FREE REWARDS!! NEYMAR JR CUP! (Fortnite Battle Royale)

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in the item shop make sure to use code typicalgamer onward just like that let me make sure to get this boom okay we should be good okay so um yeah there's the get gritty emo interesting there's the weathered gold this is a new pickaxe very interesting as well and then there's a bunch of uh skins over here for i think they're calling it like golden week or something so if you guys are gonna cop any of that the anime skins or the next four night crew bundle make sure to use code typical gamer all one word in the item shop just like that let's go ahead and get this started though this is a solo cup and the only prize is the emotes that i mentioned and also the uh the ability to get his soccer boot the customized soccer boot if you get first place so i guess it's like first or or nothing basically that that's what it's gonna come down to so let's go ahead and get this started how is everybody doing today guys how are you doing how you how y'all doing man how y'all doing yeah you guys are good okay okay okay i see you guys i'll see you guys in chat okay much love this is going to be i didn't really get to warm up too much so we'll see how this goes usually when i don't get to warm up that much it's um you know very interesting experience so just hoping it goes a bit better than that in the sheesh cup here we go here we go you ready headshot headshot headshot headshot headshot headshot headshot pop oh pop again papasaurus rex baby the papasaurus rex you guys believe in me tg win in this okay okay i believe i believe we're gonna have to try hard here we're gonna have to absolutely finesse the competition and then name our cup it's gonna be an absolute breathtaking feat of strength the baby the baby the baby the baby okay give me a second gonna load up these these things over here okay let's see 91 people i don't know if these are gonna be like stacked lobbies i don't know if it's gonna be like um like is it gonna be skill-based matchmaking star is it champ's league to get into this i don't even know i know nothing i want to look around but i also don't want to get absolutely bodied by someone by messing up my drop so i'm already taking a different route than i usually do so we're gonna land a deadpool house i don't feel lanyard the whole tournament but at least for the game one okay there's one guy above me this guy's here why is he looking at me weird there's no god chest oh god this is horrible uh this is really bad yeah that's not good so oh my life how am i alive oh my gosh i need a breather i need a breather jesus christ i need a freaking breather bro how am i alive i just finessed this man so hard i just finessed this man so hard with nothing oh my goodness gracious chat i just finessed him with absolutely nothing that's actually insane he had a shotgun i had i had an ar he had more builds that's wild oh my goodness gracious i'm shaking bro i'm actually shaking what a weird way to start this match can you calm down all right we're good it's like a decent amount of people left in the lobby too i don't think it's full w key why does that happen i don't want the like whenever someone's online you know love x off but it's been popping up for everybody let's head up here uh maybe worth it to grab that i don't know exactly can't tell if this has been looted over here oh it definitely has okay oh shoot how did i not get that off really i'm so down bad i'm dead yep dude oh my gosh come on i just needed mats bro that's so damn bad oh my gosh what a shaky way to start it like two shambles fights if i had mats man that was so different if i had mads holy smokes ah all right shake it off game one it's all good nice little throw away i couldn't do much man didn't have mats had to wait on him he had a purple pump sucks suck suck sucks all i needed was more mats chat more mats and i would have been okay ah eight points to get the emote yeah that'll be fine nami suki suki's my new skin i like isabelle but i think sookie's gonna be my new one plus the new style coming out looks sick or it sounds sounds like it's going to be sick okay well it's going to be no problem we'll give them emoticon but i want to do well i still want to do well in this cup yeah i had him one shot it's so laggy how many victory royales do you think you're gonna maybe one tournaments are definitely harder yeah i'm thinking of landing at gut bombs getting the shotgun but sometimes people don't land there i guess that's more in like a duo's trio situation as opposed to this the purple pump's so good that's the thing right like if i had the purple pump there do i win that fight before it even gets to the point where i could go down bad i don't know possible okay we got one two guys above me this guy above me hey i can grab this shotgun real quick no god chest again man what is my luck right now come on i just need a god chest i don't think there's any point in me pushing that initial fight that i saw or the two people that i saw i tagged the guy twice but that's not enough to like justify a strong push i don't have a pump either i have a primal so that's gonna really take away my fighting power i mean i kind of want it bad i'm not gonna lie i might go for it and then if this doesn't work out i get this game i'm gonna switch spots probably she knows when 70 health will come in handy oh shoot bro how did i just mess it up okay i'm gonna have to use this my advantage i'm gonna have to run in his face that worked out it said that i could edit this and it wasn't my floor the whole time i'm pretty sure it's kind of weird but whatever yeah i need brick let's figure this out there's a god chest over here i kind of want to check but i want to keep this pepper for later probably should have threw that on a sedan to be honest good time mike yeah we're good mark center zone actually i don't want to go center zone yet we're gonna wait want to move with zone here when it um pulls the other ways down we could check to see if there is that god drop there i don't know exactly where it is do you guys know where it is it's like in that field over there this is a good fake box too not a bad idea to throw up some fake boxes sometimes the free rewards is an ebo if you place if you get eight points i think only 40 people left too we 39 39 is pretty average i think for a solo cup at this point though we can get most our limbs late game i don't want to push it if i don't have to we should wait for zelda and see where zone is uh this is going to be first zone so i'm gonna wait for a second storm and um third storm is when i'm gonna want to get centered second storm i'm just gonna let it go as well so we're gonna be chilling for a bit it's beside the road all right you know what let me go check i should probably stay put but oh my gosh it's here oh my gosh chat imagine we didn't check this is the guy who has a bounty on me he's not gonna let go it's a lot of damage unfortunate we can go check back there see if there's more stuff wait wait was that a big pot that i got from the chest oh no wait i didn't see it it's actually huge what the heck is that noise let's go edge again edge isn't too far we can play dead side if we want but dead side on a 28 player lobby i don't know that might be normal i'm still learning a lot about rotation stuff like that so um it'd be nice to find a gas canister i actually don't know if this is gonna be a bump in lobby should i just play like it's a bump and lobby and go for the win i feel like that's the best way to maximize points in any tournament honestly i should have got my car to rotate i could farm more brick than wood here so so 22 people left plop 20 baby we're starting to rack up some points now give me so a little bit of protection if somebody tries to shoot me i would have been fine rotating here and there's only 18 people left this is not a pop-off lobby we can we can rotate into like a better position here get pushed but the placement is just so valuable like that's two points like me surviving till top 15 that's two eliminations essentially because each of them is one point the limbs aren't like a huge factor how we're not hitting these okay they're pressing each other here oh that guy just absolutely demolished them i'm hiding this bush i mean he might be good i don't know i think he knows i don't think he knows i could definitely get a head shot here if he gets a little over over zealous is that over i don't know how to pronounce it holy jarvis 10 people left i want to win this one this guy just popped the big not warmed up so like i'm not as confident as that would be like in 20 minutes from now if you stand still he's dead bro everybody's just hopping on everybody over here i just want him with a bow headshot patience is a virtue did that come from we gotta be careful that somebody doesn't sneak up on me let's see where zone pops in 40 seconds i actually wish there's more players but i guess this is game one so it's gonna be yeah i don't know if it was like open qualifiers or champ league i thought it might have been champly but i don't know top ten two more points okay big placement i see what this is all held up by and they're going at it over there i just screwed that guy over i shot him down [Music] that guy's so mad i'm feeling like i could have played aggressive here but let's just go for the win now that we're this far you know it is open oh my gosh i should have w keep this game yeah i can't really play for end this guy we're going to rotate in left or right i just saw his build papa oh there he is wow he's really building building the rotates like that who needs enemies i'm just gonna press him he goes nothing i should've pressed everybody bro what am i doing it's all good live and learn there might be somebody in that bush wait why can't i pick that up oh you can't pick them up anymore what i'm so confused i thought you could um is your zone pulse in a sec i mean we got this far we got to win the game be mad if we don't oh my gosh i just pulled so hard let me just make sure it's secured down here okay oh okay place is that guy the only guy that could take height is the guy to my my right over here he may try to he he definitely may i don't have the same amount of mats but the thing about height is that you can kind of just hold without mats he's got to pull this way you ping that loot i mean it's kind of on the way i'm gonna let this guy have the wind if i don't get out oh there you go