Fred Allen radio show 5/7/41 Jack Benny's 10th Anniversary

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[Applause] the Texaco Star Theater more than 45,000 Texaco dealers from coast to coast welcome you to an hour of birth and melody with our star comedians Fred Allen Kenny Baker and portland hopper our guests amos and andy and men still talk at the mayor of Waukegan win Murray and L Goodman talk--i sir it's texaco time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen tonight we present something heretofore unheard of in radio one comedian is devoting his entire 60 minutes to a month to tribute to celebrate the 10th anniversary of another comedian the comedian who is going to get it is Jack Finney the man who is going to give it is Fred Allen in person as long as I accidentally bowed so low I might as well fill up my stockings I might walk in and say there is a man who is not meat it's talking and thank you thank you and good evening ladies and gentlemen and there's no time to waste Jimmy tonight this week Jack Benny the neurotic Superman complete complete his tenth year and radio and tonight we are going to celebrate Jack Benny's pana bursary you mean you're dedicating the whole 60 minutes to Jack well not in toto Jimmy a few of our minutes had better be dedicated to Texaco or next week this program will be known as the man in the street I get it well now let's get going we've got to make this an hour tonight that Benny will remember to his dying day how is everybody ready say Portland well later you can make with the eulogy say Kenny okay I say I got my Jack Benny serenade all set fine and mr. Goodman have you written that special music for this festive occasion what else - honoring Benny the musician I Goodman I'm composing a strange Symphony a strange symphony it sounds impressive this could be twenty two violins are playing not only off-key but also not tuned a fitting tribute to Benny's a musician indeed now tell me did you write an original Shannara confidentially I am composing Rubenstein's melody Annette how can you compose something Rubinstein has already composed I am decomposing it he'll never just give us a fanfare maestro and let's go tonight they take the co-star theater salute Jack Finney Hollywood California on may 9th 1941 America's favorite killacycle which celebrates his 10th year in radio ten years ago back in 1931 Jack Benny made his first appearance in radio yes 1931 was an eventful year in 1931 the president of these United States was Herbert Clark Hoover the vice president was oh no in 1931 the governor of New York State Franklin Delano Roosevelt the mayor of New York City the Honorable James G Walker in 1931 the Broadway movie theaters were showing Public Enemies starring Jimmy Cagney in discrete starring various functions in golly starring John Barrymore now stooging for Rudy ballet in may 1931 the baseball season was underway the Brooklyn Dodgers are in seventh place 1/3 lost 10 way till next year this took 10 years however in 1931 prohibition was enforced bootleg liquor flooded the country it was not unusual to hear a drinking man saying I took a drink today it dissolved my two front teeth right down to the pivot last year vaudeville comedians were telling prohibition jokes have you tried that new different uh clicking yeah one myth and they touch you always in an idea this team is still laying off 1931 the police commissioner of New York City said Police Department is cracking down on motorists blowing their auto horns I'll have New York quiet in 30 days that man is now living in Connecticut a New York subway can factor announced that year blasting a sixth Avenue subway image the water me the sixth Avenue subway may never be completed that's what he thought today you can't tell the sixth Avenue subway from a hole in the ground in 1931 the District Attorney of New York said what machines have gotta go I'll stamp out every racket in New York I have to use both feet the same year the King of Siam visited New York are you the King of Siam yes I am on May 31st 1931 a new high mark was said in Manhattan skyline the Empire State Building 102 storeys high was open to the public up in the observation tower of the Empire State Building a sightseeing couple from Jersey was heard to say you're high up here ain't it enables yeah say what's that template my favor laying in that field any no lifesaver Mabel it's a Yankee Stadium hey what's that black thing there looks like a pancake somebody sat on that's Jersey Mabel yeah ain't it wonderful yes it was wonderful in 1931 thousands of people who lived in Jersey came all the way to New York City and paid $1 to go up on top of the Empire State Building to look back at Jersey again many important events occurred that year several people questioned about 1931 remember other momentous happening a little-known man about hamburger Stan who recalls 1931 a Sherman master what is your outstanding recollection of 1931 Sherman Oh 1931 is the year the pajama string was invented the pajamas thing was invented at yey-hey and