Free But Not Equal | Jesse Jackson | Oxford Union

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let me express my thanks and my fear being before such a distinguished all yes tonight it's been a joy to be with you these last few days were in London on Sunday and various meetings yesterday we were and a Cambridge were understand that there's some creative tension between Cambridge and Oxford it was a glorious experience talking with you about the world that you intend to create and deliver and I want to express my thanks to the professor's we're here tonight who graced me with your presence and the host for inviting me I wish the student leaders who had the union replaced and union leaders please stand we're talking some measure tonight before discussion about dare to care in quest for global justice the rule made small about Science and Technology distances Dwarfs speed we can no longer really survive apart we must now learn to live together they will fix one of us directly affects the rest of us indirectly and quickly we live in a one world order there are no more foreigners in this world tonight we left New York coming to London six and a half hours of the Tailwind seven hours from New York to LA we live in in one rural order new globalized capital in banks failed in New York Northern Rock field in Britain and all across the world when banks failed to degree lack of oversight they manipulated labor and capital to arise and did is not threatening a generation of young students tonight student loan debt America is greater than credit card debt over a trillion dollars in the last few years we've changed so much I was arrested in 1960 trying to use a public library in Greenville South Carolina much of the colonial apart aid separation schemes have been discredited and no longer exists but schemes have simply changed forms tonight we get so much about dr. King's dream speech arguably was not the dream speech it was the broken promise speech you said if you look at it carefully 246 years of legal slavery where black we're the biggest source of capital for the country more viable than land insurance our banks found a war in which 700,000 Americans were killed a war when it was over Lincoln said of national holiday called Thanksgiving not just a forest not just a Fall Festival of gathering of food but thank God for saving the union's for ending slavery 246 years then that was the promise those who've been enslaved would not be freed and given first class citizenship for 12 years something called reconstruction was taking place - then the right ring forces never stopped fighting to regain their statue of 1896 in America apart eight became law for another 58 years now the Kings case was that they do I stand and blinkers majestic shadow January 1st 1863 with the masturbation Proclamation you promised as I looked forward to the Congress 13th amendment you promised I get the day he gave that address from Texas across to Florida up to Maryland blacks could not use a singer public toilet dole should take pitches on state capitals but we could not do so on the lawns of our capitals across the south my father in black the veterans had to sit behind Nazi pure WS on American military bases the day he gave that speech money was counterfeited much of the south we could not buy it screaming how about Johnson's mother could we rent a room at her and all of the end our refusing nations took Rita's hours you can favor world wars in the class set to be a great democracy cannot honest from us we got a premise or a note bounce check marked insufficient funds I dream of a day you will honor the broken promise when my children can function and we can go here and there I dream but they will honor the broken promise the dream is imagination in so many ways the promise to be fulfilled will cause we're pride investment whether we invest in the short on the front side and on the back side have so much misery we've globalized capital 50 years later we are tonight free but not equal free up and less equal 50 years later free but not equal your globalized capital you need not go to a country across the ocean to occupy their military they can occupy them at banks but insurance schemes we've globalized capital enslaved workers and their own countries without the military soldier being in sight the globalized capital without globalizing human rights without global izing workers rights on globalizing women's rights all children's rights are environmental security Beck dumbness is a real thing threatening global stability too big to fail this Evan these banks without oversight Phil New York collapsed then the Northern Rock and banks all over the world because of a concentrated globalized capital and media covering it owned by the banks and minnow in many ways JP Chase last week was fined 14 to half billion dollars the misdeeds subprime lending predatory lending private mortgage schemes taking people's homes by the millions driving the middle-class and the poverty on the mining urban tax bases driving youth other school guns in drugs in jobs out and collapse because of the 1% justice 1% power 14 and a half B another fine and no criminal charge in this world old patterns of discrimination must give away the new access an entry point for the lows who've been locked out an America we call to the firm of action women and people of color were locked out based on negative action indifference white males had preference and priority they had inheritance in formal laws of perpetuity and acceptance to reign supreme women people were locked out it's a strange expression here called positive discrimination that's language used by the right wing to keep people locked up there's no such thing as positive script discrimination is wrong if you put positive you're positive wrong or in front of it negative wrong it is positive access to road to long been closed for three hundred years someone's been locked out by virtue of their race of the agenda their religion you create positive industry positive access those who have had the inside track to centrist must not call entrant