FREE HOT WATER | Building a Solar Batch Water Heater

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[Music] okay so we just got done staying all our cedar for our batch water heater but something exciting just happened we just got all our water filtration system in the mail what we're going to be using for filtering our water I'm gonna have a pre-filter and then it's going to go into this carbon filter well with this carbon filter I have to pre-soak it before installation so it has to so for 48 hours so I'm going to go ahead and just do that now so as far as all the filtration in the entire system inside the pump house we'll go into that a little bit later just so it once everything's hooked up and it makes a little bit more sense [Music] seeing how much water is in the tanks right now it is so crazy they are all at roughly 800 gallons so we have 2,400 gallons from what like three rains or something like that look I can't even imagine when we hit the rainy season and it's raining every single day we're overflowing because we have so much yeah good thing we have the overflow built because yeah I don't think it's going to take very long to fill these bad boys up bad boy [Music] Spencer's hat got left on the ground last night and the one side was folded up so now he has a pirate hat [Music] my tank tops can hardly cover my bump anymore all right so while Spencer is finishing up the siding on the batch water heater I'm gonna go ahead and just paint the water tank over here you can see we already have the layer of primer on and now I'm going to go ahead and just paint a high-temperature block paint on it high-temperature because obviously it's going to be getting very hot inside of the batch water heater so it will just help the paint withstand the temperature and then black because we want the tank to absorb as much light as possible all right buddy can you go find the screwdriver for me please can you find it [Music] the batch water heater is looking great so far Spencer went ahead and he just cocked all around the bottom of the frame just to help air seal it really well and now we're going to start on a next step of the process which is insulating so for insulation what we're going to be doing is doing two layers just to help make sure that we can trap as much heat in there as possible so for the first bit of insulation that's going in there we're just using a bunch of leftover pieces that we had from insulating the cargo trailer that you guys saw so he's working on that right now it's a little bit more tricky than I thought it would be just because he's having to cut all these small pieces and try to go up under the frame so it's just a little bit more time-consuming than I thought it would be but we'll get it done [Music] this is a pain in the butt [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not even hold [Music] [Applause] [Music] the batch water here is looking great all the metal is done and installed so now we get to go ahead and take the water tank and place it inside just so we can get all the rough fittings for all the piping and that way we can start drilling all the holes through the sides [Music] all right to give you guys a little rundown of what's going on with our batch water heater we have all the insulation installed we started installing all the corrugated metal and then come today we decided to run a little experiment because we noticed out in the field there was a lot of sunlight being reflected out at us like blinding us so we're like that's probably losing a lot of that concentrated energy on to the tank so we took out the backside of corrugated metal and let it reflect onto the tank the hottest temperature with the corrugated metal we recorded on the front side at a hundred and forty-one degrees and on the back side about 135 degrees after about roughly a minute to two minutes later after we took the corrugated metal out the front side was at a hundred and fifty one I got a hundred fifty-three at one point and then on the backside was a hundred and forty-five I think it was under forty six somewhere in there so it obviously we were losing quite a bit of light concentration onto the tank by the corrugation of the metal so we're going to leave the rest of the corrugation on the sides and the front are on the bottom in front but as far as the the back side goes we're going to leave the foam the way it is because it reflects more onto the tank and then we'll run a little strip of corrugation our corrugated metal across the top just to protect the wood but yeah we figured the corrugated metal would heat the chamber a little bit more because it has more mass than the foil face of the foam but after seeing the amount of light energy we reflect down onto the tank and obviously the tank has way more mass than the rest of all the corrugation metal it's just clear that the best route is with a flat face Boyle versus the corrugated on as far as the backing goes alright how confident do you feel right now on the scale of one to ten out of three oh that's not what I want to hear I'm so scared [Music] [Music] oh my gosh suspense no that's not what it's called it's called the suspense er [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's looking like we're gonna get some rain [Music]
Channel: Life Uncontained
Views: 901,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shipping container home, shipping container house, building, off the grid, diy, sustainability, batch water heater, solar water heater, water filtration, free energy, solar hot water, free youtube series, vlog, self reliance, funny couple
Id: kwrNQLL0evU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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