Franklin's Tower ☮ Grateful Dead, 5/9/77
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Views: 2,470,441
Rating: 4.6958733 out of 5
Keywords: Grateful Dead May 1977, Franklin's Tower, Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia
Id: _0pdFViRNu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2012
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Grateful Dead
artist pic
The music of the Grateful Dead lives on through many tribute bands as well as projects of the rest of the band. These remaining members did perform together for a while as The Other Ones and later on as The Dead. As The Other Ones, Phil Lesh, Bob Weir, Bill Kreutzman, Warren Haynes (Govt Mule), and Jeff Chimenti (Ratdog), began touring in the spring of 2009. The Dead's music continues today as Phil Lesh and Friends and Ratdog (Bob Weir solo). Phil Lesh and Bob Weir formed the band Furthur in 2009 and also went touring. 900,370 listeners, 31,386,328 plays
tags: classic rock, Psychedelic Rock, psychedelic, Jam
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