Frederick Forsyth Interview | SVT/NRK/Skavlan

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do you do you like need to write no no absolutely not this is this is why I am dirty because some writers are compulsive they can't have a fulfill the day unless they have been at their desk writing something even if it gets torn up after that you know me I have to be dragged to the disk so I know I'd I'm not a compulsive I don't have a message for the human race I don't really like the the fame and the publicity your book now is it's called the kill list yeah it's it's out in Norway and Sweden and it's it's it's about a list of people that the government of the United States was killed yeah it exists it's not fiction it exists it's there in the White House and as they knock names they have they have this list yeah you know name names get knocked off it when they get killed and then fresh names like Abu Bakr al-baghdadi who was the head of ISIL he's now well on it list no they want him dead how can you know there is such a list there is it people talk because it is not an official note well no it's not official but it's there and it is discussed every Tuesday morning between the president and six members of his inner cabinet and they they consider who who no longer applies because he's dead you know like the drone got him last week mr. president so we can strike him off but on the other hand sir I think we should put these two all agree is it a rumor or is it true that you once took the part of an arms dealer and you said you were an arms dealer by a buyer I went I wonder if it is inside the world of black market arms dealing of which the capital then was Hamburg so I went into Hamburg pretending to be a South African who had been commissioned by a multi-millionaire South Africa to buy weapons in Hamburg for an African coup d'etat and that got me into the private conferences of the the chief arms dealer of Hamburg which was fine I got all that I needed how they work it over how they forged the documents the end-user certificate which you have to present to your own government to get an export license to to sell this stuff abroad you know and and it was working fine it was working fine there was just one little problem that and I didn't realize it he the Jarrell jackal had just come out in German and he was sitting in his limousine next to at a red light next to a bookshop window and there was a display and one of the books had fallen over and on the back was who was trying to pretending to buy arms of him and he looked very very mad indeed he was in my hotel room and the phone rang fortunately I had a friend I didn't know I had a friend but I had a friend also in the same world because he had been commissioned by our government to see if they were selling any weapons to the IRA so I didn't know who he was but he knew who I was and the phone rang and his voice said get the hell out of amber in about five minutes don't pack just grab a passport and go so I grabbed some money and a passport and ran across the station Square intrude into the Hamburg main station past the ticket office didn't buy a ticket train leaving doors closed window open went through the window landed on top of a German businessman who was not amused and then a ticket collector came said tickets please I said no tickets he said where are you going I said where are you going he said Hamsterdam what's it do be fine yes sir ticket Amsterdam and about 40 minutes later they hit my hotel room a forum you you have I know you have you had a great fan in Margaret Thatcher she had a kind of weakness for thriller novels she liked to read one chapter before sleep every night it's kinda it just it took away all the strains of the day just so and I don't know who introduced her but anyway she she liked to read one one chapter every evening before bed so when I learned this it was suggested it might be nice to send her your next book dedicated so I did invitation rounded down in the street we became friends you're a conservative yourself of course oh yeah but did she have a warmer side she did people don't give her credit for that she she was very young considered all serving stuff now you see a real bastard in life they usually they smarm to their equals or superiors but they treat the serving stuff with contempt yeah that's a coward because the serving stuff can't hunt sabacc she she wasn't like that to you one young waitress spilled a whole tray of canapes and and burst into tears you know it thinks the she did she put two foreign visiting presidents push the one side went to comfort the girl put her arm round her led her to the kitchen not many not many Prime Minister's do that your life was as a reporter and then you started to write books you wrote Jacqueline in like 35 days you have you have the the the I mean it's behind the Iron Curtain it's like it's like a movie but the were there romance were there were you like a kind of person I had one one in in Prague that I I had to stay at one allowed Hotel the Yalta Hotel and that had a disco in the basement which was their idea of being cool you know I mean it's very clumsy not like a wasted disco but they thought they were cool so after dinner I would go down sometimes though I went down once and there was this girl at the bar of God she was good location I mean this girl could stop track you know so I said drink yes sir little dance yes yes and then about 1:00 in the morning they closed the place down there's that their idea of you know a long night from 1:00 in the morning so we're just getting beginning in the West it's getting moving at 1:00 in the morning but and so I went out with this girl Jana and it was Jay in a Jana I went up to the pavement and it was stiflingly hot I mean it was a huge heat wave but I couldn't go up to my room because there's a dragon on every landing outside the elevator doors so that was out so I had my car and I said I tell you what I know some lakes the city should we go and swim nice idea so it's the drove north to the Lakes apart by the edge of the lake it and we got out and we went down to the edge of the water and stripped down and went in the lake and swam for thirty minutes very pretty nice cool water he don't stifle e and then we came out and we lay on the grass and like healthy young animals so we made love afterwards I was thinking something's wrong about this evening and I must have checked or twitched or something because the little sleepy voice of I'm I said what's the matter I said rearview mirror no headlights where the hell are the STB and they're sleeping once they do just made love to it Java stirred tell the boys what I've been doing all evening well thank you Frederick it's great to have you here thank you so much I deliberately called that two parallel climate change because what I suggest in the book is the impact of the digital lifestyle especially for younger people is having as much impact both good and bad and it's as important
Channel: Skavlan
Views: 12,475
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Keywords: Skavlan, interview, talk show, Fredrik skavlan, Frederick Forsyth (Author)
Id: dUg7XmY7W_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 10 2014
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