this impressed you what a pajama string was a boon to mankind a boon to mankind in what way before the pajama string was invented yes a man going to bed with pajamas on had his hands full I I don't get it but then again Who am I and Thank You Sherman master a housewife who will long remember 1931 is mrs. Chilton Ashanti what impressed you back in 1931 mrs. champagne 1931 for your cellophane came out and cellophane impressed you did it cellophane like to ruin me well how do you mean in 1931 they started putting cellophane on bread I see nobody told nobody what it was oh and you I would slice in the cellophane long with the breads putting butter on it and evening you were eating cellophane where butter on it well how was it it's better with ketchup on it well tell me how long did you continue to eat this cellophane first next month then I couldn't stand it no more I felt like I had an accordion in the stomach an accordion in there yeah inside I felt screeched creeper well what did you do nothing just quit eating bad yeah well after eating cellophane for six months back in 1931 you feel any ill effects today don't feel nothing no but when I bend over I crinkle you come and every time I say sound it sounds like somebody's opening a bundle [Applause] thank you mrs. children Chandi a man who will long remember 1931 is mr. bedeker stilt what in retrospect bedecker highlights that year for you so thanks namely 1931 is a year the zipper wasn't planted and 1931 had the coldest winter in history well what is it about the zipper and the cold that still impresses you well like I say in 1931 the zipper wasn't it yes it was putting zippers on everything shoes raincoats overnight bags and used to come to the boat oh yeah I bought me a barrel bryggen Union suit it had a zipper all the way down the front where does the where does the cold spell come in Welker the morning the cold started I get up to put on my Union suit does it first frozen the zipper yeah I bend down the breeze on it while I'm trying to pull it up yeah air I am breathing and tugging talking and breathing yeah all of a sudden zip up comes I can't straighten up liar why not my nose is partners [Applause] you you couldn't get it out for two weeks if you see me on the street I wanted to know who I was you had to open my back right on the inside you're inside with business going on as usual how did you how did you finally get your how did you finally get your nose out of the zipper well I guess I kept poking my nose into the zipper I'm making the hole bigger uh-huh when the hole got big enough I crawled into the Union suits that are through the legs [Applause] we made it the hard way and thank you better Castillo and with mr. Stilton austalia escapade we bring to a close this cavalcade of highlights taken from that outstanding year 1931 and the first episode in our great tribute to Jack Benny thank you and now ladies and a Fred yes Jimmy I don't like to butt in but where was the tribute you didn't even mention Jack's name now look mr. Wallington you stick to your announcing I'm handling this the festivities here yes but I still don't see where the tribute comes in look Benny started 10 years ago didn't he well yes we gave you everything of importance that happened in 1931 didn't we but you didn't mention Jack Benny you can draw your own conclusion hey Fred would you like to take a little intelligence test you an intelligence test you mean to see if I'm as smart as mr. Benny Oh what do you mean well I'm going to give you three familiar phrases are you telling me who says them and what they mean all right Jimmy all right here we go let's go let's go curtain going up why that's a call boy and I see it that's right now this one let's go let's go didn't I'll be inserting the dining car oh that's easy your dialect ate the whole thing away that's a Pullman waiter that's right now here's one more last call last call final warning all right who is that gosh Jimmy I've got to give up who is it it's me you know scary right well the last call the final warning to put your car in condition to stand warm-weather driving the deadline is here no driver can feel absolutely safe about his car without a complete change over the spring right now so why delay see your Texaco dealer he'll quickly and expertly put your car in condition for warm weather driving first he'll replace the worn-out winter oil now in your crankcase with insulated Haviland or insulated Texaco motor oil insulated especially to resist high engine temperatures next he'll drain the transmission and differential refill with the right seasonal grade of Texaco gear lubricants to make sure of smooth quiet shifting and then he'll stop squeaks and we're on the show see with Bartek ma r f a cake texaco famous 40 points a/c lubrication service so don't delay tune up and catch up with spring as your Texaco dealer now [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was in the 30-ton Bray place of the music and a name she can't even pronounce and played by or whatever it was played by Al Goodman