FREE Substance Painter Sticker Creator Smart Material

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how's it going everyone my name is dylan abernathy and uh what i want to do here is just quickly release on my gumroad a a small smart material for substance painter along with this quick tutorial as to how to make um some really quick and easy and good looking stickers that you can add to your meshes inside of substance painter i ended up throwing this together because i realized my last couple of props here this ava elevator the experience points cassette player and the typewriter all had stickers on them and i ended up using a really really similar workflow for all three of them so what i decided to do was just for myself actually make a smart material a sticker creator smart material um and since i already had it made and i mean it's it's just sort of sitting around for me i thought i'd put it on my gumroad for free and i quickly explained exactly how you guys can use it as well this is just a quick demo and i'm gonna go exactly over how i got uh this right here and it only takes a couple of minutes it's really quick and easy um i'm sure there are other sticker generators or things like that out there that probably use anchor points and set things up a million times easier but uh this is super simplistic to the point where anybody is gonna know how to use this and uh yeah i thought i'd just quickly go over that with you guys so let's go ahead and delete this and start from scratch i can even turn this guy off for now and um yeah we're going to be starting off in our modeling package of choice you could be using macs or maya or blender or anything like that but essentially we just want to sort of have our model in a place where we can extract our uv layout so if you're in maya all you have to do is go to your uv editor click this little camera and export your uv layout put it wherever you want one thing i always prefer to do is make it a png this way it has transparency and it's just a little bit easier to work with but go ahead and do that once you have your final model and this is important just because we need to sort of know where we're putting our sticker it's all based on masks and uh let's go inside of photoshop to check out exactly how we can do that so i just have a black background because we're going to be like i said using masks and black is just going to mean no sticker there essentially and we have our uv guy to explain exactly where we're going to be putting the sticker that we want so i'm going to quickly find a uh logo or something that we can use i'm going to use this channel logo i have um for my youtube channel and essentially all we have to do is just position it in a spot where we'd want it to show up on our 3d model for me i'm just going to put it on on one of the sides here that's facing the front of the camera and then tilt it maybe a little bit give it a bit like of a an off-centered tilted look as if someone just slapped it on somewhere because one of the the things you have to keep in mind is like we still have to sort of make this how we want it to appear we're not going to be manipulating the actual layout of it inside of substance painter so this is going to be determining where it actually shows up so let's just quickly put that somewhere like so um also also one thing you notice with a lot of stickers is they sort of have like a white border around them for example something like this that has a line in it couldn't really be a sticker you'd have to have something that sort of attaches this so one quick way to really [Music] get that going is just to quickly add a stroke so went down to the effects button add stroke just going to make that white and uh buff up the size of it a little bit to something more sticker like and then just going to adjust the color a little bit just because nothing is ever pure white right so i'm gonna make this slightly off-white a little darker a little yellowed um nothing too crazy and essentially that's our one of our sticker um uh image files already so i'm gonna go ahead and turn off these uv guides i'm gonna go to file save as and i already have sticker albedo set up here so i'm just going to hit save you guys can save it out as your own psd now we need an actual mask for this which is going to be really easy to generate i'm just going to end up duplicating this it has effects on it so i'm going to want to collapse that so i'm just going to merge it with a blank layer by hitting ctrl shift e and let's see control e sorry and then all we have to do is ctrl u for hue and saturation bump this up to 100 white and now we have a mask for that so file save as sticker mask okay perfect so now inside of substance painter you're going to want to go ahead and import those i already have mine here but i'll just reload them for the sake of having those new ones here and the smart material is called sticker creator so this is what you'd have to drag inside of substance painter so let me just show you exactly what you would do if you were installing this you would just grab this drag it in and i already have it installed but it would ask you what you want it to be just make sure it's set to smart material and you're good to go um so let's go ahead and drag in a fresh one of these as you can see it's looking nothing like a sticker right now but that's just because we have to actually tell it where we're masking things and what we want it to look like so let's go back to our project this is going to be all of the project specific things we either generated or imported inside of substance painter and let's actually take a look at what we're working with here so the first thing i'd recommend doing is just sort of like quickly looking over all of the different sort of masks and stuff we're gonna have to fill in some of this stuff ourselves and then the rest is gonna be taken care of already from things that i've set up so for example sticker mask in the actual group is going to be the first thing we have to set up and that's just going to be our sticker mask and as you can see all that's doing is just sort of putting some confinement exactly on where our sticker can be and all the information so that's really good it means that if we erase things and then want to fill it back in we're never going to spill over the edges which is a super super nice to have that all