Free Quest 2, 3 & PRO Games YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT!!

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foreign [Music] is a new game that puts you in max style combat and it drops you in from the second you hit start if you're not hooked three seconds into this I would be pretty surprised actually it is a surprisingly good looking game especially for how the trailer here kind of sets you up that it's going to look really grainy and a lot of aliasing you get inside the headset you're dropped into this Mech world and you are controlling your Mech with your actual physical hands you're controlling those arms to punch swing light swords shoot weapons I would highly recommend if you're gonna try this game sit down but be in a chair that can turn and have some freedom of not crashing your arms into armrests or something but you'll really have that cockpit feel and feel like you're in control of this Mech the game is not very well known yet with 22 ratings giving it about a 4.7 star all of those are high 77 5 stars and no two or one star ratings people saying finally we have Gundam Max fantastic they're gonna keep playing the game for a long time I stepped into this game with low expectations but I've got to say if the game's on the list today this is one you should probably check out for yourself task force 9 is an upcoming VR game that is being compared to Socom but for VR now the game isn't out yet but they've dropped an early access demo you can try for free and this just came out like a week ago this game looks like it has a lot of promise and is something I'm gonna be following very closely in its development in the game you've got great weapon mechanics things that we're pretty used to from other games like Pavlov you know between reloading arming your weapons you got Claymores that you're using you've got AI buddies that you can actually direct how they attack whether they aggro and where they move on the combat field repelling a sludge Hammer to break down doors all of the sledgehammer mechanic was a little finicky I will warn you now with this barely being how it's got one rating and you can probably guess it it's five stars no current written review so far but after getting in playing through the tutorial checking this out I would say it's worth checking out now and then following it to see where it goes from here cargo is gonna win a couple of awards for me one probably no one knowing about it and two the most discrepancy between what the trailer makes the game look and feel like and what the actual gameplay is at all all description only says young dragon return to claim his mother's stolen gold but the moment you get into this game there is whole text Walls of lore talking about the ideas behind the game and then you get in to find out the game is more like a wave shooter stand in place with these two Elemental pistols in your hands one is kind of as if it's fired the other's Earth but they're just little ping pong balls coming out they're those colors but then as these rocks are being sent at you to hit your dragon from this giant witch you are trying to strategize how you're gonna shoot like an earth ball at the fire rocks again I'm interpreting a lot here this might not even be the case at all but it's kind of like a puzzle game and it is painful to keep playing for any length of time now remember this is very early and they might develop something totally different but right now I was completely lost in where the game was trying to go it took forever to do any damage to the witch at all it's where I finally just let all the Rocks collapse on my dragon and kill it to see if there's other modes and things to try you may unlock more as you go but so far the game somehow has a three and a half star rating with only two ratings both people actually left reviews one saying it's promising the other saying it's a vision in the making I feel like a lot of times reviews like that are just basically saying don't try this now and I would have to agree to that although if any of you try it please tell me in the comments what your thoughts on the game is what the heck is going on because I definitely did not have any more mental energy to spend in this after even trying to get through one round Spaceball is an arena-based competitive game that is a lot like rocket League you are bouncing around this Arena trying to push your ball towards your opponent's goal there's actually a bunch of different modes though with football basketball handball and of course between private and public matches you've got 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 and you can even fill that out with AI Bots surprisingly although this game is newer and just launched this year it's only got six ratings giving it a perfect five star rating and all the written reviews are really positive great game love it Echo VR killer well Echo VR kind of died on its own but this game is dope people are loving this game that know about it so for those of you who haven't heard about it yet give it a try make sure you get some friends if you want to fill out that Lobby and maybe give it a rating so more people can know whether you like it or not forklift driving simulator VR is not to be confused with the Eight dollar version this is a free version that you can try out where you try to drive a forklift I will say personally I was actually pretty excited about this one as driving Sims and Sims where you can learn something are always interesting to me but it quickly devolved into an exercise in frustration trying to figure this game out you get in and at least it's made in unity so the environment looks decent but the forklift has different controls maybe similar to a real forklift but getting the thing that actually move was a challenge it seemed like I got at one point the trigger was what was moving it but then it seemed like it was actually the lever on the left but the lever on the left wasn't always reliable it would get the tires moving when the forklift wasn't even moving forward and so I thought maybe the forks were on the ground holding it up he left the forks it still didn't move then it would start moving less than a three star rating which is about as bad as ratings weirdly get on the Oculus store eight rigs puts it at about a 2.7 one star saying nope I'm sorry two stars low ever control rolls one star broken one star bat and a five star saying melon best car driving game I have 10 Stars if