Fred Hammond | Live Concert

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everybody Welcome to my Facebook live right here in the warehouse you can see Ain no bunch of people here and we social distancing we're practicing it because I'm I'm about six feet from him I'm a base player six feet from Chuck and they about six feet from each you know what I'm saying listen during this time we're unaware of what's going to go on but we do know that God is still on the throne and I just want to give you guys something something to uh bless you that you can pull from you know sing some songs to you and bless you and um man let's have a good time lord we bless you for this day we give you glory thank you for this opportunity to bless your people let them be inspired and let um Lord we um we ask you to give us peace in the midst of this storm you know the whole country the whole world as to seeing something that we have never seen in our generation so we thank you for it and let me give him something to dance to to think about when fear starts to come that we know that praise will overrule fear and uh so let's do something from the teners United teners and the song says everybody get up and give him the praise for the mighty love of God is in this place go ahead and hit me with that track real quick [Music] and from the rising of the sun until it goes away again we love we love you yeah you thr to shap this far we really want to thank we give you the praise for bringing us on to may not have everything going to hell I may not be everything I need to be but Lord you gave me everything I really need right now I want to thank you come on everybody come on everybody get up and give him the praise for the mighty love of God is in this place for all of your goodness mercy and Grace Lord we bless your name yes we bless your name get up now just get on got to get get for the sunshine and rain the joy and the pain we really want to say we love you even when I walked away and refused to seek your face you still blessed us and brought us on yeah may not have everything I want to hell and I may not be everything I need to be Lord you gave me everything I need to be and right now I thank God come on now people come on and give him the praise praise for the mighty love of God is in this place say it say [Music] it Mery Lord we bless your name yes we bless your name me and give him the praise prise for the mighty love God is in this place all of your goody and gra Lord we bless your name today yes we bless your all of your mercy for all of your grace we say it thank come on somebody say it with me thank you thank you thank you New York La say it D say it Houston Detroit say it Italy say it China Russia B say for all of your grace to me thank you all of your grace to me thank you somebody say it thank you thank come on and say it thank oh you might as well give him glory right now get get get got Get on Up sh get up what Get on Up come on get on get on come on get on you got to get up now get up the could living outdoors with no way to provide thank you for my family thank you what you thank you me all the way you me every day you me every day get [Music] up get on get on got to get up now get come on get on W get get on come on get on say it say it get up get on get up get up get up everybody get up yes that's how we do it at the warehouse got six people over there so only it ain't over 50 ain't even over 10 and then some of them is short so they count as half a person one thing that um I realize is that anxiety is big now time this time anxiety Wants to Rule anxiety is not knowing what can happen so your mind takes over one thing I know that the word of God says he said I'll keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind on me it's hard sometimes I'm going to be honest think about your bills think about your family you think about the sickness it's easy to get anxiety and overwhelmed but one thing we can count on is that he says lo I'm with you to the ends of the Earth it says even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil because thou are with me so basically he's saying Everywhere You Are I Am when you're on your mountain of glory and having a great time I'm there and if you make your bed in hell I'm there no matter what the situation is he says it I'm in the midst of it all enjoy it you are here he is there you are here he is there and when my heart is overwhelmed we were up to the Cross we are you you you are here he is there you are he is there you are here is [Music] there when our hearts her over we love to the Cross there we are reminded [Music] you know that your presence is all that we need more enough to set mind at in look to the Cross there we are reminded there we are reminded before I start the next song I just want you to know that I really am praying for you in this time as I pray for my family and my friends you're my friends that's well I pray that the peace of God and the grace of God you rest in let's say this here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God hallelujah all together lovely all together holy all together wonderful to me will never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross we'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon the cross so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say you my God all together Lely all together holy all together wonderful to me listen listen we're in this strange time and there's a lot to worry about not just the the sickness and the illness itself but there are businesses now that are being affected you know that means your money there are families and households they're telling us lockdown is is imminent if it's not already here um a lot of places you look at Italy and different places all over the world and now quarantines um we're being quarantined just to try to slow it down you know and it's not like I said just the sickness it's it's it's it's business it's your money it's your finances it's small businesses it's um uh churches it's large Gatherings it's restaurants it's our economy and um some people are worried you know I got to be honest with you man you know it's it's back here somewhere you know I'm trying to keep the peace in my own mind in my own home my own family you know and um I can't Panic right now at all period but um there is there's a hope that we have and the Bible says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say I will say who will say I will say of the Lord he is my refuge he is my Fortress my God God in him will I trust surely he shall deliver thee From The Snare of the Fowler and the noisome pestilence that's what this is It's a pestilence he shall cover thee with thy feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler that's