contained next down we have sticker foil this is going to be how we get that shiny uh hollow foil look but um we're going to save that for the very end uh the first thing we really want to do is the sticker design itself so if we go to the actual [Music] fill layer here we're going to just want to drag in our actual color to the base color and as you can see we already have a sticker here it's raised up a little bit it has some surface information you can go ahead and affect the the roughness and stuff like that if you want to change it up i think most stickers have a nice subtle shine to them there's also an optional grunge here so what this is doing is adding um just a little bit of of coloration to it it's also adding a little bit of roughness if we check that out very very subtle but feel free to mess around with that in fact i i really encourage that you sort of go through these and change them up the scale is going to change quite a bit depending on how big the stuff you're working on is like for example if i was using this for here i'd have to readjust all of the scales because this sticker on the uv sheet is pretty huge all things considered [Music] so there's that and then paper and glue we don't need to mess with any any um custom imports for these because they're relying on the sticker mask that we have here so let's go over exactly how we get this to look a little bit more interesting a little bit more realistic if we go over to the actual mask there's going to be a paint layer called remove edges so let's go ahead and find a brush that would sort of match this pretty well the one that i typically start off with trying is the mold brush as long as we have it set to black or remove edges we can kind of paint out some some of that sticker as if it's been sort of shredded a little bit so mold is a good one so you can sort of go back and forth between adding and removing to really get a a solid look so anywhere there's going to be these tips or anything super exposed to the edge you might want to just sort of chip a little bit away if you're going for more of a weathered look and maybe even on this really big wide rounded area so we'll start with that for now the same exact thing we're going to be doing for the paper layer so the paper layer just to quickly go over it you can just change the color and the roughness and all that i also have paper texture set up here which is just giving it more of this like um papery well texture i guess it's more like a furry texture i'm sure you've you've ripped a label off and you have some of it staying behind and you have this sort of like almost furry like paper texture there so i'm just sort of emulating that but feel free to change all that and once again the scale is something you'll probably have to update but we can also just go ahead to the remove edges and just like the last one we can paint out some of that paper and i think the ideal look is to just have it kind of over over the edges of where the actual rip is just by a little bit and underneath that is a sort of glueish layer which we're going to be adjusting a little bit in a second you can see it's kind of nice to have multiple layers here set up and you can tell that some of it is sticking on some of it is ripping off and you can get as detailed as you want with it but essentially that's a really really quick way to set that up i'm just going to do a much larger area so it's a bit more visible to see and i'll probably just end up doing it right here so let's remove a bit more of the actual sticker the mold brush is great but i think sometimes it's a little bit too particularly for my liking so you might want to have to paint some of it back in continue it down a little bit so experiment with uh which brushes you like the most for this kind of stuff um for example i think yeah artistic heavy sponge is another one that i end up using quite a bit it's just a bit more solid very similar like sporadic look but you're not going to get any of those like almost you know half opaque um missing parts which wouldn't really be the most realistic thing this has obviously gone a little overboard so i'm gonna tone it back in and then maybe just a little bit more here to continue it over a bit and then we might why not we can just do it up here as well so we can go back to our paper layer back to the remove edges sort of follow that it can be as rough as you want you can have some areas where there's just a lot more paper like over here maybe just fill it in quite a bit more like it was just a very unclean rip i think near the edges it kind of makes more sense for that okay and then if you wanted to you could go ahead and i might even brighten this up a little bit something like that um so you can spend as much time as you want sort of adjusting that and then the final bottom layer here is glue so the glue is essentially um obviously the glue at the bottom of the sticker even when you peel it off it's going to be remaining there and just be the sort of rough grayish bluish paste that's going to be sticking around one thing i like to do with this is you can obviously like cut it out as much as you want and sort of do a similar treatment like that but i find that's not exactly how this would work so i just kind of lower the stroke opacity and just around the edges like fade it a little bit i think that's sort of the the best look for this you still want it to be there but like if it was raining or weathered the edges would would subtly go away and the nice thing about this is since it's contained by the the actual folder i could bring this back up and just paint it back in i'm not gonna to i'm not gonna spill over or anything like that so let's just press x to go back and forth between adding and removing and just sort of lower the opacity to see exactly what we want to go for here let's just have it subtly fading off at the edges nothing too crazy though i like the glue like having that imprint of the whole thing and what it should ideally look like i think that's uh more or less how it would turn out in real life right occasionally though you might want to fade it out a little bit more like i don't mind on these spots because you kind of know what it's supposed to look like and just maybe a little bit just to break the silhouette of it but be pretty sparing with this i don't want to go too overboard because even here i feel like it's getting to be a little bit much fill that in a bit more up here yeah we're in a pretty nice sort of weathered sticker look here the glue itself i guess i didn't talk about too much is yeah just looked up a bluish-gray color and then there's some variation in the roughness you can affect and then also there's variation in the opacity if you want it to be a bit stronger just go ahead and turn that off but i think it gives it a nice sort of weathered textured look even if you remove the sticker it would probably have some of that uh variation of some of it being stuck on the sticker when it's removed and some of it's staying on the surface so that leaves us with only one part left which is the sticker foil so let's go ahead and see what needs to happen for this so typically when when you have a sticker it's not always completely covered in a foil it's usually just one specific spot so we're gonna have to make a third and final mask for this and it's going to be really quick and easy so in the example that i showed at the start i just wanted the blue to sort of have this reflective foil option so all i'm going to do is use the magic wand which you can find up here or just press w and i'm just going to select the blue that i want for this foil hit ctrl j when it's selected looks like we still have the outline on so we can turn that guy off but then once again ctrl u turn the brightness up and there's the mask for just the blue spot so we can go ahead and save as foil sticker foil and then you guys would drag that into substance painter but for me i'm just going to go ahead and re-import reload it and then we would turn this on it's very sporadic and random but that's just because in the mask we just have to go down to where it says mask sticker foil now it's only going to be affecting the blue because that's what we're telling it to do and we can sort of adjust it um it's kind of cool we have a fill for the mask we have a fill for the pattern and then a layer for cleanup so let's just sort of experiment with the pattern i find if you go into where you can import a mask and type in pattern there's already quite a few you can go ahead and make your own there's some really cool looking ones here that are already built in so like if you wanted to for example have polka dots turn the scale way up on this can affect how big they are um affect the tiling of it and it's pretty creative like there's a decent amount here but like i said you could always go in google images or substance designer or um there's a plethora of resources for for tiling patterns like this this diamond one is also kind of cool circles and diamonds if you scale them super close up you kind of get a lot of these fractu uh fractured looks [Music] and i would just encourage us experimenting with some of these um my favorite one so far has just been checkers too so it kind of gives it like this pixely um video gamey aesthetic which i kind of like one thing to keep in mind is if your sticker's rotated you're going to have to sort of rotate to match that but i'm just going to lower the scale even more [Music] histogram position to see how much you want this is just working off of metallic and roughness to give it this look [Music] scale it up a little bit more and the one thing to note is there's a mask cleanup section here you're just going to have to go through making sure your stroke opacity is on 100 and uh sort of clean up these edges since you've um added sort of a custom look to to these edges here it's not going to completely follow the the mask of the sticker it's going to spill over into some of those areas and obviously we don't want it to to be on the paper or the glue areas so really quickly to do that that's why i mentioned at the start there's probably somebody out there who's made something similar with with anchor points or all that but this is just about as as simple as it gets and anyone can sort of pick this up right away um so you can go ahead and mess with that the sticker foil itself is also pretty customizable you can give it color make it look however you want i think in the example that i showed at the start had more of a an orangey look to it it can affect the roughness of it obviously it's supposed to be kind of like uh almost a metallic foil so i'd keep it relatively low roughness high on the metallic value crank up the color um and you can mess around with it as much as you want i think this is kind of the most fun part obviously not every sticker is going to have this but yeah you can play with this as much as you want and kind of go crazy with it so yeah let's go ahead and leave it leave it at that for now um so yeah that's pretty much it that's pretty much the smart material that i've gone ahead and made as you can see when it's over texture it's really nice to sort of have that glue with this one in particular i would probably go ahead and remove even more of this paper look i'd want it to be pretty subtle i think right now it's kind of overpowering um get that to sort of fall off a little bit more like i said maybe build up in some of the corners this is nice because you can also paint it back in some areas erase some of it and obviously just add more and more detail so i think that's going to do it for this uh just a really really quick tutorial uh nothing too crazy but um like i said i've been using stickers a lot in a lot of my um props so i really wanted to just quickly throw something together and hopefully you guys can get some good use out of this as well super super simple um but whenever i do this kind of stuff i definitely want to to pass it along so let me guys know if you end up using this um shoot me a tweet or an email or anything like that i'm always down to check out the stuff you guys are working on but with that out of the way there isn't too much to talk about this super simple like i said so hopefully you guys enjoyed this hopefully you find some good use out of it and yeah i appreciate you checking out my stuff so once again my name is dylan abernathy hopefully you guys enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next video tutorial resource post whatever it is all right have a great day everyone
Channel: Tiedie
Views: 6,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7DmqyKGXyiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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