see that it's difficult for them it's not something that's very good at yeah because it was drive as you say drives innovation yeah reminds me of Jake worden he's if I feel like he's always like tweeting things and saying things but then being like well not supposed to say anything so I can't and but I have these opinions but I can't share them it's it's funny to hear that it's you know like don't take him to beer after he leaves Google I would love that like that that would be like a Christmas present for me or like a wedding present I would love that yeah I guess you are a fan of Jake yeah I mean I think I'm sort of a predisposition okay I don't know how to say the other word to people who say and do confrontational things I don't know why I think that's why I like you so much too is because you very often share controversial controversial things and I think it's funny it's hilarious every time you do when you point out something it doesn't really work that well or work the way it's supposed to or work to its advertised or things are named the way wrong like incorrectly that's very misleading I think it's hilarious so that's probably the problem mmm a fun right no no I used to play a lot of sports contact sports but not anymore now I just sit at the desk yeah yeah so wait if you brought out Jake I brought up Jake and many developer think that I'm kind of like don't like him or something because we constantly argue on social networks and that's actually not true I'm also a big fan of fennel Jake because I think it does like if you take one single individual and you think about his contribution to the ecosystem I think Jake's contribution is like in billions of dollars I actually sat down to estimate that really how many other developers are there how much how many hours Jake spare to each one of us let's multiply it by like some estimation of an average salary per hour of work and you get to billions of dollars I mean I wish I by the end of my life I will do like small part of what Jake did until now so I think you're right I hope you dare putting I'm kind of and don't find Jake no that's not the case you can't hate the man if you're an Android developer you can't hate him I think you all you can do is admire him because of what you said it's it's like countless contributions of like massive magnitude and you just think like how much time have you saved me as an individual and then extrapolate that to you know I don't know how many Android developers are hundreds of thousands probably well maybe not thousands for sure so no you don't it's what millions yeah of course I mean there are probably today probably around five million at least five million active Android developers wow I didn't know that were you getting these statistics from you can google it the iPhone found three or four sources different sources take different numbers the highest I found was like about 8 million developers under the world and the laws that I think about 11.5 work or two minutes but the thing is that there are about 50 millions by Stack Overflow all numbers there are about 15 million developers in the world I think something around that and 30 million of them are professional developers and if you think about the Android which is the most popular operating system in the world so it's big part of them are Android developers out of this 50 million I guess you're right I never thought about running the numbers like that I just kind you know it's crazy to think about it is well a person yeah I'd like I said I I almost didn't think there was even a hundred thousand so I don't know like I have no idea yeah so I'm wrong and I know you could me you could be and now you're on record forever now I will have this key point and brought up every time I try to argue anything um let's let's start talking about freelancing cuz I know a lot of people are interested in freelancing I get a lot of questions about freelancing I don't personally do it so I would like to yeah let's I'm not sure what where to start but maybe how start with how how you got into freelancing because you had jobs as an Android developer so why why did you transition into freelancing when you had kind of a the security of a job for me it was very everything that happens to me was very Occidental I left my last full-time job to work on my own project my second project and I thought that I will take like six months build a prototype and then basically make a startup or something and after six months I realized that I'm not even close to finishing and I had to like keep working on that project and also pay the bills so I started doing freelancing so but like sorry sorry to interrupt you like what when you get these freelance projects what sort of things are you working on specifically like are they whole projects or are you were you being working on little pieces of projects from you know people outsourcing parts of their other projects kind of thing yeah today I work on all kinds of stuff not just an do it and I also do some consulting so let's leave that aside because it's totally like it's a little bit different but if you talk about freelance development when when you need to write actual applications for clients or maintain application for clients I do small-scale projects so because I work alone I think my projects range from like 25,000 fly-ins of code to my biggest freelance project was about 70,000 signs of god so it's like medium sized applications that you can write probably in well I can write them in like several months of work or from someone I think there's a lot more involved in even like a small to medium application that a lot of people realize like how much time you spend on like the construction and then how much time on testing um well I don't spend much time on testing due to several reasons one a unit tests the dot like covers a big part of my ability to bring products quickly and the high quality and also because I work on small projects usually the clients are the ones who do most of the testing however testing is not a big part of my of my of the effort to complete the project and even though the last project that I completed was extremely difficult like really really difficult I had to like stretch myself to the edge and still you know there was a lot of pacing in the sense that you know once you discover the client discovered the problem and I try to solve it and and in this case I run into some limitations of Android and audio formats that were played so once you get to this point you start to test all kinds of implementations to see if if the problem is resolved so it's like it's not exactly testing for testing us sqa do testing it's like developer testing when you try some approach that you can't unit test it you know you can you test a quality of audio and timing of audio you need to actually play it so this took a lot of time of course but otherwise I'm not very I wasn't say testing is a big part of my job if I need to give one recommendation to people know what you said people will ask you all the time basically you can do freelance if you can find clients and convince them to pay you that's yeah the only requirement that you need once you know how to do that you can figure out the rest I mean there are good freelancers and there are less good freelancers but at the end of the day clients don't usually care about the code you write right so what they cares that they get what you want what they ask for and if you can convince them that you can do that and then deliver you're good to go so so what what types of projects you mostly work on do you mostly work on corporate stuff for companies businesses or do you work on a sort of private applicant like you know if I had an app idea and I came up to you and said hey can you build this watch which types you usually work on them all kinds of projects usually I work with startups I don't work well I do some consulting and code reviews for a little bit bigger companies but my freelance when I develop stuff it's mostly for startups or individuals even and so like currently I'm involved in in a project in a medical field so it's a startup company that builds some kind of medical equipment for hospitals and they control that company they basically have Android application which is not on Play Store it's on-premise installs and this application controls the the their product and analyzes the data and gives some modification to medical medical staff Oh that'd be cool I think that projects like that I think would be great for a freelancer who's just starting because you it's very specific you have a specific piece of equipment that it needs to work with there's not going to be any sort of variations you have to worry about camera size a camera size B camera sideways a different operating system everything is consistent I think like stuff like that would probably be like the everything's very clear the right one except one thing yeah it would be as you say it could be as you say except one thing they develop the hardware so think about it it's like it's like you need to interface with the hardware which is not exactly reliable okay yeah working with camera like working with camera but worse okay interesting but then then you get data and they've got entire mechanism for compensating for errors and mistakes like that's a big part of the application is how you take roll data from this device process it and then output something which is reliable because it's medical device so you need to do count it's like something is broken you need to compensate for that or tell the user that you can't show anything so yeah it's a big part of that application specifically but otherwise yes I would say the best thing for starting freelancer is to find a client who needs a specific application as you said and who has already done all the public quality requirements gathering and they have UI because big part of what I do also for companies for individuals is like helping them choose the past no ask me like do I need to do X or Y and then I need to help them choose so that's something you you actually need experience the dog you can learn that yeah sorry go ahead no no I was just gonna say yeah I think one of the most difficult parts about freelancing is probably that which when like clients don't know anything about tech they don't know anything what apps they don't know how things work they really don't even know that iOS different from Android like really lie and they come up to you with an idea and they say can you build this you have to kind of steer their thoughts into the realm of possibility because they don't know and and if you don't know and they don't know then there's there's an issue there there's there's going to be issues you'll be it will be difficult and probably the end result won't be exactly what either you or your client envision yeah it's not there yeah so so how do you how do you how did you go about starting to get your freelance clients because I think your your blog is around three years old or something like that no more I started blogging very early into my android development career okay okay so that's probably where I came from then right you started blogging but you can say that it's like two years old because it's only in the last two years that I actually invest time and see my blog as a something really serious because before that it was me dropping my thoughts and my ideas out there without any kind of mission or aim or goal you know so yeah was that for a very long time just me putting some June when I wanted to understand something that that I do I will just write about it and analyze it and it will help me to analyze what I do but today is more focused on actually helping other people yeah so yeah so how did you start getting freelance clients then friends Oh friends and people whom I worked with and basically that's like mmm think all my clients except maybe one or two came from that wow you must be a popular guy my opinion I have similar opinions about business and stuff and I'm kind of straightforward guy I'm not very good at politics and but I didn't work with some very great developers and business people and I became friends with many of them and they know what I can do so they sometimes just someone will you know get me a lead and by the way most of the leads I fail to convert them to clients so you know it's like as I said the most important thing the most important trait as a freelancer is ability to take people and convince them that you can do the job and they should pay you if you can do that everything is all right but for me it's going alright and assembly's god get from my I got some leads from my blog also very lately and the blog started to generate leads and yeah that's basically it I did some freelance thinking or tried myself doing content writing for money so I wrote some articles and I'm not doing that anymore but it was interesting experience well if I often get asked if I can build projects I get you know questions on LinkedIn Instagram email whatever a lot of people ask me because they think I do