okay oh that was a big refresh let's go baby 100 solo wins 100 solo wins this season all right six limbs in the dub not bad the big doubler the big w all right so that puts us out where does that put us at 39 points someone's gonna have to drop like a 20 bomb right away 39 oh oh no i guess not okay number one is 57. huh hey didn't expect that okay not bad not doing bad not doing bad not doing bad at all 39 points not too far off i mean somebody had a 27 a limb dub i guess that i guess that does put me pretty far off 100 solo wins the seasonal gg ggs ggs only ggs only man geez i was the gg we'll see how this turns out for you boy anything is possible possible game two game two baby let's see what happens here what's happening captain what's popping got a brand new whip just hopped in oh yes i've got options i'm drinking lemonade yeah i'm on any west service it's raining miku are you rushing uh no i don't want to rush let's look at the skins okay if this guy's in my game i'll rush him this guy you gotta examine the lobby before you go in you know is a stacker yeah i have like over 2 000 solarwinds [Music] i don't like i don't know if it's i'm assuming it's gonna put people in similar point categories now but you never know fncs this friday yes i'm still doing it uh i'm a little bit high up oh this guy's a better drop than me for sure he might be low he might steer off no he's not going to what is that there it's an ar oh great oh great i'm scuffed oh wow okay really dude how are you not dead how my shot went through him there i swear to you five health oh my gosh that's so annoying how do i have three nobody ever drops to the tower there's one guy there somebody drops at the frickin other spot that i want to go i'm burning it through games way too fast now that's three games ah that's frustrating there's no way my ar didn't hit him once bro what there's no way there's no way there's that much bloom at that range there's no way bro there's no way my shots go through him like that he had five health chat five yeah i mean this is only a fun tournament anyway it doesn't matter if you win or lose but all right that's just disappointing because i had a big pot too i couldn't pop it because like i was just chilling i was getting shot by both people that landed there fortunate number one victory royale do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do now just wipe down tomato town you're gonna emperor here i'm 99 percent sure i scuffed it yeah i did oh man can't be doing that there's a chest up there too that's unfortunate ah i love the gray makeshift shotgun bro honestly i thought he was going to keep running and it kind of screwed me over when he came back like that how do i burn through all my games like this big sad man big sad this spot's just not it bro i die i've spawned way too much i dive spun way too much bro i thought i could catch him off guard when he came in but i could not big sad man big sad oh shout out to isaiah lambert jc lopez trenton brown legends sp and rxo stealth69 thank you all for becoming members welcome elite enjoy those emotes if you enjoyed as well like the description below okay i gotta play out all these games you gotta figure out where to drop it's not worth it there honestly i should have just held out my scar my scar was a better option than than the grey makeshift at that point like the gray makeshift cannot output enough damage versus basically any weapon now i'm feeling it today guys but if you go somewhere that's contested like you know you gotta expect to be contested that's it oh i got the drop bug too nice it's all good it's all good multiple people landing deadpool good to know i could try rushing it curious if they didn't really get loot you definitely didn't get a pump can push it now i just need mats foreign not bad loot so we got the god dress chest he just didn't uh he used to have the rest you know he didn't have the rest of the formula i don't really want to make an end game with a green pump i mean if i have to i will i guess i mean the metal is the most important part strongly prefer to have a purple bump and some minis now we wait we're in zone we can get an ambush if it works it works if it doesn't doesn't this is drop down there to my left and to my right could take the truck and go get it [Music] is it worth it for a pump one's taken where did this guy go after he got it okay i'm just gonna go there's no way this guy's chilling that long weird if he was supply drops in a weird spot too i don't know if anyone's gonna go for it there might be a guy right on her right now who knows no i'm gonna regret this i'm gonna regret it let me uh base up on this brick all right we can just chill i don't know how much fuel is in that yeah i know green pump probably better clip it if he dies with it true true you're not you're not lying not cap it ain't cap not cat it ain't cap no way no cap no cap i need another supply drop this time give me something good okay that's kind of scary oh he's gonna win the guy who's rushing oh the guy that's rushing he's on a pepper that guy's a i guarantee that guy's a psychopath oh here's a purple pump though i'm gonna knock it all down i need them to be like go up a little more though oh my gosh what the heck did that guy just do i literally fell to his death there might be extra master i actually might go for that i'm sure you got all the ammo but what did i just watch i literally just watched the weirdest fight in history oh great wait is there fuel in here that would be insane yeah i'll i'll take it see i like i never know should i be playing super confident in this tournament or should i be playing cautious like which one is it what kind of tournament is it oh great well probably big pot up let me get to the top of this he's just gonna keep taking pot shots from over there no i think i think if anything it's a mixture of both it's like play confident but play cautious because at the end of the day people that win these tournaments have like bro they have like three limb average on like solo cups there's a third circle on my i'm not even in bro that's not paying attention apparently uh yeah i build on top of log jam i can catch a lot of people off guard that are coming in let's keep rotating then we want to get center here this car looks suspicious to my left i still don't want to be in the middle of nowhere but bro people are actually straight up boxing i might try to take a pot shot soon this guy's looking weird you good you want to talk about it that drops right on that guy that's your luck i thought i heard like someone gliding in for a second like what so we got a guy right here i can see him in the box not gonna do anything we have a couple people rotating in trying to think of what dead side it's going to be that side's probably going to be far south but i'm centered so i'm just hoping that the next zone is going to pop over me if it doesn't it'll be like one little thing away slurpee's gonna be like the most crazy side for sure let's see where it goes oh go south okay i need to wait for this guy to rotate and then i can follow after him he might not i might just have to ramp over him i might just have to ramp over him he did he left this guy just got beaten behind me let's pop this oh you're not come on you think you're oh i just want to ramp over me huh trying to see if anyone's gonna late rotate where i marked his edge so anybody else who it's not gonna work 120 ammo see one of my shots to go through is that in what can i mark yeah that's in technically yeah we're good here this guy in the water is about to get service spread i feel it nobody like what i couldn't even hit it's so hard to hit somebody swimming my rmos down horrendous let's get a refresh some ammo at least i'm pretty sure i'm in zone here yeah we're good oh we pulled i might try to go for height here i'm gonna i'm gonna just break out and just crank let me see how high up height is oh it's high never mind hey baby one down dude it goes more into the water i've never seen this what really oh my god let's go little sneak attack that was that was busting busting you know that was that was busting busting baby 77 points gonna put me at 19th place baby sneak 100 with a big old i'm like i'm like i'm like goodness gracious chat that was good that's a good win my ears have left the chat oh man all right let's see if we can keep it going we have five more games though that's the problem we win them all i mean it's not a problem but i got the glitch man i got the freaking glitch i could be unconned once i'd be so happy no this guy's landing with me why have a better drop what are you doing pretend not to see it grab it oh my gosh my loot is god's here well it sucks but the fact that i can get full shield first really makes a difference i gotta go for it so thank you and the shotgun sucks but i gotta deal with it right not pulling zone for this one highly doubt anyone landed with me yeah i don't think they were stream snipers in the first games but it was just weird you team the wolf he's still there hmm they're fighting someone oh they're fighting a wolf i need to get metal that's the big thing metal on a new shotgun ooh on my legs really i just need a pump metal is good i think somebody hasn't played fortnite a while because they commented wolf question mark yeah wolves are in fortnite dude kinda crazy nice gameplay thank you man you're a bore okay i'm okay with not having max metal so long as i have you know max of the other two i'm gonna hold out brick just in case actually wood should suffice if somebody pushes me minnie sorry max out i'm not entirely convinced that we uh weeping woods was looted i checked real quick i need a new shock and i need it i need to loot this oh my gosh please please please please please oh no i'm actually gonna take it though from shambles the shotgun just a shotgun dude yeah i gotta i gotta upgrade it there's no way i'm winning this if i have a green makeshift one slurp fish four parts come on please please please [Music] yo four parts fortnite please you always give me parts okay one i'm getting metal like this too so it's not bad what am i saying this is horrible i'm not getting any parts two more bro can someone factor cap this right now oh my god i did okay blue pump what did i just hear you just got absolutely dunked on absolutely destroyed come on down to the butter barn [Music] down [Music] the butter more so potter partners not even the game okay chill are you taking shots whoever's on that hill