and his orchestra their records are now available at the 54th Street police station and now ladies and gentlemen on with our Jack Benny pana bursary no later later with the Hale Portland later yes well we'll get to that this is a monster tribute and wheel yes is a monster shortly hi oh hello Kenny what's up mr. Benny's Crossley and incidentally Portland that's Crossley you better get the namespace because mr. Crosley the head of the Crosley radio survey it's going to be on our program next week is that the mr. Crosley who let you know if your program is going over with a bang yes that's the Crosley with a bang he says well what's wrong with that mr. Goodman Crosley is with a thing Bing Crosby oh all right all right mr. chases with a bang well what mr. chase the chase National Bank is an all-out Benny program all right hey you two please pour them out later not now I don't know I told you party this celebration is a fake this program isn't a civic to mr. Benny at all oh no no you should be ashamed to yourself mr. Vallot this is like at a dinner the guest of honor is getting a nikki Finke now just a minute you two might go you you all think I'm faking now I'll show you what I'm going to do when a man makes good everybody slaps him on the back but who is it no matter whether he's up or down who is it keeps plugging it his agent no I'll tell you who it is it's the folks back home his old hometown now tonight I have spared no expense in bringing before you the distinguished Citizen of mr. Benny's hometown who is more qualified more eager to heat praises on a hometown boy who had made good than the mayor of that hometown in person mr. Allen yes yes Portland ladies and gentlemen may I present the mayor of Waukegan Illinois is honor mental culture [Applause] well good evening mayor Tolkien good evening Fred well mayor call Curtis you can call me bitey Fred huh dydee did you say Oh righty that's my nickname Oh fine by day I see well died he had me a little worried there I thought you were appearing under wraps tonight a night like this Fred well now first I want to thank you for making the long trip down from Waukegan to be with us on this festive occasion Fred on behalf of Waukegan I would like to thank you for this opportunity to bring a message from the fairest city of the Middle West fine tonight all animosity is forgotten and credit where credit is due is our slogan yes I'm eager to start talking forever small wonder you're having trouble holding it yes it's a proud night for Waukegan ten years ago what was Waukegan a slumbering little hamlet on the shores of Lake Michigan and then overnight it happened it certainly did one morning a Waukegan awoke to find itself internationally famous internationally famous right you are and what was it may atoll cthe that happened ten years ago that skyrocketed Waukegan to the fame it enjoys today the johnson outboard motor company opened its new plan next the chants an outboard motor cut why today today you can't say putt-putt without thinking of Waukegan truly an industrial triumph Thank You Fred mayor I can think of no better way of spending the rest of our time tonight than going deeper into this enchanting subject of outboard motors well of course I am really not here to talk about outboard motors I sense the Civic subtlety of your rejoin they may act there is shall we say another thing that has made Waukegan famous - true - true I am sure everyone knows that what I am referring well if everybody knows why bring it up man well Fred after all that's why I'm here yes I guess we may as well face it of course no one will be surprised to hear that I am referring to Waukegan pride and joy and Waukegan pride and joy maiya Talcott is factory number six - the American Kenpo horse you know that Walt Egan is the home of the John Van Vleck Fetzer's company the cyclone fence company the Abbott Laboratories and many others uh-huh well haven't you overlooked one other thing Waukegan is justly proud of you mean the new super silo the flat fork a steel company Fred exactly but the most in my mind at the time Walken famous because of a local boy who made good Marlon please pork that's all right Fred Portland asked a question that I as mayor of answered many time but mayor we don't want you to catch your throat talking about a Waukegan celebrity I'll risk it Fred we and walking and never tired of talking about him and the man you mean is Waukegan zone Bob O'Farrell Bob O'Farrell was one of the greatest catches the Cubs ever had why I remember yes Portland Portland Portland that's not real ologist well mayor talk it's been a pleasure to talk to you about walk Egan's great and I hope our time is limited Portland we can't discuss every Tom Dick and Harry will come some Keegan isn't a movie Center none of our cinema stars come from Waukegan do they may have not that I know of probably a few extras here and there you see a thing like that could happen to any town Portland you're embarrassing the mayor so they haven't anybody in radio that's no crime I know the man Portland is