freelancing but I don't and I don't I don't know any freelancers personally so from now on I think I'm just gonna fumble them your way I'm just gonna say hey yes I think this guy could probably help you out so I'll send you some leads don't be too much expectations because currently I'm kind of overwhelmed about that might be in a minute about knowing personal projects that's very interesting topic to me yeah well before so I just want to talk about one more thing before we move on then is how do you how you price your projects how do you like because you get these requirements that are vague the client probably doesn't know often what they really want or how to do it how long it's gonna take how do you sort of direct their aim properly and then price that and you know sell it basically the best thing to do I think is to price a how early work because you don't know usually how much time will it take and the client doesn't know so the most honest thing is to decide okay we are going to pay per hour because otherwise one of the two will happen if you take if you work for a fixed price which I did once and I will not do again probably if you work for a fixed price and you under price the project you don't understand the entire scope of the project then either you will work for free and then inevitably the quality of the work will suffer and you will suffer because you know you need to pay the bills eventually or we will need to renegotiate the terms with your client in the middle of the project which i think is not very professional but I did that because it was either like sorry I can't complete this project or like we need to renegotiate the terms and I chose when I did once fixed price I screw up screwed up the estimation and we renegotiated the terms it wasn't pleasant experience for me I think most honest thing is doing like our network if you're freelancing the only exception I can think of is if you have like a lot of experience with a specific type of applications if you build like one or two ecommerce applications already and you know exactly how much time no not exactly but I mean with the good very close yeah within good margin you know how long will it take you how much if four people invest into that then yes sure go ahead and price at a fixed price but just fixed price is like double-edged sword it can work against you it can work in favor of you yeah I was a good explanation I think I don't think you could have said it better it's a yeah if you and if you over price cool but if you're under price that's a miserable situation to be in you know yeah yeah you might decline because for example you know there are people who compete on price and maybe as a starting freelancer I did that I guess everybody didn't do that as a starting freelancer because you can't compete on anything else you don't have a reputation you don't have references to give you know you don't have people to vouch for you so you need to compete on something so you compete for price and if you over prize you know like I don't know there's a project and you price it at 30,000 bucks just wrong some number you know and somebody else is willing to do it for 15,000 bucks and there is no indication that you can do it better than somebody else the clients who probably the other guy even if you are good even if the other guy who screw his project their project they will probably choose him you want to very carefully and if you are freelancer and you want to get work you want to very carefully navigate this part the good thing about freelancing is that once you get some repetition going once you get like some satisfied clients and you get to be known into industry and especially if you have like like yourself like you have a youtube channel you have courses you are you're saying that people actually approach you and ask you about work right so once you get to that point do whatever you want because you and you can actually increase your prices you know and sometimes I don't even work myself I started doing this like bringing and experienced developers and I take project but they actually do the project so kind of I put my name of it on the project and they do the project and after several months when I feel that they are absolutely alright and they're in control I get myself injected out of the picture and that guy starts to work and directly with the company that's something really cool that I did twice already and I really like the cast because I know that how hard is that to get your foot into the door so so what you basically helped someone get their foot in the door is what you're saying yeah well I get I get paid for that but yeah oh yeah but I mean moving forward though you you you lose that client right because you are so sorry yeah I mean yeah I mean that's that's I mean that's admirable it's not like that's not a that's a pretty selfless act I would say you got to get paid I mean you just uh put your time into it in the first place so that's a nice thing to do again when you when you just start freelancing you know you hunt for the job and I and I hunted for a job and sometimes I do have periods but I don't have a job but at some point when you really have like happy clients and people talk about you and they recommend it you to each other you have too many opportunities you can't you can do all of them so either you sometime or or you deli you transfer them to other people so for example I've got freelance friends and sometimes people ask me I can take their project I tell them talk to that guy maybe he will write and and I know if you there is some kind of like referral fee that people actually pay each other if that's worse out but I thought that it would be cool you know to take people who I find for I think very talented with because there are really talented developers hard-working but when they try to get into the industry they are judged entirely by the years of experience on their on their resume and I think it sucks I think it's absolutely wrong way to judge people judge developers not judge people judge yeah but from yes doing that and it's it's good for me you know it's not it's not selfless act you know me because you know you get happy clients you get paid for some time and you get like friends it's important if you are doing freelance your social connection is probably even more important than your technical abilities oh for sure like if you're if you're the best developer in the world or if you're the you know 80th percentile developer in the world I and I'd rather be the 80th guy who knows you know hundreds of people or rather than the bet the best guy who knows three people right yeah exact and by the way when we speak to Batman I don't want to like discourage anyone but freelancing is hard at least in my experience it's hard it's stressful it's negotiations with clients it's you bearing the entire responsibility and sometimes sitting without a job not knowing you know what when will you have another client when you have money coming in so I definitely not recommend starting out freelancing out of the blue you know leaving your job as like I did I do stupid things so that's probably not the thing to learn from me I am NOT a bad yeah I also do stupid things so yeah but it's survival bias right so yeah I'm on you know some an experienced Android developer watches Tremont says well these two guys pulled that one for them so I can do but what they don't see is hundreds and hundreds of other developers who try to do that and screw themselves up and if you actually want to start freelancing what I can recommend there is a guy named Eric Dietrich he has a blog called dead tech comm and he writes about freelancing and consulting and all these topics in details and he gets actually very good recommendations and in my experience and I actually I also worked with him so he's like very very professional very very and experienced in this area so if you want to start freelancing the first thing you go to his blog and you start reading it before you leave or anything else you're talking about date tech right yeah day tech yeah I have money I think I follow him on Twitter facili follows him on Twitter we don't have many followers so you could pretty easily find him I know the guy day tech and he write he's a good writer like he's a really talented writer I think his blog is is really it's good it's great great blog he made a business out of it now that his company has a company called hit subscribe so what they do they write technical content for companies to promote their products so for him it's like full-time business now well my full-time but I mean it's his business and he is very good at it so I have more questions but we should probably answer some questions from the chat because there's been like people I just want to ask you about about your experience with education I want to know or maybe after grants for the questions from the chat so just let me know when uh you can just just ask me now that's just okay so one thing that I'm very interested in is like first of all how people find teaching about Android is a difficult or is it is it simple did you try to teach other topics except for Android and compare I pretty much jumped so so some people know my story some people don't so I'll just kind of give you the cliff notes I graduated in my last semester of university I decided I did physics and ended mechatronics engineering also so I have a physics degree in a mechatronics diploma at the end of my education I said what the hell am I gonna do how am I gonna get a job so I said well maybe I'll become a software developer so I started teaching myself out of code and pretty much right away I started just making videos so I started for I didn't publish the videos at first cuz I they were obviously and uh but but but then eventually I started to just publish them on YouTube and if you look at my earliest videos like they're really really really really really terrible but it helped me learn very rapidly like it was sort of a it was like a good feedback loop and you know it kept me chemi coding a lot so it was you know very addicting obviously cuz I would go eventually I graduated I got a job in IT which was going really well but I was also programming after work on the weekends whenever I could and then eventually I said a screw it like I said I do stupid things and I was also progressing pretty pretty well in my job like things are going things going good I do you well in a social environment usually in the job I was working at was a very social place but I do stupid things like you do and I quit and yeah so then just kind of took off from there I basically went from you know programming part-time to programming full-time so the skills rapidly increased so as for teaching other stuff I don't know because I've only done Android pretty much for teaching but I will say that I've been programming Android now for about three and a half years and somewhere I can remember when I also learned how to do web development with like Django bootstrap JavaScript node all that stuff it took me I bet you it took me five times as long to learn Android to become like competent in Android as compared to competent in web development so that I think that speaks to the difficulty you know yeah probably exactly my experience like you take something like angular a piece of cake compared to Android oh yeah like there's just there's just so many things it's always changing the documentation used to be absolute it's better now the the Google samples of him everything's improving a lot like it used to be way worse for all you people who are learning I enjoyed now try three years ago it was it was a mess like everything was a mess there was nowhere near the resources there is now but it's still hard however I would like to maybe hear your opinion that you know if you'd start like when I started basically fragments where the cool new thing and that was that was the difficult you know fragments and loaders and happily like fortunately loaders died already and I spent way too much time on them fragments are still around and they actually take care of them finally but today developers who come into Android they've got like this how the code end analysis paralysis you know you've got so many many frameworks and so many ways to do things that I I feel like people don't and can't choose you know they like stock what do i do how do I go even from Google the official guidelines you've got like travel-size its major major frameworks in the last like two or three years and each of them is complex it's not a simple stuff what do you think about that yeah I think what Google is doing is wrong they shouldn't be doing that there should be a very clear pathway to learning what they think is the best thing at that time like I don't think they should be pumping Kotlin while they're pumping flutter while they're pumping this architecture and that architecture like it's confusing it's it's miserable it makes it seem impossible to learn but it also is good for people like us because we're like the filters