someone wants to spend some time or waste some time trying to figure this out and you get it working let me know in the comments what you did to actually get this thing driving and did you have any fun doing it if you were alive long enough to remember Windows 95 screensavers with the maze well Maze of magic is gonna feel kind of like you stepped into one of those screensavers and you're wandering around aimlessly trying to solve the maze this game has an interesting idea it puts you in these mazes you unlock spells these aren't one-time use spells you can continue to learn these spells and be able to repeatedly use them as long as your Mana has recharged enough the game's Graphics do look like they were something made on Windows 95 and the enemies their AI all feels like it's extremely early or an indie build here and even something as simple as when you shoot magic spells at an enemy if you hit them twice they seem to die but they don't disappear for a second after that so you kind of don't realize at first whether you've actually taken one out or if they just glitched out of the map four people somehow found this game and gave it a 4 star rating overall most of those are somehow 5 stars with one one star people have said hours of fun interesting concept really fun maze play if you're really into mazes and spells you might be able to see the promise that this game would have if it continues to be developed but for now I didn't find any interest in even solving the first maze once I'd kind of figured out the mechanics the only thing I feel like this game might be really good for is if you're still struggling to remember what buttons on the controllers are a b X and Y you'll learn them as you're doing this because you have to as you're repeatedly pressing the same buttons to create these spells in an order of sequence like the XY ABX and so on parsec battle I've actually been curious about for a while as there's no trailers there doesn't seem to be any information on this and no one knew about it well now there's been one rating that I'm gonna Echo here three stars nobody's playing it and you have to have a second person playing to actually be able to play the game getting into it I will say I was shocked at how good it actually looked you look up at Earth while you're on the space station and that was actually my favorite part you could walk around play in the mirror change your avatar or wander around on the space station looking down at Earth and it was actually really pretty and cool it had me kind of excited to try to figure out what the game was and how you fight when you get into it but without a second person to play you can't play it or figure it out or play against a bot if two of you out there somehow get on and find each other or you and someone else in another Quest try it out let me know how you've played it what it was and do you just throw those little weird balls you find in the main menu at each other and that's the whole game I don't know Rue is for all of the card game fans out there in this game The Rose shows up on the table and you use cards to move the rows around the table trying to end the round with the rose in front of you other players of course trying to steal this and although this game has not been out long it not only has zero ratings it doesn't even have a trailer on app lab to watch it the trailer you're seeing here is from over on side quest so clearly not enough people know about this game or have given it a chance because they don't even have a trailer to see before they go try it the game advertises fast rounds and once the players won three rounds they are the winner you're definitely gonna need to find a couple friends who want to try this out with you if you're going to get into it but if you do try it definitely leave the developers review good or bad at least someone out there will know what to expect when they find this goalball had me excited to check out as soccer games are always interesting to check out on the quest to but this doesn't exactly take you into soccer at all you can check out different flags and different soccer balls that won different goals it's more of a virtual Museum didn't know that when I got into it but yeah supposedly interviews even with the players although I never got that to work one of the other icons that you can open up would never load and of course as I've said about this whole video no one knows about this not a single rating I would be surprised to find out who had even downloaded this or tried to figure out what it was it's only been out a few months but if you've always had a fantasy of going in and looking at a winning soccer ball model up close the soccer ball looks cool but don't get confused and think you're gonna get to go out on the field or play anything close to soccer at all in this decoy drop fits the pattern here of nobody knowing about it because it's got no ratings and for good reason this feels like a wave shooter that somebody built in hopefully just a couple of hours and that's it it's got you standing in place trying to defend a Mothership from attackers that are coming from different forms you've got a different kind of gun in each hand that shoot the same kind of ammo but one is it faster gun that does less damage one does bigger damage and is slow to reload there is a leaderboard so you can try to climb your way up this leaderboard if you have any reason to go check this out but again another game that recently launched that no one's seems to know about and maybe for good reason but that's 10 games that you probably didn't know about nearly any of them if you did let me know in the comments down below how you found out about them and if there was anything you actually enjoyed I'd love to know I definitely would say Mecca force was worth checking out and task force in the beginning I'll be watching maybe Spaceball let me know thank you for coming out and I'll see you in another reality foreign
Channel: JayBratt
Views: 53,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 2, oculus quest 2, oculus quest, oculus, meta quest, meta quest 2, vr, virtual reality, quest 2 update, free quest 2 games, free quest 2 games 2023, free quest 2 game, quest 2 games that are free, new quest 2 games, new quest 2 game, quest 2 game, quest 2 games, quest 2 free games, quest 2 free, july 2023 free quest 2 games
Id: rinV5Ng6yLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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