Franklin Graham Shares the Gospel in Blackpool - Saturday Night

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ladies and children would you please get the very warm welcome to the Reverend Franklin Graham good evening well welcome it is good to be here in Blackpool and I want to say welcome to those that are in the overflow I hope you'll come back tomorrow night and get it early so you'll be in here but we're glad all of you are here tonight and we're excited to see what God has done and what he's going to continue to do now I have had a chance to go out and see a little bit of the city and I went and had some fish and chips today they brought something with the chips that I hadn't seen before I think they called them mushy or smushy peas or something it looked kind of like pea soup without the water but it tasted a lot better than it looked all right so that was a first for me I enjoyed it but it's it's it's been fun and we've met a lot of people and so everyone has welcomed us and we're it's very very grateful for that I've been to the UK many times but this week is the first time I've ever been to your area into your city and it's been really a joy because the church is working here with the churches we're so grateful for their support for their invitation to come we wouldn't have been here if it had been for their invitation my father I believe was here in I think it was 82 and we were probably about the same age I'm 66 and he died this past year or this year at a hundred now his birthday is November 7 his birthday is November 7th and he died on the 21st February so you say well Franklin he didn't make it to a hundred well that's what President Trump said he called me to give me me his condolences he said well your dad didn't quite make it to a hundred did it I said mr. president if he made it he said how do you figure that I said you have nine months to February and see what month you land on he said that he said well I think you got a point there but my father when he was 19 my mother had just passed away and so he told all of his children that he's going to live to be 95 well we didn't we didn't believe him because he has always had medical issues so we thought he's not gonna make it and he loved my mother so much and missed her and then on his 95th birthday he moved the goalposts he said that he was going to live to be a hundred and when he said that we all believed him and so we're thankful for his life and for the legacy and in the example that he and my mother set in our home we had a Christian home and my parents set the example and we're so thankful for Christian parents and Christian homes I want to say just a short word to you tonight I want to talk about hope how to escape the coming storm God's judgment and I want to read a text and this text is in second Kings if you got a Bible you may want to turn to it second Kings chapter 21 and it says that Manasseh was 12 years old when he became King and he reigned 55 years in Jerusalem his mother nameless hepzibah he did evil in the sight of the Lord according to the bond emissions of the nation's whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel for he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed he raised up altars to Bale made a wooden image as King Ahab of Israel had done and he worshiped all the hosts of heaven and served them he also built altars in the house of the Lord of which the Lord had said in Jerusalem I will put my name and he built altars for all the hosts of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord he also made his son passed through the fire practice soothsaying used witchcraft he consulted spiritus mediums he did much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger have you ever asked yourself will God forgive me for my sins will he forgive me for cheating on my wife or cheating on my husband will he forgive me for the lies that I have told will he forgive me for the ways that I have hurt my family my children will he forgive me for the people that I have stolen from whose lives I've heard would God forgive me you see Manasseh was 12 years old and he became can you imagine our 12 year old running an anything but here he is the king of the country his father had died and Manasseh became King at 12 he set himself to underdone do all the things that his father had done he rebelled and we see the world today is full of rebellion Manasseh rebelled against God he rebelled against his father let's look at Manasseh he led Israel into idolatry now God hates idolatry more than any other sin he led him into immorality he built altars to bail into Ashtar and the worship of these gods led to vile and obscene sexual orgies and the Bible said thou shalt not commit adultery the Bible says flee from sexual immorality all other sins man commits are outside his body but whoever sins sexually sins against his own body the Bible says he led them into a false religion the Bible says God says thou shalt have no other God before me now Manasseh had religion he defied and he polluted the temple of the one true God with other gods he introduced the worship of Molech and with the worship of Moloch they practiced child sacrificing he sacrificed his own son in the fire but he was religious lots of religions in the world and I'm not here tonight to