we go and we look at it and say you know this is what works this is what doesn't this is what I've done with it this is what he's done with it and like like I said I was gonna say this earlier in the talk I think that's why the Android community specifically is so awesome is because it's so difficult so the community knows the struggles and they all kind of come together and help each other to improve and learn things because like I said it's very difficult and it's it's hard it's not clear it's not even clear what they need like the things are difficult to learn and it's not even clear which things you need to learn so it's yeah I mean I couldn't I probably couldn't get a footing into the into Android development without blogs of other people and that's that's actually what what pushed me to blog to actually have my blog because I said okay I told myself okay you've got this idea it looks interesting maybe to be useful just like other people wrote and it was useful to you and yeah exactly okay and I just wanted to see if our experience so you agree where that is what you're saying yeah of course everything you said I think that's the state of the matters I would rather prefer Google you know to polish the basics API and then hold the community to build upon that that's a great idea that's actually a great idea they should have like like like like a I don't know a diagram it says like here's the base stuff here's like everything ever this is what everybody needs to know and then here's where it diverges into like architectures or like different ways to do views I don't know whatever like it's like yeah get the stuff everyone needs to know start here and then you know do whatever rather than like just do whatever instead what happens is like for example you know and this is like funny I will bring this topic up every time and I know that at last year's Google i/o I think our teams in nataline was the one who who actually press them on that he said like guys like let it's time to fix this I said well I told myself yeah it's it's you know it's what you do naturally so just comes out when you get emotional it's okay so like it's time to fix this keeper stuff like how much time should developers invest into reinventing all the hacks around soft keyboard and I would rather see Google engineers fix that once and for everybody then working on stuff like architecture comments I know that many people wouldn't agree with me all right I think I agree I think I would like to see there's a little there's a lot and there's a lot of things like that it doesn't come to me off the top of my head but I know there's a lot of where I'm doing something I'm like ah this simple thing that's right I have to do this hacky thing that I always do to get to work and yeah when you do many projects what you do you copy paste Aloha bouncing hands between projects and eventually people like ice myself started like several months ago I told myself okay it's stupid to copy/paste them like make them libraries maybe even other people will be you will will be able to use that and actually made them into libraries all this ugly hacks yeah I totally agree so I think I think a lot of people listening are gonna feel a lot better when they hear us talk about these things because I know when I was first learning even now still today like when I when I build these hacky things to like supposedly implement this very basic behavior I always think to myself am i doing something wrong like why is this simple thing so hard so yes to all of you we all struggle with this it's not and me in junior newcomer to Android that it's probably I came to hell it takes a lot of time to get to the point when you actually feel comfortable with the framework so it's not like web development that you can actually take a course and be master web the world well not master but you actually build stuff that actually works not really you could literally take some courses and be a freelance web developer probably like realistically in a realistic period for a period of time for an average person probably like three months three to four months and and you would be like employable like you'd be like yeah I can build that or this or whatever so one of the guys who I told you that I bring people and new developers to to the clients so one of them was actually a full-stack developer it wasn't even an Android project so he wrote PHP and he haven't written a line of PHP in his life and after three months he was like building this super complex system that allows you to to learn new languages but while you're washing videos movies problem so now so now he is like build an entire star that there's startup and day and they and they got investment and it's all built by one single guy who like before he started to work on that project never wrote a single well he wrote some toy projects but I mean never rode professionally single line of code right so yeah I mean that just speaks to it right there it's a prime example yeah in other word it will be much more difficult I think for sure so let's let's look at some questions so a lot of these are just everyone saying hi so hello everybody who I didn't say hi to it's probably been an hour since I since you joined hopefully you're stuck around let's okay well the first question is about do you know anything about the HUD that's phone company Huawei Huawei yeah do you know like how about any anything about that have you heard anything well I mean just the publicly available information I don't have the the me so the thing that the the US Trump signed something where now they can't use the Android operating system or something like that yeah no us-based company can do business with them that's what I get from that thing so I think with Google is like Qualcomm and Intel and all these giants also announced that they will not work with Huawei more so now like what do you think they'll do they'll have to build their own operating system against right well look all Williams Oh am sorry like mmm see the full manufacturers Huawei Samsung everybody they all have their backup locks and they hate Google Google treats them really bad and because well Google has a business to do and they want all the manufacturers to work for them so all of them have their back and plant backup plus because they actually know that one day Google will screw them up and whenever they can they try you know like Samsung and this was eaten breaking like all of them try to kind of fork Android in some way and customize it and all of them roll out their own play stores in hope that one day it could be at least some kind of competition to Google so that's that that that's going on constantly so and EMS don't like they do business with Google but they don't like its practices at all and all of them have like a plan that's it Huawei has a huge business in China we can't really imagine how big is that like huge business but as long as they don't have Google apps on their phones in my estimation they're kind of dead for Western markets yeah yeah I don't see that make it's not gonna be practical for Western market yeah yeah it's like I don't think anyone will buy a form which you can't run YouTube on it's like no deal no okay so next question is flutter what is the future of mobile applications and web development regarding flutter do you know much about flutter have you played around with it and I haven't played around it I looked into it and I don't know if they okay so I've got a really long series of articles I got four articles about the future of Android on my blog it started with my kind of when Google announced that official support for coffee and I was really puzzled I did not understand why why they do that and all that many developers say that is the next language is better languages it's my dearie right okay I give cotton and especially JetBrains I think judgments is one of the best companies software development software development companies in the world and maybe cutting is better but what people need to understand that Google invested tens of millions of dollars into cutlet for example if the same if they will take the same amount of effort and invest them into Android api's they will probably you know we could solve all our problems by now it's like massive amount of public relationship investment but and Google actually pushes it much more harder than JetBrains oh yeah they even resealing the documentation I think within the last two weeks I was looking at some samples you know three weeks ago and and there was always Java in Kotlin there's both options that was just calling they actually removed the Java option it sounds reasonable so I started with this like why would Google invest so much effort into supporting another language which is basically the same sugar-coated Java you know you can do some stuff that you can't in Java and vice versa but basically the same language and then eventually I developed a theory which ties everything together project treble flatter Catlin and one of the predictions of this of that theory was it was totally conspiration until right all the crazy stuff that I wrote and incoming conspiracy it's like it already happened so crazy conspiracy if you were really crazy like and I told myself okay there's very little chance that all of that is actually correct video chat but I made some predictions you know you're a scientist you know scientific method right so you you have some observations and you develop a theory that explains the observations that you have so far right and then you derive some predictions from the theory and you wait to see if the new data that comes in actually support the predictions of the theory and if not then the theory is wrong and we can just pause it or replace it but what happens is that all the data that came in was in accordance to that theory and they actually predicted that they will have how the jetpack composed which is basically flutter incarnate so actually predicted that one year ago so flutter in my estimation there's a fish there first how do you pronounce that this of commemorating boosha boosha yeah hello yeah hey Fisher it's called foucha so there is a foucha and flutter is its UI framework in my estimation Google is preparing to drop android to basically kill android if they lose completely to oracle in the lawsuit okay so Oracle's use Google over a Java API but it's not enough to remove Java API so it might be enough maybe cutting will allow Google to get away with that but Google prepares Plan B and Plan B if is for really really wrong they will basically inject foucha or whatever it's called instead of Android and then flutter will be its primary UI framework and so I think the future of water is the following if Google wins the lawsuit it should be like in one two months in my image maybe several months that Supreme Court of the United States will announce whether they take this case for review or not if they don't take this case for review it means that this case goes to damages and this will accelerate the stuff but in my estimation not in my summation I kind of rely on destination of one guy called Florian and so Mueller so heating Brian for why coding and flow no I'm not Florian is actually a very good guy in my estimation he's also like you very very good YouTube channel and nowhere near with my YouTube I don't that level Emir foreigner cows he's here hangs up my discord channel or time and steals my viewers oh I always play we go around actually I think under is so huge in so complex that there are much more space the yeah there are more space for other people to come in and produce educational content in their space for everybody we're never enough content educational content for Android so I don't think we compete in any kind of like no we're helping each other that's what I think yeah exactly well eventually no like there are people who don't know about you and don't know about me and don't know about Florian not know about other bloggers so the solely really rely on Android documentation poor people poor poor souls yeah what if for your experience if if in several months Supreme Court will reject Google's petition I think things will accelerate in Android will die in the course of the following two years well what do you mean die I don't know specifically to say what will happen but Android as we know today will cease to exist and will be replaced by something else and if Google wins and and if Google lose so yeah it will lose this Supreme Court doesn't want to review this petition flutter will become very very popular Google will double down on their market in the fourth floor flutter but if Google wins which will take another several years to see because these things crazy slow if Google wins they can probably just kill flutter kill fishing in stable Android because in my estimation they are not there's not business for for cross-platform framework for Google it's not good for them for anything doesn't give them anything and they kill projects left and right that has that have millions of users and even successful