has a nice vantage point we're gonna keep this for transport i'm stuck there we go so what is this what is this fight i don't understand what this fight is where's the brains at you guys got brains the brain cells are lacking right now i'm telling you guys so guys if you play fortnite don't do what they're doing this is the dumbest strategy i've ever seen see you later dummies go fight yourselves add your brain cells together and you can fight me later i is this guy stream sniping i genuinely don't know like i have no other idea why somebody would be pushing like this it's a weird fight can i just drive in my car please oh my gosh y'all taking the weirdest fights you're not gonna make it a late game if you do this all right oh my gosh that's max brick that was actually a god refresh got kind of lucky it is illegal under a lot of streams i'm just gonna i don't know under fortnite love me oh i gotta upload this video on tv please hold up no way the checks are still running how are checks still running okay what the heck is that hmm i'm going to beam this guy three two one easy tags storm surgeon build that metal he's popping big i can tell if he's got more bigs in his hand i'm just gonna chill i got 130 ammo everything else is good oh gosh somebody's in the bushes huh hmm lemonade be busting blossom yes sir fizzy dames daryl smith lord zelos and dallas fraser thank you all for becoming members appreciate that welcome complete enjoy those two months if you enjoyed as well like the description below we're gonna have to sit tight here isabella's rotating in late can't even see at the kind of gas why is he building up had a wood brown that's weird hey we got to make sense of this right when the zone pops it's going to be 50 50. so where's it gonna go what is this guys hard building over here we'd fight in front of me this is congested am i in here let me mark ooh i might not be in hey we're zones closing that i can't hit this tree this tree's like out of a distance for me those guys all gotta rotate though yeah i almost think i to do this let me get into this box and then i can email people from here no way i missed those shots oh i missed it i could have boxed them gosh darn it bro whatever you live and learn not a big deal these people all here are gonna get pinched nobody spamming the dude that's in the zone okay oh shoot thank you where'd that dub go no dude always it's me getting greedy to go down for weapons dude has zero eliminations dancing great job oh man gosh darn it chat if i got that dub i don't know how it dropped i think it's when i broke the floors no we missed out on so many points why'd i go for it i built that a medal and this guy still psychoed for it i don't understand should i edit out the side so silly bro 92 is gonna put me at 22 points yeah i just i burned too many games already though i'm only 16 points away from first we're in three games ouch i'll try guys yeah i mean winning gets you so many points it's so huge i only have four matches that hurts [Music] did i not put a cone when i dropped down i thought i did that's on that i mean that's my bad for dying but no man why like okay i gotta learn how to do that better in that situation and the better thing would be to cone that box but also i don't know how i didn't cone it why didn't it cone i wish i could take that back silly mistake we move on chat we move on what place to win the prize you got to be first i mean i'm getting the emote no matter what but nice bug fortnite that's my favorite bug that makes me stand still in the air and look i can't even get this now he's not going for it dog water there's a llama here though okay well i have mats i have the heels i don't have shotgun might be worth it to act like i'm not here i don't know i don't think he'll care i think i'll just not come here anyway yeah we're doing really well it's just i i threw the first like two or three games and that might be what screws us from getting like first but whatever it's good a learning experience anyway right holy ah ah can't wait to not play on tournament servers though the game feels so weird when you're playing on them yeah i literally have everything i need dude this fire is so annoying um jesus he has no health i know this what oh shoot there's a guy there are you kidding me so lame dude so lame whatever it's a throw now but we won two games at least right let's just play the last ones for fun see if we can get a couple dubs see what we can do i thought the trees would give me enough cover when i drove by say love bee chat say lovey 55th i just honestly that's my fight for that's not my fault for not closing out the fight faster if i there was one point where i had a wall that he didn't know if i just opened it and threw in a cone the fight would have been over but it's okay man we do these so we learn we do these sylvie we learn and then we do better next time that's how it works we're at 93 points like we're not that far from first like one pop-off game the first the problem is i just don't have enough games but i shouldn't even think about that [Music] [Music] [Music] do oh my that's nice advice hey i'm gonna keep landing my spot like if somebody can test me i'll i'll push him um but this has been great practice so far 100 no cap i uploaded the tg place video like an hour ago but it's just it keeps saying checking weird got the glitch again optimism let's get some hype up in chat what was number one place in uh east coast all right this is good because now i'm not stressed right now i don't got to think like oh maybe i could get first i got i don't got the stress on my mind now i could just be like this is it if i get it i get it if i don't i don't a shotgun and he's i got exactly what i need to rush why would you beat that why would you beat that what the heck i'm assuming the other guy died oh he got a gold from that holy not trolling well like he had the right hand peak so it made sense to peek but not with that shotgun that like if you had a pump it made sense to be that gun you got to adjust your strategy you know you got to make it an all-in this is a stacker holy [Music] so so he's probably in the random field i don't know there's a monster truck there not even in zone i'm on edge though i should play friend i don't have um oh shoot not trolling not trolling gg weird fight for you to take but okay guess he thought i wasn't gonna let go let's go downside any east had three wins first place so i have two but like how many points do they have is my question because the wins doesn't matter as much as the points though so two cabbages not a lot not trolling let's say dead side or dead side um someone built here to dodge somebody but i'm assuming that that's over when am i getting more fuel to be honest 99 points can we break 100 i'm really hoping um i'm like pretty sure she has propane tanks in this house you want to keep pushing this you want to go to them you wanna go to zone we can go to zone you wanna keep pushing me it's possible peaceful health i don't get it there we go you still here am i getting griefed great i'm getting griefed uh oh i can't do any of those i'd be dead here so why are you why are you making dumb plays i don't so so no you're one shot what oh my gosh bro you're such a loser dude how you hold somebody in zone for 50 hours i should have just pushed them i was way better on than him on offense 100 better than him on offense oh good how do you keep coning me through stuff i don't understand how my pump only hit 108 to his face questions we'll never know chat questions we will never know we will never have answered we'll never have answers for them chat two more games so we are 101 points so barely top yeah we're 85th 85th that's so annoying you rotate deadside and then you have this guy just holding you in zone for 80 hours it still says checks running i don't understand like pg plays video is so late to be uploaded today because youtube's like breaking so i'm gonna try uploading again and see what happens to [Music] d i wanna see if we can keep our top 100 might be a little bit hard though do do do [Music] this is practice all you all to help you with the cup this weekend 100 let's go chad chad we are killing it today honestly out of everyone that's playing it and there's a lot of people we're top 100 right now we were top 20 at one point like we are doing so well guys [Music] i i do get a little down bad when i get you know eliminated but i'm here to practice i'm here to learn and i'm here to frickin dominate baby hey we got one dude coming with me i don't i don't think he's gonna land here what no way there's no way bro that's silly all right well i you know what i would have made that move i thought i thought it would have hit him the third time apparently he was able to hit me with all his shots before then so down bartholomew fizzy dames daryl smith lord zelos dallas frazier angela fazina nick c jordan morris jeremiah stapleton rx george thank you for all those man appreciate that appreciate you guys becoming members let's go uh zabie thank you for all those donuts man i'll have to look it up on twitter big shout out to you and three for your support wow thank you for that as well is he close i got i gotta check in on him i gotta check out him checking on the boy the man the mythical legend you know x off let me go over here open the window get on the floor yes everybody rock the dinosaur [Music] [Music] legal inbot oh my gosh dad chill yeah i'm checking the new video is like being uploaded but for some reason it like youtube has a system now where they like check everything make sure videos like pass like regulations and um it just bro it just doesn't um it's just taking so long it usually takes a minute to check and then now it's taking way longer hmm let me read some donuts while we're waiting here don't forget if you guys are going to cop anything from the item shop make sure to use code typicalgamer one word i do need to work on a drop shot i need somewhere where i don't get contested as much let's get this get gritty emote using code typicalgamer uh yes and then let's go ahead and let's get the photo oh shoot i need to pick that up after i got two vikroys though you know so there's that we're just gonna go same spot it doesn't matter because after we get done with tournament we could just play some solos or would you guys prefer to see some marina solos or some um or some non-arena solos i kind of want to play arena solos because i'm hyped up from this i'm having the time of