Free Custom Domain for Google Sites using Freenom and Redirect your non-www domain to WWW domain

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hi friends my name is Raj and you are watching Tech white so in this video I will show you how to register or get a free custom domain for your Google site website this is my website in Google sites and right now I am using a free domain from Google sites I will show you so this is the domain name which I am using right now I will show you and you can see so this is the free domain which I am using so in this video I will show you how to register a free custom domain for your website go to it's a website which provides you free custom domains so in this video I will show you step by step how to register in freenom and how to get a free custom domain for your website so this is the website first make sure your pop-up is enabled like this my pop-up is enabled now so make sure your pop-up setting is enabled on your browser if you don't know how to enable the pop-up setting you just need to go to the lock icon then you have to go to site settings scroll down here you can see the option of pop-up right now it's enabled make sure your pop-up settings enabled for this website now you have to enter a domain name which you need for your website I will type a domain name now click on check availability now you can see the free domain extension are not available for this domain name so I will change the domain name and I will write something else I will use this one check availability so you can see these are the domain extensions which are available choose your domain extension for let's suppose I will use this one dot TK so what I will do is I will type the full domain name then type the extension as well dot TK make sure you have to type the full domain name with extension you can see these are the free extension which are available you have to choose as per your requirement in my case I am using dot TK then click on check availability here you can see yes this domain name is available now you have to click on checkout you have to do the same step which I am doing right now now you have to choose the period it's free for 12 month I will choose 12 month then you have to click on continue okay now you have to enter your email ID or verification I will type my email ID then click on verify email address now you can see verifications now you can see verification link sent to your email ID this is my mail ID so open your Gmail now click on the verification link to verify now you have to enter your details so I will enter my details first now select your country now select your reason or state now enter your mobile number Now set your password now you have to tick this option then click on complete order make sure type your all the details and click on this option and then click on complete order now you can see order confirmation your order is successfully submitted now you have to click on client area now you can see Hello Tech my login name then go to services and go to my domains here you can see the domain name is missing I will log out first and check it again now again go to Services then go to my domains and it's still not there so in this case if you don't find your domain name you have to register your domain name again same domain name so what you have to do is go to services then click on register a new domain it happens sometime don't worry now type your domain name again now click on check availability now you can see I will do the same thing again dot PK then click on check availability and you can see yes this domain name is available this is the same domain name which I enter before then click on checkout us then select your time period then click on continue then you have to take this option then click on complete order now you can see order confirmation this is your order number now click on client area now go to Services then click on my domains now you can see our free custom domain has been registered successfully now we will connect this custom domain with our Google sites so let's start first go to the Google sites now go to this setting icon click on it now go to custom domain option then click on Startup then click on third party click on next now you have to enter your custom domain name this is the domain name I will copy and then paste it here so you can see first you need to verify the ownership so click on verify your ownership option one important point if you are using multiple Gmail login on your Chrome browser make sure you are using same Gmail login for webmaster Center and your Google sites now click on the back icon then go to add a property option click on it then enter your custom domain without WWE okay don't use ww just enter your custom domain with domain extension then click on continue now you have to choose the alternate methods click on it now you have to choose this option domain name provider click on it then use the other option click on other now you have to enter a TST record on DNS configuration of this custom domain so first copy this address okay now go to freenom website okay now go to manage domain now go to manage free Norm DNS click on it now go to edit name server change name server now again go to manage free Norm DNS okay now you have to paste the address here this address paste it here on the type section choose txt you can see at the TST record okay then click on Save changes now you can see your record has been submitted successfully your TST record has been saved now successfully now go to webmaster Center okay now click on verify now you can see great job this domain name this custom domain name is now verified successfully now go to Google sites cancel this window cut this window now again go to the selecting icon then click on custom domains then click on start then click on third party click on next now enter your domain name again the custom domain now you can see the verification error has been removed successfully now you can see the Blue Tick and go to the next now you have to add another cname record on DNS configuration of freenom so I will copy this address now go to now you have to paste it here in the Target section in the name section you have to type www you can see this one www in the name section and this address in the Target section on the type column you have to choose cname then click on Save changes now you can see cname record has been added successfully both the records TST and cname record has been added successfully on freedom now go back to the Google site page then click on done and you can see the custom domain has been added successfully close this window now I will show you the URL the custom domain URL so this is the complete URL I will copy this it will take around one or two hour to get this domain live so for the time mean I will pause this video so after waiting for half an hour now my domain is live you can see this domain is live I will show you in another tab you can see so this is how you can connect your phenome domain to Google sites so there is a issue with Google site that if you are using your domain name without ww it will not work I will show you this is my domain name okay and I will use another browser and you can see I will copy and paste this domain name you can see if I'm using this domain name without www it will not work this is the main issue with Google sites it's not about free Norm domain there is a issue with Google sites if you are using the custom domain which is connected with Google sites if you are using it without www it will not work I will show you if I add www dot now you can see now it's working so there is a issue with this Google site it's a big concern in Google sites to fix this issue we have another solution so let's start go to the your browser and type a website name it okay now you have to click on login now click on register now enter your name then type your email ID then set a password then take this option and click on register now open your Gmail account to verify the verification mail go to Gmail click on confirm now go to add domain now enter your custom domain without triple w here you can see redirect to this one now click on next you can select your reason I will choose Euro click on next click on next now you have to add a DNS record you have to add this IP address in copy this IP address go to freenom type section will be a and the target will be the IP address then click on Save changes relogin in Freedom now go to my domain manage domain manage free Norm DNS now paste the IP address type will be a then click on Save changes now you can see the record has been added the e-record with the IP has been added successfully now click on DNS updated current status is waiting so you have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes and after that you can check it by clicking on check DNS now like this now you can see DNS record has been updated successfully and if in your case it's showing waiting then you have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes in my case DNS record updated successfully now I will check in my browser and you can see now it's working with custom URL so I will use in private window and you can see now no need to use www my domain name is working fine now I will check in another browser internet yes this one Microsoft Edge and you can see no need to use www without it it's working fine so what you have to do is you have to register in naked and add your custom domain to redirect it and it will be working fine so thank you thanks for watching Tech white have a nice day [Music]
Channel: Tech White
Views: 21,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: domain, freenom, free domain, custom domain, google sites, nakedssl, ssl, free custom domain for google sites using freenom, free hosting, how to get free domain, free website, free web hosting, free .com domain, how to get a free domain name, how to create a free website, google sites tips and tricks, free hosting website, freenom technical error, godaddy, google sites custom domain, naked domain to www domain, non www to www, domain forwarding, naked domain, free custom domain
Id: oeC0PpquGIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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