FREE and easy LIDAR for Metal detecting with CARIS Easy View - increase your finds rate.

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welcome everyone this is going to be a real quick tutorial on how to get more out of your lidar data now especially when it comes to metal tech detecting and hopefully that'll lead to finding more amazing things now when i look around the forums and uh the various facebook groups most people at some point you probably would have come across this yourself will mention about the national library of scotland uh side by side maps and they are brilliant i'm gonna get that out there they're brilliant because there's nowhere else where you can refer old maps next to a lidar data set and that by itself is really really handy but let's say you have a permission and on that permission um you want to get the most out of it to give yourself the best chance of finding something so i've loaded up somewhere um in hampshire this is danbury ring if you look up danbury ring you will find um this place and here we've got the side by side with a lidar data set now i've looked for all of them 2017 2020. the lidar data set i'm going to be working with elsewhere will be the 2019-20 dataset but i would argue it actually looks worse than the 2017 set so to give the nls side-by-side a little bit of a leg up i'm gonna pop that there uh and you can see you can clearly make up the ring you can see field boundaries old uh uh or current trackways and that there's definitely some things going on under the surface you can kind of make out there an alternative to nls uh straight off the bat is archie uk and at the end of last year they released their own lidar data set and the way they've lit the the lidar um in the data set means that more features are obvious so if we have a look i'd argue and again this is i believe of the same data set um i would argue that you can see much clearer i don't know why they've got the weird green layer i would prefer it personally as a black and white but you can see much clearer the uh the old filled boundaries um and structure and things going on underneath the ground but there's a better way uh in my opinion and i guess the the way the finger fit is like this say you've got an apple and you put it on a table that apple is going to look different all the way around if you walk around the apple but take a photo of the apple and it'll always look as it does in the photo and that's essentially what we get online online we get a snapshot it's a tile of lidar data and it isn't directly editable but lidar is an organic data set you can change you can manipulate the data to get the most out of it so i would always recommend because of that using an offline viewer because you might find by changing the lighting you reveal something completely new you didn't see before and up until now has been quite difficult getting what i would call an easy to use viewer um you've got q uh gis which is free and it's absolutely amazing however i do not have the time and the patience to fully go through learn and understand the software it's a hell of a learning curve to get yourself ahead especially if you're you're a hobbyist detector like myself and you want to find out more um i've also used global mapper and global mapper is amazing uh it would be my go-to if it weren't for the 600 price tag so it's quite hefty to get going but recently i came across a new kind of viewer which is available and it's completely free i'll pop a link in the description and that's called karis easyview and there's elements of it that carry over that are quite similar to global mapper in a way um but what we'll do we'll we'll go through it and basically once once you've downloaded it um from the link uh installed it all you'll get something that looks like this when you load it up so how do we get data into here well the environment agency in the uk uh it may be different around the world where you are you might be able to get different kinds of lidar data set but for us here in the uk we have the environment agency and they release their lidar data so just visit this link here again i'll pop that one in the description for you and i'm going to just type in danbury ring uh i think i'll do at the top i'll zoom out we'll find the ring there it is they are debris hill it's a hill fort all you need to do is draw a little circle around it like that um anywhere within the tile if i zoom out within that wider square um and it will just download that whole squares worth of data then we'll tap get available tiles it does take a couple of moments but once it loads up i'm going to use the composite data set for this for this purpose but you can have a look and uh go through the different kinds of data sets you'll notice that the names um you've got dsm and dtm uh i can't remember the life of me what dsm stands for off top of my head but the dtm is the uh digital terrain map so that is just concerned with the terrain it doesn't map sort of buildings doesn't map houses or anything like that as they exist it's literally looking at the ground level and that's why i like to use that so in this instance i'll be growing the composite dtm 2020 and i'm going to see if there's a better resolution which there is which is the one meter and then you would just tap that and it will start downloading it but to save some time i've already downloaded that data set and so once you've got it downloaded load up karis and what we're going to do is go to file open file and we're just going to find uh first of all we'll find where i popped it so this is how that data set will look once you've opened it and extracted those files you're just going to select the large file which is the uh dtm one meter you'll see if i hover over it's 42 megabytes the other one is just an xml file was five kilobytes so we're just going to open up this one and it will take a few seconds but you will get an image eventually laid up like that which is a bit probably a bit confusing to start off but to clear it up first of all uh rainbow maps are pretty handy but when you're trying to understand something off the bat it can be a bit much so i'd probably try change it over to topographic in this in this instance we're going to zoom in a little bit first things are starting to come into interview as to what we might be looking at but there's three sort of main things that you need to concern yourself with changing over here after the uh after the color of the map up there and there's plenty to have a play with later on but three main things to affect how the map looks at the vertical exaggeration which is it's almost like whapping the the contrast up to really make uh features show but be careful not to go too crazy with it then you've got the light position and then you've got the elevation of that light so for this instance i'm going to go for let's say nine and we'll just see how that looks to start off just click somewhere else and bam straight away you can see a lot of the features going on uh what i forgot to mention earlier is when you load this map initially up if you can't see the properties panel panel on the right hand side just click this layer once and it will show up what you might get is something that looks like that instead but just click that top layer once and you'll get up this properties panel so straight away i'd argue like that image what i'm seeing here the features underneath the surface which you don't get if we just refer back a second you can't see any of that in the side by side really and the r key there's there's a couple of elements there but i i mean it's so much clearer to me and then once once we carry on we could we can then start playing with the light um the angles of light which can bring out new features and help you find a lot more on your permissions or if you're going to a group dig or something like that and want to target a specific area and like say we'll just drop the elevation you see it starts darkening up and that'll show some of the features a little bit more uh what's more there's a 3d element to this which is really cool um if you tap the 3d button it will go into a 3d view now i got caught out by this when it first does it i thought it was just playing up but once you click the 3d view you need to click and select the layer again and it will come up it also resets everything over here or some of the features um the because instead of being controlled here it's controlled up in the top right here so this is your elevation and so as we pan in i should say uh the right click will let you change on the on the axis like this and left click and hold will let you sort of zoom in zoom out and pan uh if that makes sense hopefully it does you'll work it out after playing with it anyway um so here we are and if i just start exaggerating the features obviously it's not it is a hill for but it's well that's probably not too far off actually um you can start seeing these features you can literally get in close to them have a proper look at them how do they look from down low what would that have been and you can i mean you can push it even further if you want to but i probably it that will help you certainly find some of the features but i would definitely drop it back a little bit from what it is but it's a great way to explore the data and see maps and permissions that you have from a completely new view so that's my my quick video today just a quick introduction introduction into karis download it have a play download a dataset and let me know how you get on in the comments thanks for watching our short tips video don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel and we'll keep you updated with any new quick tips for the xp day s2
Channel: Unearthers
Views: 13,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LIDAR, metaldetecting, detectors
Id: pGtm70CZ5Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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