discrimination there is no such thing as positive discrimination is designed to create confusion listen we call positive access the Voting Rights Act so fundamental in America to our changes significant is that while if you locked out effort and excellence and hard work matters effort exits and hard work matters but inheritance access and perpetual laws might even more even the excellence can get to learn unless unless the government intervenes you cannot get on the highway it's all interest signs of clothes 1965 in America we asked the government to intervene they had the intervened to end slavery and then they intervened to in Jim Crow apartheid laws intervene for the right to vote blacks old enough to vote veterans of world wars patriotic enough to vote summer PhDs could not pass the exams literate enough to vote but could not vote when once I was intervention and we could vote women got the right to serve on juries in 1967 there were no women on the Supreme Court 18 years got the right to vote in 1970 those serving in Vietnam they could not vote I've got the right to vote on college campuses in 1974 bilingual voting in 1975 foundation of many languages but one message the great dream ban you're welcome here if you yearned to breathe free but you could not breathe free because she does not have the basic rights of protection so laws changed behavior changed the attitudes are changing but the impact of the devastating foreclosure crisis the impact of globalizing the job market more bigger theirs up top more million more middle-class sinking more property based expanding now the vote is being suppressed and while youth we choose rather than invest in prenatal care headstart and dig here on the front side we have GL care the welfare on the backside what does it say to you and for your future the 21 schools in Oxbridge with no blacks one school without a black in five years does then see it that your intelligence is supreme and those locked out have less intelligence is that the natural order endowed by God or is that the social order and that by manipulation if your soldier can be fixed without divine intervention if segregation by any other name it hurts to segregate saw and the segregated if you plant two seeds in the ground of equal strength and water the both of them and put the wall in between one will grow tall multiple fruits strong stems branches and one will be stunted not grow and be barren the barren one is not a lesser one another fruitful one is superior one it's something called photosynthesis the one that gets the sunlight rose the one in the shadows is stunted love dwarfed when the walls come down and the Sun can shine on both seeds their multiple and everybody wins including leads to growth and there's growth everybody wins someone assumes that the in-group and all the aids in the classroom makes you more fit and smaller in the world or to be a world leader does not represent brain distribution it's in your interest in this world to have classmates to look somewhat like the world half of all human beings in the world tonight half of them in Chinese and they were not discovered by Nixon well into the human race in African 1/4 Nigeria in America South Central Latin America 2/3 of our population English is a noxious me English is a man not the language and the hemisphere it becomes our challenge in this world so most people a yellow brown black non-christian thirsty most people miss for all tonight a yellow brown black non-christian poor female young and don't speak English in that world to make all A's and a strip of the world is not enough to be a leader in that world you must see the world through a dual not to a key hold in that world of an endowed Africa of an expanding Asia in that world you must have classmates roommates and friends many languages with one message to share and grow and build together good reason loans will not make you a leader some other factors with the best of primary and secondary education a prime for the access lane you go to am will endow private school and your formative years with teachers from this university or from Cambridge as the case may be you're not another right that saves you come in visit in the summer your prime for entry a little bit less education less opportunity behind the wall or listen development but not listen ability but in the real sense our leadership is determine not just by height but by breadth and depth many of the youth were here I have the best teachers best training blessed children and you should have it but others should have it as well this preparation gets you onto the highway the lack of blacks on this campus is not natural not it is social we sterilize disadvantaged the soccer field when your team plays opposition team its multiracial multicultural why those from these dismal dimensions of poverty so good at American football or British soccer why are we so good that was so hard to become the world's fastest runner as both from Jamaica and as a basketball team why but we should go that's what's so hard to do become a world-class athlete the most impoverished conditions broken homes broken sign was broken dream why and we so good that what's so hard to do it to become because whenever the plan feel is even and the rules of public and the goals are clear and the referees are fair and the score is transparent we can make it it's a plan for leaving access to education health care jobs and contracts and capital not long ago there was a Olympics in China first debate was environmental hazards up such can we breathe and run that managed to get past that once the field a play was declared to be open gymnast from one part of the world tracks from another part of the world vast well another part of the world boxing and all of that on the playing field with an even playing field we could live with the outcome no matter who was a victim no matter who lost a match because the first start was something called an even playing field outside of the playing field access to Laban wages and benefits was not even and therein lies detention you will call upon with