my oh by the way the discord server i think will be released monday i think i also want to mention on that's where we have the fire merch we got a 25 off sale we never do it if you guys want to cop some fire merch head on over to asap get your merch um before it's too late before someone goes and i'm just somebody like there's only one more style in your size and then you don't get it you're gonna be angry right you're gonna be so angry don't be angry be happy every time i landed here i have not gotten the chest do you think i'll get it this time i didn't get it this time i like why why fortnite is this funny to you for night a tg discord yes sir he's probably gonna fight tomato guy in a second my best guess let's do our die here i either get the pump or i go back to lobby doesn't matter to me [Music] [Music] i don't i don't believe it's fun he just got bodied oh he got destroyed i just threw onto the roof okay apparently not oh my god i got an arm on me chief one try to play friend game here i know there's no hope in me getting first but i still want to get the practice and oh gosh all right so we're dead to fall damage i bet so did i say i want to play for end game [Laughter] what was that if i want to play freddie game what did i just do i did the most anti-endgame play of all time i got a little greedy there so like i took a lot of damage when i didn't have to oh cool yeah fortnite thanks that's awesome y'all seen that good stuff right there's like this like really fine layer of lag in tournaments and unless you've played them i don't know if you know what i'm talking about but it is so frustrating it's like this little just this little tiny bit of leg that you can't shake you can fill up this car if i need to nice okay i'm flipped right here my ar's in the wrong slot brothers big scuff me you just steal my car was this whole play to steal my car you stole my freaking car bro messed up it's really messed up actually and i broke that it's not far metal won't be an issue i should go to risky kind of messed up he took the ride and dipped i worked hard on that machine that's my life my my lifelong pride i even have the gas canister that still goes with it which i will exchange this lovely harpoon i think he's gonna hear me and go for the laser beam what did anyone see my aim just adjust out of the guy what was that i'm kind of upset that's weird i might be i just storm if i stay here second i don't know what that was but if you didn't see it like slow down the video and watch it like i was aiming like this and then when i shot my aim went like here like like say the guy was this green weapon i go to shoot and then it's down here randomly like it's like it lagged down here there's a guy right here you guys ready for a big 200 pump what how does he hit me for that oh i guess that was 150 already wow i did not think he was gonna hit me that hard gg g g i shouldn't have engaged in the fight if i wanted to win um that game 106 points that'll put me at what i mean we definitely get the emo you need what you need eight points to get the emote so that's nice and then for the session leaderboards that's going to put me at i don't know top 200 probably yeah top 200. stop 200 not bad not bad but now the real party can start chat we are rocking some solo those here we're gonna rock some arena first and see what's good uh but if you guys are watching enjoy this make sure to hit that like button subscribe with the bell if you're new around here and let's go ahead and buy this emote that i haven't bought yet police there we go equip it i haven't used this one yet is there anything else i'm missing what am i missing 200 for the pickaxe oh my gosh that's that's actually notified i got this weathered gold pickaxe for 200 gold 300 v bucks off that was that was bro can we get a like come on that was good right lisa with a three just wanted to let you know that when i joined the stream about 20 minutes in the very first thing i heard you say was good day might and honestly you kind of hit the nail on the head with the accent lisa did you hit your head are you telling the truth or are you joking lisa are you telling the truth are you joking because like nah nah you can't be nah you can't be telling the truth thank you for the donut uh eric epps and jack willis that you both become members as well [Music] oh shout out to uh reaper king's brother leonidas birthday i hope you have the best birthday ever man big shout out to you leonidas romero and miku bit me i'll never forget oh my what bro is it double movement that makes it happen make sure to hit the like button if you're enjoying the stream by the way subscribe with the bell if you're new around here i stream every day guys i literally stream every day and i'm one of the few people on youtube who streams like fortnite every single day so if you guys are interested in that make sure to uh subscribe with the bell yeah i can do i can do duos or trios i'm going to be in my server if any of them want to join they know where to find me come on give me a pump the whole tournament i come here i don't find one of these chests i come here and i find a freaking gold scar actually hilarious i have three big three big pots hello i'm just gonna rush it great got rabid wolves on me oh i broke the tomato shoot i walled them off walled off the wolves servers feels so much better in like arena oh shoot this guy's clueless this guy's actually clueless no i messed it up you got boxed like a fish but you're lucky my pump was worse than yours a hundred percent oh my gosh i boxed him like a fish he got absolutely boxed i know i'm dead okay i know i'm dead but he got boxed like a fish you got absolutely boxed like a fish that was it the wolves gave it up if i could have had the first shot into like 96 and he hits me up for 190 with the pump that's a joke bro okay i'm gonna hit play i'll be back [Music] okay be honest i got boxed like a fish right am i wrong or am i right [Music] dude do uh chad's like yeah you're right you're right he did get boxed like a fish you're right nice bug dude happen again very cool bug i like when i jump out of the bus and my character's like oh my god you got absolutely dismantled you are now a robot in the robot factory you are now a tesla disintegrated beneath the sheer girth of my legs so and i got stream snipers even in arena got some got some grinders yeah he really did just get turned into a tesla no cap so so ah good luck tv by the way got what i'm sorry i just eliminated dude with ttv in his name you wanna play arena after this you wanna play arena after this yes all right i'm so annoyed from this tournament right now yeah i brought i was doing so i had i was like 20th for a while and then i i threw my first like four games and i didn't have enough and just discouraged me yeah that's how it goes for solo service or how many points are yet uh landed like a while ago so i was at 100 something oh it's over for you yeah i told you i threw my game like 96. i'm on my last game right now all right td why'd you have to blow my back up dude dude this guy is a rat stop healing i have no mats fight me like a man yes oh my gosh you just got one pumped yeah how's your back feeling oh it's horrible when i was laying down like perfectly flat uh it actually was zero pain but if i try to move at all it hurt everything i'd bend over yesterday i wasn't able to bend over at all like i i was literally i didn't go to the bathroom and my bad dude i was scared i wasn't gonna be able to get back up yeah you blew my back over my bad dude next time don't be so rough what are you talking about like when we uh wrestled what we didn't wrestle what are you talking about wait what are you talking about what are you talking about i'm talking about like i was i was like dead weight the other day and you had to carry me so that's why you're back here but what are you talking about wrestling we wrestled yeah you don't remember maybe we had a little bit too much to drink that's awesome what the heck major down badge um how many wins you get in that tournament i've only gotten one i i dude literally every single end game i just get w-keyed by some dude who just has zero brain and then i either i kill him or he gets stolen yeah the kill gets stolen i died getting in shotgun again i'm never going for a shock i died getting a shock and like i put a metal metal wall this dude one shot i don't know how and he just like takes me out as i'm trying to get this gold shock and i eliminate someone i had a guy shoot me through my wall and then harpoon and like insta-phase through it without even like exploiting my ramp it was really annoying i'm getting a lot better end games though but i mean some of them were kind of scuffed but some of them were okay in this one how many points do you have uh 97 right now i'm i may die here i'm nice your last game i threw my last two games just because i knew i can do anymore hold up foreign bruh i just rolled this guy bro holy i'm having like the most potato battle of my entire career wow i'm dead is that your last game oh man yeah i i literally wasn't really laggy for you just before we what's it really like uh in the tournament yeah the tournament was like i was telling them like i don't yeah that's what i'm saying that's why i'm saying i want to practice on east so that i feel better and not even east bro that time it felt like i was playing way back oh my god it just felt like i was playing in europe i'm in an arena so i'm just uh okay i have seven limbs 30 people left so i might drop a 20 here yeah you're challenged um i'm gonna put on your your stream probably and then i'm gonna try to go to the bathroom i'm just gonna go pee so but i'm an old man now it's gonna take forever yeah it's okay old man ranger happens to the best of us okay [Music] yeah where is everybody like i need to get some more looms here yeah i'm gonna mute um i have no idea i'm gonna get like lots of limbs but it's hard when i can't find anybody going his own is probably a good bad though let's do that this guy boom bows me out of the air quit for night legit oh my gosh kawaii okay hawaii oh god wow okay i messed up this guy uh clearly is um really good that he um he must have really good aim if he just wanted to use the smg that much you know interesting very interesting very very interesting i thought he was in the back left corner and he and wasn't i couldn't get because there's a little stair there yeah i guess we gotta wait let me back get back i think he's back