projects for Google something to support it it should be read something really that brings a lot of revenue and you can make a lot of revenue from cross-platform framework development no yeah at the end of the day like the best the best case scenario for Google is what they're hoping for is that tomorrow Apple all the Apple buildings explode and then they have a monopoly like that's that's an ideal situation building cross-platform is only you know you're taking a sliver instead of taking it all you know yeah except for one thing you know both Google and Apple they have technically monopolies inside their markets but both of them when they're good letters come in they say no look Google like we have just 80 percent of the market Apple has 20 and apple says oh we don't have even the majority of the market Google has most of it so they need each other to justify why they are monopolies that makes sense to actually it's kind of yeah like they it's better for them to coexist because it looks better amongst the public that there's healthy competition among two monopolizing companies I guess you feel probably mispronounced his name too you know Peter Thiel is like Silicon Valley investor no I know one of the people guys oh yeah nevermind so Peter Thiel he's like very renown in start-up coming and he said like that every startup tries to convince all the entire world that he has the monopoly but once companies has monopoly they will try to convince the entire world that they no no no no no I never thought of that is there also the business so yeah that's true that's it that's a very true thing once you have it all it's like no no no we're barely making money if so much competition look at them look at them you know sponsor donate today competitors to just theory stick around that's funny so yes you answered a bunch of questions there by the way I was going through these questions what's flutter mobile development sure there's cotton or Java you gave us a conspiracy theory that one that was awesome no no you already answered it pretty much you know like with you yeah you say something about caffeine or Java just a small Darin oh yes some people who read my blog seeing that I have something against cotton specifically hate language or that I try to convince people kind of block Google's efforts of promoting cotton in the community well I do stupid things but I'm not so much self confident so all I'm saying is that if Android survives cotton will definitely be its main language it's no question about that the only question is should we migrate the cotton right away or even at all and when to do that and I don't think that like I think that it wasn't a good idea to make a right to cotton until now now probably it's more safe but for example I started my own new project a months ago and it's Java still Java so for a new developer someone who's just starting should they start with Collin or Java what's your opinion yeah you developers must learn Joe because there are too much educational resources around Java and too little about cotton I think Colin is it's it's not as intuitive also I think like I don't I think some people probably disagree with me maybe I am biased but I think Java is more like explicit with what you're trying to do I guess I don't know I think it's much easier to just learn Java and then the transition to Collin is really very simple like if you know Java well it shouldn't take you more than a month to get back to your regular productivity with Collin I think whereas if you had the other way oh I don't even know yeah crazy because cotton was optimized to migration from Java yeah and you can convert Java to coding but you can't easily convert coffee into July yeah the safe bet is learned Java because then you know and not and also to like a lot of companies still use Java so like you're more employable if you know Java it's yeah that's very interesting because I hear from many places like developers from many places around the world tell me what everything is Catalan like there are no jobs in Java there are no projects in Java and all I see around this Java I haven't seen one object in caffeine yet you know so I think maybe maybe it's you know again some kind of biased sample that big companies that have the resources to like invest not like lose productivity and invest money and effort into this kind of stuff to let their developers play maybe they are migrating and they're creating this sense that everything is cotton today but I haven't seen one professional code basically yes so my experiences are because I apply for jobs just to see what requirements are and what recruiters want and things like that my experience with that or recruiters reach out to me my experience is that they ask for callin they say they want to know that you're interested in Kotlin they want to like it's listed as a requirement but it doesn't necessarily mean that their applications are written in cotton it just means is that it shows that you're interested in the Android community and what's going on and that you're kind of willing to migrate to Kotlin if you had to it usually it's like colin is a very high asset but not a requirement but i mean basically it is a requirement at that point because you're competing so if you don't know Colin then you probably aren't gonna get the job yeah that's very interesting think um oh yeah that's probably an entire conversation on its own maybe we shall not start it now well do another live stream yeah another lifetime about know what you need to know to become to get to your food into the door or to get your like seen your other developer job that's right good thing to discuss but will take a lot of time okay so let's let's I'm sorry sorry for some of you who asked questions earlier because I'm gonna skip some of them because we're already kind of going over the time this is a good question because I can answer it and I'm sure Vasili can answer it hi Mitch can you tell us the best source to learn Android dev from zero to real hero is the question shows Abe she's a she's a B she's up I don't know how to pronounce your name he has he asked that so what do you think I think your channel YouTube channel and Florence YouTube just the best source of know maybe even your your website can we have some kind of paid subscription website right is some more be more advanced or more in depth topics yeah my my didn't check it out yeah my beginner stuff is free definitely not my content my no no no you might for immediate like when you're when you're ready to jump from to like an intermediate level to expert level I would think your stuff is where you want to be and I think yours are great really awesome I tried to cater to that kind cuz I'm not very good at well first of all it takes me a lot of effort to make videos and write blog posts like I mean single blog post can take me three days to write and I don't know how how do you produce a video but my first course took me two months of full-time job to produce two and a half hours of video content that's crazy slow that's not bad actually when I was doing work for Pluralsight it wasn't uncommon to for other authors to spend six months four months on a course and now and often they miss the deadlines so that's it's not uncommon to take that long yeah so like I just can't imagine myself doing this like zero from here on courses they're like 20 hours of content when you 500 no way I just can't imagine myself pulling that up hey ever like ever I think the people who do that on udemy have a team it's a team of people and they build it they structure it they film it together they edit it together at least that's what it looks like to me because yes that's entire business even I mean some of them have multi-million businesses by this point but still is one guy who kind of speaks for 20 hours in a row I know when he did that hours probably he spoke for 100 hours before they cut it out yeah so to answer the question directly if you want like a practical answer to that question my SQLite for beginners 2019 course is meant from if you're a zero that's that's where you want to start I teach you like basic fundamentals no architecture but I also show you how to use SQLite in the room persistence library which is pretty fundamental and then just from there browse my courses on my website some are free some are paid the paid ones are more advanced typically anyway also like you said coding and flow which is Florian he he makes the best beginner stuff I think the only issue with that is there's no there's no I don't think he has like complete courses he has playlists so if you want if you know the topic that you want to learn Florian's channel is probably where you want to go cuz he'll have a playlist and it'll be laid out he explains things and way more depth than I do usually and it's great so that would be where to start if you're a beginner and then as you move on my stuff and the silly stuff is is good yeah that would be my answer by the way if I need to give one recommendation and of course it's biased recommendation because I also have courses that I sell and all of us do some kind of business however I think one of the biggest problems in the Android community is that people are accustomed to get everything for free and whenever you just recommend bring up the idea of paying some silly amount of money for anything they're just like oh no you try to push oh no you're so I think education you need to pay for good education I'm not the guy of courses I can't watch video course I just don't have passion for that but I paid thousands of dollars for for the books that I read and you know to achieve the book from in Israel we don't have magic books so I shoot them from Amazon from us and I pay almost twice the price because of shipping price and I still do that and I think that's like if you want to become good developer you know invest in yourself unless actual money in yourself and invest into it in your tools you know I used to immerse that mean that you know you'd have they didn't have for some time they didn't have private repositories so whenever I had to do some private stuff I will go to bitbucket because they would allow you like five-prime and at some point that themself like it's ten bucks are certain yeah ten bucks a month and for that and doing all of that and actually it hub has a great product and happy with that so what's why do you behave like like like a cheap you're gonna take all of us go through this so all of us all of you watch that and don't invest in yourself invest in that because eventually when you think about it if you live in the Western world you spend more money on beer it's insane when you really think about it it's insane what you like the money that you just throw away and then like now I don't even think I'm like oh I need to learn this thing paid resource done paid resource done I don't care like I don't I don't care cuz I look at like if I was to go out for dinner or drinks with my friends I'll spend a hundred bucks and like and I don't even think about it whereas okay like that's that's insane that that's the way my brain used to work it's like don't you newcomers to and return in general software developers you want to speed up your career you invest some little really little funny silly money into yourself and you will get a huge benefit you know especially if you buy books and courses and stuff like that it's huge I mean you will spare months and maybe even years it's time it's time and effort yeah yeah and you could potentially sour yourself on the on the whole learning process if you don't buy resources - it just makes it easier videos - my shitty videos yeah I mean but your shitty videos are actually good think about it content is that you almost always if it's paid content and highly rated you almost always guarantee to get good content yes almost always will spare you a lot of time yeah all right so let's next question is I don't know a lot about this topic but I normally I wouldn't ask this question because it's I don't I don't even know how to answer it but this person is a subscriber on my website and I talked to them very often in my discord channel so I sort of have a relationship with them so how our programming language is created for example how is Colin created again I wrote about that in details on my blog if you ask me technically then well there's a theory of programming languages and there's things I'm not mistaken is called full lexical parsers that basically parts the language and create some structure of entities it's it's very complex and if you ask from business perspective like why why would anyone do programming language specifically coding I wrote about that on my blog and other languages is just cool now it's cool it's kind of chemical project when you are developer and you've got some following and you create your programming language and it becomes popular it's really cool so you so on your blog is where someone could get more information about that is what you're saying and not technical stuff but if you're interested like why