referring to Fred you do yes Waukegan is responsible for radios greatest sensation the past year you me yes mr. Muncey mr. Muncey created a sensation and radio yes his suspenders broke on we the people on the radio they're talking yes but his name would mean nothing to the mayor if you can tell me something about this man I might place him Fred well now let me see about 30 years ago this fellow who is now prematurely an old man this fellow was keeping company with a girl named Gussie Loomis oh yes Gussie still lives in walking I'm glad to hear that in doing well well this this sentimental young Taylor son as an inexpensive token of his affection gave Gussie a lock of his hair but as the years went by Gussie got to know him better and naturally they drifted apart that that was 30 years ago this is mighty interesting yeah it is mighty interesting I find that he told myself well mayor last fall this jaded old Rui came all the way from Hollywood stole into Waukegan in the dead of night broke into gussy Loomis's trailer and turned it topsy-turvy why Fred he was trying to get back that lock of hair and not for sentimental reasons believe me today that guy is combing his hair with military sponges not on a radio program last year yes I did but I'd rather not mention it oh you were you mean there were repercussions when you got back to walking again there were delayed repercussions Fred delayed report well how do you mean well this year I ran for re-election in Waukegan and how did you come out well Fred shake hands with the ex-mayor of Waukegan do you mean to say that you lost the election because you merely appeared on the same program with this questionable character that is a question you'll have to ask the voters of Waukegan Fred well thank you mayor all good for this enlightening interview about Waukegan we're certainly sorry you lost the recent election and we wish you every success and your return to private life your outstanding record certainly entitles you to the very best Thank You Fred good night good night and thank you exhale now ladies and gentlemen when Murray gives us a short breathing spell in our been a celebration as he sings a romantic gal I a romantic guy Hale and branded guy I am so high in the sky that he passerby [Music] romantic guy are your romantic guy my way what bring heaven I go I don't apply [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey big guy so high in the sky your romantic I my way [Music] [Applause] you tonight is a special feature of the Jack Benny pana bursary we solve a mystery that has baffled if any program for the past few weeks the mystery to wit what became of the gas man now a great expense we have engaged that famous crystal gazer Swami schmaltz that's the Boston pronunciation force mouse state the gas man for us proceed Swami I am now gazing into my crystal ball yes all is darkness ah now the doctors are taking palm I see a whirling dark spot is at the eight ball no no the shadows are clearly yeah I see something Oh the gas man standing beside the gas pump the gas man is a technical dealer well the mystery is solved there is your gas man wait a minute what does it play on that Jessup I look to string it hmm it says Daiichi well then there's no mystery there either my friend even though that name does have a magical attraction for everyone who drives the car no no must be an apt name technical skychi just a big promise a promise of something out of the ordinary in gasoline performance so the next time you're ready to fuel up try Texaco skychi then feel the difference the lift of smooths mighty power of the takeoff the quick surging response to the throttle in classic and on the hill the effortless way your car stores along the straightaways the air sky cheese is that different introduce yourself soon to the thrill of flying the highway with your Texaco dealers premium gasoline for those who want to bet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Texaco stars here to continues immediately after a short pause for station identification this is the Columbia Broadcasting System [Music] WABC New York take 80 on your die [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now ladies and gentlemen and now a you ought to get a dimmer put on that blue sir [Applause] and ladies and gentlemen we continue our great many Mardi Gras it is indeed a rare privilege to present our next guest radio may Jack Benny famous but the two comedians who made radio famous our Freeman Gosselin and Charles Carell better known to radio audiences everywhere as Amos and Andy well welcome to our Jubilee gentlemen Thank You Fred that goes for me too Fred you know this is really an event catching you two boys in public without your dialects I'm well we'll tell you the truth Fred Charley and I would feel a lot better right now as name is Mandy well you're not nervous are you well I'm nervous Fred and I'm not kidding yes Charlie so nervous I'm shaking all right fellas if it'll make you feel more at home I'll start shaking too to be sociable thanks a lot well this