did you display your girth upon the opponents this guy was a he had very good aim he may have been heavily assisted i i i i'm just recalling it from memory but i i think you 200 me with an smg i don't recall i didn't see the whole thing but i saw the end of it yeah he did smd for a lot of damage i thought he was a tile back so i was going to piece control that wall but i want a piece of control of the other spot first oh no he hasn't changed me for a hundred you shot me once [Music] how's your day pretty good pretty good i was pretty happy with how i did in the tournament so let's go i'm excited for the trios yeah did you just feel good about life in general yeah why i mean i don't know it just doesn't seem right that i'm the only one that has back pain so i sent um i sent someone to give you some back pain oh my god your mom got here like an hour ago though is that what you're talking about i'm talking about something else another another delivery oh interesting why would my mom be back pain she's got some special techniques keep pulling your back out of the [Music] aren't you strapped up tg what the heck i gotta upload this video you drop late [Music] misty okay have you ever had back pain before yeah yeah i've had it what was it when i woke up once it was just done that's about as lame as me walking up the stairs and it happening yeah it's never it's never epic though it couldn't have been like i fought like a grizzly bear or something and then it like hurt my back yeah it's not gonna be like that i'm watching you from above i'm like an ac 130 can you call on anyone like coming on me yeah i could do that but i just wanted to watch my back bro is anybody here um oh yeah someone just tried to bow me they just tried like like do you mean like there's obviously guys on the other side but if you're talking about near me not my knowledge i don't know if that's obvious because sometimes i come here and nobody's here oh yeah i thought you heard the gunshots i thought you misfired that's what i thought i asked yeah i missed fire on tg quite a lot ranger just says weird things hot chat what are we gonna do with him like i accidentally shoot what are you talking about yeah why are you gonna make everything weird i'm not bro you're the one that makes it weird bro i literally like what how is that making it you're just weird you're just being weird yeah you miss you your mother all right why would i shoot my mother no no miss shooter oh great like i got a rare chest with a purple primal i'm so happy yeah the way the way it does that's not very foggy not very foggy monkeys i'm ready to push uh yeah me too my shotgun sucks there's a pump somewhere in these two buildings here i don't recall which one but there's a pump in one of those very very interesting interesting very interesting why is it like someone else is shooting this car with that someone's trying to bow you though not at me i heard it i'm not i'm inside so i can't be me hmm it should be misfiring are they on opposite eyes can you paint they're just on me i'll be there in a second did this guy crack literally i guess you cracked him careful this guy yeah i didn't know that he was literally right there sheesh cracked him oh my god he's in my boxing crack are you gonna edit the sound i'm so okay are you up or down yeah right here oh my gosh ranger oh my gosh that was so unfortunate [Music] i hit that for that the recon expert i hit so hard [Music] we got the other guy literally one hp big down bad bartholomew sad hog champion is it wednesday today kids so the tournament's friday right i haven't seen us just sir [Music] i'm eating gnocchi right now what's that it's like potato i don't know how to describe it i don't know bro it's just type of pasta i guess so i dropped that guy down but there was a ping in the pink covered where the guy fell and i didn't see him fall into my box damn yeah i uh had to 50 50 him because he phased for my ramp and i hit him for 70 cracked interesting very interesting guy that i got to like know hp ah no no let's go um lazy ladies here there'll be a lot of people with you come on down come on down to the butter barn i feel like the butter barn got knocked out too soon like i feel like it was too soon it was good [Music] we got to cherish the times that we had yep sometimes like some people just don't last as long as others i mean that's something that was the location there's a location come by and go it was a location not a person okay yeah but no but it was the location the butter barn had man cake and this guy has uh dead to fall damage has dead to fall down thanks for the math stranger yeah wait you just you always playing that pleasure doing business with you there was no business rightfully so buddy i don't have any weapons by the way so i'm not leaving here without that ar he's just here to steal everything if you break the floor first if you break the floor first it gives you a weapon that's just not true it's random if it gives you a left arm i've never got it bro i never got a weapon ever not once i want to make a video on it it just never happened you sounded like a call of duty zombies i need help i don't have shotgun i'm coming is there another shock in there no i found out wait oh this might be different knock down get a blue pump i'm going to grab a quick crack and crack them that'd be it i'm going to be honest i accidentally cracked them but i didn't say i actually dropped them nice bro one more oh my gosh i hate this guy for everything got like a fish one shot one shot of me one shot me which one shot that belt oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm so good well i cracked the other guy so you have to heal and then the other guy boxed like a fish another guy here cracked he's running over here king 33 dead nice i let's go let's go the big fruit fly look how we play when the tournament doesn't feel or when the servers don't feel like blood cheeks huh it's kind of crazy it's just so much easier to do everything it is i i guess if everybody feels down bad whatever but no i feel i think it's us especially just because we're from canada yeah i think that's a huge factor yeah i have parts if you need how much is the rift uh i have enough oh i know i need a little bit more i i can get it just driving oh you can get the barrels here not loaded there's a slurp mushrooms here too and i have three mechanical parts there's a lot of mushrooms here i'm gonna grab them actually uh yeah i need a little bit of my first unless you need them no i'm dropping them i dropped three there's more mushrooms here if you need i'm carrying way too many guns though i don't know here i don't like carrying an smg sometimes i don't mind carrying smg uh i really like smg's but um definitely not worth it in tournaments you good it kind of hit me while i was playing that tournament at one point like i spawned i got a gold scar and like a gray makeshift shotgun and i died because i hit him once with the gray shotgun and like tap once with a scar and i figured if i just sprayed him the scar the whole time i probably would have done a lot more damage oh dude i say that all the time using makeshift shotguns is just horrible yeah off swan if you just hit by if you have really good hipfire aim with like a scar or an smg you are going to out dps anyone with a shotgun i'm going to launch this but oh no i can't i don't have anything driving a boat no it's a guy i can do it like three seconds dude my back hurts right now but it's not like excruciating pain but i still want to take it easy i don't want to be too long today you know what i mean totally makes sense yeah i'm going to the chiropractor oh right here hopefully uh gonna dive on him i'm gonna dive straight on him other building already knocked nice wait i got his wall here i still walked i was walking away what the where were my bolts going i have big puppy i don't know but i actually just clobbered that other guy holy he he went to crouch and stayed still to shoot you and i'm like nope you're like yeah boy yeah you need to practice with the bow and and get better with it because uh it's gonna be crucial for the surge yeah i can hit the body shots but it's like the the moving long shots yeah what i do is gonna be right now maybe i mean sweaty doesn't really have to rotate in this thing some people are weird in arena i i've seen like some people like to like uh hang back and feel like they landed i guess they get so attracted like moving and stuff yeah hover around there what does it do it's a mythic bow can you get it in arena i don't know let's try it takes so much longer to kill them don't get too close to me he's gonna shoot like some storm power at you he just came through i saw my video today on tg places for that's why i was that's why i was so knowledgeable when you have he said why did he do it cg and i explained everything yeah so you're telling me that if i go onto youtube and search up tv plays yeah i can watch the all-new video you can yeah the new guy i also i also not to uh i may have dropped 20 plus eliminations oh yeah maybe in an arena no no that wasn't normal oh and pubs yeah you're flexing a 20 ball it's kind of hard sometimes i didn't have any mobility so you know i'm about to drop 20 bomb here too you want me to flex it yeah let's drop don't yeah drop a 20 minute reader let's see it bro all right i got seven if i ever find somebody again maybe we can get it yeah we need to capture their soul first oh my gosh is there wheels there yeah i found wheels here let's take this truck let's go baby the baby baby the baby got gas the baby to go baby got broken where oh they're literally right there they already found that truck with one wait what did i just do wow that's just not boxing this guy's one shot this guy's one shot the isabelle's skin is one shot i knew i had a hundred i had a hundred i'm getting height they're both low then at this point they're in the same box for gold dead by the way why there was only four matrix protection why did they do it all right here's your people is that truck drivable no it's not right did you know that if you follow ranger on twitch the fall flight could turn gray red white apparently twitch had an update for some people so hit that ball but let me know what color change is for you the chat [Music] on the other guy i don't see his body i think he's rising on the bottom yeah yeah he is i'm stopping it you thought you could get the rest you buffoon i tagged him hey i got this guy up here you got it hit this