what it is is what does he say about it what is the truth Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by day by night nor for the arrow that fth by day nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness the hidden pestilence the invisible pestilence that walked in darkness nor the destruction that wasteth at Noonday A thousand shall fall by thy side and 10,000 at theiry right hand but it shall not come n the is my refuge and you [Music] beis the time of trouble year [Music] is my refuge Str you I'm very bre new in the time of trouble you is my refuge [Music] we do have a place we can go family it's right before the Throne of God when fear sets [Music] in this is what I say Lord I know you're listening I know you're listening father father I thought I [Music] could my spirit tender [Music] T give me to try again there is nothing there is nothing Your preious Love upon [Music] everything everything I've been searching for find you I I need can't what can can I can I to you [Music] anybody know what I'm talking about when my [Music] life [Music] overwhel I'll call all the name of me I Amer for you are my there is nothing there is nothing [Music] need everything I've been looking for everything I've [Music] search you and I I need your I need your [Music] love [Music] you and Lord I Need Your Love Lord I Need Your Love where I and find all [Music] my [Music] I God is my refug and strength say God is our refuge and our strength [Music] of trouble God is God is God is our and Str help I God is God is God is God is God is our ref I'm s it to you so you believe it he is he help times of TR God is God is God is God is our you [Music] [Music] our [Applause] [Music] is do you believe it do you [Music] believeing pray for every business every church every mortgage every he all your help say [Music] it it [Music] TR good is your ref I dare you to say [Music] it of trouble so faithful faith faithful faithful faithful grateful and I'm grateful grateful grateful [Music] grateful tell me who can stand us when we call on that Queen name Jesus somebody say Jesus [Music] I'm very time well I hope you enjoyed yourself and um you know look at this as many times as you want and uh don't forget you know I got the choir coming out some other things coming out but right now I just like I said I just want to bless you and uh be a blessing I can I want to come back and do it again you know if I ain't got to sneak out you know I'm going be complying but if not you know if we get a minute and get a break I'm going come back in and do it again um thank you all for rocking with me for all the year all the years from 19 really 83 but 1985 commissioned and even with the whinings when I was with them 19 years old that was 1980 so it's all good uh radical for Christ and uh man you been there for the whole time and I hope we've been a blessing to you so I want to leave you with this Lord bless my people Lord give them what to do more than anything Lord for my family and for their everybody that's watching I pray for peace peace in the spirit that's the most important thing we have peace in the midst of this storm Lord if you're sleep in the bottom of the boat then we just trust it we won't scream out Lord save us we perish you help us not to cuz the flesh you know it wants to scream that but I pray for all those that are watching right now every business every um church every Pastor every person I pray for the politicians I pray for the medical staff I pray for Medical Teams doctors and nurses I pray for the elderly and and the kids and Lord let us let us win this or we know we're going to win it by your help most of all Lord let it draw somebody closer to you that they get to know you better amen Jesus name we pray so I want to leave you with this no weapon formed against me shall prosper it won't work no oh a formed against me shall prosper won't work against me sh Prosper formed against me sh [Music] cuz I know God will do what he said he would stand my word he will do God will do what he said he will do he will my his word he will say no the against me [Music] it't I won't be afraid of the arrow my day from the hands of my eny I can stay in my ground with the Lord on my side for the snares and the TR they set will not succeed no way no way no weapon against me sh away no weapon [Music] against [Music] [Music] hin just [Music] [Music] ainin Ain one more time say [Music] [Music] it [Music] against now go ahead and give him praise right where you are right [Music] me e flatu bread of life sent down Glory many you on earth a holy king a carpenter you are living of sh down [Music] glor youly [Music] King awesome R awesome [Music] R Us Living Truth and we have in you you are in ruler aome [Music] rer you your name is Jesus Jesus Jesus that's what we call you Angel Bor but on a tree you to save [Music] Humanity but we call you Jesus Jesus Jesus that's what we call you angeln but on a tree you save Humanity open up your mouth say [Music] it [Music] somebody say it like you mean it say it [Music] again [Music] w [Music] W come on let's call him say Jesus Jesus Jesus that's what we call you somebody say it one more time Jes that's what we call you Jesus [Music] jesuses are word are word no backgrounds right you are the Living Word I can't hear you but I hope you singing You Are The Living Word you are the Living Word you are the Living Word you are the Living Word you are the Living [Music] Word take this wi you send it out to other people tell everybody tell everybody tell everybody send it out tell every pay attention to the uh announ an I gave Off Script and off you know whatever it's coming some things are happening and I want you to be able to be a part in the blessing when we get through this I understand I get it I got you all right so since we here I just still got to remind you let [Applause] me it we in the city we in the field we we for theil is defeated we are glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to God can you help me say glory to glory to glory glory glory sing can you help me glory glory to glory glory glory to glory glory glory god to the only God my [Music] savior mesty don't power forever [Music] and late in the midnight going to turn it around God going to turn it around it's going to your favor you come on out to turn around around around in the going to turn it around it's going to your yes it will it [Music] will God bless [Music] you it's the Midnight Hour and we expecting to turn it around PR for you you pray for us we'll make it through in Jesus [Music] name [Music] [Music] [Music] m
Views: 20,294
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Id: e6tSiTC6WQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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