get-together tonight will probably confuse everybody boys you are on tonight at 7 o'clock for Campbell's soup and now you're here for Texaco tomorrow people will probably be trying to buy soup with filling stations and putting Campbell's chicken gumbo in their gas bag well unless they do Fred wait we train them to laugh young [Applause] a little apprentice laughs but we brought in our own fault you invited us over here all yes I did Charlie now I'll tell you why tonight we are celebrating Jack Benny's anniversary it's a big night now I thought if you fellas would take me up to Harlem to see Amos and Andy I might get them to help out with the festivities well how about it all right sure we'll take you up to the lodge all right now yes and you're lucky to Fred because they must Andy on the kingfishers up there now talking fine I'll let course the quickest way to get up to Harlem is not to call a cab but to take your theme song and we'll be up to the lodge Hall in no time Carell and gostin sent me up to see you fellows my name is Fred Allen oh yeah dad no he moves out in my name is Emma I have Andy and I have the King dude I hope I'm not intruding boy oh no sir no no you ain't protruding those uh what can we do for you miss Allen I got the feces well I'll tell you why I'm here hi y'all some of them tonight I am sponsoring a big celebration and I need your support you is gutter it's the 10th anniversary wheels behind you through the mill of a great radio personality we with him as out he's the star of the jello program yeah good it's time we was doing something for watches Rochester here's the star the jello program yes did jello program was a one-man show and that one man is watching the Hall of who's behind you right just as a character and a member of our Lord he deserves that recognition but what just a minute follows after all the star of the jello program wait a minute you don't have to tell us nothing about Rochester there's no Rochester seemed like only yesterday that he was sleeping out the lodge today he is sweeping the country and for show do fishes oh boy this tribute I'm talking right and we ought to be attributed oh nothing is too good for Rochester what can we do for a boy theater man I got it I did on hit me and as the head of the Milford Knights of the sea I'll move second and Tara's emotions that we you recombining with the Roger yeah a monument to Rochester on a horse yeah with the horse ran but its first feet something their porn and all that stuff yeah how is that Michelle why that's a good idea Randy Rochester the Lone Ranger of Lennox average I can see it now Rodgers on a horse with a sign or prescription reason the floor above jell-o what would a statue like just on a horse core oh let me see I say about $200 for Rochester and $200 to the hall Oh sounds breeze yeah it sounds great to me too even better than that you know the law ain't got that kind of money well if that's the case boys perhaps we'd better retransmit m'darlin we ought to have a bigger picture oh he means to cut it down yeah cut it down that sounds great how about Rochester on a pony well if you can't afford it boys say how would this be you can take Rochester down off the horse and just have him standing there a pedestrian now instead of the $400 why the thatch will only cost you half of that $200 and we ain't got $200 has got to be people cheaper hey well how about making the statue smaller you can have a statue of Rochester as a boy and as a boy that's breathe move fella yeah well what'll that court well Rochester is a little boy a little boy with no hat on and barefooted who cost around $100 well we could get a bus for $50 a bus now that sounds sweet but that's right that is our tribute to Roger yeah we're not who lawns and what money is no other Harlem is behind brother Rochester to a man we've got to do something yes sir we got to do something well look boy after all at a time like this it isn't the question of money it's the sentiment account now why don't you forget about the statue and just in Rochester a present a little token of your esteem so how about a fluoro horseshoe horseshoe sounds great that's great now you get somewhere after all horse you now with a ribbon or a ribbon reasons would love to write yes I will make the flowers their most handsome on things we gonna use for money to buy the flowers well well how about 10 in Rochester telegram oh not a good idea there our night letter from the mystic Knights of the thief yes but he's in California a telegram cause money yes you can't there Amos is right you can't send congratulations Colette oh yeah now here's what we'll do forget the telegram that's right Rochester or nice letter okay that's good right um the letters alright alright them a nice letter of course I'll get a fam I'm gonna see you stamp or that said the three cents ain't it though uh you know what I'm left my wallet home here with you kind of change I know I am is you hold Amanda no I has empty too well well follow almost Alan you know how to large feels about Roger so we love