'FREE Boxy Boo' OR 'You Secretly Love Mommy Long Legs' Zoonomaly!

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here my children live huh that looks like a child let's see if it's living anymore after I do this huh did you just kill my baby prepare to be dead by Mommy Long Legs Oh no I got to run oh she's really slow oh shoot now she's getting faster oh no no no no I got to run oh wait shoot I need more Bloom shrooms there we go there are some Bloomers BL blah BL BL BL BL blooms it got really sunny all of a sudden oh look at these little guys they're so cool and whoa what's that is that a boxy boo oh my gosh it doesn't hello must be cuz it's from not from the the zunal dimension it's from the the pap Dimension I need to reconfigure my Illuminator to to see them in the dark even though it's light so I guess I don't need to look at this little dude he's so silly who I swear I saw a key in the distance but I'm going to ignore it for now yeah there oh there it is cool I think I need that to it's free boxy boot which is the title of this video just kidding it's not Tai boxy [Music] boo you don't get to be in the title of the video that's reserved for Mommy Long Legs cuz Everyone likes Mommy Long Legs even the people that say I don't like Mommy long legs they secretly they love mommy long legs and oo a piece of The Shard only 19 more to get the safe Zone I like the danger zone attack reload nice all right what's in this area um find out on the next cut here we are we didn't get to see that area that's okay um awesome I like those oh my God is that Daddy Long Legs he's my favorite character oh I never know when this is fully charged there we go tick all right whoa that couldn't that oh wait hey Daddy stop following [Music] me I don't have any lunch money go [Music] away oh look no I only need 18 more wow that's pretty cool I'm all out of blooms [Music] blooms um sorry I had a brain fart let me break my legs oh nope that wasn't high enough to break my legs Maybe next time maybe next time I'll break [Music] them get me yes ooh you know a lot of these areas look like the monkey area like they used whoa this must be where daddy long legs is supposed to be but he's he's over there instead I think he went to the wrong spot wait Zep I don't want to talk to you H don't worry I escaped him I'm pretty good at this game some may even call me a zoom Maniac look I even know how to do the funny thing where I look through the scope it tells me where the bridges are I think they stole that from Mario wait Mommy Mommy you're not supposed to be back here I thought I killed you oh no wait I died died from the Zookeeper I I forgot the continuity it's Mommy I still can't see her in the thing have you forgiven me about your child well too bad cuz uh you're gone got him yeah I can't wait till poppy 4 I don't know what's going to be in poppy 4 Hopey hopefully more Mommy Long Legs I know she dies but you know hope she comes back oh and I got another Shard maybe they'll add um catnap to zunal too I can't that would be awesome you know so it's funny some of these things don't attack me I guess it makes sense they're not all evil they're just animals from another dimension you know you not all of them are going to be going to be mean some of them are just really hungry like I am for light bulbs oh no I hate the monkeys I hate the [Music] monkeys [Music] what have you doing you make me f of you you can't do this to [Music] me oh hi dog day you're so puny you're not scary uh let's do a little scaling here there ah no he's going to chase me quick find a place to [Music] hide excuse me coming through coming through excuse me coming through step aside ah these bulbs take so long to recharge D ah oops wrong way over here dog day come chase me you want to play fetch come come good boy good [Music] boy I got an idea do you want to play catapult ready don't look down boy this is a lot harder than I thought it was cat do I mean catapult all right enough of tunal and Poppy wait a minute Poppy and tsunamy we'll do it the other way f
Channel: FullTiltOn
Views: 14,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoonomaly, dogday, zonomaly mods, zoonomaly mods, Mommy Long Legs, boxy boo, daddy long legs, zoonomaly 2, poppy 3, poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime 4
Id: sZe1DRMAZis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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