Kotlin why Katherine came to be yeah I wrote about that okay again so change your chance you're a satirist curious all around the place you know warning spoiler alert conspiracy crazy conspiracies so if you're not up to conspiracies then better pass on that I like it so I mean so far your conspiracy theories have seemed pretty reasonable to me I don't know I mean I enjoyed the explanation and I think probably are right so yeah yeah I mean I'm really well I have a business in a note right I have a stake in Android and in my stake in honor it is very high not like yours maybe you know because it's not my full-time job it's something that I thought that might be my full-time job but then I discovered that I actually need to write code to be happy and like I mean build the project from for customers to be happy but I have a really high stake in Android so I don't want Android to die in any circumstance I would glad to discover that all my theories are complete that I imagined when I was under some good whiskey track but currently as it stands and like there is no evidence there's nothing that shows that they're wrong and they're kind of a lot of evidence that shows that they might be in the right direction yeah but let me know at the end of the day like you I have a stake in Android for sure but at the end of the day I could very I mean I'm probably gonna start doing Python stuff soon too like we can do anything and it really it really doesn't matter there's no lack or the third there is always a demand for high-quality technical content no matter what it is on so uh there's when I think about it you are right you know like for example if they switch from Android to fushia and people will start to write and flatter then there is like huge demands yeah it doesn't matter yeah where do you think all those people are gonna go they were watching my videos I'm gonna would start doing flutter and then they're gonna go okay I guess mitch is gonna show me flutter now you know yeah so maybe it's maybe it's good business for us maybe it makes people panic you know and when people panic they get emotional and they will buy my shitty courses yeah yeah yes no I actually I really don't like Android I don't want Andre to die because I have this stupid idea that I like have over all these years I want to build my own application I want to have my own application on on Play Store successful application with real users that does something non-trivial and I started another one another project third one two of the previous projects failed I started the third project like a month ago and I invest a lot of time into that and I definitely don't want any kind of changes or disruptions in Android ecosystem in the coming one or two years time soon anyway yeah well anyway nothing but about nothing of that to happen in half a year or year yeah we're talking about years Heels also no pressure to run anyway all right so cool homina butcher his name goo Bala I think GU Bala Sal I'm sorry for butchering your name but he says I would like to ask you it was silly a few questions the first one is do you Vassili ever build apps using mvvm although NBC seems to be the best approach as you mentioned it several times on your course on udemy Android architecture master class so first answer that question then he's got a whole bunch here so they look like pretty good questions I haven't built apps myself that using VM but I helped refactor one application that used mvvm though and classic mvvm not in the VM with view model architecture company I haven't seen the model architecture carpet in production yet okay and second question is do you ever consider to publish a new course on the architecture master class using mvvm no I don't think well look I really want to do more courses I have ideas for courses but I just can't do it full-time I tried to I thought that it'll do my business I can't I need to call they want to build build products and and assume as Mitch knows but maybe and yours don't know educational business takes all that you got it's like it's very hard it's very time demanding it's it's difficult physically right yeah i ago yeah when I go out of recording course for a month I'm like flat out for a week I can do anything for a week yeah so I will definitely do more courses once my new proud goes on track you know like I'm in a very high-stress operation mode right now I have two clients and third one incoming and I have this new Prada project that I just started however I will not do courses on popular topics I can only do courses that I tested on on topics that I test that I saw and I think that they are the best so my courses are like my personal recommendations how to do stuff and I can't recommend nd M therefore sorry I got this question a lot yeah I know this very popular and so I have mvvm courses you can check those out I personally like mvvm so so check those out one with view model or just yes your model I don't even know the classic one because I think I came when I when I was skilled enough to even start looking into architecture the new one had been the new thing so that's that's the first one I started with so I don't know what your one is great so we've gone Bala I'm sorry well we should let me sell it the third ones I'm bad with names and sorry for mispronouncing all of yours now so like take niche courses I'm sure it's great there anything there because oh one another thing you don't want to get all your information from one source you want to diversify and that's why for example I read all these articles on nvvm and human dose and life cycles even though I think I'm not using them I want to know and I want to be in the loop and I want to be able to realize when I'm wrong or at least when people tell me that I'm wrong you got to be able to you're gonna have the information so that you can make the choice for yourself you gotta see what it does what it doesn't do and then you know weigh the pros and cons depending on your project or how you like to structure your code basically yeah because mmm many of that like a big part of that is personal preference yeah I think how do % like both work like they all work they all work fine it's just you know personal preference to like mvvm just in my head it just it just it's like it it's a beautiful thing that just it's perfect there's nothing wrong with the other architectures to me it just I just like it like I just I think I just like it I don't know yeah at the end of the day you know you need to choose your your your working tools such that you are not constrained by them so for example there's like the best pattern over there for example dagger right I know you have to course certain dagger I have course and Dyer and I like using dagger however there are people who just can't conceptualize dagger they don't like it it's hard and it's hard and it's also you know it's not that's my mic I thought that was a glass or something that you broke it almost ill hear me I still hear you just fine yeah so what a dagger okay so if you can you know you tried you took a course and dagger doesn't work for you like don't push yourself into that direction you know use something else use pure dependency injection use coin or something so personal preference is important if you can't adopt okay one guy said it beautifully I don't remember who was that but I do know life is called he said everything that you can incorporate into your standard working flow is not a preliminary optimization so preliminary preliminary optimization is something that you can't in comfort incorporate into your working flow so if you kept incorporate easily dagger into your working for or MVC or any other tool or pattern don't don't stress about it good way to put it let's see here so in your course you basically take an existing project you make improvements on codes however we much more educated and explanatory if you build a project from scratch for existence that's just advice so let's go to the next one and kindly a request would you be interested in publishing a course using mvvm retrofit local database cache and SQLite and room similar to one of Mitch's courses if you've taken my course oh I see so he wants to see another somebody else do the same thing I guess what he's asking I don't think I'm that well I think that yeah you did let's see I believe that would be the most helpful and good content okay well thanks for your thanks for your questions let's move on to the next one buzz min kyung-hoon probably butchering your name I know who you are by the way from your picture but I am gonna say your name wrong how do you creators learn new libraries or techniques for example dagger unit testing I am scared like I know I could never learn from documentation yeah so the documentation sucks so no surprises there what what do you think this silly I think it's like most of what I get is like community community generated content like blog posts and stuff so because I'm I'm really not very good with videos you know I have this like maybe I have ADHD so I can't watch videos even if it's clips of 5 6 minutes I lose track of things so I actually much better tweeting stuff and then you try it out like there is no other way that I'm just sitting and you know like it it took me several months to actually get get to the point where I feel that dagger is something I can efficiently use and unit testing takes months by definition even if you got the best resources out there it will take months many months you can take years until you get very comfortable that unit I think and it requires constant discipline to remind yourself when you're like have these moments of no I don't want I can write it like I don't need to write unit tests because it's very simple I I will not make a mistake here and every time I tell myself that well not every time but the times when I tell that and it turns out to be false our precious time because I kind of meditate on them because these mistakes learn and teach me something so yeah definitely community generated content and just try it out for yourself everything so in your just one clarification in your project side project don't bring tools into production professional projects if you haven't used them somewhere else so for me I'm sort of similar to Vasily I I watched some video but I yeah I get very impatient with it also so reading is usually how I do it usually honestly usually it's blog posts from various places Pro Android dev medium whatever wherever I can find blog posts usually I start with documentation like I look at the docs I realize that it's I remind myself that it's not very helpful but it gives you an idea of what to search further so you kind of look at the docs figure out what you need to search more go you'll find community generated blog posts and then so that's what I do personally but for you guys like because we make content that's that's literally my job like my job is to be that filter for you I'm going out there learning these things and I'm pickling all this time down into a concise bottle and then I'm giving it to you so if you're gonna learn something people like me Florian Vassili or any other author that you like to learn from that's what they're doing they're kind of taking that info and crunching it in so that you save time so that you know my advice to you is use our stuff but then other than that you know probably community generated blogs is the best I think yeah I'm like you I'm just kind of basking on the on the official documentation people like know it's it's it's usually incomplete that's why oh I'm actually one more thing I'll say is the Google samples so like if you're learning anything from jetpack or the architecture components library the Google samples I think are great facili I know doesn't like them or doesn't like them that much but I think I think they're really great they're really helpful compared to the documentation because the documentation gives you an incomplete picture of what you're trying to learn and if you want the complete picture you got to go to the sample so yeah that's just yeah you know they are better than than the commutation yeah sure so is this guy from Ukraine or Russia well I live in Israel so he's from Israel but originally I'm from Moscow Russia yeah I thought you had a Russian accent when you told me you lived in Israel I was like very surprised because you sound very Russian yeah yeah I'm awesome like I mean the live in Israel for much longer than I lived in Russia but originally from Moscow okay let's see did I go a little bit um guy yeah regular Russian guy but I but you like whiskey you don't like vodka yeah exactly so you're not a regular Russian for a long time okay the cultures rubbed off on you then let's see your so wrestle me the beers anymore either hahaha oh you gave up bear wrestling yeah let's see how does Google recommend how does Google recommend works on Android I think we mean to say is how does Google recommend working on Android or any other apps like udemy recommends how does recommended system work on Android I'm not really sure if I need