Free SSL/TLS Certificate with Full/Strict Encryption on your web server/website with Cloudflare!!

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to my youtube channel codson and i'm dennis and today what i'm going to do is show you how to set up a website or domain name with a full encryption or strict encryption through cloudflare in this tutorial i'm assuming or is my belief that you already got a website on cyberpanel or wherever you got it and of course then on this tutorial we're using cyberpanel to be able to do our certificate so hopefully you have that already signed up if you not and put on if you don't there's a tutorial for that just go back and watch that catch you up to where we're at i'm in cloudflare and i'm actually in the domain name that i want to use or the website i want to use and what we need to do is once you get into this particular page you click on the whatever name you want to use and it brings you to this page i want you to access this right here it's called ssltls and i'm gonna go ahead and remove myself from this video and we're gonna go forward with this so click the ssl tls and as you could tell it brings me into this and when i got full or strict already uh highlighted in it of course here's the thing when you do that you can see that it does end in and counting the uh your your server of course cloud flares in there and the browser so i mean it is a very uh complete encryption but the biggest problem is that when we put this on and we go to that website and let me show you what i'm talking about i'm going to and as you could tell it throws an error for our host see host name era our error and and it shows that the cloudflare is working good the browser's working good but here's the problem now we're going to fix this problem and the reason that we haven't this particular problem is because we don't have a origin certificate so go back over to your cloudflare and we're going to set up an origin certificate so what we're going to do we're going to go down to we see this says origin server and we're going to go ahead and click into it and as you can tell there's no certificates for this particular origin server so what we're going to do we're going to create a certificate and hit create certificate okay everyone what i recommend is go ahead and leave this on pm pm this is the origin server is going to be your public key basically the origin is your server but the top one is your public key and the bottom one is your private key this is what i suggest open up a word doc or a your favorite text editor and copy and paste these in there because when we click this okay button you will not see your private key anymore it's gone it's not accessible so if you got any kind of reconfiguring something happening or whatever the case may you will need this information i'm going to copy the top one and go to cyber panel this one i'm using if you're using something different you're going to have to just find where your ssl at of course you can tell i'm a tech to go i'm going to enter into tech to go well crap hold on let me see right here yes we're going to manage it i'm going all the way down too long not the very bottom but the third row says add ssl go into it and you will see two sections you the first one is your public key and the second one is going to be your private key now if you mix them up will it make a difference i do not know i normally just put the public key in the left and a private key in the right but when you get both of them copied and pasted in the correct one go ahead and click save as you can tell it's spinning around it's trying to there we go ssl saved and now we can go back over to cloudflare and we can hit okay as you see it's got our wow card and it's got our primary domain set up and we can easily you know check this and make sure everything's good you know on that but that's got two hosts going so we're good to go and what we're doing it might take just a little bit to propagate but we're gonna or to get not necessarily propagate but to get uh in the system and going good but we're gonna try this again we're gonna click tech to go dot org and see if has it already registered into it it's been anything there we are now as you can tell i'm running a secure end-to-end encryption earlier we had in error on this particular uh domain but now since i edit the origin server too and i'm going to go back as you can see it is fully encrypt full strict and i love it and that way is end to end and you can see everything there [Music] you
Channel: Kotcyn
Views: 10,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloudflare, cloudflare dns, cloudflare cdn, what is cloudflare, cloudflare tutorial, cloudflare setup, how to setup cloudflare, cloudflare ssl, cdn, ssl, about cloudflare, cloudflare description, cloudflare details, cloudflare identity, what about cloudflare, Wordpress Tutorial, Cloudflare, CDN, getting started with cloudflare, cloudflare step by step, How to set up Cloudflare, dns, analytics, introduction, how to, https, http, firewall, optimization, caching, page, rules, settings, configure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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