the boys and in nothing we wouldn't do for him but what about the largest tibial King face or here's what we'll do yes the next time you see Russell yes give him our Thank You Fluminense Kali that was a tree it's been fun visiting Fred yes Fred and you ought to drop in and see us before we go back to California you don't have guests on your program well you come over tomorrow night and we'll break the rule all right I'll see you on your program tomorrow night thanks a lot for your kindness and your great help tonight Amos and no continuing in our Jack Benny move Kenny sings a song dedicated to a bird mr. Benny received during his opening performance at the novelty theater in Topeka Kansas the bird number is called on wings of song [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now another video - Jack Benny dud just don't belong in fast-acting company you won't beat them among the men of action who drive fire engines or for that matter patrol cars ambulance there's another emergency duty vehicles they want action and they want it from gasoline - they don't want deads around in the form of sluggish low action element to drop engines of vital power in the line of duty so because the duds are out of technical fire seats it's famous as the emergency beauty gasoline every drop is taxed with quick acting power for fast start steady sustained power for long hard run that's what you get for your everyday driving in fire chief that's regular gasoline prices next time try a Texaco dealer and fire chief now ladies and gentlemen we continue our salute to Jackson haven't mentioned what why the whole program you heard mr. tall cut the mayor of Waukegan then there is plugging only Waukegan well what about Amos and Andy Amos Manny went to town for Rochester alright alright you think I'm sabotaging penny you people just can't wait why the whole technical workshop sketch coming up now is about mr. Benny this cavalcade is called the highlights of a lowlife Oh Benny marches on [Music] [Applause] [Music] our story opens in a tiny log cabin in a small town in Illinois a young husband eagerly awaits the arrival of his first child the husband and doctor stand together at the window anxiously they scan the sky the husband speech any sign of the store yet duck no I don't see nothing what's that bird coming this way whoopsie it's the stock first or keep flying my Telos uh yeah and it's be spent double I can happen let's be a heavy finally Terry and I stand back there's always come in our chimney will jumpin Jehosaphat or that some fat baby congratulations mr. Wilson it's a boy oh just look at the little feller speaking on high like in Jack Benny serious Don Wilson was born and now our scene changes to a scrubby and fellow plantation deep down in the Old South old Colonel Oglethorpe Harrison has sent a slave to fetch his raw bones Tom Philpott out of the cotton patch Philpott Harrison enters the room sure enough here's your box the time has come to all inherit the traditions of the old sue the worst additions proper you're gonna become a planter like your Pappy field apart I'm gonna be a musician trapping your little star son you won't have a pot to your name till far just be filled Pappy son if you all need a planter y'all ain't the son of a hassle well you can take the Sun off a tire from - I've still got hats left turn yours Christmas feel apart has my new name Phil Harris Pappy but for ten generations was here since it planted corn corn is in our blood then I'll put corn in my music I'll be Phil Harris King at all [Music] this was the second highlight in Jack Benny's career still called Harrison did become a musician and today this raw bone son of a southern planter is known to millions as Phil Harris the king of cause his band tours the country as the crow flies and our our locale shifts again the theme now is the basement in the may company department store in Los Angeles California it is 5:30 closing time over in a dark corner a beautiful young salesgirl is checking over her slips at the to pay counter Oh Walker speech I call out your sales miss Livingston I'll check these receipts yes miss tomorrow 15 bucks to pay right 10 blondes who pays complete with sideburns right a true neck to pays with spit curls right one pompadour to pay oh just a minute miss Livingston that's pompadour toupee is missing the puppet why then here I'll bet he took it who there was a man in here this afternoon trying on a pompadour toupee what'd he look like he had a flabby front veal cutlets teeth no hair and his faithful sort of fish-belly white Jack Bennett who's Jack Danny the most notorious toupee thief in California yes mr. Penny's been been topless thing for years gee you'll have to recover that toupee but how miss tomorrow that is your problem is Livington your fire fired don't talk him to make up in these doors until you get Benny to pay for that toupee that is why Mary Livingston is with Jack Benny today she's still trying to collect for that toupee then he feels from the may company ten years ago in 1935 an apple