guy 110. oh my god clippy that might be my best play ever i'm not even joking yeah i'm coming here i had this guy with the horse too but it wasn't it wasn't a crazy clip oh my gosh bro i'm i'm re-watching it right now just because it was so nice holy can you get this car we should get the gas though there's gas right here right somewhere is there uh i don't know we aren't yeah but like southwest yeah right to right to right all right we'd like to indulge in a pepper here take a pepper no it's good it's good there you go i this guy's one shot yeah he might jump on you he might it's fine you guys stuck in a freaking tree though oh my god i thought i'm going to be honest your name tag your name tag was right on him i thought it was you in the box so i didn't shoot him for a second and then yeah i only need seven more ranger let's go let's go let's go pull up the goddamn scene are you gonna make this a tubular drop at 20 minutes oh my god my back i mean that'll be in this i carried typically was so hard my back hurt and then he had to carry me oh no and then i carried an arena grinder i don't know oh no no oh my god there's a board right again yeah i'll try not to there's something on fire to the right back up yeah i think there's guys obviously we're left to the left 85 36 white i'll get a teammate you see him am i blind did this guy go stevie had his own hit him a lot on the right oh my gosh i can break the guy down above they're gonna bring him down from that spot hit him 35 i'm coming up crack him oh my gosh oh my god he almost exploded me i think you need more here what everything you need and more at the bottom there no no no there's only eight people left nah nah can you don't get deep i'm 13. so you're telling me it's possible it's definitely possible so breaks batman's back oh you're right here you see this guy we're batman hey batman got shook about a hog not knock on this guy wait headshot him yeah maybe the best throw goat on the fly one shot on me oh he's one shot oh my god wait there's more wait zone you can get a feel right now you gotta make this done so far no no okay i gotta carry you in i think he's over here he doesn't even know he doesn't he doesn't even know you just literally just no how would they know let's go to the left the left and throw me over the water you're not gonna make it here no no he sees me there oh he doesn't bro he doesn't he's not even looking there the other guy oh oh the other guy okay i built heavy literally for the win bro how come everyone's carrying a harpoon it's the goat we go harpin 29 really nice trees yeah i've died so many times to trees it's because i'm mr beast he's to blame they're not gonna fight you can win this what is happening here okay unnecessary 200. uh i'm actually just you're with the dead bodies i don't recall i think it was up on the to your right now to your right yeah dude no no up on that mountain he's dressing he's dressing he's writing i just heard it really wait do 150 mats you can win this without getting the match from the other guy trust me he's rising again he's faced what what how are you not dead i don't know you should 100 what bro how are you not dead i'll take it rachel how are you not down thank you you should 100 be dead he's like there's no count you know when it bounces you and then you speed up that's what happened to you but you didn't die what oh my god i will take it how didn't you die i'm so perplexed how you doing how about they know how would they know they're they're not gonna know how would you know they're not gonna know they're not gonna know g g g [Music] is that true i can play one more game so okay i'll invite him let me see if it's elemental king's armando king salamander king salamander [Music] okay i think i got gold i i don't think he wants one we have been trolled by the salamander king king solomon i'm gonna watch again how didn't you die hold up it doesn't even make sense you should be dead you jump i was kind of dumbfounded when i landed he did not get the same look hello you want to play no wait do you want to play sure you guys both invited me so i was like you're both i'm only i'm only going to play once yeah me too so we're chilling chilling these servers need to not lag yeah that's what i was saying like it's so bad dude mobile performance mode on mobile builds is literally my freaking savior in this game why i tried it today and it just is so smooth like it's just amazing yeah uh bubble wrap builds sucked for me and the x11 or dx12 like gives me good frames but it's just like a lot of inputs leo's getting shot through one of walls i think it's more so because of the servers but having a simple delay obviously helps too so so can you see zone though um kinda they did fix that purple stuff oh they did yeah oh my god why after i i know you can switch back though i think the only issue with the mobile builds is that um you can't you can't see through like full built walls like like wood or like brick or metal so it's like if someone's like i guess you don't really can't really see through brick or metal walls anyways that much but you could if you hold the edit you can look through them pretty like oh not holding the edit like someone else's yeah he's talking about just like like someone's up you can't really see through their box yeah that's that's not good you can see a little bit through wood but metal and brick you can't really see i mean you can't really see anyways that much you can't see it all through metal you definitely see through brick yeah through brick you can kind of see the only issue that i'm thinking about is with that is like only 321 people but like to see someone through it yeah but i mean if i if everything else is smooth then i'm fine with taking that seen that yeah someone said wait so this trio now has some of the soggy wrists a soggy back and soggy mechanic you can't give ranger two titles well tg tg does have soggy wrists they're not just not as soggy as mine oh true yeah his aren't full sog um i'm gonna go to the lake or dude i could have won that tourney but i died to the kid in first place i was i got shot through my wall what place did you get oh you got fifth oh i was top 20 for a while but i threw my like because weeping i die off spawn like four out of the four yeah it's just like yeah i won two games though those shoes would probably worth like what like exactly man i just get converged on by everyone every time i'm doing well on the tournament like i'm not trolling dude yeah you just get confirmed this kid randomly pushed me right i was rolling him in a box fight he just keep kept running right and then another kid i hear a car coming up and then i'm like and the car left i was like okay that's good and then i get shot from the top of a hill i'm like dude what in the world and then i go back to fight the other guy inside the building and some guy with a spaz comes up behind me and i get shot through my wall i was like dude of course he has a spaz off spawn like who the heck it spazzes yeah that's just bad luck behind first place apparently yeah no wonder he's in first place dude it's one of those kids that i freaking triple one pumped in that endgame dude he's in first oh damn so he's down hernandez no he's up hernandez because he got a spasm of a game so he's in first gee nobody likes me let's go that's a quick vid though what do you think tg a little fifth place i mean it's in a neymar cup but this guy here guy on me oh i might be dead here there's like a whole thing i'm just like i'm this way i'm coming yeah i'm gonna drive it i'm on the other side of this wall i have no shield and like nothing so oh you're gonna be killed if you beat that i hit him one on five crackton to the rescue oh my gosh i just got it from behind now there's more there's more there's more there's only one more please die salamander it seems like we've all retrieved an elimination gnar are bro this new feature where it says is online inviting is so annoying it's so annoying you can turn it off you guys know that right no i didn't know that yeah but you have to turn off all the notifications i thought yeah what are the notifications that you need except for someone like inviting you you can still see it on your friends list and you open it it'll it'll it'll definitely be gutted it's kind of like i think it's where you turn off like where you turn on anonymous mode it's in that like menu i'm pretty sure social notifications yeah yeah turn that off i'm pretty sure i think that's the one but yeah it is i just when we were playing last night it just kept going cypher has come online cypher has come online i just fished a gold pump no you didn't hey yeah that's nice that's possible oh my okay i'll go suck a salamander uh there's a blue makeshift there if somebody wants it i'll take it are we gonna do the challenge what i'm gonna do the challenge of the week oh okay the whift he said it with a whiff i wish does anyone have like an absurd amount of mechanical parts or any at all actually no i don't have any one singular mechanical right there that's very soggy i got four free three free oh damn where's where's yours ranger uh i dropped that's three i think that's tgs he might have dropped one of them uh yeah i just dropped one oh you guys both dropped on the same spot okay suddenly got three after that i thought he had three had one so i don't know where that one went no i think i picked up rangers i see i'm not ready i need i need my blue makeshift i don't know where it's at though he marked it but it went away uh it's it's uh by the pool by the pool by the ramp good commuters oh i see oh the blue makes you oh is it just an ar yeah oh oh oh you oh no no you thought it was gnar dude there's no way you thought that not i'm getting more parts from this car i can assist you are we landing shark again or oh wait we didn't land shark last time wait what are we laughing we didn't weeping last time right okay yeah yeah i made it decent going i think what's screwing us honestly like no cap i think what's hearing us is the rotation so many people don't know how to rotate and they they hold us and they and they get us off then we can get way more serious bleeping too like we think we can get surge but like we can go to the top of this tail and get searched from like everywhere and actually ours you're not wrong so you think we should rotate in through that way like this one right here um yeah well for opens you don't die search i'm just talking about like we're all like