to guess he probably asked or she probably asked about recommendation engine in place or that's oh yeah I mean that would be some kind of algorithm they have built in based on yeah like so things would have like things that you're viewing would have like tags or like unique keys to them and then they have an algorithm behind the scenes that kind of looks it processes all of the things that you typically are looking at makes connections between them and then says oh maybe you'd like this other thing that uses that same key that's kind of how it would work I mean people who specialize in building algorithms or recommendation systems and they make crazy money it's very complex job I mean coding it it's not that complex once you've got the algorithm fleshed out but people who actually build these are groups they are very smart yeah like you were talking like guys with PhDs in math who are developing these they're basically just sorting algorithms and does nothing do with programming it's like literally the math behind it and then programmers get their hands on it and they make a make a program out of it basically yeah next question is how to find a remote job for a junior developer question mark wall I don't know I think it's impossible that's my thoughts give up on that dream that would be my advice because as a junior you have no leverage why would somebody hire a remote developer it doesn't make any sense yeah I know I don't know I don't have anything to say on that so I better shut up okay yeah you need leverage if like so there's like getting a job in an office and then there's getting a remote job to get the remote job you have to have something that they're worth like because basically they don't want you to not be at the office you have to have something that is special basically or something that they're willing to give that up for so you're yeah you'd probably want jobs get very popular today but I don't mean just speaking out of like out of my head I would guess that people who actually hire people for a mo job they want to know that you can do the job so if you don't have anything on your resume I I can't see how how you could get your foot into the door at least you know someone if you know someone and someone is ready to vouch for you that might help but otherwise I actually I just refreshed my chat and there is way more questions than I thought oh I was like oh we're almost done and then it refreshed and there's like double now okay so we're gonna move a little quicker here if you still have time anyway yeah yeah okay you should just grab a beer and relax because there's like more glam I mean beer yeah you should if like I said if it was past like 6 o'clock I'd be I would definitely be drinking a beer right now but um I need to stay focused because I like I know that I will something up and people go well beyond record yeah that'll be a record but I don't want to something up Reedus you know okay so let's I was able to build an app to help police officers navigate apartment complexes and find okay oh by watching my Instagram clone oh don't watch that all of you who are watching do not watch my Instagram clone it's really really really really bad that's all I'm gonna say about it next question this needs to be a three-way combo including coding and flow as well I agree Florian you're invited I sent you a link pal you got to get on here you got to come on the next one he doesn't want to do you know he doesn't want to show his face for some reason I don't know it's like there's like it's almost a meme at this point because Florian's never shown his face and I we always I always ask him in the discord channel trying to get him to like reveal his face and everybody always does but yeah I don't know yes they could yeah yeah me either I mean you you can do the job of like being the active guy for both of us sure yeah let's see these are questions these are just statements Cody and Flo have you thought about partnering with someone to make tutorials in different languages oh and and that was to me to actually mean Florian have talked about partnering up a lot it's it's not really practical like although like I mean you could probably maybe convince me like if you really we've like we've talked about it a lot it just it doesn't seem practical cuz like why like what advantage does it give you to be sharing something you know like you can still go learn on his stuff you can still learn on my stuff you can learn any one stuff it there's not really an advantage of sharing a platform other than a shared subscription but Florian doesn't sell anything so like the there's no advantage there so I guess yes well I would say that Florence should start the soon as possible and I'm really surprised that you haven't yet because he has a lot to share and like it looks like he generates videos on such-and-such a cabins that it looks like he already kind of does it full-time or it does vary for time it invests a lot of time into that so I would expect something from him and definitely and I don't think that it will be it will be very great and as first for partnering I think it's not very it works sometimes but I think it's not a very good idea because the phone thing and we connect to people to different types of peoples of people so for example I know that i annoy some people because my accent because how I looked because my ideas there are like xenon of reasons why i annoy some people and they will not buy my courses they don't want to learn from me on the other hand they like your content and vice versa you know there are people who like my content maybe they don't like yours so by having it separated we kind of created portunities for everyone to learn and now consider that we make courses we make some course together right so now to take this course we need them we need to find people who are not tonight annoyed by either you or me so it's a much smaller pool of people and I don't think it's it can work but I don't think it's like might be a fun project to do but I don't think it's really serving the actual goal which is our goal is to basically share the knowledge and teach people so I think it would be it might be counterproductive might yeah yeah yeah it's it's possible that it could work but it's also possible that it won't and you basically get the best of both worlds by having separate parties there's there's no reason to hang out yeah like maybe you know someone who doesn't understand my accent and he wants to hear you talking speaking you know for him it will be no goal you will create the courses who the Great Khan that will create the course it could be great content but just because you can't in my accent this resource is not is not for him it will be very easy over hair it will be very very bad situation because that's why I think like diversifying in there's space for everybody to bring to bring his expert their expertise what do you think about one thing my sorry I was gonna say what do you think of Florian's accent and I think he's like he's very rich he has very deep voice and he speaks slowly and very structured so I think many people would like would like would love that kind of stuff but also if you make a course so for example my first course is very boring I just listen to it sometimes and I remember us like how I spoke there so you need to bring some kind of excitement to keep people awake and I would get us that floor and we'll need to work on that I see so I actually love his accent like I don't know why I think it's the so I like I like the German accent for one thing like I just I like the way it sounds and then it makes me laugh when he mispronounces words so that kind of makes it exciting for me like I always find myself like like but I enjoy it you know like it says well I guess I probably can catch him mispronouncing the words because for me it sounds like a great thing English yeah yeah I mean generally it's good but like there's certain letters he doesn't say right and things like I mean it's good I like it in general and for that's what I wanted to say you know like their experience develop first of all all your newbies out there you know meet you and floor and you started like producing educational content very early but it's very difficult and and it's time-consuming but there are many experienced developers who actually have much to share because the work of interesting projects they tackled interesting problems and they would not do that because you know well I'm not sure I'm good enough to do that but this fright this fear of being judged of being like and it like if you want to share something and I got people ask me question you know I I want to do eggs like but I think I'm not good enough it I do it I upload this video on YouTube take one day record something upload it to youtube and then don't stop just tell yourself I'm doing one video new YouTube amounts and go for it and in in 1 2 years you will be like in a position like all of us you know all of us go to our earlier content either it's written content or video content and we are embarrassed by by what we did right because you improve improve so quickly when you do something only good things can happen really like nothing bad can happen from people are gonna laugh at you but look it as a good thing like if that's not a bad thing it's a it's a it's a feedback loop that you want in your life for sure and and there's something go ahead there are million of ways to do that and don't let your fear of stage or being Josh stop you that's for sure yeah it's nothing like it is a good way to put it if you're scared just post it and whatever so let's see what we got here which is the right database for creating a chat application so that would be something live you need like a live chat in Android and Android I don't think you have much choice in Android no I don't think so either you can either do what you do firebase is basically it other than that you could use some other database with a platform known as socket dot IO which I haven't played around with but I know that you can use it for basically live information not a base in that context well maybe I mean I would use sequel life you can use any or em that you want maybe the question is more about or ramps rather than because because I'm not considering like firebase and real and Bars databases first oh I think that's what they're asking ah see well then for chat application don't use firebase unless it's really small project that you have zero ambition for because Google proved to be not very reliable partner and you don't want to be in a situation that you know like you've built an application and you don't know how to monetize it and it becomes popular and you have zero inflow of cash for it but you already need to pay a firebase bill um and also Google change the stuff and it kills stuff left and right and so you it's not very reliable invest some time you know make par server is a good alternative I did one project with passive part server and I was absolutely skeptical about it but it turned out to be not bad I mean there's definitely some stuff to get accustomed to and some really bad mmm but nuances that make you waste a lot of time repeatedly but other than that so I I sorta disagree actually yeah I mean I started to Siri I'll tell you why so the person who's asking this question chances are they're pretty probably beginner level and I would say the chances of your app becoming a success are very very low although it could happen like don't get me wrong I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything but it's very low firebase is very easy to use and you're gonna have something up and working very quickly if you use firebase so my recommendation is to use firebase because chances are this isn't going to be a success and the process of you learning and building this application is going to be the most valuable thing about it so again I definitely agree if you're if your assessment is correct and that's someone who is beginner and trying to build some kind of either educational project or maybe his first first freelance project or maybe even at the company but not much experience yeah then I take back what I said yes but if you're looking to build some like you're in a startup and you're looking to build something that is gonna have millions of the users on even hundreds of thousands probably using something that you have complete control of number one so Google can't just cut the cord to or start changing on you yeah you you being in complete control of is probably the biggest part so you don't want to hang star based on your data like no matter what project you build and what it does you need to own your date it should recite sit where you have a full control over it yeah but again for professional projects when you when you are talking about real money and stuff if it's it's your first engagement then definitely firebase is the way to go yeah I was wrong so let's uh let's see here what we got here I'm talking about coding languages places to learn oh hey Mitch can you give any advice