the first-class education global the become a rural leaders the kind that understand Pope Francis appeal to address the needs of the poor the garage society bottom up not just top down his call the character the kind of leader that can see the value of beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks I was here not long ago when mr. Bush from Princeton Mr bland from Oxford two men from great scholar the institutions have the big idea invade Iraq we lost some money lives and honor what are the greens their wall from great universities they got in they go right the next day passed exam vertical training over a hundred thousand Iraqis kill 110 thousand Americans and British citizens killed window engine this route this destroy the society that could have been nudged into more civil behavior with its citizens and then Afghanistan and then drones in in Pakistan and then Libya and then Syria and then something happened and that's something fortunate when I was here a month ago we about to invade them by to attack Syria as it were for them stepped on a gap Iran accepting his wisdom now there's a move toward a kind of trust and verify rearrangement those that make the most money off of military weapons don't want to trust or verify the deal they want to fight and make money from war but there is a new capacity because some of the dreamed of a new day the layers of Doggett's have been removed and fears be removed and hope is coming on the way hope RAM will continue to disarm you want to break a peace or war we must make the decision not just because we know the because we can in the end and people say you are from Oxford didn't know you know something you pass rigorous academic tests and training you are from Oxford you're having on your degree you just play it and there's no secret I went to Oxford and graduated eventually the people care that you know there's some pure doctor from here or a barrister a banker on of some skill of some field from one of the colleges people want to know that you care but they really won't know that that you care it's important for people to know the care that you know people care that you know they really want to know do you care and they're those who know and you've seen not to care that's why this issue the integrate our academics with our character is so critical to think to know to believe to feel to act to have faith Jesus in his always said this and the store of the Good Samaritan the man was walking down the street attending to his business and thieves from some corner jumped out and robbed him with people frequently robbed it assumes that there must be an infrastructure issue because the people frequently robbed it was a blind corner to clear the way the corner but they were robbed there the man was lying there bleeding dying feeling hopeless and then he saw a religious leader coming his way of his own faith rabbi Minister Reverend man of God he assumed he cared enough to come off of him some relief the Bible says he went to other side of the street and kept walking a man who knew and a man who prayed as he's reaching for breath and for help a man his own ethnic group came his way and went to the other side of the street he kept walking about time to give up a man from Samaria different religion different race different language worship God differently stopped and helped him out it did not matter that Samaritan chant did American that this American had some sets of Unknowing but he had some sense of caring beyond color beyond culture some call character must be blending into your sense of of academic prowess and your capacity to retain good information he said another way in the parable about the lost sheep he said sheep come hither in this parable and 99 came he said where is my lost sheep I can hear my imagination someone said well none of nine of us are here what about you can always lose one said but the one matters to me but we heard you we came running we were obedient ms1 who didn't come couldn't hear and the intersection may be less detectable maybe couldn't hear maybe he got kicked by a bigger sheet maybe stumbled slipped on a rock trapped in blah blah and stakes are crawling they see and smell fresh prey my divinity rest of my my ability to care for those who are left out through a lock behind in this world today we must dream a new dream not to be stunted by the status quo dream over without the nuclear threat a world will all have drinkable water for children have adequate food and healthcare their hope surpasses fear an environment free from poisoning the wastes but one's gender and sexual preferences our race is not an impediment to making a contribution to society dream to choose coexistence over core knowledge and hope it will feed the world the new world is possible we have the burden and the opportunity to make it happen if you are selfless enough and sacrificial enough to risk reading consumption if you care enough to choose sharing rubble control you have the capacity to make a new world order in similar ways this show challenge tonight the democratic order when people run for office you dream of orderly organized commitments to care for those whose backs against the wall you went to school the subject matter studies it's important people must know that you care and they know they must know that you are able but that you can buy for peace justice and equality this world is your world keep hope alive thank you very much
Channel: OxfordUnion
Views: 22,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free but Not Equal, Jesse Jackson, Oxford Union, Jesse, Jackson, Free, But, Not, Equal, Freedom, Education, Wealth, Healthcare, Power, Rich, Poor, Middle Class, Economy, Employment, Unemployed, 99%, 1%, Corporate Greed, Taxes, Charity, Blacks, Black People, Slavery, Black Rights, Civil Rights, Racism, Racist, Prejudice, Religion, Reverend, Preacher, Full Address, Oxford Union Society, Oxford University, University, Debates, Debating, Interview
Id: R0m0dgV3774
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2014
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