talk to you about any religion I'm not here to talk about religion but I'm here to tell you tonight how you can have a personal relationship with God and that's through faith in his son Jesus Christ he worshiped images in disobedience to the second commandment thou shalt have now shalt not make unto thee any graven image he consulted spirits in mediums he was a murderer the Bible says thou shalt not kill Manasseh shed so much innocent blood until he filled Jerusalem from one end to the other he was a traitor he betrayed every trust he defied God he led the nation into witchcraft he became an expert in wickedness and evil he sinned against God everything he did seemed to shake his fist in the face of God are you rebelling you've been shaking your fist in the face of God he worshipped the moon the Sun the stars instead of worshiping the one who made the moon the Sun and the stars his sins against God were followed by his sins against his neighbor in his fellow-countrymen he became dangerous to all the people around him his heart was so hardened by the deceitfulness of sin that he shed innocent blood he not only sinned himself but he got a high he got a high like he was smoking dope he got a high getting other people to sin with him the Bible says the wicked freely strut about when what his vial is honored among men his sins were committed too liberally against knowledge against warning against the secret checks of his conscience and there's some of you here tonight you had warnings God has been warning you he's been warning you and you have your conscious man every time you've been committing that sin that conscience has been saying that's wrong that's wrong that's wrong warning you warning you and tonight I'm going to give you an opportunity tonight to see and be sure that your sins are forgiven tonight you can have a new life and a new beginning tonight I'm going to give you an opportunity to confess your sin to God to ask for his forgiveness and by faith to invite his son Jesus Christ into your heart into your life you get ready to come on boy and invite you in just a few moments to make your way to an aisle and come stand right here and I'll have a word of prayer with you when you come so you prepare to come remember this if you don't remember anything else God loves you okay he loves you that's true he loves you and he's willing to forgive manasa knew better he came from a good home he knew better he knew better and many of you here tonight you know better see sin is breaking God's law all of us are guilty of breaking God's law all of us you say but Franklin this is the new millennium things are different things have changed in the last twenty thirty years we can do things today in society goes along with it culture accepts it what do you mean by sin well God's laws are the same his standards are the same the same as they were six thousand years ago the same today and they're gonna be the same a million years from now his laws and his standards don't change save okay but what is sin well telling a lie have you ever lied you say well come on Franklin sure or it may be somebody who say no I've never told a lie well if you're saying that you're lying right now all of us have lied heavenly so we're guilty we're guilty of breaking God's standards his law lying stealing committing adultery murder not honoring your parents coveting the list goes on and on but the thing is you say well Franklin I've kept most of God's laws I'm beep honestly I'm doing pretty good at that it doesn't you can't be pretty good at it if you've broken one you're guilty of the same as breaking all of them now don't you have traffic laws here in this state or excuse me in your county city you go out here and you you break the speed limit you pass when you shouldn't pass you get a ticket right it doesn't matter if you've kept all of the speeding laws up for the last twenty or thirty years you can say well officer give me a break I've been pretty good well sorry pretty good not good enough you're guilty and then you go to the judge and you know you have to pay the fine or whatever God has standards God has laws and the thing is all of us have broken them every one of us so what do what are we to do the Bible says whoever keeps the whole law yes stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of them all of us are guilty the Bible says we've all sinned and come short of God's glory all of us are guilty every one of us is guilty and the wages of sin the penalty when you stand before God the judge the penalty of sin is death that's the penalty and God is a just God but he cannot turn his back on sin the wages of sin is death the whole human race has a death sentence because when the first man Adam's sin that sin has been inherited by each person that has been born you were born with the sin nature you were guilty of sin when you were born into this world all of us are sinners every one of us is guilty so what's our hope what hope do we have oh I love this because this is the verse of Hope for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but should have everlasting life God so loved you that's right he so loved you that he sent his son out of heaven to this earth on a rescue mission he sent Jesus Christ from heaven to this earth to take your sins he sent Jesus Christ to this earth and Jesus Christ went to the cross and when he went to the cross he took your sin he took my sin Franklin Graham's sin and when he was nailed to that cross he was nailed to that cross for me and for you and He shed his blood on that cross he was buried in a grave and he took our sins to the grave and on the third day God said it's enough Jesus Christ isn't dead he's not in a tomb somewhere Jesus Christ is alive he's right here right here tonight right here in Blackpool I grew up in a Christian home had wonderful parents but they could not choose Jesus Christ for me I meet a lot of people I asked him are your Christian y'all yes well yeah I'm a Christian well tell me about how you came to faith in Christ he began to stutter well my mother and father were Christians and we went to church when I was growing up oh really and so you're a Christian yeah yeah yeah you know you stutter a little bit yeah well I can tell you right now going to churches are gonna make you a Christian all right now it's just like parking if you slept in your car garage if you had a garage that doesn't make you a car does it going to church is doesn't mean you are a Christian doesn't mean that you're saved it doesn't mean that your sins have been forgiven so I grew up in a Christian home and I went to church okay but my sins weren't forgiven nobody could choose that for me I was 22 years old when all of a sudden I realized I was a sinner and one night I got on my knees I said God I have sinned against you and I'm sorry I've made a mess out of my life and I'm miserable I'm sick and tired of just being sick and tired if you'll take the pieces of my life and somehow put it back together again you can have it and that night I can I confessed my sins to God I told him I wanted to turn from the sinful life that I was living but I told him I did I don't know how I can do it I need your help to turn from my sins but if you'll just take my life tonight I give it to you and I'll serve you the best I can for the rest of my life and that night I prayed that prayer that night God forgave me of my sins not because I'm a good guy I'm not a good guy he forgave me of my sins not because my father's Billy Graham no they had nothing to do with it he forgave me because I confessed my sin I repented and by faith I believed in Jesus Christ and asked him to come into be the Lord of my life and if you do that night he will forgive you and he'll cleanse you tonight and I'm going to I'm going to give you an invitation just a few men few moments if you're here tonight and you're not sure you're forgiven you can get up out of your seat and make your way to the aisle in just a few moments if you're in the overflow you can get up out of your seat and make your way to the front to the screen and I'll have a prayer with all of you and then you can go back to be with your family and friends but remember this God loves you but he also warns us he warns be sure that your sins will find you out the Bible says the Bible says a man reaps what he sews they will pay back for what their hands have done woe to the wicked the Bible says disaster is upon them God's judgment fell on Manasseh and God's judgment will fall on you someday if you don't turn to Jesus Christ tonight are your sins forgiven are you sure well you can be sure tonight the Bible says behold now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation this may be the last chance the last opportunity you have to receive Christ I've met people and they said well I think I'll go home and I'll think about it you may not have time you may not have time you come to Christ tonight God's judgment fell on Manasseh Jerusalem was overthrown by the Babylonians Manasseh was captured oh the torture team they took him back to Babylon with chains he put put hooks in him in his flesh and led him all the way back to the Babel Oh don't you know that he was a like a prize monkey to them probably had him in that cage and throw him in that dungeon and paraded him around town and people would throw rotten cabbage at him and smush peas and all that kind of stuff manasa God judging God judging and there he was in chains in a dungeon there in Babylon and while in prison Manasseh had time to think and reflect upon all the evil and all the sins that he had committed and then Manasseh began to pray and the Bible says in his distress he sought the favor of the Lord his God he humbled himself greatly before the god of his father's and when he prayed to him the Lord was moved by his prayers and listened to his plea so he brought him back to Jerusalem and his kingdom Manasseh is in prison a prisoner of the Babylonians and this wickedest man that maybe had had ever lived he had filled Jerusalem with blood from one end to the other who sacrificed his own son in the fire Manasseh prays and God hears him and God forgave Manasseh he'll forgive you here tonight he set Manasseh free and you can be set free tonight what is a prison that you're bound in tonight are you willing to humble yourself before God are you willing to say God I'm sorry are you willing to say God I'll turn from my sin are you willing tonight to say to God forgive me I'm just a wretched sinner and I want your forgiveness I want to be cleansed I want to be set free from this guilt in the shame of my sins