FREE BOT Joins Users To ANY SERVER! How to use it!

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foreign [Music] guys I just released my free Discord bot authaware and anyone can use it to join real Discord members to any server as you guys saw in the preview the bot is insanely fast the reason I decided to make the bot free is actually because I know lots of you really like my videos but don't have any money so first I'm going to show you guys a demonstration of how to use the Bots and then I'll show you how you can get access to the bot yourself for completely free and you can even use the bot to make money I actually sold over 120 000 members for ten dollars per thousand joins in only a few weeks and don't worry guys your account or server won't get banned for using this Bots alright guys but before I show you the bot make sure you subscribe since only my subscribers can get access to the Bots alright guys and I'm actually going to show you the Bots and how to use it so as you guys can see I'm in my own private server with no members so the first thing you need to do is get the server ID of the server that you want to join the members to and to get the server ID all you need to do is go to your settings so press right down here then you want to scroll down to where it says Advanced and then you just want to make sure that developer mode is turned on so as you can see mine is already turned on but if yours isn't turned on just go ahead and um make sure it's turned on then we can close this out then all you have to do is go to the server that you want to add the members to um right click and press copy server ready okay so now that I have the server ID copied I'm actually going to show you guys the joining so all you have to do is type in slash join users um you guys won't have to put a holder nickname I just have to put that because like I'm an admin on the bot so I'm just going to go ahead and put that in but you guys won't have to put it in as in like there won't even be option then I'm just going to paste in the server ID um the one that I got by copying it from right clicking here and then for amount for the purposes of this video I'm just going to put 100 and then press enter and as you can see it says add the bot to your server and then press ready so I'm just going to click here bot invite and then I'm going to add it to my server which is um sub on YouTube and press authorize and as you guys can see the bot only needs permission to create commands so it can't really do anything bad to your server then I'm going to press authorize and now I have a cap show I'm just gonna wait for my thing to Auto solve okay so as you can see authorized that means the bot was added to the server and one more important thing guys just go into your roles and make sure the bot that you just added it has to have permission to invite people um to your server so I'm just going to go into roles everyone and as you can see create invite is turned on for everyone and that means that the bot also has it um this is the bot that we just added so this bot will have the permission so anyways now that the boss added I'm just going to press ready and as you can see it's immediately started joining people and Guys these are not Bots like I said these are literally real people so as you can see they're actually joining and it also says that they're joining right here on this console alright guys so now I'm actually just gonna speed up the video Until the members are done being added [Music] so as you guys can see 100 out of 100 um users have been joined to sub on YouTube which is the server so to prove that the user is joined to the server are real people and not Bots I'm actually gonna ping everyone and as you guys can see they're messaging like real people hey um this guy's sending an advertisement let me just go ahead and delete that so if you guys want to use this bot yourself all you need to do is subscribe and join the server using the link in the description and literally anyone can use the bot there so yeah that's it thanks for watching see you
Channel: kodi
Views: 276,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grow your Discord server, Discord Member Adder Bot, discord, discord server, how to get discord members, how to grow your discord server, discord server members, how to grow your discord server fast, best way to get members on your discord server, discord joiner, discord bot, discord tutorial, how to get discord members fast, discord servers, fake discord server members, fake mint discord, how to grow your discord server 2022, how to grow your discord server for free (2022)
Id: d2-t0TT2aJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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