Free CCNA Training | Part 1 - VLANs

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Welcome to the beginning of this ccna training  series. In this series we're going to take  the fundamentals that you already know and  build on them to make you even more awesome   if you don't have the fundamentals yet  don't worry we have a series on that as well   section one of this is going to start  by looking at layer 2 technologies   starting right here in this video which focuses  on switching, vlans, and trunking. I hope you enjoy The basic function of switches is  to connect devices to the network   of course they can do far more but every other  feature they have is to support connecting devices   primarily switches work at layer 2. When we think  about layer 2 we think about things like mac  addresses, ethernet frames, and vlans. A lot of  modern switches support some layer 3 functions   that means ip addressing  routing and that sort of thing   for this section of the series we're  going to focus our attention on layer 2.   we commonly use ethernet protocols in our networks.  Each ethernet frame has a source mac address and a   destination mac address. Ethernet and layer 2 in  general is used to deliver frames from one hop   to the next. This means that with each hop the  source and destination mac will be updated.   The source will be the device that's sending, and the  destination will be the next hop along the path. this process is called frame rewrite. Switches  don't count as hops in this sense. That is, they don't update the source and destination mac  addresses of each frame that passes through them   so what are switches for? Connectivity! All devices  need to be connected to each other in some way   but we can't literally connect  every device to every other device   imagine how many cables we would need. Instead  the switch uses a process called frame switching   Instead of connecting devices directly to each  other devices connect to switches. As you can see, this is so much simpler. When a frame arrives  at a switch the switch decides which link or   interface to send the frame out of. This makes sure  that the frame gets to the correct destination   the next question is how does a switch know  which link to send the frame on? It does this by learning the mac addresses of connected  devices and the interfaces they are connected to   These details are stored in the mac address table.  When a frame arrives at a switch port, the switch   takes a look at the destination mac address.  Remember that this is in the ethernet header   It looks for this mac address in the mac  address table. Here it finds the port that   the mac address belongs to. It then forwards the  frame out of this port. We should ask ourselves   what happens if the mac address we're looking  for is not in the mac table? This means that the   switch hasn't learned about this mac yet. In this  case it will flood the frame out of all ports   that means a lot of devices will get that frame.  Most will ignore it as it's not meant for them   the correct device will send its reply which the  switch will see. The switch can then learn which   interface this device is connected to, and add  the entry to the mac address table for next time   Do you want to see what a real mac address  table looks like? From the CLI we can use the   command 'show mac address table'. Here we can see  all the mac addresses that the switch knows about   and the port that should be used to reach  them. Entries don't stay in here forever though   Once an entry is learned a timer starts. If  more traffic involving that mac address is   seen, then the timer resets. But if the timer  expires the entry is removed from the table   This is one way the switch keeps the  table fresh. For example we might have   a laptop that we disconnect from one port  and then connect to another port If the  mac address table didn't clean up after itself  traffic might get sent out the wrong interface if you're planning on taking the ccna exam we  have a few extra resources to get you ready   these include study notes, quizzes, flashcards,  transcripts, and the command line summaries   check the video description to get  a link to each of these resources   usually quiz explanations are for  members of the site, however i've   made all the quizzes in this video available  to everyone so you can see if you like them We've had a quick review on switching  in a simple network. But as networks   grow and become more complex we usually  need to divide it up into logical parts   we do this by configuring a vlan. Vlans create  one or more logical networks on a physical switch   it's kind of like dividing a switch into a few  smaller switches. Some ports can be part of one   vlan, other ports can be in a different vlan.  