on landing a job as a self-taught developer with no degree I always feel like I have to do more than most to make up my lack of degree so I'll answer because you asked me and then you can give your answer to I actually don't think that that matters like from the jobs that I've seen around there like a degree or technical experience like people don't care they want to see they want to see projects like I I really don't think that that's true I think that if you had a bunch of projects or some good stuff on github a YouTube channel a blog post some medium post somewhere and you showed that you're interested in the community well number one you know how to program number two is like you're interested in the community and then number three is you know all of the common things that all the jobs are asking about which is like rx Java architecture unit testing dependency injection basic UI stuff like though those are kind of the services threading those are kind of the main things and if you know those and you have projects I don't see why an employer wouldn't take a look at you seriously so yeah I don't know facili what do you think well pretty much really what you said one small might be mm-hmm think that and it depends on on you know like cultural and geographical differences because in some places they really don't care about education and we're UNT whether you went to university or yourself doubt but in some places like the mentality of yeah the mentality of the people is that you know they're very the education higher education is very valid and everybody has it so if you don't have a - might be a problem and also in my experience bigger companies usually are more formal and they might list some kind of degree as a requirement so Norma no matter how good you are if you don't know anyone inside that company who can vouch for you and bring you in and probably they go passing you and other hand there are many many opportunities and many many great developers for self thought and I don't think for me 100% my degree covered maybe 1% of what I do professionally so like I sometimes I wonder who well I did I did why did I do that so yeah that's true it not to work but it might be a little bit difficult to get into bigger companies or in specific geographies yeah like yeah I'm comparing the data with where I live in which is Canada British Columbia Europe near a big city that's what it and also good jobs in the US so I don't know where you live but yeah might be different which year did you start doing them coding and flow florian is not on this podcast no questions - Florian until he shows his face he's just kind of lurking in the chat that's what he does lurks in the chat yeah that's the questions in the chat if you're already here make em each life easier yeah come on I'm a full-time Android developer and I use your advanced resources for learning new things says radiant one you mean me or Vassili but either way if it's me thank you and I'm sure bacilli would also say the same very good I think Deb slopes is the best beginners on udemy I wouldn't know that's not a question I shouldn't have read that Florence tutorials are very good Florine get out of here not allowed not allowed to steal my viewers you got to come on a pot you got to earn them you gonna come on a podcast yeah the thing lacking and videos for Android is unit testing I agree I'm Mickey well actually facilities unit testing course is really good also if you take Vasili unit testing course mine is gonna be you know they'll go very well together is what I'm saying because he he talks about things that I don't talk about so if you want same with his dagger course if you've watched my dagger course I think you'll really you should watch both of ours like his and mine mine is more practical about the new dagger Android stuff his talks about like the theory behind dependency injection what actually is dependency injection like without using a library so like raw dependency injection he shows you kind of like the old way to do dependency injection without all of these frameworks and libraries and then he shows you with them and says this is what they do so it's very clear like what's happening behind the scenes what those code generators are actually generating so it's it's good if you're if you want to know more about dagger injection yes of course about you think this thing will actually show examples or I can Android yeah yeah like I built I build some like I'm starting from nothing and I'm building an application so I'm like yeah add feature build test add feature build test and like just kind of move forward with it not something I get like this course is very highly rated testing but that's one comment that I always get is why don't you show more Android stuff and I might actually active at some point because people ask you know and if they I thought that people derail the top the the focus of the course because I think unit testing is really should be learn from basics and but now I can just tell them to take your course yeah that's what I that's what I do when people ask me about like beginner stuff because I don't really like making beginner stuff or like isolated topics I always just point to Florian I'm like go watch Florian's playlist he made it he made a good one go watch saves saves will work for me so we are working together we're kind of like a team already yeah I think like him everyone who is like in community and doing education and let's let's call it professionally because I'm not sure I can call myself a professional educator because for me it's like very smart porn but do you earn money yeah then you're professional okay right congratulations you put it like that yeah but again we all work together like there's so much there's so much void in educational content in Android that like there's probably 10 15 other educators by the way there's a great guy also on YouTube called Derek Banias oh yeah that's you so he has some good very good educational content for Android as well but it's kind of old I'm not sure it's up to date but it's also very good for beginners yeah he's kind of famous for like learn this thing in 30 minutes or whatever and he gives you like a very concise introduction to that thing so his his stuff is probably honestly the best place to start if you're at zero and then move to like a course or something like that probably anyway ya know like with the cabin that it might be a little bit outdated yeah we caveat cousin man it's changed really fast and something from four years ago is basically if it's not fundamentally its old yeah actually that's a nice segue into the next question here as a beginner in Android when should I start worrying about architectures hmm because I know earlier we were talking about you know I wish in a in the perfect world Google would develop this sort of foundation that you need to learn and then they could say okay then you can learn this architecture or that architecture or whatever so yeah I mean it's a good question when would someone who lands into Android world and wants to start developing he basically sees this all nvvm and stuff like they want it's like boom architecture yeah [Music] well I would say like that stuff that are more important than architecture initiative life cycles of activity and fragment writing good code regardless of Android you know small methods good naming small classes single responsibility principle when you mastered that and it sounds like like not much but it's actually very very much like I mean Android life cycles are crazy complex and there are a lot of nuance there in writing good code in general like no one can say what what's good code but many people kind of much much most people can for you what's bad code so not writing bad code if you get there you know and then the next thing I think you need to do is to understand why you need to decouple UI logic and that's your gateway into architecture yeah decoupling digital UI logic that yeah that's a good answer get to the point where decoupling Qi logic becomes your focus that's the point where you actually start thinking about architecture so I'll give you some some practical like real practical things so lifecycle understanding the lifecycle how to set up a recycle of you recycle of you adapter how to inflate fragments manage fragments manage the back stack manually you know activity stuff implementing interfaces detecting cliques detecting touches detecting gestures oh i said a whole bunch of things i didn't move any of my fingers so I'm gonna stop counting because I don't know where I'm at now on the right hand please oh and then making custom objects so modeling data on custom objects passing them through bundles so two new activities receiving them to activities I mean at that point I'd Oh of making network requests so HTTP requests so using something like retrofit and then managing the local database the local SQLite database so using the room persistence library you did all those things that I just mentioned at that point I would probably start looking at some kind of architecture yeah and as a rule of thumb if you are just starting out you know you haven't got your first job the first thing you do you you write some shitty application and post it to Play Store now you don't deal with architecture dagger unit testing you don't deal with anything basically before you've got your first application on the Play Store because the process of writing one first application however shitty and ugly it will be and then uploading it the Play Store will give you so much knowledge that you insult in such a short period of time because otherwise you will constantly and endlessly learn stuff and this one process will actually cut a pool cue into like it's called experienced developers because once you've got application on Play Store you are not newbie anymore right it's good yeah they'll give you a good big picture of things you'll see kind of you've something working you put it in the Play Store you're getting feedback maybe yeah probably oh yeah yeah mom mom's gonna download it for sure any for mom and and publish your application make your mom so Florian asks not not coding and flow floor in some other Florian he asks what books or courses do you recommend buying so I'm gonna let you answer that because I don't buy any books oh well I get this question a lot and I need to write a blog post about it and the only reason I don't haven't written this blog post is because I'm not sure that I've read enough so until now I've read maybe like 30 books maybe 35 books also development and just don't have I don't think I have enough of a staffing side but if you ask the best book is my opinion to start with for everybody is code complete second edition by Steve McConnell so it's like very sad book it's a time pages and it covers basically anything everything in software construction specifically so if you want to get one book one single book like a mastery that will be called complete - and then you have effective Java clean code by Uncle Bob T in architecture by Uncle Bob and if you are already a kind of advanced so maybe you know maybe you're well there's not I don't think there are developers out there who are too advanced to read these books I'll tell you the truth but if you are like I'm more into a kind of architectural stuff so it will be a clean architecture and domain driven design the maintaining design is extremely interesting book for people who already very feel very confident in code bases because it's not an introductory book and you need to have some experience to read and understand it some real project experience but if you pass your like initial learning curve let's say you've got two three years of experience the main driven design is absolutely fantastic yeah that was a lot of books I haven't read any of them I don't like three books yeah yeah if you don't like reading books don't stress yourself yeah and I like I like reading blog posts but books I don't know I just fall asleep I read them cover to cover you know they're people who kind of same yeah give you like techniques to read the book or your skim through it and then you choose what you read and then I just open it on the first page I mean you know preface you know I read to my mom or to you or to something and I and I and I finish at index that's just the kind the way I consume books that's okay the world needs all types of people insane not insane and all types of educational content should we say right yeah yeah yeah there who has something to share and don't want to ride this stupid medium post because you think it's not important just ride it right the stupid medium post yeah and see what's going on maybe you'll like it and maybe in five years you will be full-time in three years you were a full-time educator like me just like Mitch yeah I mean you've got a lot of I guess that's a question do you get a lot of self-satisfaction when you actually make people understand something I love it I did to it I don't I can't imagine doing anything else I think about getting a job