Freaks vs. The Reich / Freaks Out (2021) | Movie Review | FFF 2022 | Micha's Breakdown RUSH

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[Music] for Life as a circus freak is tough enough but can you imagine their life during World War II now imagine them being hunted by the Nazis while also having Supernatural powers to a certain degree the Italian Belgium co-production freaks out tries to draw a picture of how that might have worked out so if you'd like to know more about that then join me for this short review video foreign [Music] for people who have worked as circus freaks for their director Israel Who as a person of Jewish Heritage is now on the run from the Nazis had to close down his traveling attraction are now forced to decide if they are joining him and flee the country or if they joined the Berlin circus run by France who is always looking for new freaks to add to his Ensemble first off we have Matilda who is able to channel electricity and shocks people with it yet as a downside she cannot stop that from happening so everyone who's touching her is also getting shocked while she sees a father figure in Israel and would follow him everywhere the rest of the troop is more open to other options the other three being sensio and albino boy who is able to control insects with his mind Mario a dwarf who is able to manipulate iron and metal in general and of course fulvial to whom the other two look up as a leader not just because of his size because he is a very large and super strong being who is covered with hair from head to toe he would also be the one who would have had the least issues with just joining the Nazi circus as long as it is a paid gig however as they are getting divided from Israel the group of four has to decide if they now leave the country alone or look for their former director deciding to go after him they are having some extraordinary Adventures along the way and some Less Pleasant Encounters of the Nazi kind this movie had a really interesting concept and going into it I was expecting some kind of a superhero story yet this was really pretty much on the lower end of what the movie was interested in and there is the rub because I don't really know what the movie was interested in the few effects we had were well done the acting was also mostly solid with some small glitches here and there yet somehow the story never really drew me in as it should have I don't really know what's the reason for that but since I experienced the movie as is a quite unbalanced thing that didn't really know where it wanted to go at least for me it just didn't work don't get me wrong it's not a bad movie maybe it was the fact that the group never really stood that close together and some of them almost seemed like Nazi Collaborators or at least were open to it while on the other hand the Nazis again were portrayed as one-dimensional as ever with France being a freak in its own right because he also has some special abilities which makes him an outsider in his own family and he is only tolerated because he is the brother of a high-ranking officer that's the reason why he is allowed to run a circus and he is only running the circus to find some special talents that he can present to the fuhrer that is his only wish to basically create an army of super soldiers for Hitler way along the way he basically is killing everyone who is not meeting his standards which was stupid because everyone who was coming to the circus would have known or should have known that a lot of people came in but only those who stayed were getting out and also there seems to be no real criteria of why he was keeping some of them and killing the rest because those we see outside are also nothing special so they obviously didn't put much thought into that plotline maybe it was because there was not much superhero stuff going on on the other hand I'm not sure if that movie was even promoted as being a superhero movie so just because I was expecting that should not be a disqualifier for me to like it and also not an explanation for me to bash it but let's just put it like this with the lead character being Matilda you have a character that you can relate to but she is basically the only one all the other characters in the movie are forgettable and you don't care much about them not even the other three main characters that are having a lot of screen time as well and France the Nazi is such a caricature that you cannot really take him seriously which gives the movie that I think is at least a little bit meant as a satire while also meant to be taken seriously a bit of flavor that forbids you to actually do so because he was so over the top that it made the whole movie feel like a cheap pun if that makes any sense and maybe I'm just fed up with seeing Nazis as a joke when they were far from laughable when they were one of the biggest threats the world have ever seen and I'm saying that it's a German this just means to downplay it and to trivialize what they did during World War II maybe that's just me in any case with that being said let's get into the rating but before we do so let me ask you to like and share this video If you enjoyed it so far and if you are no subscriber yet maybe consider to change that by also hitting the notification Bell you will get a heads up for most of my new videos now for the rating as you just heard the movie never really landed well with me it is tough to explain why I guess it is just like I said the trivialization of World War II being reduced to a laughing stock as a backdrop of a mediocre superhero story which likely wasn't even meant to be a superhero story at least not for most of the characters except for Matilda it feels like a wasted opportunity that had the potential to be something special yet ended to be just mediocre which sometimes is worse than being straight out bad from what I heard around the movie theater from other audience members they seem to have received the movie a little bit better than I did so when I'm scoring it now with 5 out of 10 making it an average movie nothing more but also nothing less people might challenge that and say that I am rating it too low but that is always true with movie reviews so if the topic of Nazis and World War II is still something you can enjoy in the context that I have laid out in this review then this movie might be for you and then you might even enjoy it quite a lot however I can only speak for myself and for me this movie was not really doing it what about you how do you perceive Nazis and movies do you think they are oversimplified do you think they are too much trivialized lately so that you cannot even take them serious anymore which you should because they were posing one of the greatest threats in history and if we watched the world today might become that again here are in other countries so whatever you think about that just let me know in the comments so much for now see you next time and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Micha's Breakdown
Views: 313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kxxwa7dSBzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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