And they can both be separate from each other   there are a few reasons we might want to do  this. The obvious one is to separate some traffic   from some other traffic. This could be for  security or perhaps we have multiple customers   that we need to keep separated. We might  use vlans to group certain traffic together   for example we would create a vlan just for  voice traffic, that is phone calls. This makes   it easier to give this traffic a higher priority  than other traffic. Or we could group devices into   vlans. It's quite common to put servers in one vlan  printers in another and pcs in yet another vlan   this is often done so you can put a firewall  between these vlans and apply security policies   between them. We'll take a look at security  policies more in a later section of this   series. Think about broadcast domains. As we know,  broadcasts are limited to the local network Each vlan is considered to be a different network so  creating vlans creates smaller broadcast domains   there are many different reasons we might want  to use vlans. Don't worry too much about listing   them all out. As you're getting experience  you'll start to appreciate their value   and when to use them. For now we're just going  to focus on how they work and how they're configured in the switches cli we're going to create three  vlans with ids 10 20 and 30. this is as simple   as typing 'vlan', and the vlan id. We can optionally  give each one a name. I recommend this as it makes   it easier to see what each VLAN is for later  on. If you're not yet familiar with cisco's command   line interface, I have a video on that to help  you get started. See the description for a link we can have up to 4094 vlans on a switch. Of  course it would be rare to need that many   we only need three for now which are  for workstations, servers, and printers when we're done, we can check out the vlans that  we've created with 'show vlan brief'. You can see the   three vlans that were created, and a few others. For  example cisco reserve four vlans for special use   we can't move or change these. It's interesting to  know that historically cisco broke the vlan range   into two smaller ranges; vlans 1 to 1001 were known  as the normal range, while vlans 1006 to 4094 were   called the extended range. Keep in mind that this  is just a cisco thing, and other vendors don't do this   the other vlan that we didn't create is vlan  1 which is the default vlan. Until we make any   changes all ports are members of this vlan.  We'll talk a bit more about this one later   so i hope this is all making sense  so far. Here are two more questions   to help you think about it and  to challenge your understanding what if you have a lot of switches. Let's say you  manage the network for a university campus which   might have 500 switches. Wouldn't it be nice if  we didn't have to configure vlans on each one   years ago cisco created a technology called  VTP or Virtual Trunking Protocol this is no longer in the exam but you might see in the real  world so i'm going to give you a brief overview   vtp would allow us to configure  vlans on a single switch   and then have this configuration automatically  pushed out to all the other switches   this means that we wouldn't need to  go and configure each switch manually   so to make this work switches are configured as  one of three modes. Yhey can be server, they can   be client, or they can be transparent. Servers are  configured with a list of vlans one or more server   switches send this list in terms of vtp messages  which go out to all the switches in the vtp domain   the vtp domain name is also included in  these messages. Client switches receive   these messages and will pass them on to  other clients. In addition they automatically   configure each vlan they see in this list as long  as they are part of the same vtp domain of course   the result is that you only configure the  vlan on the server switch not on all switches   be warned though the vlan list overwrites  whatever is already configured so if you   make a mistake on the server you may cause a  problem across all switches in your network   transparent switches; They'll  see these vtp messages   but they'll only pass them on. They  don't configure any vlans themselves   in the case of these switches they will  still need manual vlan configuration   over time a lot of people found that vtp was  quite frankly more trouble than it's worth   as we said a single mistake can bring down  your entire network. Plus there are better   ways to configure your switches from one location  which we'll talk about in another section of this   video series. So my personal recommendation is  that you set your switches to transparent mode   this will ignore any vtp messages that are  seen and your vlans won't be overwritten if you run the command 'show vtp status'  you can see what mode your switch is in   in this case you can see that the switch  is a vtp server. So to change it i'm going   to jump into configuration mode and i'm  going to type in 'vtp mode transparent' there is a danger with putting a switch  that has been previously configured   into a live network. Can you think of what  that danger might be, and how we may avoid it? we need to add interfaces to vlans  and when we do we have two options   we can configure access ports or trunk ports.  