sometimes and or like or somebody you know wants me to apply to a job and I just think like I'd I I don't think I'd be satisfied what I do is very satisfying and especially when you get good feedback it's like I just want to do more I just hours you are so many people just don't know that they like it because they never tried oh yeah I didn't know like I literally didn't know yeah yeah I didn't I just started making videos people just need to just drive because there are many people will have ideas to share and they don't share it for zero reasons it's literally stare reason yeah okay so let's see I had a good question here well what what I what do I have to do to improve myself in Android design so I guess the question is somebody has an idea well how do i improve that that process in my head where you kind of take the idea and spit out a design or like formulated a design like UI design or software design I think overall soft I would think software design not not UI design it says Android design so I'm guessing like idea to app which would meet software design hmm well first of all read books but in general it comes with experience there is no silver bullet right there but it helps to know best practices it helps me know architectural design patterns because you've got all these small or medium sized blocks and when you've got this idea and you've got these toolbox of blocks or component then you kind of match and then you got some white areas stuff that you don't know how to do so you attack these but yeah definitely reading and knowing the best practices and patterns helps because many many things that for example today when people come to but like today I meant with the decline and they want to me grade their their application and from they have some very crazy bacon configuration and they want to clean it up so without even investing any effort the moment they told me the requirements and what they business dad I already had like five or six architectural patterns in my head like waiting to be combined to recommend some specific approach so definitely having that as a tool box and then springing a bit of experience over that so yeah so it's it's this tools and toolbox idea basically it's like you don't you can't imagine the design unless you know what tools are available it's like yeah that's that's basically what it is if you don't know the tools how can you picture a design it doesn't make any sense so you have to you have to be familiar with what's out there you gotta your hands on it you got to build things play around with it because then when you hear an idea you can it will in your head you'll go oh I remember when I used this architecture with this pattern in this object structure or whatever and that worked really well in that situation so you know that's that's the kind of things that you'll need to know yeah exactly in my experience like most applications they're about like 80% maybe even more the same so you don't want to waste too much effort mental or or like time on this 80% you want to do them the most quick standard way there is and then you want to concentrate on ten twenty percent which is actually what brings life into the projects yeah when did you start program we already answered that at the beginning of the video we're almost done we got it and we've we've doubled the time that I wanted to do on this put on this podcast so I'm trying to hurry I'm trying to rush through these Louis people around there there's yeah let me see I just checked not long ago let me see how many people there's 40 45 watching but earlier there was a lot more so I don't know when I end the stream it'll say how many people watched it I'm I'm sort of new to live streaming so I don't really know how all this works and which books okay I'd actually think we don't have oh do you recommend to learn to create a REST API and then there's one more there's one more question I'm gonna answer which is from Louis J as soon as I afterward in the stream so just letting you all know so that Georgie says do you recommend to learn to create a REST API I do I think that's a really so I think like the most fun like if you were to have a package of fundamental skills that make you employable as a freelancer or to get a job basically is be able to build an application they can interact with a website through a REST API and it knows how to also cache that data so it's got some kind of UI it can you can interact with a REST API capture data post data store that data locally on the cache and and then also how how to actually construct that REST API on the server because then if you're a freelancer somebody has an idea you have the whole you have the whole package you can build the website you can build the REST API to have an access point for the data on the website you can build the app to interact with the website it's it's everything so all of those skills building a REST API being one of them I think is like it's like a really really great skill set so to answer your question yes I recommend that what do you think Vasili and yeah I think if you've got like the basics of advanced stuff a father figure out I mean yeah definitely and one last thing you know provocative idea for the for the for the ending developers spend crazy amount of time learning : learning : reading about cutting following the evolution of this language because it's new people say oh it's cool it's evolving so quickly no it's not cool you are spending like several hours of months reading about the new cool features that if you put this effort into actually learning another valuable skill building REST API building bacon getting your CI server up you know working in batch writing wash scripts you don't understand if you've never done that you don't understand how much time you can spare by just writing some simple stupid batch scripts so there are a lot of things that you can learn and if you get if you've got the basics of Android figured out I really recommend stop chasing the latest newest and greatest in Android stay up to date read the articles but don't invest all your time into that diversify as you say only good can come out of it yeah that's that's great that's great advice because you don't know how much time these things take they don't they don't take long to learn and become good enough at to like do in a production environment whereas you can spend endless amounts of hours chasing chasing Android basically because there's always new and I'm endless and and like they they they don't they make you feel like you're you're missing things too like that's again that's the way it's like portrayed it's like new thing you need to learn it like now now and it makes you like it provokes you and it it almost like keeps you in there it tries to keep you like no no keep chasing Android kind of thing I don't know it's it's kind of toxic actually but anyway let's go on to the next question I'm going to keep talking about it Mitch do you deal with coming up with and I do you deal with coming up with an idea for an app building it and then later realizing there's already an app like that or maybe even better do you stop building your app do you have any advice so I don't I don't have any personal experience with this but I can tell you that I've thought about building apps and the reason I don't is because I don't think I have a good enough idea and and I think it's really hard to come up with a good idea so my to answer your question I wouldn't I don't think I would be in that situation because if I was to build something I would research it so thoroughly I would be sure that this thing that I'm building will be successful be I would because it's it's a massive time investment it'd be very stressful it's it would be very taxing overall on my on me mentally probably physically it would take away from me built doing the other things that helped me earn a living so like I would research that so much that I would be so sure and so that would be my advice is don't start building something until you're sure or at least sort of sure that this idea is gonna go somewhere what do you think bacilli I don't know about ideas I stopped judging ideas and because you like them and nothing does it I agree with you that you know you want to research you want to do your research you want to do your homework because before you invest actual time into your project that's for sure however and I don't think there are like well there are probably bad ideas but no one knows what good ideas look like but you know people like you know there are people who are called venture capitalists so they give money to startups and you'll say like it's their job their obligation to judge ideas and know which ideas are good and which ideas are bad so some guys like Airbnb or like super crazy successful like maybe 20 different venture capitalists passed on them before they found their first investor and like all big successes someone passed on them or almost all big successes so you don't know if you're a good or worse or bad however when you start working on an app and discover there already is such an app or many such up it says absolutely nothing it's zero because if if your idea if the success of your app of your idea depends on the fact that it's the only one it's probably bad idea it's pretty bad idea to work on on the other hand in most cases and people feel this feeling of like well there are already other apps like that and maybe they're super big so there is no space for me and in most cases I would say that it's not the case okay so like take a big successes Facebook for example there was MySpace and there was bump there was Napster no Napster was it was a thing once and and I don't know miss lack you know we had 1 million ways to communicate with each other before slack came around and became a thing so the thing that the fact that there are other applications that do exactly that is not it's not a fad I'll blow to your idea yeah yeah that's good input you never know the but definitely kind of the both of us can agree that you should do your research and have a reasonable have a reason to think that you're not wasting your time because you can waste a lot of time yeah and think about the business side because my first project we invested crazy amount of time and we build it but we didn't think through business that business I how do we actually find users we thought that you know you build it and users come and hey guys you know we're not you know they not know they're not I mean chances are that if your application even if it's like ideal application for all the users in the world chances are that if you don't think it through and you don't plan and you don't go and look for users actively look for users different initial users chances are that no one will use your application it's a good point and on that no more questions I'm ending the stream because we are over double the time that I wanted to take and I'm hungry and I'm tired and I gotta take a pee and but thanks thanks to the silly for coming on here I enjoyed getting to know you and I what actually I would like to do this again sometime you know we have all the questions I'm up to because I have we have this idea of this thing that we didn't cover which is like what's the what's required for other developer and that's what they should learn and I really grateful to you for this opportunity you know people should know that you initiated this thing and without you it wouldn't happen it was real fun and I always like speaking to people and it was my first live stream experience for which I'm very grateful to you it was fun right there was no problem it was pure fun yeah your friend that had to be vigorous and Floria with a bag on his head I would I would love that I would I would like for my birthday Florian or no I'm getting married in in yeah thanks in two weeks so when I get back cuz it's gonna be a destination wedding when I get back me and you and Florian should do a livestream that can be my wedding gift Florian I think that's reasonable I think it sounds absolutely cool and it will be very very interesting yeah it'll be great we will answer all the questions that'll be good yeah they have like three hours there may be sure I'll make sure to people now but no I mean congratulations okay and I think much for this opportunity all right I'll see you next time goodbye all of you there goodbye along thanks it thanks everyone my night
Channel: CodingWithMitch
Views: 9,048
Rating: 4.954802 out of 5
Keywords: freelance android, freelance android developer, vasiliy zukanov, techyourchance,, how to become a freelancer, how to become an android freelancer, how to get freelance clients, how to get android freelance clients, how to become an android developer, how to become an android engineer, android engineer, android developer, androiddev, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: 7DyHp5z-g1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 31sec (7831 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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