eventually we're rifting or yeah i'm with the big ranger w players or a rift if anyone has like extra minions or something i can carry it's like zero extra shield uh yeah i was when i was waiting for noah i was like oh i'm gonna go get some extra shield there's a big fighter okay thank you i'm just farming mats in arena bro i'm so numb right now i'm farming mats in fortnight i'm just numb right now knife so someone was like i i landed uh lazy for the tournament a couple games and i was like brave zero how to get metal and lazy where'd he go so i was like bro how do you land there all day and not know how to get metal my bro i live there at arena you get metal in the main building in the bottom all the walls have archways yes and on like the mirror the mirrors on this building if you look down you can see like the black oh yeah someone said they thought salamander was a pokemon yeah i can't wait for us to play friday with our uh a plus plus columns for new and improved columns yeah i really hope my back doesn't hurt reference yes uh because i am like sweating in pain and i've only been playing for three hours wait is a salamander a reptile or an amphibian it's a reptile isn't it oh we're a mammal an amphibian that's more than you thought i was probably gonna know where the salmon it was no there's reptile there's amphibian and then there's like fish and then there's a mammal and then i think there's like another one i think i think a reptile is an amphibian i'm going to have to google it yeah i'm pretty sure it is i'm pretty sure it is an amphibian because a reptile is a or uh a reptile could be like uh as that lives in a desert you know what i mean oh i think a reptile is an amphibian so i was like no but you said you think so i thought they were i honestly thought it was like the same category but uh you are a category yeah bro amphibians are like frogs toads nuts and salamanders oh my gosh they are amphibians yeah yeah because because they're like they are exclusively like around moist areas right yeah like i think they need water to survive like they don't live in deserts like salamanders don't live in deserts his back hurts man his back hurts my back hurts i dropped them both down the salamander you're shooting it down he said no i just shot one or two of them where are they i have right next to me salamanders actually i can't find my guy i'm not on one dirty dead i'm sticking these guys right here two on me joining me showing me two of me swimming through it oh there's no way bro have you guys 2v1 on me oh major you salamander tg i killed that guy exclusively oh my gosh [Music] i missed my 200 pump on again i'm upset after stinking someone to death he's the title there's your videos anything i gotta do here in the title just an extra ten thousand views i'm not gonna get an extra like thirty thousand views on mine because because you had i learned people like to see tv dive on youtube oh my god uh like you you put you want me one them so meaning that like you killed them right yeah i put like i killed typicalgamer in the ninja battles tournament right that got me i think it's almost like 80 000 views yeah my mine's at like 45k right now my goat video they're like tv never dies who killed them and then they left that's so crazy td stocks are up see these talks go up brother this guy i'm just going to assist this guy to death ar only this kid wait i actually thought there's another one rolling up in your head oh my why it's too late every time bro oh my gosh oh my god dude i just saved your life oh my gosh yeah that was scary and he also missed the easiest pump shot of his entire career so get an extra spats for me please and grab that medkit cause you're in zone you're making a lot of demands for a dead person yeah yeah you just got me killed because i killed one and you just we're not on your person okay i don't want to hear it [Music] that's our only like the tires are popped but i got new tires here oh facts he might hear his back yeah then okay his back hurts oh my goodness gracious mr ranger w plays with the weird and his name because he doesn't have w plays in the same your back hurts because you went down on your knees to massage diesel's legs too many times exactly exactly yeah i think of your teammates it can't always be about diesel diesel this diesel this diesels likes this this is like that yeah i think he's obsessed with my dog's legs i don't know why i'm trying to get him help he refuses therapy for his legs why do you say reds it's called the reboot wall resurrect i think we're down here on this are you guys dead uh i think you're down here in this i'm just actually no i'm chilling you could definitely razz if anything reboot sorry my bad no no no no no no no no no no go back in the storm go back in the storm no you're a salamander no no there that's a short right there it's free yeah and then just keep dropping me back oh wait that doesn't damage me huh i just need apples me reacting to tg making insane planes plays for five minutes right there you go that's an eight million view video no problem what's the title for the cash cup wait you can't pick them up anymore well yeah yeah that's a bug oh here's a shotgun no i'm a ms pass oh great i carry this for absolutely enough ah that's not good no tg what's what's like a cash cup title uh i don't know we talked about a similar one just do something like that did you upload that other one no okay well but that doesn't have tg in the title you know this one's not going to happen either the trio cache cup is the one i meant oh okay i'm confused you listed three different cups now [Laughter] and the people you see the title don't have to know true can you give me some arrows true i have 30 i can give you thank you big salamander right behind you thank you it's freaking cool yeah right on the drop on the drop on the drop oh you're talking about yeah i'm talking about different team quick sound dead shaking him down are you just fighting someone else yeah i i just searched i just heard them wait there's two here not trolling i just sprayed that guy dropping it i'll come help you guys since you need help i just got lasered i just got a laser i need help i just got service sprayed please help i thought i needed help dear god dear god your god dear god sorry i had to clip someone real quick dude i'm getting server sprayed i really need to get you i'm trying i just had to save tg i didn't rest him yet but okay are you gonna be good now here i take this take this here take this no cabbage everyone you gotta come quick zone zone or else you can't get me dude i thought we were in fncs for a second bro with how much they spammed do you have medicate or no no i have this though here take this all right we gotta go we gotta go now yep i thought you had that wall i'm holding them for you guys i'm gonna die down here i i've been going cabbage you cannot heal it i popped already a few wait they're not even the same team what i just wouldn't knock someone oh my gosh dude this kid's like decently lower hit him for like 80. item 35 i've been getting bowed by a whole nother game on earth i'm getting b i just got beam bro there's two different teams this is so dumb i don't even like i can't even begin to describe how's this arena literally it's right down here you sit in this box underneath i like get away from me what is this noise i i don't think you get it are you not i just find them oh yeah nice i'm going for this late right here is there a medkit there no but there's me i need to help me need builds i dropped you meat you need bills i'm going for bills out here there's a guy up there this guy up there uh yeah dj has nine man show them me show them you show them you give me the rest give me the rest oh yeah sure sorry you want to how much do you have 90. here difficult i'll try it's got 110 110 left side good shot nice good stuff thinking this guy up here kid right in front of me what what the hell oh yeah he's getting checked he's getting ticked he just tagged one for 30. i just got that kill i'll keep moving i'll keep moving give me my thirst okay oh dang i got the body off oh tree okay i gotta refresh i gotta refresh yeah tggs max maps i want to bow that kid never mind we pull we pull we can actually get the sleeve i think do you have a harpoon or anything uh i have like 20 minis okay uh well there's like a lot let me let's break this stuff out okay help me there's a lot of loot that way no no this way this way this way like behind the rock over here i think it's the left bro isn't it oh no you're right that's a lot of leaf there mr typical um it doesn't i'm just going to try to get it i don't think i'm going to be able to like get it without taking damage but we need maths or else we're dead regardless well i have some bats but not very much okay i'm going for it you got your face going back in our doors watch this game i'll let you blow my back out you're here come come to me this is an old build there's a medicine here yeah no no you got to come here there's medicine i'm talking ahead i can't i can't i can't get them what the salamander you have oh you should have thrown it or grabbed it from me no i couldn't i could i have 68 health i'm going to die here take this take this huh oh thank you it's not our roof never mind it is now i thought you died for a second yeah when you hold it there it's like a stair behind or something so that i have like a second layer just getting away from these kids leave it for your outside now how did that miss please tell me i'm getting high i'm getting high okay good i'm going for it typical gamer said we're gonna take height let bro it would not place i was just stuck it's so dumb actually lost sit down just try to get that typhoon don't throw it like i did he's gonna die he's gonna yeah ranger i tried to put the cone on there and then i did the other one but it just wouldn't place yeah i don't know on my screen it looked like you just stood there yeah no i wouldn't have just stopped there no i think you just stood there dude i think you just stood there i'm just kidding she's just smelling the wrong i was like oh i got the emo wow this is the email what the heck [Music] that was the emo gnar [Music] that was gonna be like a dance or something oh yeah i thought it was an emo emo yeah it was an emoticon it was i thought i was going to be vibing when i got it but no it was anti-vibing all right boys it's been real it's been a really good game [Music] typical gamer said i was real good there you go