Free Government Grants For Individuals And Small Businesses (Top 5 Best)

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what's happening guys it's Shane here so chances are if you clicked on this video you're interested in getting free government grants and the good news is you came to the right place I work for a 501c3 nonprofit organization and I have a lot of experience with grant writing and I'm making this video to share the big secrets that I learned doing this for years so that I can help you break down the process and make things much easier for you so there's a lot of information out there on getting free government grants and most of it is by people who charge you money or it's just total nonsense and it's gonna be a complete waste of your time and if someone who wrote their first grant proposal over a decade ago I just want to make this video so that I can help you guys avoid scammy sites worthless applications or having to read a hundred and seventy different books and by the way the grants that I'm going to mention are ones that normal people can get so you don't have to have two left feet or a rare disease to apply and win any of these this is a legitimate guide for normal people who want to get grant money and after watching this video you'll know exactly what to do for you to get started getting that sweet sweet government grant money so without further ado let's get started so number five on the list is you can get money for free from your congressmen and I'm gonna provide all the links down in the description so just follow along there but it's gonna be vote smart org that's where you're gonna go in order to find this so you know these politicians they clearly care about you a lot and that's why if you give them a call they will help you and it's definitely not because they want you to vote for them no they generally want to help you out no but all joking aside this is seriously helpful when it comes to getting free money and who doesn't like free money smash like for free money so this is the low-hanging fruit they know more than anyone else about what's available out there so this step is the low-hanging fruit and it should probably be the first step that you do because they know more than anybody else about what's available out there right now and they usually have a team of people that will go out of their way in order to help you because they want your vote they want you to vote for them and they want to get reelected the next time that rolls around and they spend a ton of money on this call center of people and there's a reason for that because the call center helps them get reelected and it helps them know what people want this is the to source for finding free money or free grants from the government and they can help you find new programs or programs that match what you're trying to do and the government isn't gonna spend any money on advertising here they're not going to advertise to you in order to give you free money you have to go out there and find it and there's no better place to find these sorts of things than your local congressman's call center you call them and then they'll probably call people in their network or maybe they have like a secret back office number that they call in order to find the information that you want and like I mentioned before there's a ton of services out there that you know clean and like I mentioned before there's a ton of services out there that claim to do this and what they do is they just call your Congressman and like I mentioned before there's a ton of services out there that claim to help you do this and they claim to get you free scholarships or grants and this is exactly what they do they literally just call the congressman and they ask them what's available and they act as a middleman so you can skip the middleman and just go straight to the source and that way you don't have to pay anybody now number four is to get experts to analyze your business so that you can double your sales and this is going to be n ist gov and these are top-level consultants that will usually charge five to ten thousand dollars a day and that will come out and they'll evaluate your company for an entire day sometimes half of the day for completely free and if you want them to do any more beyond that they'll do it for a fraction of the price compared to what you would normally be charged it says right at the top of the website they help people get like sixteen billion dollars in extra sales they help people save about 1.7 billion cost savings and all kinds of other really impressive stats and these are just the statistics that you can measure and I can tell you for sure that these guys are gonna help you so much more than beyond this those basic statistics they will give you a value that is just completely invaluable and they help you a lot more than just beyond those basic statistics number three is to get up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to train yourself or your employees on important skills and you can find this on career onestop dot org so let's say you want to train yourself to become a sensi consultant or something like that well you can go to these people lay out the expenses that it would cost in order to train yourself or your employees and they can give you some money to do it so that you can become a superstar director consultant and all joking aside if you have a bigger business where let's say you need to Train somebody to do customer service because your business is starting to get really big and you're getting a lot of calls they'll give you up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to train your employees on how to give very very good customer service or maybe you need to hire salespeople they'll give you a bunch of money in order for you to train people how to sell or let's say that you don't have a business but you want to learn programming because you think that's a very valuable skill and there's a lot of demand for it they'll pay for that as well and the reason for that is because they want to stay competitive with the rest of the world so there's lots and lots of people in India China Philippines all these different countries that are doubling tripling down on programming education and the United States wants to stay competitive with all those other countries and so therefore they will actually pay for you to get an education and to train yourself on how to become a programmer because they want to have a bunch of people who are really educated so that we can compete with other countries in the world and we don't get melted by China like a noob so go to the website and contact the person that you need in order to get some money now number two on the list is going to be getting a government contract instead of a grant and you're gonna find this at apt tack - u.s. dot org and depending on what business you're in getting a government contract can actually be a lot better than getting a grant because the same amount of work that it would take to get maybe a ten or twenty thousand dollar grant you could potentially get a five hundred thousand or million dollar government contract and just remember that the government buys more than any organization in the entire world and over one-third of our entire economy is the government buying stuff and they buy just about anything that you can think of they buy physical products they buy services if your consultant they buy consulting services if you're an entertainer well they have bases that have bars and different live entertainment once you get a contract it's pretty much guaranteed money and after getting your first contract you're much more likely to get more of them and as you can see they're really putting our tax dollars to work like spending over sixty five thousand dollars to figure out what bugs do near a light bulb or thirty five thousand dollars to study solar-powered beer production so if you think that your business doesn't apply here then think again and the website I provided is a government program that is actually designed to show you how to get government contracts and basically you can talk to people one-on-one for completely free and they'll show you everything you need to know in order to get started and chances are the government needs whatever skills that you have now number one on the list is going to be the SBDC office and the website is going to be america's SBDC org and this one is number one on the list for a reason because it's pretty awesome and it's helped more people than you can possibly imagine and if you only do one thing on the list it should honestly be this one if you're starting a business so go ahead and just put in your zip code and it will show you the local organization that can help you out and this is a great resource for anybody looking to start a business when it comes to getting grants or just general business stuff like you know doing taxes accounting etc and you basically get high-level business consulting for completely free and honestly no matter how much business experience you have whether you're completely new or maybe you're a veteran they will be able to help you out and almost anything you can think of in terms of business like scaling your business doing taxes accounting hiring finding a partner getting a grant getting government contracts etc anything you can think of that would be valuable for you and your business they can help you out with this office has helped hundreds of thousands of people and businesses to get off the ground and it's honestly just crazy to me that not that many people know about it and even the people who know about it a lot of them don't even use this incredible resource so definitely go and check this one out and another incredible resource you can use is my other videos which I'll put right here you should definitely check these out because I'm going to be dropping some amazing content in the next few weeks but other than that go ahead and smash the like button hit the subscribe button ring the notification bell thank you so much for watching and bye for now
Channel: Shane Hummus
Views: 318,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane, Hummus, Shane Hummus, Free government grants, government grants, government grants for first time home buyers, government grants for home improvment, government grants for individuals, Government grants for small business, government grants to start a business, how to apply for government grants, how to get government grants, free money, government funding solutions, government grant money, government money, federal government grant, david barnett, mathew lesko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.