cheek lad applied for a singing job on the then flourishing cello program we find him in the agents office finishing his audition his song ended the boys spoke well mr. Lyon did you like my voice that's okay kid what's your name Kenny Baker Danny baked do I get the job with mr. Benny place let me ask you a couple questions can you shine shoes sure why can you do laundry yes but how are you annoying long what am i auditioning for mr. Lyons a singers job or a handyman vote son mr. Benny figures you'll only be singing one day the rest of the week you'll be doing odd jobs around for mr. Bennet well that's all right I guess I owe and there by the way when you bait mr. Benny's mousetraps at night be sure and leave a big hunk of cheese in the bedroom trap sometimes mr. Benny wakes up in the night and likes a little smack yes sir when do I start to work mr. Lyon just a minute Keith there's one more thing I can cook sir it ain't that we ain't discussed your salary what sorry your money what money you're just a boy for mr. Benny Sonia didn't know what money was join the Benny menage on Sunday nights he sang but during the other six days he told about the penny household two years later Kenny Baker on a screen oh game in a little theater in Glendale California they gave him a handful of green stuff which later he learned was money the following day Kenny said to mr. Benny's agent I know what it is mr. Lyons you know what what is Kenny I know what money is I knew this day would come Baker your fire Kenny Baker freed from bondage rose to fame and fortune mr. Benny replaced him with another bumpkin named Dennis day who still works for mr. Benny and who to this day is being paid off in will key button these talented folks who stories you have just heard are responsible for Jack been a success in radio today but what about mr. Penny's movie career for you discriminating moviegoers you entertainment lovers who never wait for the companion feature at the double feature theaters we bring you a few history on it highlights picked at random for mr. Penny's epic productions six years ago mr. Bennish toddle Hollywood when he starred in the man without his big scene and the man without words somebody at the door don't open it man knocking at that door who never got into the picture was Jack Benny in the man without he was truly the man without the following season our favor touched a new high and dramatic delineation when he starred in the western feature pop along then he hopped along the scene that started the audience huh sighing was the man who was a formerly a second in that saddle was Jack Benny and finally mr. Benny's most brilliant characterization in the celluloid in the celluloid epic that mucking fuch woman the scene that got an encore and had to be repeated three times in the picture was no matter lady mocking father we are alone now I whatever narrating after that turn the party whose call was never answered whose voice was never heard in the picture that mucking fuch woman was Jack Benny there were other cinema triumphs you may recall the Petrified Forest in which mr. Benny appeared as the petrified staff you Rea remember mr. Benny's Technicolor appearance in yellow jack I have to finish this sketch what sketch you are giving Jack Benny the work mr. Goodman is right I thought this I was going to be just a minute all of you you think I've been ignoring our Idol on purpose you don't understand I've been saving mr. Benny's mellow golden voice for the big climax oh oh oh and now ladies and gentlemen we present the crescendo of this dragged-out tribute you will hear the golden voice of our hero himself in his greatest comedy scene of all time well at this point mr. Benny was positively Jack Benny's greatest comedy high spot of all time and now as we conclude our tribute to this grand old man of radio on this is 10th anniversary let us bow in reverence all right Portland I give up go ahead just a word from Larry Elliott the United States government is asking the people of America to buy the sin savings bonds and sent this money will be used to finance the National Defense program tonight we are calling to your attention this message buy a share in America by that chair by purchasing Defense stamps and bonds tomorrow at your post office or by Thank You Larry and thank you ladies and gentlemen for joining us tonight thanks to Waukegan for lending a spidey talker and to the Campbell Soup Company for assignments and letting Amos and Andy dropping tonight next week we have mr. Crosley the man who originated the radio survey tune in and hear how the popularity of your favorite radio show is determined this is Fred Allen saying good night for the more than 45,000 Texaco dealers from coast to coast and inviting you to drive in any time remember you're welcome this is the Columbia [Applause]
Channel: FrankNelsonNet
Views: 4,547
Rating: 4.5102043 out of 5
Keywords: OTR, Comedy, old, time, radio
Id: eKrOfloAsa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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