Access ports are the interfaces that regular   devices connect to. That includes workstations,  printers, phones, and other devices like that   trunk ports are most commonly used when  we're connecting one switch to another switch   however there are other cases where we  might connect servers to trunk ports too let's start by configuring an access port   under the interface we set  the switch port mode to access we then configure the vlan id that  we want this port to belong to so now when we connect a device all traffic  entering or exiting this interface is part of   that vlan. To check which interfaces belong to  which vlans enter the command 'show vlan brief'  Here we can see the interface gigabit 0/1 belongs  to vlan 10, which is in the workstations of elan we usually think of an access port as  belonging to only one vlan, however there   is an exception. This is when we have a phone  and a workstation connected to the same port   usually the physical phone will connect to  the switch and the workstation will connect   to a port on the back of the phone. In a case like  this we would configure a vlan for voice traffic   in this example we'll make it vlan  40 and we'll give it the name voice then we'll enter interface gig 0/1, and  configure it with an additional voice vlan   using the 'switchport voice vlan' command when we run 'show vlan brief' again   we can see that the voice vlan has been created  but it isn't showing up on that interface   i picked an interface that was down  unfortunately so it's not showing here   so to check this one we can run  'show interfaces gi 0/1 switchport' here we can confirm that the voice  vlan is also configured on this port okay let's go back to trunk ports. As i said  earlier these are commonly used when connecting   two switches together. They're also used a lot  when connecting to servers as most servers now   have virtual switches inside them and virtual  servers are connected to those virtual switches   we look at virtual servers and virtual  switches a bit later in another section trunk ports are capable of carrying  more than one vlan at a time   they do this by adding a vlan id to each frame.  There are two possible ways of doing this. The old way uses a protocol called ISL. This is out of date  so we're not going to look at that any further   the right way to do it these days is with an  encapsulation standard called 802.1 q. This takes  the ethernet header in the frame and it adds in  a small tag. This tag simply contains the vlan id   so if a switch needs to forward a  frame from one switch to another   it will add this tag and then the receiving  switch will know which vlan that frame belongs to   this process is often called 'tagging', and you can probably see why   in fact while cisco refers to it as a trunk port  many other vendors will call it a tagged port it's really simple to configure a trunk port.  Under the interface we first need to select the   type of encapsulation. This comes back to those  two methods i spoke of earlier isl or 802.1q   you'll notice the third option, 'negotiate'. we'll talk about that soon as i said 1q is the option we want to use now. Next we simply set the switch port mode to trunk we can get a bit of information with  the 'show interface trunk' command   here we can see the encapsulation type as well  as the vlans that are allowed on this trunk link   by default all vlans are allowed as long  as they have been defined on the switch   we can limit our trunk to certain vlans if we  want to this is called vlan pruning because we're   pruning off the vlans that we don't want to allow.  Personally i always set an allowed list of vlans   as a matter of best practice rather than leaving  them all on. Now let's go back to that interface   and then we'll use the switchport trunk allowed  command to provide this list of allowed vlans i would like to issue a strong warning here. When  we use this command we will overwrite the existing   list of vlans that are allowed on this trunk  interface with the list that we provide Many people including myself have made this mistake  and caused the network to go down If we look at this interface again we can now see that we've  got an updated list of vlans that are allowed   on occasion some traffic will arrive  at a trunk port with no vlan tag as   you can imagine we call this untagged traffic  there are a few cases where we might see this   for example if a workstation is connected  to a trunk port rather than an access port   or when a cheap and nasty switch that doesn't  understand vlans is connected to a good switch   there's even some traffic that switches send  to each other that's untagged. So you might be   thinking the receiving switch needs the tag  to know which vlan the traffic belongs to   so what happens when there is no tag? That's a good  question and one that has confused many people but   it's not as tricky as it sounds on the trunk port  there is a special vlan called the native vlan   by default vlan 1 is the native vlan. When untagged  traffic arrives at a trunk port it is assumed   to be part of this native vlan. So by default  any untagged traffic will be part of vlan 1. we can change the native vlan