and I want a new life and a new beginning you were willing to pray that tonight God will hear that prayer and he'll answer that prayer you see the Bible says for by grace are we saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast the Bible says God is a God of mercy the Bible says the Lord God is compassionate and gracious slow to anger abounding in love and faithfulness maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness and rebellion in sin God forgave Manasseh and restored him to the throne he'll forgive you tonight Manasseh was in prison he was set free what your prison tonight is it drugs is it alcohol is it sex is it your temper dishonesty jealousy the prison of bitterness what is it but you can be set free from all that tonight you can be set free from all of it if you're willing to put your faith and trust in Christ to trust him as your Savior to follow me as your Lord and come to him tonight in repentance repentance is turning your sins are here is to turn your back on those sins and follow Christ you save a Franklin I don't think I don't I don't think I have the strength to to turn or to quit these things I've been doing I've been doing them so long I just don't think I have the strength to do it you come to Christ tonight you put your faith and trust in him you invite him to come into your heart you have a supernatural power that comes in at that time it's called the Holy Spirit of God and he'll give you that strength to say no he'll give you that strength to turn there's some of you here tonight or Christians and you've been trapped by sin and it's just destroyed your life and you need to confess that tonight and and come and tell god you're sorry and recommit yourself to the Lord tonight the Bible says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness that is a promise from God himself and that wonderful that if we confess our sins that's what I'm going to ask you to do when I ask you to come forward in just a few moments give you an opportunity to confess your sins to God in the prayer that I'm gonna lead you he's faithful and just and he will forgive you will forgive you here tonight that's right you can leave here tonight and go home knowing that you're forgiven and he'll cleanse us from all unrighteousness manassas heart the Bible says was renewed the course of his life was changed he knew that the Lord was his god he turned from his sins he went back to Jerusalem and begin to clean up all the things that he had done the bad things that he had done these altars that he had built he tore them down he's all these things and that was the evidence of his changed life and you've got to be willing to change the night he took the strange gods and the idols out of the house of the Lord the Bible says and he charted a new course for Israel and tonight you can chart a new course for your life if you're willing to confess your sins and repent and turn to Christ and that's what I want to ask you to do tonight if you're here and you're not sure that your sins are forgiven if you're here tonight and you've been held a hostage to sin all these years and you want to be set free then I want to ask you to do so I want you to come and stand right here and then we're going to have a prayer and when you we've had a prayer you can go back to your seat we've still got some music tonight we're gonna have some more fun tonight but this is a this is for you right now you may never have another opportunity like this and I'll what I want to do I'm going to ask everyone to stand it makes it easier for people to get out if we stand all right so stand and if you're in the overflow you can stand and if you're not sure just come on and we won't have a word of Prayer by coming you're saying to God I'm a sinner by coming you're saying to God I'm sorry for my sins by coming you're saying to God I believe Jesus Christ is your son by coming tonight you're saying to God I want and by Christ to come into my heart and I'm willing to turn from my sin so you come on wherever you are just get up a cup for you now if you're on the balcony you'll have to go back up and you'll be directed where to go when you get up there okay so if you're in the balconies right that third or you're way up there but just go to the back and they'll direct you where to go but if you're here on the forward just get up and come come on we're going to wait on you you're not coming to Franklin Graham I can't save you okay you're not coming to me you're coming tonight to God through faith in His Son Jesus Christ asking for forgiveness and by faith receiving Jesus come out wherever you are come on [Music] [Music] [Laughter] come on if anyone if you're not sure come on get this right with God tonight if you're in the overflow just get up and go to the screen if you're in the balcony just go to the back and they'll show you how to get down here but you come do it right now you may never have another chance God loves you and he's willing to receive you tonight and forgive you of every sin you've ever committed and you can be set free tonight but you've got to come to God through faith in His Son Jesus you Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me there's no other way to God except through Jesus because he's the only one in history to take the sins your sins pay the debt