FreeCAD- The Powerful TechDraw Workbench, a Quick Look |JOKO ENGINEERING|

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i'd like to go over doing a drawing in the tech trial workbench this will be a quick overview here's an example of a drawing made from the tech draw workbench you can see it's a pretty darn good module you you can do a lot with the tech draw workbench i uh in the next video this is a quick overview in the next video which will upload on december 2nd uh 2019 so december 2nd you'll get a little bit more detail in looking into this like how to use uh symmetric tolerances how to use degree symbols and uh use a quantitative dimension like 3x so we'll go into some of the details right now i just want to do a quick overview of what it is and to do that maybe i can make a part i'll start a sketch from the part design workbench i'll do so i think the top plane looks good i'll make a rectangle we'll give it a symmetric maybe i can make a circle on one side shift v for vertical dimension uh we'll do 15 by shift h we're going to say 20. i'm at 20 and shift r we'll go with three millimeter shift h again five millimeters are fully constrained we'll go model i'll first close in the tasks pad there we go 10 millimeters so we've got uh you know a part to work with why don't we start the tech draw workbench by going here from this workbench you have a few choices basically insert new default page or insert using template i'm going to use a template the a4 landscape is very nice i'm going to try the us letter landscape in this video and then looks like my workbench got a little bit messed up here so i'm going to readjust it i want to bring this stuff into the second row this happens sometimes quite rarely but there we go next thing i want to do is insert a view now the the view that i currently have and you can navigate between the page and the part with these tabs the view that i currently have is the view that's going to be inserted so if i want an isometric view then i go to my model i highlight my body and click this insert view button and there's my isometric view if i want to view looking down on this face then i have to go to my model i'm going to go to the top view and back to my drawing and insert what highlight my body and insert a view that's looking straight down on it so you can see the view that you have on your model drives the view on your drawing next thing we'll do we're going to scale this let's make this quite large how about three to one so we're going to put in a scale of three and rebuild you'll see it updates our scale so now i can start adding dimensions i can highlight this line and choose a vertical dimension 15 millimeters and one of the cool things about this is if i go to edit my sketch and i make this 17 millimeters and i go back to my drawing it's automatically 17 millimeters so this is updating with the drawing as you would expect from any fantastic uh program so i can add 20 simply by highlighting a line and choosing the horizontal dimension and highlight the circle and choose radius notice i have a radius of three but of course holes are better in diameter so i'll delete that and choose a diameter it gives me a diameter of six straight off the bat now i may want to locate this hole relative to this edge i can choose a vertical dimension here and i may want to locate the center of this hole relative to this edge i can choose a horizontal dimension this uh so anyway that's how you dimension stuff it's pretty easy uh freecad has done a wonderful job in making a fast and effective easy user interface the next thing that i uh can do or maybe need to know rather is you know my leader line is intersecting with my view and it doesn't seem like i can move it but that is no sweat because i can choose to uh hit this button which is turn view frames on or off that's what the final drawing looks like so there's no actual view title that's going to show up and all these thick points are going to go away in the final drawing so that that is of no concern now this view i can scale it again probably three and i'm going to want to add another view that i can show this thickness i can add a sort of 3d view and freecad does a really amazing job but at putting dimensions on an isometric view but of course it's not very good drafting form to do that and what you want to do for that is highlight your body and this would be a great starting point to do before i drew this so this is just another method in inserting views if you want to do it in bulk come over here and notice it gives me my front view which is my current view and i can check this bottom which of course is a third angle projection come over here i can do my isometric so there's a lot of very good options in being able to insert projections i can say ok and i can get rid of this front view i can get rid of this rear view and just stick with this top view and i can specify a thickness if i wish you can do stuff like that in solidworks it's always been my personal preference to simply insert independent views and solidworks you can manually align them i don't think you can align two views uh in free cad so just old habits i can come to this front face and again the downside of this is you don't have the alignments on your views insert body insert there we go scale it up again two three next thing [Music] this line for a thickness of 10 millimeters and we're fully defined as far as being able to reproduce this in any given way you can click on these green things to edit the text and i think that's going to be pretty good for this video the next video will cover uh detail views section views special characters and i will actually make a complete drawing hope this video was helpful if it was please subscribe and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Joko Engineeringhelp
Views: 125,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joko, engineering, help, jokoengineering, engineeringhelp, ACADEMY, jokoengineeringhelp, tutorial, how, to, howto, engineer, JMT, EXPLAIN, EXPLAINED, GOENGINEER, KHAN, FreeCAD, TechDraw, technical, draw, drawig, drawing, draft, drafting, standards, dimension, constrian, angle, degree, tolerance, bilateral, symmetric, pdf, dxf, svg, linear, workbench, powerful, quick, look, symbol, insert
Id: SbKWf7MalAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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