FREE YouTube Ads Spy Tool (2023)

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ever wondered how you can see the YouTube ads run by some of your competitors I sure have as a marketer I spent a lot of time looking at Facebook ad libraries Tik Tok ad libraries but I always wondered if there was a Google ads library to then have a look at some of the YouTube ads run by some of my competitors recently I found a way to do this and in this video I'm going to show you how this can be done so all you got to do is go to and then once you're there search for a competitor so for my example I'm assuming I'm a website builder and I'm looking at some competitors in the space so one of the big competitors is Squarespace so I'll just search Squarespace here and then I'll go to this top sponsor uh spot and I'll click the three dots here so this should pop up the ad Center and from here select see more ads once this actually loads you're sent to the Google ads transparency Center and from here you can go and search for only videos up here on the top so what happens is you'll get sent all the video ads that uh square space is running across YouTube and display and so for example let's pick the first one you can click it and then you can actually see the video come up and you can even play it and watch it that there was Harry's chair one Harry left and never came back disappeared so you can see how you can watch and see some of the videos run by some competitors and maybe get some inspiration for your own um YouTube ads in the future um so I thought this is a really helpful way for marketers um to kind of see some uh inspiration from some of the competitors or some other big brands in the market um so if you found this really helpful I'd love you to um follow uh And subscribe to my account it's digital Marty and if you like this video give it a thumbs up and give me a comment if you have any questions about this
Channel: Digital Marty
Views: 505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Ads, YouTube Ads Spy Tool, YouTube Ads Spy, Google Ads
Id: XoeLihNebxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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