easy views said this about my mother ranger can make a whole 100 videos on that i could the truth about typical gamer with my mother even if it's a joke would get you so many views holy yeah just put like a really serious face like uh sometimes you know how cipher does that sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah bro that would actually be a god video naturally i'm making it sure cypher sometimes has like his face where he's all serious and then just freaking looks all all suspenseful i got it all right uh catch you two alligators like uh all right mike oh oh you'll see the light on the guys chat it's been real i love you guys all we did great in the cup we did great in the games afterwards i hope you guys enjoyed that uh make sure if you guys are gonna cop anything i'm shop use code typicalgamer all the word like i said before typical dot store we're having 25 off sale on everything glasses are 10 off if you guys want to cop fire merch now is the time we never have sales go cop that fire merch today uh and then i got dropped a brand new video on tg plays it's an absolute banker you need to go watch it you need to go watch it go watch it on tg plays uh paul walker martha moore noah morgan axel ramirez and darius darnell thank you all for becoming members welcome elite enjoy those emails if you enjoyed as well link in the description below and lisa what i like to do about the accent now when you said nar it made me want to retract my station statement i'm like lisa i'm glad i could you know nail at least uh one of the things at least one uh hayden backs thank you for that john bermudez uh luke plays something glad you enjoy the videos uh josh bates you're my favorite youtuber you're absolute beast when you're playing play playing regular solos again probably tomorrow josh bates so look out for it big shout out to you homie i appreciate the support the goat famine thank you for all those and thanks for the vericon words rex's thank you zilla k qmi jonathan the boy with the 20 me my little cousin are watching you right now and she wants to say hi and that you were the best fortnite player ever and she hopes that you play with her one day can you please tell her hi her name is aurora aurora big shout out to you and your cousin i appreciate the support so much and who knows maybe one day big shout out to you guys then we have billy the kid with the 50. i miss you using isabel i know you're using tsuki i used it too i saw the new style it's like all white is it out yet because i saw a guy using yesterday anyways here's my monthly big donut i hope samara's feeling better love you guys billy the kid you're always here brother i always appreciate your support so so much and uh it's just bugged out right now this isn't actually what the other style will be like i'm sure um people have it rumored that it's gonna be like a hue there we go it's just human at the top so if she's a robot here this is gonna be the human version which is gonna make it just an absolute banger of a skin so for now suki's gonna be my skin i i claim her for now for now i do love the isabelle skin so don't worry the isabel it's getting this pretty fire billy the kid i don't know what to say thank you for the 50 man big shout out to you chad let's get some hearts in in chat for this absolute mad lead billy the kid the absolute goat aziz blake jeff big claps thank you shout out to you and your brother zozo zoz zozi plays i will be streaming downlight 2 when it comes out for sure uh shots f thank you here's to you and tg and the dub light light work but you secured the dub you already know what it is shasta let's go legends ryder qt barnes braille gamer with the 20 fusion plays billy the kid with the five try camp cod for a better spot for tourneys after you can see this bro i might have to try cam cotton a lot of people like camp cod maura heath thank you for the 15. fizzy dame shout out to you bucket fam this would be my first super chat i feel like you would enjoy playing smite it's my favorite game right now but it takes some time to learn i'll have to check it out man i i heard of it years ago but never tried it so chat to you bucky fan appreciate that and i'll look into it it's like a third person league of legends right is that wrong uh seth asher what's up bro how you doing today i'm doing good seth how are you brother appreciate you cyberpower definitely gotta play some resident evil daniel robinstein my date's going great how are you definitely got to play uh random dudes as well zozy play says mira brother been watching ever since 2017 we just want to say that once we get older we want to stream like you let's go well you know what follow your dreams guys that's all i'm gonna say big shout out to you and thank you for supporting me for so long jasmine queszetta with the five my brother's birthday is in a couple days wish he could be a member so uh do i i wish i could be a member too my birthday's on may uh i just wish they had gifted members i would gift you guys so much and i'm sure other people would too uh if that feature ever comes out the community's gonna be busting uh it's already busted i'm shockley thank you raccoon films we have t southwick uh george shout out to you as well i dare you to no interesting uh joey together uh takari with the 20 love it zakari thank you pws vortex uh shout out to you okay appreciate you guys uh strings thank you for the five and the ten or thank you for the five jess russell's ten andre you're a reminder play for end game play strong and confident your shots are on so as you're editing your skills are next level we believe let's get the bread teach your lead family now and always let's go jess always look forward to your encouraging messages you are seriously the best big shout out to you and appreciate that very kind demo strings thank you for the 15 says hey that's a very nice way to say hey holy big shout out to strings dizzy gg at least we tried i hope this makes you feel better thank you man axel carl carretta caretero uh jordan morris thank you uh the cat across the room shout out to you as well the new mask looks like black panther yeah a little bit jeremiah stapleton with the ten skyris little band thank you we have racks i love your streams and how you looked after samurai when she was recovering you two are strong as each other uh can you still qualify for fncs thank you man big shout out to you and yes we can definitely still qualify there's two more weeks and a lot more uh competition to go down so i'm feeling good over virtue i'm feeling good legends sp we have dylan niblis uh katie zapporo thank you for all those or zip pro uh jude0063 thank you definitely need your random news i got it written down don't worry jack willis thank you king iso shout out to you as well i'm back to g willow cx cap a lot different account okay well i appreciate the support bro he's back with a 15 minute drop like 500 bucks yesterday absolute mad lad big shout out to you my friend uh kathy zapparo again uh jack willis shout out to you kathy with all those donuts big shout out kathy jeremiah stapleton shout out to you as well uh chris sierra who's making another video of it takes two definitely when samara feels better and she's up for it we will make another it takes two video zevi g we have zon vader use code typical gamer one word nah let's go typical gamer one word you guys already know where it is daniel we're often seen by the twenty can we play a game together dude shout out to you for the 20 really appreciate the support i don't play with anyone specifically just because if i played with you that i'd have to play with you know everyone else's ass too so i hope you understand just keep things fair appreciate the 20 toe big shout out to you jacob compton tj i just ordered two shirts and a jogger great merch love to see a typical.bay 25 off go get your fire merch guys and the gaming glasses 10 off uh shout out to you jacob question marks thank you for the gigi aziz we have a zinc world matthew veirer use your code to get the grime skin want to ask you how if it's hard on these days you don't get so many wins or if you just sort of blow it off um it sucks when i don't get so many wins but there's usually like a factor maybe it's like me i'm not playing the best you know that could be it another times the time that i'm on like it could be where most people are on which means it'll kill me with the hardest people uh it could be that i'm playing arena or something so uh with all those factors it it affects me a little bit sometimes but i try to not let it so yeah you matthew austin hannah thank you as well uh typicalgamer love the name uh dubstep thank you your birthday was two days ago happy birthday could be okay happy birthday dubstep fernando torres with the 10 sean perkins chat he as well you have the one view on ranger definitely whatever you feel is better vivienne uh nardoni thank you for all those brielle gamer joe almondia clutch klutz um we have i will definitely do more when samara starts shooting again joe thank you billy the kid please tell us where to get the best merch on the planet we need to know sheesh let's go bro typical diastole 25 off glass is 10 off go get your fire merch and then we got a one more here and it is mariano thank you for the donut mariano i don't know how to pronounce your name right but mariano mariano instagram love lexi thank you for becoming a member as well i appreciate that uh that's gonna be for this one though mariano thank you for the very generous donut i don't know what currency that is let me let me see to usd okay okay i appreciate that big shout out to you thank you for the support that's very kind of you big shout out to mariano appreciate you man all right guys that's this one i will see you guys tomorrow for some more epic streams and uh we have a banger video out on tg play so make sure you watch it kino went ham on the edits jacob lawrence with the five i made the chance last season i'm on the grind hitting this season your inspiration and i really enjoy the stream q dog we'll do jacob and you'll get there brother keep on grinding all alright guys i will see you later thanks for watching hope you've an awesome day and peace out you
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 800,225
Rating: 4.9336076 out of 5
Id: syXt-bj4TTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 35sec (13355 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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