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video description box Corbin so I'm actually sure that the official website now subscribe networks live so unreward by running a farming node on your spare computer no expensive setup for a front capital or regret money is foreign Russian blockchain built for the next weapon of cryptocrators free and fair no compromises through interoperability distribute achievable stores decoupled smart contact vertical decentralized which have to work okay so Network science situation so right now 2015 network is coming soon okay contracts so our progress service proof of vegetables are stored some counselors 25 000 commentary round notes Global smart contacts by decoupled execution of over 13 000 Community are notes are data 15 plus countries meaning right now pre version is coming okays [Music] foreign okay um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so get a static click column create a new accounts so create a new account and click code is foreign thank you Asha okay so I'm ready okay so it is notes windows [Music] [Music] open Chrome download CD downloads okay so in Powershell to open Cody so I'm gonna CD download um foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] okay foreign okay some other time to enter Vegas tomorrow foreign update my channel foreign providing a unified experience to enable a through a multi-chain feature without compromising or decentralization as a uh and a security so almost again it is like comment share thanks for watching and waiting for next video if you have any question please inbox me or comment below so thanks for watching and waiting for our next video till then take care goodbye
Channel: Md Kausar
Views: 5,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ido, igo, how to, Cryptocurrency, crypto, bitcoin, ETH, Ethereum, play to earn, earn money, online income, online income Bangla, Bangladesh, 100X profit, Luna, ust, MCG, token, coin, airdrop, Blockchain, crypto news, subspace, FARMING NODES, nft project review, nft, influencer, influencer marketing
Id: HgSBO0tlImc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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