Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé - Barcelona (Live at Ku Club Ibiza, 1987)
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Channel: Freddie Mercury Solo
Views: 25,166,067
Rating: 4.8821445 out of 5
Keywords: freddie mercury, freddie mercury solo, freddie mercury songs, freddie mercury queen, freddie queen, freddie mercury music, freddie mercury official, freddie mercury montserrat cabelle, montserrat cabellé, barcelona, freddie mercury barcelona, barcelona freddie mercury, freddie mercury & montserrat cabelle, freddie mercury live, live at ku club ibiza, freddie mercury performance, freddie mercury ibiza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2012
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He died in 1991 though...
edit: Researched it, this VIDEO was played at the 92' Olympics. But Freddie was of course had passed away
Although apparently Montserrat Caballé is still alive at 84
Only they're lip-syncing :(
Bro it fucking says "Live at Ku Club Ibiza, 1987" in the title
25 years since his death and no one on Earth has come even close to his combination of voice, range, and onstage spectacle. One regret i have is i never got to see Queen perform live.