FreeCAD Curves Workbench Tools Explained - ISO Curves - Help For Beginners

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hi everyone and welcome to the quick reference for the curves workbench tools we're going to be explaining the iso curve today what this does is create a series or a network of Curves over an object of your choosing so let's come over to the part and use something like a primitive object let's start with a cube so we can explore the iso curves on here come to the curse word bench and select face and click on the iso curve or surfaces ISO curve a compound object will be created on top of that surface now it's important to know it's a compound object because we can use that in the part workbench and explode it the number u and v will divide the Surface by that mount so in this case it's looking along the horizontal and vertical relative to that selected surface if we come to the mode of single we see we can define a single U or a single V and we can set the parameter now this Cube is 10 millimeters so if we create another cube in here in the part web inch and create a second Cube and set this to 20 millimeters around so width height and length now I'm just going to transform it and place this over here so we have two cubes one has an ISO curve on there you can see at the top there and this one I'm going to do the same come over to the curse workbench and place an ISO curve on there and also set that to a single looking along the V and parameter of zero so if I set this parameter to say 20 then you see that the vertices here it's actually showing up a green so it's moved to the edge of that Cube I can't go over any further so I set this to 100 it goes back to 20. I'll set this to 10 it will sit in the middle so this shows that the u and v is bounded by the size of the object the same with the iso curve on the smaller Cube if I set the parameters say 20 then this will go back to 10 so the midpoint is 5. compare that to say a sphere over in the power bench place a sphere here and we'll create two the same so a small sphere and a larger one and we'll set this to double to size so 10. on the radius and transform that I can do the same but we see the parameter changes so let's come over to the curse word bench and add the iso curve so you can see the iso curves have been out to that object there and then set this to single and can see it there and the same for this one an ISO curve and set the iso curve to single as well and let's hide these and the iso curves of the cube so we can see the two ISO curves there and both of those are set to zero at the moment let's set this to a hundred and see what the top most parameter is it's 6.28 let's have a look at this one as well so set this to 100. and that's 6.28 so as you can see we're not dealing any more of diameter we're actually dealing with radians so this is values of Pi so 360 Degrees there's 6.28 if I say this is a 3.14 then we'll see it on the other side and the same with this one 3.14 and we see it there so you can see how the parameter the position of that U or V is relative and is influenced by the owner shape but what use does this have in freecad let's create a simple sweep so I'm going to come over to the Sketcher and create a sketch on the X Y plane and create something like slot I'm going to hit close and I'm going to create another sketch so I'm going to place the sketch a point this point here new sketch translate and locate that and I'm going to place some geometry in here so I'm going to place a curve that goes up like this and why I'm here I'm going to close that and adjust the position of this curve click on the sketch look at the map mode Translate and I'm going to use the button on the end and select another reference I reference to selecting and I'm going to select this line here I'm going to set normal to Edge so I flip this up the other way here that's okay that let's come back to the sketch and though it flips this way I don't really want it flipped that way let's delete that and create a new curve in here going up like this we'll set some tangency against the horizontal line tangent constraints and we'll Place Another curve going up like so again with tangency let's take these two create tangency okay that and another curve so we're going to come out this way something like that escape and set the tangency between these two as well so we've got this curve in here if I hit close and sweep this over in the part workbench using a sweep and selecting this profile collecting sweet path and what I'll do is select all the edges that I want to sweep along done and okay I've swept that along there and we'll just make some thickness on here as well so we'll use the offset and we're creating offset there we'll fill the offset and set this to something like two mil so we've created this shape now let's say that I wanted to come in and create some kind of feature on here I want to hug these curves so I can click on this face we'll first come over to the curse word bench start that face and create an ISO curve you can see we've got the iso curves going across there this as I said is a compound object so that set the number of U to say seven so we've got seven of those going across here I only want one on the V that's all I want might not even use that so I've got the iso curve that's come back to the part workbench with that I'll take the iso curve come up to the part compound and explode the compound and you notice that I've got exploded ISO curve within here so I've got all these ISO curves that means I can use these in say well let's take this one and screwed it and we're screwed it by some like three millimeters and keep it symmetrical and Okay so we've extruded that ISO curve there so I'm just going to hide that you can see I've extruded that out that can be thickened with a 3D offset and send it the other way fill the offset and okay so we can build some kind of feature on the bottom that hugs this curve so you can see when I'm bringing back the original that sits upon there and this can be booleaned into the original object as well another reason for using the iso curve because they hug the surface let's say we wanted some kind of feature along here for instance let's hide the offset click on it press the spacebar let's hide this as well and then underline is screwed and I'm just going to click on each of the geometry press the spacebar just to hide them and what we'll do is attach a sketch on here and we'll sweep through this so let's create a sketch in the Sketcher new sketch place along the X Y plane we'll put it in the center and I'm just going to use a circle through moving quite quickly for this let's close that so I've got the circle here this is my profile for the sweep I can now take that profile let's hide these collapse them this sketch and look at the map mode it's got nothing there at the moment it's deactivated we'll come in and select let's come over to the other side this side here and select this vertex and then using the second reference make sure it's saying selecting if not just click on here we'll select the Curve and use the normal to Edge so it's sitting along that edge like so okay that now we know it's ISO curve seven that we want as the path that's come over to the part workbench use the sweep select the sketch and say a solid and sweet path and select that ISO curve hit done and hit OK we've created a sweep that follows that curve along there so we've got this sweep here and you can see the sketch Within string that down a bit and the path it's taken again that can be moving back in to here so we create features along here we can even create features such as knurling or Texture surfaces by using such things as an array along there so that's the iso curve it can be applied to sweeps Lofts primitive geometry extrude anything that has a face so I hope that helps you understand the iso curve and a couple of applications that you can use for it thanks a lot and I hope to see you in the next video if you like what you've seen you want to donate to the channel then you can do so via Paypal at forward slash PayPal me forward slash Darren b e Stone or at Coffee via KO hyphen forward slash m-a-n-g-0 I also run a patron where you can get Early Access and additional content and that's at forward slash mango jelly Solutions links can be found in the channel header on the about page or in the descriptions of these videos I thank everybody that's donated so far it really helps to keep the lights on so I can produce more content and also expand the channel thank you for liking commenting and subscribing to these videos and I hope to see you again in the next one
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 9,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, freecad 0.19, freecad 19, freecad basics, basic course, fundamentals, learn freecad, freecad beginners, freeCAD 0.20
Id: iEp3s5Xv4UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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