paid it in full and tonight he's offering it to you if you're willing to accept it by faith so you come come on and we're gonna ask everybody take a couple steps forward make the room for people that are coming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna take just another moment people are still coming is there anyone else when everyone has come we're just gonna have a prayer I'm gonna pray with those that have come and you can go back to be in your seat you to say but Franco why do I have to come forward it's kind of embarrassing well when Jesus went to the cross they stripped him took his clothes he hung naked on a cross they beating Kirsti mocked him and nailed him nailed him he went to their shame in that public humiliation publicly for you we deserve to be on that cross but he did it willingly because that's how much he loves you and he did it publicly that's why I asked you to come publicly and take a stand for him so if you've never done that and let's do it right now come on we're gonna wait just another moment or two anyone else we're up in the balconies get started you get to the back and they'll show you where to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna sing one more verse anyone else come on do it right now don't delay do it right now come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to say a word to those of you that have come my coming you're saying to God I'm a sinner you say well Franklin done God know that yeah he knows it he just wants to hear you said by coming tonight you're saying to God I'm sorry and I want to turn from my sins and by coming tonight you're saying to God I believe Jesus Christ is your son I want to trust him right now as my Savior I want to invite him into my heart in my life I don't want to follow him as my lord from now on and I want to lead you right now in a prayer and just prayer just talking to God like I mean it's like I'm talking to you that's a prayer okay and God we don't have to have some kind of formal language or ring bells or something to pray to him just talk to him you talk to him anytime and we're gonna talk to him right now so repeat this prayer out loud after me okay let's pray dear God I'm a sinner I'm sorry for my sins forgive me I want to turn from my sins I believe Jesus Christ is your son I believe that he died for my sins on the cross that you raised him to life I want to invite him to come into my heart I want to trust him as my savior and I want to follow him as my lord from this day forward forever I pray this in Jesus name amen you know what just happened God forgave you you're forgiven right now he forgave you I have a secretary worked with me for many years and we were working she was when computers first came out and she was typing correspondence for me well she hit the wrong button and she deleted them so I heard her in there talking to her computer and she was kind of fussing at her computer I thought that's dumb and so I go and I say Donna what's going on she said I just hit the wrong button now I deleted all of your correspondence and now I have to do it all over again I said you can recall it can't you she said no it's deleted that's what God just did he just deleted every sin he can't remember it if he wanted to he's erased it with the blood of his son it's erased it's not there but he has done something right now in heaven he's written your name now in a book and animal in heaven it's called the Lamb's Book of Life your name is recorded there because that's where he records every child of his and you're now his child he made you he created you you're a lost descent but he purchased you with the blood of his son your name is written now in heaven and there is nothing that can erase that name okay nothing and I want to encourage you to get involved in a church if you're not involved in the church go find a church that believes the Bible okay and believes the Bible to be the Word of God from cover to cover now there's a lot in the Bible I don't understand a lot but I believe it all I believe it it's God's Word and so I would encourage you to get involved in a church I'm going to give you tonight a book and it's got the Gospel of John but it's also got in this a letter for me some material I want you to have so every one of you I want you to have this not going to cost you anything just take it back with you but we're gonna take the next few minutes and there's a person standing next you've got a badge around their neck they're your new best friend okay and they're going to give this to you so we will take a few minutes to do that but remember you're forgiven you're forgiven and come back tomorrow get in and for those in the overflow get here early okay we're going to be earlier tomorrow we start at 4 o'clock so if you show up here at 7:00 and guess what we may not be here so tomorrow is earlier so you get here early and bring a friend that needs Jesus ok [Applause]
Channel: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association UK
Views: 6,115
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Keywords: Franklin Graham, Blackpool, Gospel, Hope, Festival, Winter Gardens, Jesus, God, Manasseh, Forgiveness, Peace
Id: MHJtlqLB_gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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