to another  vlan if we want to we just configured the   interface with the 'switchport trunk native  vlan' command, and we give it a new vlan id notice that we're getting a few syslog messages  reporting a native vlan mismatch? This is because   cdp that is cisco discovery protocol has detected  that the switch on the other end of the link still   has vlan 1 as its native vlan. It's important that  native vlans match at both ends of the link you'll   even notice that spanning tree has blocked the  link we'll talk about that in two more videos time if you need to verify the native vlan on  an interface use the 'show interfaces switchport' command When we do this we can see that  the trunking native mode vlan is set to 10. you can probably work out how to  tell if an interface is a trunk   by using the mac table alone. Can you see how it's done? cisco provides an automatic option for  configuring trunk links called Dynamic Trunking Protocol, or DTP. This is a cisco only option which is turned on by default   earlier we use the command 'switchport mode trunk'   this manually configures a trunk link. As long  as this is configured on both ends of the link   the link will be a trunk. But rather than manual  configuration we can configure the link as dynamic   there are two types of dynamic configuration  called 'auto' and 'desirable'. The results depend   on what we configure at each end of this link.  First let's think about the desirable option   if this is configured the switch actively tries to  make this link a trunk link. This will succeed if   the other end is also configured as desirable or  auto or trunk. Let's see the configuration for this   we have two switches connected to each other  we first enter interface configuration mode   then we configure 'switchport mode  dynamic desirable'. Although you can't   see it here the switch on the other side  of the link is configured as dynamic auto   if we run 'show interfaces trunk' we can  see that the mode is set to desirable   in the status column we can see that this  link has successfully become a trunk link   when the auto option is configured we're telling  the switch that we're happy if this interface   becomes a trunk but don't actively try to make  it so. That means that if the other end tries to   configure the trunk link this interface will agree  and the interface will become a trunk port. So you see that the particular combination of settings  will determine whether the link becomes a trunk   or remains an access port. One recommendation  I can share is to avoid configuring one side   manually as a trunk and the other  side manually as an access port we can dig up a bit more information with 'show dtp interface' It's not particularly exciting but  it may prove useful if you're troubleshooting dtp sends messages between the two switches  to convert a link to a trunk if we want we   can disable this entirely by configuring the  interface with 'switchport trunk nonegotiate' this is something you might consider doing if  you're connecting a cisco switch to another   vendor switch or you're connecting a switch that  you manage to a switch that somebody else manages   personally i don't like to use dtp in practice  i always manually configure my trunk ports   i find it has a lower chance of security  problems like configuring a trunk link where   there isn't supposed to be one. It's  really up to your preference though there are two more quiz questions for you to think  about. Perhaps think about question 9 in particular   which involves adding more vlans or trunk link  without breaking the ones that are already there there's another way that you can test your skills  most of the videos in this series will have a lab   accompanying them on I've  built them using the cisco CML lab software   but you can use another product if you want. Your  options include gns3, eveNG, and packet tracer   in this particular lab you have a customer who  wants this network built you need to configure   the four switches to meet their requirements. Once  that's done, you can try out some troubleshooting   these labs are usually reserved as  a bonus for patreon supporters but   this one's available for everyone  so you can see if you like it   please continue to the next video where we will  look at interfaces this includes connecting interfaces, mtu and frame size, and troubleshooting interface status. Hope to see you there
Channel: Network Direction
Views: 22,998
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Keywords: Ccna, Cisco, Vlans, Tagged port, 802.1q, Native vlan, Switchport, Show vlan brief, Layer-2, Ethernet, Frame rewrite, Switching, Mac address table, Show mac-address-table, Unicast, Broadcast domain, Dtp, Dynamic trunking protocol, Vtp, Server, introduction to networking fundamentals, introduction to networking, networking introduction, ccna training, free ccna, free ccna training, cisco ccna, ccna vlans, cisco certification, ccna certification, network direction, networking, networks
Id: 6tl1GlXjtUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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